The Paladin and the Prince: Wartimes

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 4 hours ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence
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A Beginning Born of Fire

The small and humble settlement of Vinecreek was nothing more than a small cluster of solid buildings with a few tents around. A budding settlement with only a few fields to call it it's own, but had the potential for greatness. Many of those who had been displaced by the war had come to settle in the south, desperate for a quiet peace. Vinecreek was not even on the map as it was nestled in the Cooper Forest, about a week's journey south of the bustling trade town of Bright Ferry.

The night was long, and Arius was huddled by one of the many firepits that speckled the settlement. He was eating one of his rations, hardly remembering the last time he had real, fresh food. He listened to a few people talking in the distance as he chewed on the tough jerky. A pair of men talking about beginning to clear more forests and to try to get a field ready by the following spring

Gene gradually made his way over to one of the fire pits, sporting a hat to cover his ears. Though he'd been in the area long enough for some people to recognize him and know what he was hiding, which came with mixed results. He wondered how the soldiers on the front lines were doing, miles away, familiar faces he missed. All he could do was hope things were well on their end, and dwelling on such matters would do him little good.

He spotted a rather shaggy-looking man seated at the fire that he did not recognize, and thought him a prime candidate for a distraction.

"Good evening, stranger," he said charitably as he took a seat by the firepit. "I cannot say I recall seeing you around town nor tents before. Are you passing through?"

Arius heard Gene walking up, he expected him to keep walking. But that- wasn’t what happened. Instead the man stopped and even talked to him, which made him nervous. Talking to people outside of a shop rarely ended well.

“I am.. just staying for the night. The last place said the forest is dangerous… at night.. I got a ride here from… ugh- him…”, Arius nodded at an older human man. He was one of the only people who had a field in town, a kind man unofficially the mayor

Gene turned in the direction Arius gestured in. "Oh, evening to you as well Amish. Forgive me, I did not see you there," he said to the defacto mayor across the firepit before turning back to Arius.

"What you were told is true, it would not be wise to venture out at this hour," he laughed lightly. "Where are you headed? If you do not mind my asking."

Arius in deed did mind. He didn’t like these questions. The less people that knew him, and knew about him, the better. But he also knew avoiding questions was a good way to get people to focus on you

“I am.. heading east… looking for work”, (Deception 13)

With how well-covered the man was with his hood up and scarf drawn tight, Gene saw no evidence of deception at all, nor heard it. Everyone was struggling to get by after all. (Insight nat 1) Though his eyebrows did raise curiously.

"East you say. There is not all that much east left before you hit the Elven border. Are you planning to join the front lines perhaps?" What a noble fellow he had happened across! Provided this was the case.

“I have no intention of joining the army… nor going to the elven kingdom…”, he looks at the pathetic, merger food. Sure it sustained him but he might as well be living on ship tact’a hard biscuits. He takes out some of the nuts and ate them “You live here?”

"Shame," Gene said with a said smile. "I would go back were I able. The army, that is," he amended casually, hoping the near slip up did not give him away (Deception 19).

He shifted to pull something out of his back pocket, his chainmail jingling, before retrieving a small hunk of wood and a dagger.

"I learned a thing or two about woodwork during my time as a soldier, so I've been assisting with constructing this..." he twirled his hand holding the dagger as he searched for the word. "Town, or what may be one day."

Hearing Gene was from the army was enough to put him on full alert. So, much so, he slipped up and did not even try to decern the truth (Insight 14)

“I do not… even know the name of this place. It wasn’t on the map.. I… thought that the older gentlemen had some sort of estate… and people just worked and lived on it…”, he would not have come if he knew it was little more than a expansive campsite

"No it would not be," Gene agreed with a nod as he began to widdle at the piece of wood but it was not all that easy with a dagger as opposed to a knife. If only he had the proper tools.

"Vinecreek is still very much in its infancy. In a way we are not all that much more than you've described. Amish is certainly the wealthiest man here given his farmland, though small it may be."

Arius gives a slow nod, settling back into his huddled position as he finished his ration. He didn’t have a tent on him anymore. He’d been forced to abandon it and had not gotten the chance to get another one. So it was just him and his bedroll. Thankfully it wasn’t raining today

Gene glanced in Arius's direction, noting his silence and assuming he wasn't much of a talker. Instead he busied himself with his widdling.

Arius takes his bedroll and sets it by the fire. Crawling into it. He sleeps with his blanket pulled over his head and his hood on.

The camp is quiet as the people begin to sleep. Unaware of the danger just beyond their campsite. In the darkness they are being watched. No- they are being hunted…

Gene attempts to stay up for a little while and keep watch. After all his eyes are better suited to the night time than the Humans in their settlement, and he was not unfamiliar with the dangers of the forest.

In the height of the night, a chorus of savage howls erupted as one of the tents erupted into fire! Arius was startled away and rose quickly, beyond the flickering flames of the tent, large, hyenna like monsters could be seen

The monster let out cackling laughs as they raised their spears. Gnolls!

Arius rose up and cast Mage Armor on himself, grabbing his quarterstaff quickly

Gene jumped up as the Gnoll lept into their camp. He ran towards it, drawing his sword and taking a swing at the intruder.

Gene’s blade strikes across the gnoll’s chest, causing it to cry out in surprise. Behind the camp a second gnoll rushed up, easily jumping over the various building materials the people had hoped to build with

This second gnoll let out a high pitch yipping noise as it launched a arrow at Arius, but the wizard was able to knock it away with a skilled strike of his staff

The gnoll fighting Gene struck out with his spear, but the battle hardened half-elf easily parried it

Arius swirled one hand as he uttered the incantation as he launched a scorching ray at the gnoll who struck him. The gnoll let out a horrible scream as it burst into flames. Bloodied but far from over. The smell of burning fur held heavy in the air

After parrying the gnolls attack and seeing that it was not yet bloodied from his first strike, he lashed out again with more force, empowering his sword with a divine smite.

Gene’s strike holds true as he obliterates the gnoll before him in a burst of holy light. The howling and sinister wild laughter intensifies as more Gnoll creep i by in onto the camp!

The gnolls unleash a flurry of arrows but none find purchase. All around Gene and Arius the other humans rise up and attack or flee as the madness surrounds them. Arius tries to cast toll the dead but as he is ran into by a fleeing women he misses his target as the gnoll laughs at him

Gene turns around in search of other gnolls to fight, spotting the one that had been singed by Arius's magic.

"Hey there fluffy, bad hair day?" he yelled with Vicious Mockery, though the gnoll did not seem at all phased.

The gnoll shook the mockary off as one rushed behind Gene, striking him critically in the back right between the armor plates! The other gnolls continued to shoot at Arius, but the skilled loner continued to block and keep the shops at bay. Another gnoll shoots Gene in the shoulder.

“Fuck”, Arius utters as he lifts his hand, once again using toll the dead. This time it strikes the gnoll who howls in pain as it’s ears begin to rot from the spell

Gene groans, gripping his shoulder as he is impaled with arrows. He grits his teeth, using his Second Wind to keeps his strength up. He turns and lunges at the gnoll that struck him from behind with his sword, but misses.

The gnoll snarls at Gene, immediately going in for a wild bite attack, but Gene blocks it with a swift sword movement! The other gnolls continued to shoot arrows, one hitting Ari in the chest making him stumble. But he doesn’t fall as he launches another toll the dead at the gnoll who hit him. Exchanging blow for blow

Gene knocks the gnoll back and swings at him again, steadier than before but still not enough to hit.

The gnolls continue their assault. Missing arrows some of them circle in for a physical attack. Arius parries one who bites at him! Arous tries to use sword burst but the gnoll steps back with ease

Gene's ears pricked beneath his hat as he heard the gnolls closing in. He better deal with this one quickly. He swung his sword again, making contact and packing a smite into the hit. He hoped it would be enough to finish them, but no such luck.

The gnoll let out a horrible scream and stumbled but did not fall at the burst of light. The other gnolls circled in and bit at Arius, who continued to hold his own. He cast sword burst again, causing the blades to appear and dance around him. One gnoll getting slashed across the face and one dodging it

As the gnoll stumbles back, Gene takes the opportunity to lash out at them again while they are stunned and they fall to the ground. He turns to see Arius has been surrounded and rushed to his side, shield at the ready to block an incoming attack.

The gnoll screamed as it collapsed, the gnolls circling around still. As Gene came to Arius’s side, another gnoll flanked around Gene. Arius dodged another attack and smacked the gnoll in the face with his quarterstaff right on the nose with a loud crack

Gene turned his attention to the gnoll Arius wacked with his staff, noticing that they were looking more beat up than the rest. He targeted that one with his sword, putting an end to it.

Another gnoll falls to Gene’s sword. The other gnoll, in retaliation stabbed his spear right into Gene’s upper chest plate with a critical hit!

Arius used toll the dead once more, bringing the gnoll who had been shooting him this whole time to a critical level

"Aagh!" Gene groaned as he was hit again with a powerful stab. He turned on the gnoll behind him, striking them with his sword. He wasn't looking so good, but still holding on.

The gnoll who’d spent the whole time shooting limps off quickly, disappearing into the forest heavily wounded

The gnoll fighting Gene continued to clash with him, and although Arius tried to toll it with his cantrip, the gnoll shook it off

Gene swings at the gnoll again, finding purchase but not ending them just yet.

"Are there any more?" he asked Arius, noting how he no longer seemed to be taking any surprise arrows to the back.

Arius watched the last one run off “They seemed to have fled…”, he turns around. During the fight his hood had slipped, but Gene could see he had a hat on under it covering the back of his head and ears. He put his hood up

Around them most of the camp lied dead and burned. Very little remained

Gene cut down the gnoll in front of him as Arius answered, taking in the campsite.

"Gods," he muttered, walking past Arius in search for anyone he could save with his Lay on Hands. (Perception 22 Medicine 10)

Arius sat down, putting one hand on the arrow in his chest and in one, smooth motion yanked it from his flesh with a pained grunt “f-fuck”, he gasps in agony

[He sees four people who are still alive. A women who is horrible mauled, a man who’s been impaled by a spear, a child who is horribly burned and Amish who is covered in arrows.]

Gene moved to help the child first, using his Lay on Hands to stabilize them and help relieve some of the burns. After he would move to help Amish, wincing as the arrows dug into his own shoulder as he moved about, not bothering to waste time removing them.

Gene’s efforts do what he can. The child is stabilized by his ability to heal, and he can help the elderly Amish as well.

Arius attempted to help but, his lack of training left him with little assistance. He tried to help the women, and stabilized her. However the impaled man parishes. Such is life…

After having done what he could for the survivors, Gene finally settled down himself, hissing as he ripped one of the arrows from his shoulder. He glanced over to Arius.

"You... did rather well for yourself," he said, his posture stiff and aching as the adrenaline wore off and his wounds caught up with him.

Arius looked over to the man “Yes well… For one to survive alone in this world they have to…”, He says as he tugs several arrows out of his quarter stuff. It is worn and covered in marks from combat far before tonight

"So it would seem," Gene agreed with a heavy sigh, trying to reach around to grab the arrow that had embedded itself in his back but unable to get a good grip with his armor.

"Do me a favor friend and give this thorn in my side a good yank, would you?" he asked, not having much luck removing it himself.

Arius looked over at Gene, moving to sit up and walk over, he waited for Gene to kneel down before he looked over the wedged arrows “They got you good. These went right between the plates…”, he said as he took the arrow and in a smooth, pull, had been able to remove one, and then the other

"Sure did, really stabbed me in the ba-ack!" Gene groaned as Arius pulled the arrows from his back, relaxing once they had been removed, reaching around to rub at the tender flesh and using a point of Lay on Hands to seal up the wound. "Thanks."

“Yeah…”, Arius said and walked back to his bedroll, it was coveted in footprints and had a arrows through it. He sighed and pulled the arrows out “Great…”, he looked over the holes in it

Gene looked up as Arius walked away, his head tilting curiously as he heard the other mutter to himself. Gene got up to go investigate, finding the rather ruined bedroll.

"Ah," Gene sighed, looking around the camp. "Perhaps we can salvage some supplies from those... less so lucky travelers," he purposes. "And perhaps it would be best to keep watch on the woods, in shifts, those of us who are left."

