Do you remember, remember;

Apel GoId MisMantis
1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 18
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

Set after the events of To Call This The End after Lasair loses her magic and memories. Mordreaux takes her to the house of an acquaintance-in-common, Aleister, and the have a, uh, disagreement that Ioeth walks in on.

Mord and Lasair: 75 Total Gold; Aleister: 70 Total Gold; Ioeth: 52 Total Gold

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"That's right, no last names." Aleister grinned. He'd long, LONG abandoned his, and if Aleister was his actual birth name was doubtful too. But it was his real name all the same.
And he never bothered remembering anyone else’s, so. There was that.

He listened as Lasair made a summary of events, whatever she'd heard and caught onto. She might've lost her memory, yes, but her current one was rather sharp. He let Ioeth divulge some details he too wasn't aware of, but which sounded like a wanted poster. Funny. Did they have any on him? That'd be glorious.
"If you want all the details on that argument and my face, sure, that can be arranged. I'm just not sure if it's as interesting as well, you yourself. And it might simply be too much information right now."  She already had to deal with not having her own memories. Maybe best if he didn't clog it up with unnecessary background.

The man didn't really know what Ioeth was on about with the whole display of magic, though, actually.. Hadn't they yelled something about that in their last interaction? The infection had given them their magic back, something like it?

Suppose it'd given something back to Al, too. What an odd thing that was.

"Your business is supposed to be whatever you want it to be." He replied, turning his head to Lasair. "I assume you don't know what that is right now either. You're welcome to stay here as long as you need to." Al exhaled, an almost dismissive wave of his hand. Who would want to stay here?? In this dusty-ass building?? He'd find himself alone again soon enough.

He too seemed to watch her wings for a moment, wondering if she could fly with those. That could be fun. Not something to find out right now, maybe, but..
"I'd advice to remain blissfully ignorant. Start over. Find out what you want to do. But I'm the worst to listen to, so. Take that as you will." He gave Lasair a wink, leaning back a little from his sitting position. "I used to work for you, actually. Suppose I'm jobless once more."