Do you remember, remember;

Apel GoId MisMantis
1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 15
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

Set after the events of To Call This The End after Lasair loses her magic and memories. Mordreaux takes her to the house of an acquaintance-in-common, Aleister, and the have a, uh, disagreement that Ioeth walks in on.

Mord and Lasair: 75 Total Gold; Aleister: 70 Total Gold; Ioeth: 52 Total Gold

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“He probably deserved it”.

To that Aleister nodded, eyebrows raised, his attention briefly on Ioeth as they spoke up. The question of names made him frown, and as Io decided to share those, his attention was back to Lasair again. 

Did she really not remember anything? Not that he could judge. His memory loss was different, shards of clarity always floating through his days. Was she really just, erased? 

Aleister pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment, other hand in his side. “It did do certainly something, yes. I have my memory back, and my face, so I ought to thank you instead of you apologising. It’s also been tough, I’ll admit.” His mood swings were also severe, but that was easier to deal with on his own.

With that said, Aleister lowered himself to sit on the end of the couch with Lasair, arms resting on his upper legs. “Your name is Lasair. The man who just brought you here is called Mordeaux. As far as I know, he removed your memories to protect you from, hm, something.” Ugh. Should’ve punched him harder. “I will try to answer all questions you have to the best of my ability. I didn’t have any memories of my own for a long time either, so I know how it feels at least.” And she would be safe here from the Order, or anyone else who might be looking for her. 

Who would be? The people who worked for her? He’d had his own issues as of late, and hadn’t been paying much attention to that side of it. Family? He didn’t actually know any of hers, though he was sure there were some, what with that family name. And Mord had kind of commented about an ancestor and owing something. 

Bright pink eyes turned to look at Ioeth once more, “Have you two ever met, actually?”