Arius gave a soft sigh, sitting up and pulling out a book that he kept in a holster on his side. He flipped to a page and pulled out a long spool of fine silver and a small bell. He begins to walk around the camp and slowly ring the bell, chanting quietly as he set the line of wire. The book was closed and back in the holder but the runes on it glowed faintly as he worked

Gene watched as Arius took out the necessary components for Alarm and began circling the remains of the camp, recognizing the spell from his time in the army. (Arcana 21)

"Will that alarm be shared, or private?" he asked him, wondering if he should keep an ear out for a familiar warning bell or if Arius would be the only one the wiser. Meanwhile he searched the camp for any... 'inheritance' in the form of supplies left by those who had not survived. (Perception Nat 20)

Arius continued to make work of circling what remained of the camp. He kicked aside things in or out of the circle as he went as he prioritized what needed to be kept safe. It was clear that he did this often

Gene watched Arius for a moment as he gradually wandered farther away, waiting for an answer that clearly wasn't coming. His eyes narrowed slightly in a judging manner before he continued his search.

He began forming a pile near one of the firepits, dropping a salvaged bedroll on top of Arius's tattered one, before making his way over to Amish to go over who they had lost and what supplies he was able to secure.

Arius spent about an hour or so to alarm up, by the time he comes back, exhaustion is very clear on his face. He looks at the bedroll and just lays down on it "It... goes off for everyone...", is all he says as he curls up, just dragging his blood stained blanket over his form.

Gene chatted with Amish for some time, giving his condolences and talking about what his plans were going forward with Vinecreek and the construction. It seemed their group had taken quite a hit from the gnolls, and many of the remaining villagers--if one was generous enough to imply the small smattering of buildings and tents was a village--were considering splitting off and going their own ways.

Gene offered what assistance he could, but there were a handful of survivors who knew what he was and had never taken kindly to him. It was not difficult to sense his presence was not wanted by a good portion of the group. Perhaps... his stay at Vinecreek was quickly coming to and end.

He wanders away from the group, lost in thought, when Arius's voice grabs his attention and he nods understandingly as though he had just asked the question a moment ago. (History nat 20)

"Splendid," he said, muttering the incantation for Prestidigitation and removing the dried blood from the blanket Arius grabbed. "What is your name, friend?"

Arius lets Gene finish using presdigitation, there was a long pause before he said in a small, tired voice "Thank you... my... name is Arius..."

"Arius..." Gene repeats as though he is testing the feel of his name on his tongue, appraising it.

"Well Arius," he says as he plops onto the ground beside him. "A handful of horses recently become available, and I secured two for myself along with a cart, and I'm planning to head out in the morning. There is room for one more. What do you say?"

Arius narrows his eyes a little, pulling his blanket closer "I.. suppose.... you can drop me off at the next town...", He looks at Gene closely

Gene looks at Arius closely back, trying to read between the lines of his response (Insight 8) and does not like what he finds. He stills as he gets the sense Arius is staring at his hat, at where his telltale pointed ears would stick out were he not wearing it. Had he overheard Gene speaking with the villagers? Had he put the pieces together?

His smile becomes less natural, more forced, and his good humor seems to fade from his eyes. (Deception 13)

"As you wish," he says simply. Even if Arius did not like him, he would gladly take a prejudice Human over a violent Gnoll. And with his past... it was not as though he did not deserve it. He set up his own bedroll and began doffing his armor, preparing for the night.

Arius observes Gene. (Insight 16 using Portent) "I... am sorry to have offended you.. good night...", He said quickly and settled into sleep

Gene pauses as he is unfastening his shoulder plates, raising an eyebrow curiously in Arius's direction before returning to removing his armor.

"You have done nothing wrong," he assured him simply. "Sleep well."

"Thank you. You as well...", He says before he went to sleep. That night, nothing more came to bother them

Gene is restless during the night, rolling from time to time in his sleep to the point where those around him wonder if he has woken. But gradually it fades and he is still again.

--------- MORNING ----------

As the sun rises Gene dons his armor and prepares for the journey ahead. He grabs a few necessities from the collection of supplies gathered the night before; some arrows for his bow, a spare Longbow in case his breaks or to pawn off for some extra gold if he is able. He eyes the cooking supplies and decides it would be better off with someone else, as he himself was never all that skilled at preparing food. He considers the spears for a moment as well, but reasons that his sword and box are much better and even an untrained villager would be able to defend themselves with a pointy stick well enough. He grabbed the two person tent, figuring him and Arius would be travelling together for a good week and there was no point in claiming two of the one person tents when more people may be parting ways. He grabbed a spare bedroll as well, incase they lost another one on the journey.

As he loaded up the cart he pointed out the pile to Arius. "Morning. If you are in need of any supplies, may want to take a look before we head off. I already procured a tent for us," he told him.

Arius had been awakened in the night by Gene but did not bring it up. Despite the full night’s rest, he looked tired. He bad dark marks under his eyes as he climbed up into the cart “I am not in need of supplies…”, he packs up 5 rations in the cart for safe keeping “But these may be useful…”

Gene turned and looked to see what Arius added to the cart. "Indeed, they could not hurt. How much food do you have on you?"

Arius looked a little sheepish “None… the food I got from.. Amish was all I’ve eaten in the last three days…”

Gene looked at Arius for a moment before slipping his bag pack from his shoulders and setting it on the ground, rummaging through it and producing another five rations.

"Then please take these as well. It's a weeks travel to Bright Ferry, and I have another tenday's worth of rations for myself."

“I was just going to attempt to hunt…”, he says in his soft, almost quiet voice. He wasn’t whispering, but he always seemed to talk in a hushed tone.

“I would.. like to get on the road… just put them in the cart…”, Arius said as he pulled out his spellbook and began to write in it

Gene gave Arius a once over, not expecting him to be the hunting sort. But desperate times called for desperate measures.

"In the cart it is then," he agreed, tossing then in before climbing aboard the cart and taking a seat up front. "I assume Bright Ferry suits you well? To my knowledge it is the nearest town, unless we happen across another Vinecreek along the way."

“I am… hoping to find a book store… but it seems they are only in bigger cities…”, Arius says from the back of the cart. He had nestled up in it so he could write while they rode “It’s… a week to the next town?…”, concern was clear in his voice

"That it is, give or take," Gene called back as he commanded the horses to move and they slowly began to put the cart in motion.

"A man of knowledge then, I see. Any particular books you are hoping to find? I can only assume you are looking for something arcane in nature, given your affinity for it."

“Yes… I am looking for arcane books but…”, he looks over the empty page in his book “But I enjoy… all literature… so any book of decent writing would do

"Literature you say? I used to enjoy a spot of that myself, though it is a rather expensive hobby for my taste in recent times. I do hope there is one such shop in the coming town, and that they have something of interest to you. Shame to acquire reading material only after the long journey," he laughed lightly.

“I have a long journey still ahead.. so it is fine..”, he says as he looks up at the clouds. It was a dark day, probably one that will rain. And their cart was basic, without a top

"Oh? I had thought you plan was to acquire work, though admittedly I assumed you meant for the long term. Where might you be headed then?"

“The north… as far north as I can… there is a magical institute I want to attend.. in the neutral wildlands… past Raven Reach…”, Arius says, his words guarded

"Raven's Reach you say?" Gene repeats, a hint of curiosity and suspicion in his tone that he attempts to cover up (Deception 12). "My, that is quite the trek. I can only assume you intend to take the roundabout way through the mountains, no?"

“It is my intent to… entirely avoid the warzones…”, he said picking up on Gene’s suspicious deceptions (Insight 18)

Gene nodded. "A wise choice. For a moment I thought you mad," he laughed. "I wish you the best of luck in your academic pursuits then, my friend. Tell me, is there a school of magic that you are most interested in pursuing?"

“I specialize in divination magics…”, Arius says

"Divination you say? So you are interested in seeing the future? If I think up a number in my head, could you tell me which one I plan to say?" he asked with his very limited knowledge on the subject (Arcana 6).

“It does more than see the future… it.. sees what can not be seen. It remembers secrets long lost.. it finds mysteries yet to be found and helps solve them.”, he says

"How intriguing, like some sort of..." he paused as he searched for the word. "Detective then? Any particular mysteries you are looking to unearth? Or perhaps you have tales of those you have solved already?" he asks in a friendly manner, clearly interested.

“Not really… I just… found it interesting at the time but I.. study different sorts of magic..” he says as he feels the first drop of rain. He sighs softly as the cart goes along

"Well I concur, it does sound like a rather fascinating area of focus indeed," Gene told him, head turning to the sky as the light around them seemed to dim slightly and the air grew cooler.

"Seems we picked a least than ideal day for travel," he observed, then turned to Arius with a playful smile. "Tell me friend, as the soothsayer between the two of us, do you suppose this is a sign?"

“No. I think it is the wet season.”, he says as the water hitting his book simply slipped off of it. The enduring spellbook had been a life saving choice

"That it may be," Gene nodded. "Regardless, speak up if the wet and cold is too nippy for you. I can warm you up," he offered casually.

Arius just pulls his hood down more “I can… handle it. But thank you…”, he says quietly

Gene shrugs. "As you wish."

He nods as they continue on

Gene drives the cart in silence for a very short while before the urge to break it again was too much. "So, what do you like to do for fun? Aside from reading, of course, when you have the means?"

“I don’t… do things for fun. I walk until I’m tired. I sleep. Then I get up and keep walking.. that’s it..”, Arius says in a bit of a deadpanned way

Gene glanced back at Arius with a raised eyebrow but otherwise what he intended to be a neutral expression. However for anyone that looked closely they could see the pity and concern beneath it (Deception 14). He could not help wondering what circumstances caused this fellow to wind up alone, though given the current state of the world he could only assume the worst.

"My, a dull life you lead indeed. I can only imagine these walks of yours must be terribly long," he said with an upbeat tone, clearly intending to laugh along with Arius instead of at him. "Are you certain the army is not for you, friend? Purpose, comradery. Both feed the soul, and one can starve from more than just a lack of food."

Arius caught that almost pitiful look in Gene’s eye. He dislikes it greatly. He didn’t need pity over what his life had become

“I do not want to add to the violence of the world solider boy.”, Arius says pointedly “Why don’t you go reenlist?”

"A noble thought, if only running from the fire also doused it," Gene says matter of factly.

"Are you familiar with Niemölair?" he asked, putting off Arius's question for now. (History DC 15)

“I take no sides in the rising conflicts. Nor do I read hateful dribble from someone who demonizes their heritage..”, Arius says as he watches the road behind them.

Gene turned fully to look at Arius now, shocked by this response. "Do you not think the Elves demons?" he questioned incredulously, his own opinion on the matter clear.

“This conversation is over.”, Arius said as he held his quarterstuff closer to his chest, clearly on edge

"Perhaps on your part, but not mine," Gene said pointedly. "I have seen the cruelty of the Elvish Kingdom first hand, and for far too long I did nothing. Hide from it all you want, but you do no one any favors by shutting such truths out. Not even yourself."

“Yeah, your dislike for elves is almost palpable…”, Arius says softly

There is a pause. "For the kingdom, yes, I would hope so," he clarifies.

Arius goes quiet and says no more. He knows he’s deep in the human empire. But he makes damn sure to remember Gene’s dislike for the elves. Now that it was anything new. They continued on, passing a few travelers on horses. Humans… always humans…

Gene allows the conversation to die, stewing in his own frustration. Was Arius so blissfully unaware of what the Elven Kingdom was doing? Or did he just not care? Either way it reminded him far too much of the person he used to be, and to say he 'did not like it' would have been an understatement.

Regardless he was stuck with this Arius for a good few days. It would be best to make the most of it.

"What's say you we try our hands at hunting before the sun sets?" he asked some time later, his tone more upbeat again as those their earlier disagreement had not happened. "Dried rations are hard to come by, it would be best to save them if we can."

Arius had no issue for the few hours of silence they spent. But, as was usual, Gene broke the silence. Arius gave a small sigh and stood up from the cart when it pulled to a stop. “Okay…”, he jumps off the back of the cart “You use that bow”, Arius says as he walks into the forest. As a lone traveler, he was good at surviving. Before long he picked up the tracks of a deer

Gene raised an eyebrow at him as he stood from the cart.

"I intend to use a bow, yes, and what of yourself? I saw what you did to that gnoll, magic like that would likely ruin the meat," he pointed out.

"I have a spare longbow, or a crossbow, if you so desire," he offered. He suspected Arius would not be much interested in the longbow as they took special training to master which was not all that common. But most could wield a crossbow without issue.

“You can shoot. I will track”, Arius says as he kneels down, running a hand over some broken branches as he moves them aside to see the hoof

“Unless you feel.. the task is to difficult soldier boy.”

Gene gave a devilish smirk in response to Arius's jab.

"I do believe I can manage. And what of you, book worm?" he said as he pulled his longbow from his shoulders along with an arrow. "You up for getting your hands dirty?"

“I survived alone long before you. And I will survive alone long after you.”, he says as he continues tracking the deer. He walks carefully but with keen movement and intent with each step.

“Ahead”, he whispers and pointed at a clearing where a deer can be seen grazing

Gene nodded as Arius pointed out the deer, reaching to place his hand on the hilt of his sword and muttering the incantation to bless them both. He took a breath, knocking the arrow and pulling back, remembering only then how his aim was not at all what it used to be, the arrow quivering on the string as he launched it and went wide.

"Gods," he muttered under his breath.

The deer jumped and Arius launched a scorching ray quickly. The deer ducked under the trees as the bolt of fire energy burst past

“….. we tell no one of this…”, He looks at a distant tree that was on fire but also being put out by the rain until it was smoldering

Gene pouted to himself, attempting to quickly draw another arrow but pausing as he watched the stream of fire shoot out at the deer and strike a tree instead. He turned to Arius, a smirk sliding back onto his face in responce.

"Fair enough," he chuckled lightly. "What's say you, shall we try finding ourselves something else to eat? And quickly, lest you want your blessing to wear off."

Arius gave a tired and slightly frustrated sighs as he got up from his crouched position.

He attempted once more, even with Gene’s help, but couldn’t find more than a small rabbit as the mud made traversing the thick forest harder

Gene readied his bow again, using Ari's assistance to take aim before launching the arrow which thankfully embedded itself in the rabbit.

"Ha ha!" he cheered, getting up and making his way over to examine it.

"Well... it's on the smaller side, to be sure. Might only get one meal out of it if we are lucky. Still, better than nothing," he said as he retrieved his arrow.

“We should get back to the cart… bandits are… common in the forest…”, Arius says as he looks at the pathetic catch. He was annoyed. He knew his skills where better than this

"A valid point," Gene says cheerfully, walking back over to join him with their catch. "It is getting late, may as well set up camp for the night nearby. Move the horses off the road a ways."

“If we backtrack… I saw a small clearing…”, he says as he follows after Gene

"Wonderful," Gene said, giving Arius a firm pat on the back before hopping back up into the cart. "Join me up front and point me in the right direction, would you?"

Arius flinched at the touch but made no more note of it. He climbed into the front with Gene, and he pointed the way. About give minutes going back, and they found a small clearing. A old but clear fire pit marked this areas as a frequent campground on the roadside

"Marvelous! Good eye Arius," Gene says as he pulls the cart into the clearing and hopped down. "I do not suppose you are any good at cooking as well, are you?"

“Do you have cooking supplies soldier boy?”, Arius says as he stands up

"I do not, because--pardon my gnomish--I am rather shite at it," he said with amusement. "I do have a mess kit however, which I generally use as a cooking pan when needed. You are welcome to it."

Arius’s face is neutral and rather hard to read “Just give it here”, he holds his hand out for the rabbit

"Gladly," Gene says, handing over the mess kit. "I will start on setting up the tent."

Arius sets to work. He skins the rabbit, and field cleans it. Without proper tools it is butchered horribly, but when they get a low fire going, it cooks nicely. He didn’t have any spices so it was just cooked meat. But for Ari it was a rare treat.

In the meantime Gene goes about pitching their tent, which goes relatively smoothly despite the unsavory weather. Once he's done he uses Prestidigitation on the inside a few times to remove any mud and water he trekked in before joining Arius by the fire and grabbing a piece of rabbit.

"Good job, better than I could do," he says, pulling out a ration as well since they don't have all that much meat to go around.

Arius took the his part of the rabbit and eat it slowly, he savored every last bite of it “yeah well… thanks soldier boy…”

Gene looked at Arius curiously with a smirk of amusement. He was absolutely certain he gave Arius his name when he offered him the chance to travel together (History Nat 1). But if he insisted on calling Gene by this pet name than so be it, he found it amusing.

"Same to you, book worm. Seems we make a good team."

“Do not call me book worm. You have my name.”, he says as he chews on a bone

"Oh, are you the only one allowed to give nicknames here?" he teased as he finished off his piece of rabbit. "You have my name as well."

“Do I?”, he seems honestly unsure

Gene pauses to think back again, recalling how he intended to give Aeius his name when he asked him to come along and still very sure that this is what happened. (History Nat 1 again)

"Yes," he nodded assuredly. "I introduced myself when I asked you to travel with me." (Persuasion 10)

Arius’s eyes narrowed (Insight 21) “If you do not wish to give your name then don’t. If you will not say it again then don’t. But do not take me for an idle fool.”, he throws the bone into the fire

Gene's eyebrows pulled together in genuine confusion.

"I... meant no offense, friend. If you do not remember I have no qualms with sharing it again. You may call me Gene, Gene Whitlock. Or 'soldier boy', if you prefer, is fine by me as well."

“Gene. I will remember it.”, He says as he goes to the tent, fired and sore from the travel and knowing more is ahead

"Will you be setting an alarm again tonight?" he asked Arius, not rushing to get up. "If not I am not against keeping watch a while."

"Yes I will", He says as he pulls out the string and the bell, going around the camp with it, he mostly centers the alarm around the tent

"Much appreciated. Such magic is so useful, wish I could learn that one," he said as he got to his feet, making sure the fire was doused and keeping an eye out while Arius focused on his magic.

"It is.. a trained art... not so different than a sword...", he finishes the circle in about 40 minutes. He gave a decent space around for them to react, setting the alarm to awaken them both

"Well, it is one I am not well trained in. At least not magic of this sort," he says, watching the woods as Arius completes his rituals.

Arius crawls into the bed and lays down on his bedroll “I guess it isn’t for everyone…”

"Perhaps not," Gene shrugs as he follows him into the tent, taking the time to remove his armor before curling up in bed. "Sleep well."

“Sleep well Gene”, Arius said as he listened to the rain outside the window

Sleep found Gene easily enough and for a time he slept peacefully, or so it seemed.

A few uneventful hours passed where he laid still in his bedroll, his eyes shifting beneath his lids, his brow tightening ever so slightly, until he gasped and abruptly sat straight up, looking around the tent.

Arius was laying asleep, but the moment Gene bolted up, Arius was startled awake “mmh- w-what!?”, he says as he looks around

"Huh? Oh, um... my apologies," Gene mumbled as his shoulders sagged with relief. "Just a... bad dream."

His eyebrows pulled together uncomfortably, and he shifted so that the heel of one of his feet rested in front of his crotch but somewhat obscured by the bedroll. He reached down to loosen the bandages.

“I ugh- mm…”, he rubbed his eyes slowly “Get them often?”

He hesitated for a moment before he continued unwrapping his foot. "I suppose. By most peoples' standards at least."

Ari settles in. As an elf he did not truly sleep, but he knew to pretend and had gotten good at it

Gene hisses quietly, the type of hiss one might make when entering hot water where at first it stings but then feels soothing. He looks down at his foot where the puncture holes are now visible and open to the air, testing his toes by wiggling them.

He lets the bandages go so they end up somewhere in the bedroll before lying back down again.

“What the hell happened”, Arius says

"Hmm? Just a bad dream, as I said," Gene told him, not sure what he was referring to. After all he was the only one amongst them that could see in the dark, right?

"Your foot.", he says bluntly "Can't your healing powers fix it?"

"Oh," Gene said, glancing to Arius curiously, his face clear to him with his darkvision but devoid of color in the night. How had he seen? Maybe he had caught a glimpse earlier and just hadn't brought it up till now, or maybe there was more moonlight coming in through the window than he realized. He was too tired to think about the ramifications of that further, or how his ears had not been fully covered when he bolted up in his bedroll a moment ago. (Int 13)

"I took a morning star to the ankle. And no, there is not much I can do magically for it now. I had fallen unconscious at the time and was unable to heal it myself. I was presumed dead at a glance, or..." he trailed off as he thinks to himself a moment, his eyebrows pulling together in a look of anger before he sighs and it clears. "So I was told, at least. By then the wound had begun to set... improperly, and some of the damage with perminant. It is not so uncommon with more... life threatening injuries, for pieces to remain even after magical healing."

“Nothing some greater restoration can’t fix. Just find a super powerful holy folk who’ll do it for you. Even just chopping it off and let it regrow proper and all”, he says

"Regrow??" Gene laughed incredulously but also a tad nervous. "Restoration perhaps, sure, I shall give you that much. But such magic that allows for the regrowing of limbs is beyond my knowledge."

“It exists. But at… a far higher level…”, he simply says

"I cannot fathom such magic, " he says with a starry eyed smile. "And it would seem my own magic has reached its peak, at least on my... current path, as it were."

“Then just take a different path”, Arius says as if it was simple

Gene raised an eyebrow at him increduosly. "That is far easier said than done, friend. And besides, magic does not call to me so greatly as it once did. I am happy enough with my sword. For now."

“Well perhaps it is beat you stick to the sword over the bow”, he says as he lays with his back to Gene

"Hey now! I hit that rabbit did I not?" Gene challenged playfully. Though he did hate to admit his skills with the bow were not what they once were.

“Yes well, when an army of rabbits rises I will keep you in mind”, Arius says as he tries to return to his trance disguised as sleep

Gene chuckled lightly. "Do," he said simply before settling back into sleep himself.

The night continues, thankfully no army of rabbits come for them in the night

Gene sleep soundly through the rest of the night, stretching with a groan as he wakes. He takes care to slip his hat back on to cover his ears, though it slips slightly as he is adjusting it (Stealth 12).

He sits up and goes about rewrapping his ankle and donning his armor, getting ready for the day.

Arius was aware even as he tranced, noting Gene putting hos hat on, but saying nothing (Perception 19)

Arius pretends to just be waking up, but it’s very clear he had been awake for some time, as he moved his hand struck one of the holding sticks of the tent and made it collapse on top of him (Perf Nat 1) “Fuck!”

Gene notes that Arius seems to be stirring as he gets ready, he himself yawning and still blinking the sleepiness from his eyes. That is until the tent comes down on top of them, at which point he is very much awake. (Perception 11)

"Gods! What happened!?" he exclaimed, feeling around for his sword.

“I hit the stick holding it up”, Arius says as he struggles himself out of the tent. It is chilly outside, and muddy

Gene fumbles his way out of the tent, shivering once he is in the open air, his armor clattering.

"My, it is bitter out here!" he exclaimed, casting Prestidigitation on himself to heat up his clothes and seemed to relax. "How are you fairing? In need of some heat?"

“It is not so bad.”, Arius says simply. After all, his life on the road had him in much worse conditions before… “you look like you’re freezing Gene, not use to travel?”

Gene smirked slyly, feeling as though he was being challenged. "Nothing a bit of magic cannot solve," he said, the warmth now radiating from his clothes helping to fight off the cold. He'd just cast it again in an hour if the rising sun did not provide adequate warmth.

"Shall we get a move on then?" he said as he dug around in the collapsed tent to gather their things before moving on to folding it up.

“Yes. We should keep going.”, Arius was eager to get into a town. For both supplies, and to see if any bookstores where there

Once having dug their things out of the tent and packing up camp, Gene hops back into the driver's seat and steers the horses back onto the main road.

"How long has it been since you last had a traveling companion?" Gene asked, once again unable to deal with the silence.

“I travel when… needed with others… but.. a formal one? Ugh…”, he pauses and thinks “Four years? Maybe five now…”

"My, some time then," Gene observed. "What were they like?"

“There where a half-orc who had their tongue cut out.”, Arius says “He was a fine guy. But he got sick on the road and died.”

"I see. That is most unfortunate," Gene said, having the good sense to look remorseful for at least a moment before his cheerful disposition returned.

"That would certainly explain your more quiet nature, if you were accustomed to traveling with someone more..." he paused, twirling his hand as he searched for the word. "... vocally challenged, as it were. Fortunately for you however, matters of diseases and poisoning are not something you need fret over while travelling with myself."

“Are you a holy solider then?”, he says as he watches him

Gene gives a small laugh through his nose, his smile looking oddly bittersweet. "'Holy' is a rather... generous term, but I have been called as much, yes."

“Isn’t that what they do? Pray to a god and become daddy or mommy’s extra special little soldier boy?”, he questions

"Yes, perhaps for those who have sworn themselves to a god, goddess, or otherwise. From what I hear this seems to be the most common method of obtaining such... divine, righteous powers. However, I have no god. Least not that I have vowed my allegiance to, none that I am aware of," he said, trying to sound casual but clearly very pleased with himself.

"As I have been told, some very special people are able to channel such magic through the strength of their convictions alone. And seeing as my abilities manifested when I joined the front lines I would hazard a guess I am one such man," he said, his smugness coming out more and more.

“A knight of will then. Are you afraid your power will fade since you are away from the front lines?”, he asks

"A knight, hmm? Have I been promoted from being a mere soldier boy?" Gene raised an eyebrow at Arius with a teasing smile. "And no, I am not afraid. No more than I am afraid I may lose my sword. Tis but a tool, one I happened across but intend to use for the greater good as best I can. So long as I have it."

"However," he began with a heavy sigh. "To my knowledge the way to truly harness such gifts is to... take an oath of sorts, be it to the gods or a cause or what have you. And, as I have made no such oaths, I suspect my progress with such gifts is... on hiatus, let us say."

“Sounds like you need to go on a fancy holy journey then”, Arius says as he reads a book he has on him. It wasn’t raining so he could do this at least. Even if he’d read it dozens of times already

"Indeed, so it would seem," he nodded. "Alas I have no such godly endeavors I wish to commit myself to at this time. I am a free man, untethered by such obligations, and that is how I prefer it," he says, though for anyone paying close attention he seems to lose some of his gusto when he utters the last statement (Deception 20).

“I guess so”, he says (Insight 13) “Freedom is fine. Some people strive for it. Some people never taste it…”

"Yes. And some people believe that they have it, when in actuality they live within a very large cage and have yet to encounter the bars," he says, seemingly lost in his own thoughts for a moment before turning back to Arius. "You appear to be a rather 'free spirit' yourself, no? The lone wolf type, as it were."

“I am just a man with a different kind of cage…”, he says as he reads

"You don't say. And what manner of cage might that be?" Gene asked, too nosey to bother being discrete about it.

“It doesn’t matter. Just drive soldier boy…” he says as he looks at the book. However, his kind was to unsteady to read it

Gene tsked, shaking his head playfully. "Stripping me of my knightly title, how harsh," he chided lightly. But it was plain to see this was a matter Arius did not wish to be poked, so with great restrain he let it be.

“Easy come, easy go as they say”, Arius looks at the trail behind them. Shivering softly in the air as it didn’t warm up with a dark overhang of clouds

Gene glanced to Arius as he turned to look back the way they'd come, noticing how he shivered in the cold. (Perception 23)

"My offer to warm you up still stands, should you so desire," he reminded him, renewing the Prestidigitation he had cast on his own clothes.

Arius sighs and relents. He gets up front “Fine s-solider boy”, he says as his teeth chatter

"You sound so pained," Gene teased with a sympathetic smile, muttering the incantation again and drawing the familiar shape in the air with his hand.

"I am trying to lessen your suffering, not prolong it," he said gently as the magic took effect and Arius's cloak now radiated warmth.

Arius's pose relaxed after a few moments of warmth "It is... difficult to seek help... form others... because I do not wish to dull my abilities to survive alone..."

Gene looks at Arius curiously for a moment, seeming to choose his words carefully.

"Do you also turn down food so that you do not forget what it feels like to go hungry?" he asks with a small smile. "There is such a thing as wearing yourself too thin."

He sighs "No it is different", He grumbles "Look can we just go in silence?", He looks at his book

"Silence? Come now, is there nothing a studious fellow such as yourself wants to discuss?" he asks, glancing down to Arius's book. "What are you reading?"

"I am reading the concepted work of using scrying.", He says in a deadpanned voice

"Fascinating! Why do you not read aloud?" Gene suggests wholeheartedly, ignoring Arius's lack of ethusiasm. "Then you can read, as you want, and I will have something to listen to. A 'win win', as they say."

"Why are you so personally offended by silence soldier boy?"

"Because when driving without conversation, the only mildly stimulating thing that happens is every few hours a horse shits," Gene tells him, still holding his smile. And as if on queue one of the horses lifted its tail and relieved itself, the excrement splattering against the ground. (Nat 1 on a d10) "Would you really sentence me to such a fate?"

"Yes", Arius says as he goes back to his book "Silence helps still the mind..."

"I do not enjoy being 'still'," Gene told him. "Life is much too short for that."

Arius said nothing more, leaving Gene to silence

"Fine. Leave me to the shits then," Gene sighs, staring numbly at the road ahead.

And Arius did exactly that

Gene keeps his mouth shut for about half an hour before chiming in again. "Do you dye your beard too, or is it natural?"

"If I say I dye it will you stop asking?", he says

"If you say you dye it I will have many more questions, I assure you," he grins.

"It's natural.", he concludes quickly

"Really?" Gene asked, seeming to perk up (Insight ~~21~~ 7). He had come across some rather colorful individuals in the past, though they were few and far between. But whenever he did he often found they had quite a bit in common. Was Arius a half breed of some sort as well? (Int 20)

"I can only assume that your heritage is... 'mixed' then, yes?" he asks, sounding oddly hopeful.

"I answered your question in order to end the questions", Arius felt Gene getting to close to some truths (Forced use Portent on Gene) and with a wave of his hand, it was as if he replaced that moment of time with another. Averting and shifting the world and fabrics of divination magic

"I said I would have more questions if you dyed it, but I did not say I would not also have questions if you did not," Gene grinned. "I have questions regardless of the answer."

Arius wondered if walking and taking his chances with bandits would be a better use for his life "So it would seem..."

Gene looked at Arius eagerly, seemingly waiting patiently for an answer.

No answer came

Gene started at Arius for a while, his smile falling slightly. If he wanted to get him to open up, perhaps... sharing his own mixed status would be the way to go. It had been a long time since he brought up the matter himself; his fellow soldiers had known, of course, but since then he made a point of hiding his Elven features. At best they made people uncomfortable, at worst it was asking for trouble.

He did not feel at all nervous about bringing it up to Arius now (Wisdom Nat 20), but while he was not afraid that did not mean he thought it was a 'smart' idea (Int 16). He struggled to get a good read on Arius, and could not be sure how the other would respond. Probably it was safer not to share. Just because Arius may have had something more than Human in his blood did not necessarily mean he would take kindly to him.

While Gene quietly contemplated, Arius enjoyed the silence. It also allowed him to keep a ear out for danger much easier when someone was not constantly yapping in it. He did not want to open up to Gene. He didn't want to get attached ... never.. get attached. It didn't end well.


As per usual Gene was back to questions of another sort not terribly long after. The two continued on this way in the coming days; hunting for what they could to make the rations last, Gene dragging what little conversation he could from Arius as they rode on. Soon enough they were coming up to the town in the distance. Soon enough... they would part ways.

"Where do you think you will head next?" Gene asked as he drove. "After Bright Ferry, that is."

"North.... past Raven Reach....", Arius says "IT will just... take a long time"

Gene raised an eyebrow at him. "Surely to intend to stop at at least one more town on the way, yes?" he teased lightly.

“I will stop as needed… I just… need to go north…”, he says with a soft voice

"Well... best of luck to you then, I suppose," Gene said, keeping up his smile though sounding just a touch sad.

"I enjoyed having someone to talk with on this trip, or perhaps talk 'at' would be more precise," he teased. "So thank you for allowing me to bring you here."

“Where are you going? Next..”, he says. It was a curious time when the teal haired man asked a question back

Gene glanced back to Arius curiously with a surprised smile.

"I am... unsure. There is nowhere I am... fighting to get to," he said, his smile growing a bit sad. "Perhaps I will see what Bright Ferry has for me, then decide."

“Maybe you can settle on an estate and make a nice living as a personal guard for some rich guy and live in luxury”

"Ha! I would never, I am not so easily bought," Gene said assuredly, seemingly finding the suggestion amusing. But of one looked closer the laugh seemed just a bit forced, and his tone carried the faintest hint of... resentment, at the idea? (Deception 14).

"I would rather give my time to those who require it most, not those that will shell out the most," he said. "Perhaps I will assist one of the local temples for a time, should they have any. Perhaps I can heal their sick and injured before I move on."

Gene is seemingly quite distracted by this question and not paying much attention to his surroundings (Perception 14).

Arius caught that twinge of resentment. (Insight 18) He was about to say something when he caught the glimmering on an arrow ahead “Gene we have company!” Arius immediately cast toll the dead as a bandit rushed from the trees. The bandit stumbling in surprise a bit

A second bandit shoots and misses as well

Gene perks up when Arius alerts him, taking in their surroundings before getting to his feet.

"This is a poor choice on your parts, friends," he warns as he draws his sword, running his hand across the blade and embuing it with divine power. He turns to the bandit Arius struck, hopping from the cart and running up at them to take a swing, killing them instantly. Oh dear, that... perhaps he had overestimated what they could take. Poor soul.

From the trees a massive man rushed forth and unleashed a flurry of slashes at Gene. Only one hit, but the one that hit slashed across his face

Arius shot a scorching ray at the man assaulting Gene, but he was afraid to hit the soldier boy and shot to wide. However toll the dead at least scratched him!

The bandit across the way shot another arrow at Arius who deflected it with his quarter staff

Gene hissed as the bandit sliced into his face with his dagger, cutting across his eye. His face!? How rude! What if it scarred?

He took a deep breath, stealing himself and the wound knitted itself back together with the help of his Second Wind. He reached up and wiped the blood away, revealing that only a tiny gash remained.

"Bold of you to keep fighting after you saw what I did to you companion," he said, using his Commanding Presence on the thief (Intimidation 26). "Do not make me do the same to you."

Gene’s display was unexpected and for a moment the bandit was startled beyond belief and paralyzed by fear of Gene! But as quick as it came it faded…

Arius used toll the dead on the bandit in the treeline. But they returned favor with an arrow that stuck hard into his abdomen. He gasped in pain

Gene held his sword as he watched the bandit in front of him weigh his options, the sound of Arius's gasp as he was struck catching his ear. Perhaps he should not stall, he had more than just himself on the line.

"You had your chance," he says, lashing out with his sword and striking the bandit.

The bandit captain unleashed another flurry of strikes on Gene. Meanwhile Arius and the other bandit continued their exchange of blows

Gene swung out at the captain again, but the barrage of attacks distracted him and he swung wide.

The bandit captain was not only not finding purchase, but Gene was really knocking him back with each blow!

Arius and the other bandit continued much the same

Gene sees how the bandit captain seems to stumble and takes this opportunity to swing at him again, landing a strong blow. He is surprised to find that despite the damage he'd dealt to the man already he doesn't seem to be showing his pain all that much. Perhaps this man was more formidable than his short-lived companion...

The bandit captain ramps up his attack and suddenly Gene is on the defensive. His blows striking the knight, each slash finding more and more flesh to carve!

Arius finished the bandit and quickly turns to help Gene, seeing the soldier boy on the ropes! Arius rushed forward with his staff

Suddenly the tables had turned and Gene was immediately feelings the sting of the bandit's blade. Once, then again, then a third time. Blood ripped from his skin and coated his armor. To say he looked like he was doing bad was an understatement.

He caught Arius out of the corner of his eye as he ran up beside him just as he swung at the captain again and missed. How embarrassing. What a way to go.

He grit his teeth, preparing to cast Silvery Barbs to offset his opponent. Maybe it would give him the opening he needed, if he lasted that long.

Gene used his silvery barbs to stop the bandit’s fatal blow! But the man’s attacks fell to the wizard who had rushed into battle

Arius moved to flank and hit the man with his quarter staff to little help

Gene grit his teeth, barely standing, as with the help Silvery Barbs distracting the bandit he lashed out with his sword once more and landed a clean hit, empowering it with a Divine Smite. As his sword connected he hoped, prayed, that the captain would go down. But no such luck it seemed.

He grit his teeth, awaiting his fate.

Arius saw for a flash the moment of Gene’s death. And he pushed that last burst of potent magic forward (Potent roll 3). The captain laid into Arous, and Arius fired back with scorching ray

Gene watched with surprise as the bandit raised his scimitar, missing his first strike before coming around for a second. He felt his heart stop with a sense of peace and could practically feel the familiar sting of the blade, but where he expected the sword to slice into his skin he saw that it... came up short? Why did that... feel wrong?

His eyes moved past the guard to Arius, but before he could think too much on it the bandit captain turned to Arius as well. Gene gripped his sword tightly and swung with the last ounce of his strength, holding his breath as the captain... fell.

"Ugh!" he grunted as he too immediately collapsed onto his hands and knees, breathing heavily.

Arius stumbled backwards as the bandit collapsed. Holy crap he almost died. Gene almost died. They both almost died!!

Gene sat back on his heels, still panting, wiping sweat and blood from his brow.

"Good show friend!" he laughed nervously, taking a moment to pick up his head and look around for any possible stragglers. "Are there any more?"

“I don’t see anyone else…”, Arius panted softly and got up. “Fuck….”, he holds his bleeding side

"Marvelous," Gene nodded groggily as he forced himself to his feet, swaying only slightly (Con 21). Though really it was a wonder he was standing at all.

"What's say we... move the cart off the road, and... take a breather?"

Arius walked over to the bodies and started picking their pockets (Investigation 14) “you do that…”, he says while he looks over the bandits

"Good! Pleased to hear you... agree," Gene said with a pained laugh, making his way over to the horses and steering them just off the road for a rest.

"Find anything useful?" he asked a few moments later as he plopped himself back down on the ground.

“A map… some coin… their weapons and armor. We have a cart we could sell what we don’t need and split the gold…”, Arius said in a simple, calculates way

"Brilliant, sounds like... a plan to me," Gene agreed, wincing from his own injuries as he worked on patching himself up with what he had. "Does any of the... armor... interst you? I see that you have... none of your own, but you... have you magic, it seems."

"It is better if we sell it... it seems good quality...", He looks at one of the horses who caught a stray arrow. The beast was fine enough, although spooked and with the bleeding cut from the arrow "Should we make camp? We're in a bad spot if we get attacked on the road again..."

Gene gave Arius a curious look, but nodded his head.

"Perhaps that would be best," he agreed, pushing back to his feet with a groan to assist with getting set up.

"I can.. cast my armor in the morning and have it all day... it was... an error to not have done so...."

"Live and learn, as they say," Gene shrugged casually, then wincing again when the movement hurt more than he expected.

"I was impressed to see you run up behind that man and clock him with your stick. You struck me as the more... 'hands off' sort of fighter," Gene smiled, giving Arius an appraising look.

"You would have died if I did not do so", He says simply "You are of more use alive than dead..."

"Indeed, I may have..." he trailed off, his eyes falling away for a moment with a sad smile. "I thought I had seen my dead there, for but a moment, so... thank you. That was a bold, tactical maneuver on your part."

"... it was a calculated risk", Arius says as he strips the bandits of their armor and puts it in the cart to sell later "And a thankful manipulation with a single pull of the fabric of... what might be..."

"Pull of the fabric?" Gene asked as he worked on pitching their tent, uncertain what Arius was referring to.

"Don't worry about it", Arius says as he tended the wounded horse

Gene paused what he was doing to look at Arius as the pieces started to fall into place. He knew of Arius's interest in divination, and in his time he had heard... rumors, of those that could bend fate to their will. Was this what Arius had done? Was this... what that moment had been, where he'd felt he tasted death? (Arcana Nat 20)

His eyes fell to the blood that stained Arius's cloak, the gash in his side that he knew to be there from when the captained turned and struck him just before his end.

Gene set down what he was working on, making his way over to Arius.

"May I?" he asked, his hand tilted palm up yet angled in such a way that it looked as though he wanted to touch Arius's side.

Arius sat on the group with a pained gasp, a bit more blood gushing from the wound on the movement. His tired eyes lingered on Gene as he walked over "... sure soldier boy...", He said as he lifted his robe. Gene could see along his lower abdomen where he had many other scars. Detailing the unspoken hard life he'd endured. Gene could also see a burn mark that went further up and was hidden by the unmoved shirt

Gene attempted to school his expression, though his eyebrows rose just a fraction in surprise at the collection if scars. It seemed Arius had seen quite a lot in his time (Deception 17).

He knelt before him, reaching out and pressing his hand firmly just below the wound and his divine healing took hold, sealing up some of the openning (Lay on Hands 5).

"It would seem keeping you around is good for my health," Gene smiled warmly, reaching a hand up to run through his bangs and using a bit of healing on himself to remove the remains of that tiny cut on his face (Lay on Hands 1).

"Or worse for it...", Arius said as Gene healed him. He ranked the arrow from his shoulder, frowning that it was broken and unusable now. Damn. "Let's eat and rest...", Arius held up the map "I at least have a map now"

"I suppose death would have been less painful, if you wish to look at it that way," Gene teased. "But yes, a meal and a rest have been well earned it seems."

He attempted to push himself back to his feet, but it seemed the adrenaline of the fight had left him. He swayed, wincing from the pain before slowly settling back on the ground (Con 11).

"Perhaps the ah... tent can wait a few minutes," he wheezed.

Arius sighed and dragged himself up with a wince (Con 16), and grabbed the tent as he started to put it up. It wasn't the greatest work (Survival 13) but it was manageable and wouldn't collapse on them. He grabbed a ration from the cart for each of them and brought it over to Gene

Gene watched as Arius set up the tent, for a moment feeling a bit like just dead weight but he pushed the thought aside quickly (Wis 17).

"Thank you," Gene said as he accepted the ration. "What is your favorite food? Or perhaps... favorite 'flavor' may be more accurate."

"I... enjoy sweet potatoes... even if they are hard to come by...", Arius says

"And eggs... definitely eggs"

"Hmm... eggs do not have a very strong flavor," Gene mused. "But..."

He muttered the familiar incantation for Prestidigitation a few times and waved his hand, warming and flavoring Arius's ration to taste similar to that of eggs and sweet potatoes.

"I hope this is to your liking," he said. "Unfortunately there is little I can do for the texture."

"I do not need tricks. But the gesture is noted.", Arius said as he eats his ration and chewed on the jerky that now tasted like eggs

"In that case, is there anything you do need then?" Gene asked, looking over Arius's face intently.

"Quiet and sleep...", Arius said

Gene gave a small, resigned small and sighed. "As you wish then."

Arius finished eating and curled up in the tent "Tomorrow we should be in town..."

Gene fell onto his bedroll beside him, doffing his armor. With the chainmail and shoulder pieces out of the way, the now vision bloodstains on his clothes made the extent of his injuries more apparent. He cleaned them away magically before laying back to sleep.

"That we should, provided there are no more... 'surprises'," he agreed, his eyelids drooping. "It has... been nice traveling with you, friend."

"You are not the worst I have travelled with...", Arius says

"But I am no tongue-less half orc, am I?" Gene teased lightly, assuming Arius was much fonder of their last traveling companion who was much less talkative. "Fair enough, I can settle with second best this once."

Arius playfully toyed with his dagger "We could always make you closer to the ideal traveling partner"

Gene laughed heartily.

"My, a steep price indeed. But you see... my tongue is... very important. I need it for... things," he said, his eyes half-lidded with a doopy smirk on his face. Maybe this was some attempt at flirting? But clearly the bloodloss was getting to Gene's head (Performance Nat 1).

"Like smite," he slurred. "Smite is good..."

Arius's back was to Gene, so he could not see how brightly the elf was blushing. He pulled his blanket over his head "Speak no further of your debauchery please"

"Hmm... as you wish," Gene sighed, though from his tone it was unclear if he really absorbed the message or not given that he fell asleep very shortly thereafter. (Perception 10).

Arius got out of the tent, taking the time to set alarm for a mental response for them both and double check the horses before he also went to bed for the night

When Arius returns Gene is very clearly in a deep sleep if the snoring is anything to go off of.

Arius lays down and finds rest soon enough. The night is peaceful...

They sleep, trance, or what have you for a good few hours until something trips Arius's Alarm.

Gene's eyes fly open, accustomed to the alert, and he feels around for his hat while trying to activate his Divine Sense. It tells him nothing, but this multitasking results in him placing his hat on in such a way that it falls off immediately. He fumbles for it again, looking to Arius in the dark.

Arius sits up, his magic armor still up. He looks at Gene, looking at his ears and touches Gene's leg, casting mage armor on him as well.

Gene's eyebrows raise as he sees Arius looking right at him without his hat, freezing. He watches as Arius reached for him and his form is surrounded in a magical armor that matches his companion's.

He works to keep his expression neutral, but his eyebrows draw together ever so slightly as he wonders what to make of Arius's response (Deception 14).

Regardless, as it seems they are preparing for... well, something, he takes a deep breath and uses the Second Wind that had been restored to him while he rested, sealing up more of his wounds.

Arius grabbed his spellbook and darted out into the darkness without giving away much as to what he thought of the ears. Not now. Not in this moment

When Arius runs outside he is immediately met with a cloaked figure eyeing their horses. They gasp and whirl around to look at him, finding his face easily in the dark. They have a dagger in hand, though not pointed at him.

Their eyes move towards the tent and Gene emerges shortly after Arius.

"Leave now or I will add you to the corpse pile", Arius said with a hostile sneer (Intimidation 9)

The hooded figure does not appear persuaded by Arius's threat, not do they make any hostile action against them. Instead they simply watch the pair intently.

"What good eyes you have," they say matter of factly, their voice feminine and melodic (DC 8 Insight/Investigation) an accent that is distinctly Elvish.

Gene attempts to conceal his expression (Deception 15) though he does suck in a breath, his hand tightening around his sword. Though despite this reflexive action he makes to rush to attack them. He continues to study them and his expression eases ever so slightly by whatever he finds (Insight 22).

Arius just draws his book up "Leave or you will be sorry."

The intruder pouted beneath her hood, eyes narrowing in a calculating manner.

"What if I pay you? For a ride? You are headed to Dragon Gate, no?" they ask, raising a hand slowly to scratch at their head (Insight DC 6) but was clearly some sort of signal.

(Perception DC 21) Hidden away outside the radius of their camp a long, thin, familiar shape of an arrow pokes out from the shelter of leaves.

Gene's eyes narrow (Insight 14). "I believe it is best you do as he says," he tells her, eyes scanning the nearby trees. He spots something and nudges Arius, gesturing in that direction (Perception Nat 20).

"And take your friends with you. This is your final warning," he says (Intimidation 16).

Arius steps away from Gene, summoning sword burst. In a moment a circle of swords appeared around him and swirled. It was trying to be scary... to stop a real conflict (Nat 20 Intimidation)

The intruder held up their hands immediately in response to Arius's threat, the blood draining from their face. They didn't even say anything, just running off into the woods in fear. The bushes in the distance rustled, the arrow vanishing.

Once the coast was clear Gene laughed nervously. "My, you can be quite threatening when you wish to be."

Arius gave a soft sigh "I'm grumpy when someone breaks into my camp at night... silly me."

"So I gathered," he said with amusement as he glanced back out at the woods. "Most curious bandits..."

"Perhaps we should rotate shifts. Sleeping at the same time is to dangerous..."

"Perhaps..." Gene nodded, seemingly lost in thought for a moment before turning back to Arius, looking at him curiously for any change in his demeanor now that he had seen his ears (Insight 17).

"Well... you know now that my eyesight is... well suited for the dark," he stated, gauging his response. "I can keep watch."

"Whatever you wish to do", Arius says as he walks around the camp slowly to check for anything else out of place

Gene watched him carefully for a moment, some of his tension gradually fading.

"In that case, as much as I am grateful for the armor, I believe my own would offer me... more protection. As long as I am staying up, I may as well don it."

"The moment you put on your armor the armor I created will dispel itself.", Arius said

"Splendid," Gene nodded, ducking into the tent to prepare for watch.

Arius went to the tent and prepared to pretend to sleep

Gene picked up his chain shirt, considering it for a moment, then looking up as Arius came in. He watched him for a moment before removing his hat, his pointy ears poking out the sides of his head. He eyed him curiously a moment longer before slipping the armor over his head, easier without his headwear to worry about.

Arius gives no visible response to Gene's ears being out. He just keeps his calm, perpetually disinterested sort of aura about him

Gene glances to Arius as he head pops free from his armor again and he proceeds to add his shoulder plates as well. He yawns, still in need of sleep.

"I will fetch you in a few hours then," he says as he stands, grabbing his hat again and covering his ears.

"Be safe Gene", Arius says as he lays on his bedroll, wincing as his earlier injuries still ached terribly

Gene nods with a smile. "I always am," he says with a very full-of-himself attitude before heading outside.

Arius lays in bed and trances when he is sure Gene is gone

A few hours pass uneventfully, and eventually Gene returns to the tent, reaching over to nudge Arius's shoulder to 'wake' him.

"Rise and shine, your turn to take watch," he said with a yawn.

Arius makes a good show of pretending to wake up (Perf 18) He rubs his eyes and sits up with a long and drawn out yawn. He cracks his neck and gets up "Okay okay"

Gene is not actively searching for anything suspicious in Arius's 'sleeping' form, so his act fulfills its purpose (Passive Insight 14).

He nods sleepily as he proceeds to doff his armor again before falling into bed.

Arius goes outside as he looks around carefully

About an hour into Ari's watch when the sun was only just barely beginning to peak over the horizon, he could hear a faint, rhythmatic sound of footsteps coming around the bend in the road. Judging by the pace and volume they appeared to be moving at a leisurely pace and not attempting to be quiet.

Arius quickly went to the horses, and moved them further into the bush "Shhh come on...", He says to the beasts (Animal Handling 22)

Arius is able to shush the animals and lead them behind cover with little issue, the horses moving quietly and easily under his command.

The footsteps draw closer, the bearer just about to come in to view.

Arius took out his quarterstaff, but leaned on it so it wasn't a defensive sort of way

The traveler enters his line of sight, a young man sporting a tall, pointed hat that flopped to one side. His clothing was plain and had seen better days to be sure. He had a backpack slung over his shoulder and a sword that hung from his belt.

He does not seem to notice Arius yet (Perception 12).

Arius kicked the tent lightly with his foot while trying to look casual

No movement comes from inside the tent. Arius can hear faint snoring (Perception Nat 1).

Arius sighs, damn it soldier boy!

The causal steps of the man on the road grow louder, and his head turns as he seems to take notice of the tent and Arius beside it (Perception 19).

He slows his pace, staring at them as he starts to pass.

“Good morning”, Arius says, being polite bit not inviting them closer

"Er... yeah, morning," he says, seemingly surprised. He eyes Arius for a moment, noting his hostility. He eyes him intently, noting how he seems to take notice of him easily in the dark and his gaze drifts to his hat (Insight Nat 20).

"You er... headed to Dragon Gate?" he asks.

“No.”, Arius said as he shifted his weight to his other left “Best of travels though stranger…”

He seems surprised by Arius's answer. "Er... same to you," he said, looking as though he was about to pass them by before adding--

"If you're er... headed to Bright Ferry, hope you're not too attached to that hood of 'urs. They're checkin' ears at the gate."

“I only have it because it is cold outside. I have no issues removing it.”, Arius said simply

"Then you should have no problem," he says, looking more uncomfortable, his pace picking up again as he continues down the road.

Arius continued to give him a hard flare until they where gone "Fuck... fuckkk"

Meanwhile Gene sleeps soundly, entirely oblivious to Arius's stress.

Gradually the sun peaks further through the trees, color returning to the forest.

Arius spends his time thinking long and hard. A dagger in hand... he... considers.. some things he is not proud of... he traces his ears in his hood, gripping his dagger tighter

Gene eventually wakes once he's slept his fill, donning his armor once again before exiting the tent. He gave a hearty groan as he stretched his arms over his head.

"Good morning," he said, giving Arius a curious expression (Insight 9). "Something troubling you, friend? Any trouble come to visit during the night?"

"You need to be careful. They will look at your ears in the next town.", Arius says simply

Gene's smile drops immediately.

"In... Bright Ferry?" he clarifies, his eyebrows pulling together slightly. "How... what makes you say so?"

"A traveler passed by and mentioned it when he saw me in a hood. Even though I explained it was only because of the cold...", he says

"I... see," Gene said, his eyes falling away contemplatively for a moment before looking back to Arius. "Did they... say anything else? About the town?"

"No, just that they where checking ears. I don't know what that means for.. ugh-", He tried to think of a better way to say half-breed "those of mixed lineage"

"Neither do I," he sighed. "During my time with the army, it was easy enough to move with the group through cities if needed. But now..." he trailed off, contemplating to himself.

"I have not seen Bright Ferry in years. Last I was there they had no such... inspections. I know not how it has changed."

"Well.. we can either go to it, or maybe go around it if needed... but.. with the war on the boarders intensifying I am not surprised at these witch hunts... the traveler says he was going to Dragon's Gate... but that will be another three weeks or... White Well for another two...", He looked at the cart and their ration supply

Gene gives a thoughtful pout. "I have not been to Dragon Gate, but White Well... I have, some time go. It is likely more... fearful, of people like myself, given their proximity to the border. I can only assuming their measures will be more... extreme." (History 14)

"Well... sadly the path ahead is... the best choice to sell goods... we should just be careful..", Arius says

"We?" Gene repeated. From his tone he did not sound at all opposed, merely more surprised than anything else.

Arius flinches "I... sorry.. I mean...", He stammers a little.

Gene watches Arius as he momentarily becomes flustered.

"I would gladly continue to travel with you, friend, were it up to me. However, you have made your feelings clear in regards to your choice of... traveling companion. And I can only imagine this... latest discovery does me not favors."

"Your linage does not interest me in the slightest.", Arius stands and walks over to the tent "Let us pack up. And examine the situation in Bright Ferry"

Gene raised an eyebrow at him curiously before a smirk found its way on to his face.

"You may not have feelings in regards to my race, but you certainly have feelings in regards to my mouth," he said cheekily, unable to help himself (Wisdom 5). "But as long as you are willing to stomach me a bit longer: yes, let's."

Arius's face flashed a slight red color "Do not phrase it like that!"

Gene chuckled lightly. "Forgive me, I saw the chance and could not pass it up."

Arius covers his face "Look we will just have to be careful.. sell these things.. maybe find a job.. and move on... I have never been to this town so I do not know what it is like these days"

Gene nods, thinking for a moment. "When I was last there... the war had not yet started when I arrived, but was in full swing when I left. The people were... kind--as kind as they could be, given the circumstances. The eastern side of the city had been under attack during my time there, and sustained considerable damage. That's all I know, though I cannot say how much of this is still relevant, nor home many of the people I knew still live let alone still live there."

"We should be careful.. we don't know how people will treat you...", Arius says as he starts to break down the campsite

"Yes," Gene agrees as he assists in packing up. "Seems we will have to see for ourselves."

"Yeah...", Arius said trying not to give anything away about his concerns...

Gene is too distracted with his own thoughts to bother attempting to read Arius. After all he has not given Gene much reason to think these issues may apply to anyone in their party besides himself, so he had no cause for concern.

The pair pack up their things and proceed towards Bright Ferry to have a look for themselves. Gene prattles on about unimportant matters as per usual for the first hour or two, but as they chat something seems to catch his attention (Perception 19).

"Seems we were not the only people to camp out this way last night," he says, noting the fresh hoof tracks that make their way out of the brush. A few yards down a pair of shoeprints can be seen leaving the foliage and joining the main road as well. Some litter including ration wrappers, matches, and used torches can be seen discarded nearby. Despite the evidence that others were here recently, they appear to be alone at the moment.

Arius waves a hand and utters an incantation. His hair shifts from blue to brown, and other features he wants to hide appear human. He pulls his hood down "Just keep your eyes down and we can get in quietly...."

Gene's eyebrows raise as he hears Arius chant to himself and his hair changes to a more mundane hue. Curious, but the blue would certainly raise suspicion much more.

"So that is the play, then?" Gene asked with a small, nervous smile. "Just act as though we belong here?"

"Did you have a better idea?", he pulls out his dagger

Gene's eyes move to the dagger, staring at it for a moment. "I suppose not," he admits (Int 9).

Arius puts his dagger away

Gene and Arius ride closer to town, the walls surrounding the city coming in to view. Two guards are stationed at either side of the gate, a few people ahead of them approaching the town as well: one on horseback, two walking side by side, and one walking alone.

As they draw nearer they can see the people in front of them speaking with the guards and making their way through.

The one on horseback is wearing no hat, greets the guards kindly, and passes through without issue.

As the pair walk up they have a quick exchange that grows confrontational. Gene is too distracted to make out the details what takes place (Perception 12), but Arius is paying closer attention (Perception 17) and is able to make out the incident more clearly. He watches as the pair approach one of the guards, nervously lowering their hoods (Performance 14 & Nat 1). The guard they are speaking with does not seem at all bothered by what he sees (Perception Nat 1), but the other turns and raises his voice, instructing one of the pair that they were going to have to come with him (Perception 15). The travelers voices sound distressed, rising fearfully as the guard reaches out and takes hold of one of their wrists, before the other impulsively punches them in the face and slips through the gate (Guard Nat 1, Traveler 16). Their companion attempts to follow after, but the other guard grabs them from behind and with much shouting halls them away (Guard 16, Traveler 8).

During this altercation, the last traveler manages to slip past the remaining guard while they are distracted nursing their bloody nose (Perception Nat 1).

"W-well that bodes well," Gene says nervously, seemingly shaken by the display and unsure how to proceed though he does not stop the cart (Int 4). "A-any idea what that was about?"

"I said they where checking hoods... it seems... they didn't like it... maybe one was kicked from the city. Do not cloud your focus with the issues of others...", Arius warns as he tries to settle his own nerves (Deception 10)

Gene's eyebrows pull together as to looks at Arius, trying to understand what he meant but finding that he is not the only one between them that is unnerved (Insight 19).

"P-perhaps..." he says vaguely, commanding the horses to continue on their path.

"Ack... fuck prixies," they hear the remaining guard curse under his breath, dabbing at his nosed with his glove. He seems distracted but holds up a hand they approach. "Halt. Fuck," he sniffles, clearly distracted.

Gene puts on a friendly smile, pulling the cart to a stop, and hopping down from his seat. "My, seems they got you good there friend," he said, putting on a charming, confident façade (Performance 15 w Commanding Presence). "Need a spot of healing?"

Arius keeps still, and his eyes forward. He is trying to be as inconspicuous as he can

The guard's eyes narrow at Gene's offer, finding him suspicious (Insight 19). "Sod off. Take off your hat."

Gene holds his smile, though his heart is hammering (Deception 19). "Of course..." he says, reaching for his hat, desperately trying to think of something.

Arius closes his eyes and focuses. He whispers softly as he reaches out to the thread of fate and the swirling possibilities. Like playing a instrument, he manipulated the strings, trying to get a good result (Potent Roll Used: 9)

Just as Gene is in the process of removing his hat, his pointed ears coming into view and the guard's expression shifting to one of shock, Arius watches as time around him slows to a crawl and begins to rewind. Gene places his hat back onto his head, the guard retracts his hostile snap, and Gene's hand is extended in the offer of magical aid once more. However this time the guard is no longer so wary (Insight ~~19~~ 10).

"That'd be mighty kind of ya," the guard says instead. "Damned Elf had quite the arm."

"Yes well, Elves are a crafty lot," Gene laughs politely with a charming smile, reaching out to cup the guards cheek and heal up the damage done to his nose (Lay on Hands 2). "I should know, took my fair share of punches from them as well out in the field."

"No kidding," the guard grumbled with an uneasy smile, backing away from Gene's touch once his face had been fixed (Wisdom 9). "Well uh... thanks for the patch up."

"Anytime good sir," Gene grinned slyly before hopping back onto the cart and steering them into town before anyone could think to ask them any further questions.

Once they were a good several yards away he let out a laugh. "Haha, well, that went far better than I feared I do not mind telling you."

Arius gave a exhausted shigh, his hand trembled as he tucked his coat around himself. Manipulations like that where hard, sometimes harder than others. This one had been a terrifying try because of all that happened after that moment. But thankfully, pulling enough threats of fate, they had avoided trouble "Yeah...", Arius said as he looked around the city

"Well! With that out of the way, where shall we start the day?" he asked jovially, his cheerful demeanor having returned in full force now that this trial was behind them.

"Perhaps we can find someone to take our spare supplies at the market, then stock up on more desirable goods. Like food, or even a book or two if Tymora smiles upon us," he purposed, nudging Arius with his elbow as he drove.

"I want to sell our stuff first. If the cart gets robbed I don't want to lose them.", Arius says

"Agreed! Now, let's see if we can find the marketplace shall we?" Gene smiled, following the main road deeper into town which eventually, conveniently, led into the main plaza where several craftsmen and farmers had set up makeshift stalls while more well established shops lines the edge of the square.

"Just.. keep your hat on... please", He whispers as he looks around (Perception 18) "I think there is a place to start..", He nods ahead to the corner

"Oh do not worry about that, I fully intend to," he says as he steers in the direction Arius indicated. Arius notices as well as they pass fliers plastered on the walls of some of the buildings advertising that the army is purchasing weapons, armor, potions, and scrolls, though the price is a bit below the standard rate.

Gene pulls the cart up beside the store on the corner which had a sign sticking out the top with two crossed spears, clearly a seller of weaponry. Once he commands the horses to stop, he climbs into the back to the wagon to root through their belonging.

"Now, what all are we willing to part with?" he asked, grabbing the spare longbow he had picked up in Vinecreek from the gnolls.

"The armor and the weapons, the rest like the rations and map are more useful for us...", Arius points at the scimitars, the armor, and the assorted bows

"Although maybe we should keep one longbow for both of us for hunting..."

Gene raises an eyebrow at Arius curiously. "One longbow each, or one to share?" he asks, looking him up and down, unsure he was strong enough to wield the bulky bow.

"I have another of my own already, but you are welcome to this spare if you think you can handle it," he offers, handing it out to him.

"One each...", He takes one and slings it over his shoulder

Gene smirks. "My, you are full of surprises aren't you?" he teases as he hands over six arrows as well.

"I have another light crossbow and bolts I would not mind adding to the list of items to pawn off as well. It would be nice if we could acquire a woodcarver's kit while we are in town, possibly make ourselves some more arrows on the hike to the next town."

"Let us sell these things first...and we will see what we have.. I would like to see about finding a scroll too but those are expensive...", Arius says

"Splendid, sounds like a plan to me," Gene says as he grabs the sets of leather armor and scimitars, finding his hands are now full. "Would you mind grabbing the rest?"

"I was going to stay with the cart...", Arius says

"Oh," Gene said, momentarily surprised. "In that case..."

He sets the things down and simply shuffles the items in his backpack around to make room, tossing some equipment he didn't need on his person into the cart instead. After a moment he hefts his bag back onto his shoulders and grabs the rest in his arms.

"I will be but a moment," he says as he heads into the shop.

Arius nods and sits in the cart, he tries to not look like trouble. Moving the cart to the side as he looked for a place to park it for the night. Perhaps getting an inn next would be ideal

Arius asked around while Gene was selling about inns (Inv Nat 20 - 26)

While Arius waits for Gene and makes an effort to find a place for them to stay the night, he learns quite a bit about Bright Ferry. For one, the majority of the population appears to be young teens, women of small stature, and elderly. It is easy to infer that the majority of the rest were conscripted into the army.

Judging by the performers merrily playing songs in the streets rallying the human side of the war efforts, the surplus of materials and food while deficit of weapons being traded around, and the general chatter amongst the population he gathers that this city is primarily, though not entirely, supportive of the war. (Morale = 7)

He is told of several taverns available for them to stay at, ranging from squalid to comfortable. (Wealth = 6)

Gene was gone for quite a while before eventually emerging from the shop with a smug look on his face and a spring in his step.

"So," he began as he stepped up to Arius with a catlike grin. "I have a few 'gifts' for you. Would you kindly hold out your hands?"

Arius looks a little confused but holds his hand out to Gene. He also relays what he heard about the inns.

"The first is monetary," he smiles as he drops a small pouch into Arius's hand which jiggles loudly with coin, containing 55gp.

"The second is information," he says, leaning in close to whisper to him. "T'would seem some of the shopkeepers in this city are not too keen on selling or buying supplies that could go towards military efforts instead. It took a little... finagling, to sell our supplies. But I did inquire about where we might acquire some spell scrolls, and it seems there is a magical scribe in the western district who is known to sell to those who are willing to shell out a better price than what the army offers."

"Yes well... I know... my coin purse is to light for one.. but looking never hurt. I would like to see if perhaps we can find a job or two if there is a scroll I need... but.. studying the arcane is a expensive process...", Arius explains

"A fine idea," Gene nodded. "Shall we secure a room and our horses then and go from there? Perhaps one of these taverns has a job board we can peruse."

"That is what I am hoping for... the inn should have services to board the cart and horses as well."

"Splendid!" Gene said as he hopped back into the driver's seat. "Now, which way to the fanciest inn?"

Arius gives him directions to the Old Town district in the middle part of town with the directions he'd been given from the local

Gene follows the route as instructed, eventually winding up at a rather comfortable looking tavern. He pulls the cart around back where the stable hands assist in getting their horses squared away for the night. Gene tips them a sliver piece, seeming oddly generous that day.

"Gods, to sleep in a bed again," he sighs as they make their way around front to the tavern. There is a small crowd for the lunch rush, but likely more will be piling in once it gets later in the day and other travelers like themselves will not want to stray far from their rooms. The room smells warmly of food and drink, idle chatter filling the space. And a job board is up on the wall off to the side.

"I will look at the board if you want to get us rooms.. ugh... how much.. is a room? It's been... months since I was in a tavern..."

"Months for myself as well," Gene laughed lightly. "Though whatever the price, sharing a room would certainly be cheaper."

"Whatever you feel is best..", He goes to look at the message board

It isn't until after he realized Gene implied they share a room. Darn it! He quickly looked back at the half-elf

Too late! Gene has already left with this great power that has been bestowed upon him and is speaking with the bartender at the counter about room(s). However the job board supplies him with some useful information.

Kill Sheep-Eating Menace! Something is killing livestock in the fields outside the city walls to the north. Find whatever it is and bring back its head! 200gp

Supernatural Sightings at the Graveyard Weird shit popping up at night at the graveyard on the west edge of town. Looking for holy person to put the spirits to rest. See undertaker for further details.

Transcribe Dwarvish Scripts Assistance required transcribing text in Dwarvish script, language unknown. 5sp per page.

50gp for Elves Found Within City Walls Intel of any citizens harboring Elves within Bright Ferry must be reported to the Fortress. Reward of 50gp per Elf apprehended thanks to given information. In the case of multiple tips only the first will be paid. Long live Bright Ferry!

Arius took the first two, and the last one. He shoved the forth one in his pocket and went to Gene hoping to not be to late for them to have separate rooms

"--a pleasure, thank you," Gene said to the bartender as they parted ways and Gene appeared to be clutching a key in his hands. He looked up and spotted Arius walking towards him.

"Ah, Arius! I spoke with the bartender here about their prices and wouldn't you know it, sharing a bed brings the cost down even farther," he grinned playfully, swinging the key around his finger. Though from the tone of his voice he was obviously poking fun.

“Please tell me you did not do that.” Arius said in a unamused tone. His face was lightly colored crimson

"I did not," Gene relented gently. "I got a room with separate beds. I felt that would be more to your liking."

“Is…. Are two separate rooms… and option or was the one room all that was available?”, Arius toyed with the sleeve of his jacket

Gene tried to keep his expression neutral, though his eyebrows pulled together slightly in a way that looked just a touch sad (Deception 10).

"There were single rooms available, yes, though I assumed after sharing a tent for so many nights... it matters not, is that what you would prefer?"

Arius noticed a feeling, knowing his disguise self was going to run out soon. He needed to recast it “Well what’s done is done. Let’s look at this room.”, He starts walking to the stairs to go to the rooms with a touch or urgency

Gene eyebrows rose in a more curious expression, his smile brightening hesitantly. "As you wish," he smiled, hurrying up after him and showing him to the room he had procured.

Arius waited anxiously and quickly went inside the room, as soon as Gene was in his shut the door. And not a moment to soon as the coloration of his hair faded. Arius sighed and leaned against the door “Fuck that was close…”

Gene's eyebrow rose as Arius sighed and his hair reverted back to it's natural turquoise. "Ah, I did not realize your hair dye had all but run out. Forgive me," he smiled apologetically.

“It only lasts for an hour.”, He pulls out the elf job “It is best we do not cause trouble. They actively hunt elves. I do not know what that means for you”

"They... what?" Gene asks, his smile fading as he reaches out to take a look at the flier for himself.

“They. Hunt. Elves.”, Arius said as he put his head in his hands

Gene holds the paper in his hands, reading over the advertisement. "My, it would seem... things have changed quite a lot in my absence," he said, trying to keep a brave face but the cracks were not difficult to spot (Deception 12).

He glanced to Arius, unsure what to make of his reaction. Did the idea of Gene getting flagged and turned in to the guards distress him so? Or did he have other reasons to be concerned with this news? (Insight 14).

“Gene I- got some job postings too.”, He holds out the papers “Let’s get some extra money, try to find a shop and then get out of here…” (Insight 22) Arius saw Gene’s panic… if only the half-elf knew that he was panicking too

Gene reaches for the job ads as well, looking them over, his brow pulling together more tightly.

"If we leave the city walls for the farmland to the north, I am unsure I will be able to get past the guards a second time," he says. "At least the graveyard job would not require a second ear check. Perhaps we could pay the farm a visit on our way out of town so we have some gold to spend in the next."

“I… pulled the fabric… earlier at the gate I… can do it again but I don’t know how effective it will be… I saw- things go bad fast earlier… you are in real danger…”, he looks at the job posting “But maybe not to everyone.. if we keep a low profile”

Gene's eyes widened ever so slightly, the reality of what had transpired at the gate slowly setting in. He looked down to the papers again, considering.

"I know not whether it is safer within the city walls, or without," he said with a small, sad chuckle. "Either way we need the work, yes? Were it up to you, which job would you rather?"

“The one for the fastest cash”

Gene chuckled lightly. "I cannot say for certain how 'fast' either of these would be. However, the graveyard is not far. We can pop in to get some more details easily enough."

“That will work… it will have to right?”, Arius gets up and sits on a bed. Just for a moment enjoying the feeling of it, he flops over “Is there a private bath here or is it just one communal area?”

"A good question," Gene considers for a moment (Int 7). "I had not thought to ask. Though this is the nicest tavern the town had to offer, yes? If any inn in Bright Ferry were to offer private baths, I suspect it would be this one."

“Well… I was mostly worried for you.”, Arius says as he looks at the ceiling

"Ah, yes..." Gene muttered, considering to himself. "As nice as that would be, I do not wish to tempt fate any further than I already have. I suspect such requests coupled with my headwear may rouse some... suspicion. I will have to make due with my magic, for now."

“You smell absolutely repulsive. Take a bath.”, he says simply

"I would absolutely love to. However--," Gene paused and muttered the incantation for Prestidigitation and with a flick of his wrist now smelled strongly of roses.

"How often do you think the guard receives tips on 'supposed Elves' that do not pan out? Fifty gold is quite the hefty price, who would not take a shot at such a lottery if given the chance? I am not willing to make such requests where any soul in the tavern may catch wind of it, take one glance at my attire, and decide to try their luck."

“Technically you are a half-elf but point taken…”

Gene raised an eyebrow at Arius curiously. "I am... surprised you can tell, admittedly. What I am is not particularly... common, not in recent years. More often than not people take one look at me, and whichever half they are they see the other."

“I need to wash my bandages at the very least and buy new ones…” He closes his eyes tiredly “People see what that want to see. It’s about more than lineage in that way…”

"Perhaps..." Gene agreed, his eyes drifting to Arius's goatee. Was he too just seeing what he wanted to? Another non-human trapped in a kingdom that did not want them?

"Bandages?" he asked as Arius's words caught up with him, his attention grabbed. "Are you hurt?"

“It is a long standing injury…”, he says “I am still recovering from it.”, he says without opening his eyes “I ran out of proper bandages before getting to Vinecreek”

Gene nodded in an understanding way. "As you know I am not unfamiliar with such injuries. Provided the bandages are still in one piece I can clean them for you, if you would like."

“I was hoping to soak and clean them while in the bath…”, Arius sat up and took a breath, cracking his neck “I will go ask about such arrangements downstairs.”

Gene nods. "As you wish."

Arius steps past Gene and redoes his disguise and goes down to the front desk once more “Excuse me. May I inquire about the bathing assignments for the inn?”

A young man--very young, no more than 13--looks up from behind the counter.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure thing. There's public baths that'a way," he says, pointing to a set of doors marked for men and women that lead to the back of the building. "Or uh... we can run you a bath just for you. Costs extra though."

“That second option sounds ideal. What os the cost of two of these services?”

"Depends, ya want cold or hat water?" he asks.

“Hot water for both”, Arius says

"That's a gold each then," he said, picking at his teeth.

Arius sets two gold on the table “I expect proper privacy for this price.”, he says sternly “Don’t start them now we still have business, we’ll take them later thank you”

The kid's eyebrows rose in obvious surprise as he ducked beneath the counter and produced two keys with numbers keychains attached.

"Not a worry, the private baths are at the end of the hall upstairs. Just give us a quarter hour to heat the water. Ya can head in any time after, 'n' bring the keys back when 'ur done."

Arius nods and takes the keys and goes upstairs, he knocks on the door “Gene it is Arius”

Arius can hear the clatter of armor as Gene steps up and opens the door, raising an eyebrow curiously as though he is surprised to see him.

"I thought you had gone to bathe," he said. "Did you have a change of heart?"

Arius shoves a bath key in Gene’s hand and walks in “We should get our affairs in town done first before bathing.”

Gene turns the key over in his hand, confused. "If you insist, but... did you buy a second room?" he asked, holding up the key in question.

“It’s a private bath key for hot water.”, he says plainly

Gene's jaw fell open, his eyes lighting up as a wide, open-mouthed smile stretched across his face.

"I could KISS you!" he explained jovially, pocketing the key and rushing to his bedside to grab his backpack and weapons he had set aside.

"So, stock up on general supplies and swing by the cemetery, yes?" he asked as he slung his back over his shoulder, eager to get going.

“Please do not take such actions against me”, Arius grabbed his robe almost defensively when Gene mentioned kissing him “But yes. General store. Magic shop. Cemetery”

"Then let us be on our way!" Gene said eagerly, already standing in the doorway, packed and ready.

Arius follows him out “Sounds good”

The two head out and find their way to the General Store without much issue.

"Anything you are in need of aside from rations?" Gene asked as a tiny bell chimed above the doorway when he pushed it in, alerting the shopkeeper to their presence.

“A medical kit…”, he says as he follows

"Never hurts to have. Oh, I forgot I had intended to pick up a woodcarver's set as well," he says. With a bit of looking they are able to find a Healer's Kit and Woodcarver's Tools easily enough. In that section as well they happen across Alchemist's Supplies, Cartographer's Tools, and Cook's Utensils should they be interested. However there appears to be no sign of any rations on the shelves.

"How odd," Gene muses.

“Probably from the army”, He grabs the cooking utensils

"Perhaps... in that case we will have to find other means of--oh! Perhaps this will do nicely?" Gene asks eagerly, hefting up a heavy, metal hunting trap.

“That is- quite a thing. But it would help us quite a lot”, he thinks “How much is it?”

"Indeed, I would hate to have my arm stuck in this contraption," Gene said as he inspected the 'mouth' of jagged steel teeth. "Though it would rely heavily on our next meal coincidentally being in the wrong place at the wrong time..."

He glanced to the shelf he had grabbed the death trap from. "Five gold from the looks of it."

“We can set it and always drive a deer or boar into it”, he suggests

"A marvelous idea, I like the way you think," Gene says, opting to hold on to the trap as they head for the counter where an elderly gentleman sits.

"Good day sir!" Gene says cheerfully as he sets his things down to fish out his gold. "You would not happen to carry rations would you? We failed to find any ourselves."

The old man smacked his lips thoughtfully. "Aaah yes, we keep them behind the counter now, what with the ah... the guard mandated ration and all," he said, slowly rising from his seat. "You two local? 'R travellers?"

Arius seemed a little surprised that such things where hidden behind the counter. But he figured Gene was a charismatic type who could handle the bulk of the talking. Arius took one last look around for what could be useful for them “Travelers sir.”

"Then I'm afraid I can only sell ya three apiece," he shrugs helplessly.

"It is better than none good sir," Gene smiles appreciatively. "Do you know where else we may acquire food for the road?"

He thinks for a moment, scratching his grey, scraggly beard. "If I were you I would see what fresh food I could find in town. It won't last but should feed ya for a few days least, 'les ya salt it yourselves."

"A fine suggestion, thank you. You would not happen to carry salt here as well, would you?" he asked.

The man smiles bashfully. "I may have a bag or two," he says, hefting one up onto the counter.

"A businessman after my own heart," Gene grins (DC 5, Wisdom 14). He spots some bars of soap aligned near the counter and grabs two as well, recalling Arius's comment on his... 'stench' earlier.

"Do you suppose we should buy a chest as well for all these things?" Gene asks Arius.

"Oh most definitely," the old man nods with a smile.

"I was asking my companion, friend," Gene laughs.

“Yes we can keep it in the cart. I saw several carts with bolted chests, should we consider that to prevent theft? Oh. And a lock”

"A splendid idea," Gene nodded. "Perhaps we can take the cart to a carpenter after this."

"Oh, there's no need for that. I can bolt it down for you two lads. For an additional fee, of course."

"Of course," Gene laughs (DC 10, Wisdom 16). "Do you make house calls, or perhaps tavern calls, to the Maiden's Flask just down the road?"

"Hmm... I suppose I could close shop for just a moment, but there is an additional fee for that. You understand."

Gene's expression shifts slightly, his grin becoming more cunning (DC 15, Wisdom Nat 1). "That I do. However I do not suppose you might cut us a deal? Considering that we are... buying in bulk, one might say." (Persuasion 18).

"Hmm..." the old man hums to himself, stroking his beard again (Insight 12). "Well... I suppose just this once, for such charming young men as yourselves. I'll bolt in your chest, free of charge."

"Excellent," Gene smirks, clearly pleased with himself.

Arius let Gene to all of the talking, honestly he was really not a charismatic person. He knew that and accepted it. But hearing it free was always excellent for the cause

Once the matter of payments are squared away, the old man accompanies them to the tavern and bolts in their chest as requested. Gene continues to make small talk with him as he works, but quickly enough they part ways with friendly handshakes and good banter and are one their way.

"Now, I do believe that shopkeeper said this magic shop was just around this way," Gene said as they turned the corner, a small sign hanging above a nearby door with a picture of a book and sparkles carved into it.

Arius made sure their supplies where properly locked in the cart before heading to the magic shop. He was fully aware it was unlike he’d be able to afford even a basic scroll

They enter the shop and it smells akin to a musty library, the shelves lined with books and tables piled with fine parchment and inks. A young, frail looking woman sits at the counter, head bowed as they scrawl something out onto what appears to be a scroll. She glances up as they enter, watching them curiously.

"Hello," she says, her voice calm and even. "Can I help you with anything?"

Arius looks around “I am looking got scrolls or potions, I don’t need anything of high quality”

Her eyebrows raise ever so slightly in interested, and she places her quill back in the ink well. "I do not specialize in potions, but I do have a few scrolls... I am willing to part with," she says, pulling out a list of spells and prices from beneath the counter and setting it out for Arius to see, some scratched out from presumably previous purchases.

"I can also have one made, if you so require," she offered.

“Is there any way to negotiate pricing? I am skilled in arcana but light on coin and your scroll of magic missile is incredibly appealing”

The young woman looks at him for a moment, bags under her eyes as though she has not been sleeping well. Her eyes fall to his spellbook.

"In that case... I may have something for you. Do you have experience with copying down spells?"

“Yes I am able to scribe scrolls”, he confirms

"In that case..." she bends down beneath the counter and produces a small basket of scrolls.

"These are scrolls I have acquired that I cannot read myself. If you can transfer any one of these into common for me, you can have the scroll of magic missile. Or I would allow you to also copy the spell you translated for yourself. I can cover the cost of components and ink for you to do so."

“Okay, yes I can cast something and take care of it”, he takes the scroll, casting comprehend languages

“I can get this taken care of”, he says with a nod and looks it over. He explains to Gene what he is doing and how long it will take to do

"Thank you, I am grateful," she says as she grabs a stool for Arius and some ink and paper to get him set up.

Gene is flipping through a book on classifications of ink that he clearly has no interest in when Arius approaches him. "My, when you said you were interested in finding work in town I did not think you meant paperwork," he laughed. "Three hours... perhaps I will swing by the graveyard in that time and have a chat with our other potential benefactor."

“It may be best”, Arius agrees “I am sorry this task will take so long…”

"No problem at all, I am pleased to hear you are able to make such a deal. Seems you are quite the businessman yourself," he smirks, his voice dropping slightly in a flirtatious manner.

He glances past Arius towards the counter, lowing his voice. "Will you be alright? What if your... 'hair dye' runs out?"

“I will sequester myself in a corner. However before we dive into further adventures I will need a mental rest as well. I do not want to run into this job with such mental fatigues.”

"Splendid, sounds like a plan to me," he agrees. "Be safe."

“You as well”, He says as he goes off in order to do just that. To work for the price of the scrolls. He just hoped Gene would stay out of trouble

Arius gets settled in the back of the store where he is given space to work. Between the shopkeeper writing up what appears to be scrolls of her own, his hood drawn and scarf tight, and the complete lack of customers coming in the the shop Arius is able to go undetected with ease.

Gene is gone for a few hours or so as agreed upon before he returns later that afternoon, at which point Arius is finishing up his last ten minutes or so on the final spell. He can hear Gene as he goes to the front desk to inquire with the young woman about Arius's status on the work and when he will be free.

Arius comes out of the back and sets it down fully transcribed. He keeps his scarf up “I also need charcoal…”, He buys one gold worth of it in a bag. He looks at Gene, tiredness clear in his eyes even if most of his face is covered

"Oh. Wonderful, thank you. Here are those scrolls that you requested, and the charcoal as well," she said, handing over the goods and accepting the coin.

"A pleasure doing business with you," she says earnestly with a smile.

"Splendid! What timing," Gene says, his face lighting up as Arius reappears and announces that he is done with his work, pleased to see that he did not encounter any issues.

Arius goes outside and ducks into an ally. He takes the charcoal and starts coloring his beard and hair immediately

Gene follows Arius outside, surprised when he sees what the other is doing. "My, I had assumed you required the coal for more... arcane endeavors," he said. "Would you like a hand? I would offer you a mirror, but alas..."

Arius steps back and looks away “No I can do it myself. Just tell me if it looks passable…”, he rubs the coal on his gotee

"As you wish," Gene says, watching as Arius attempts to cover his beard.

Arius gets it dark “How does it look?”

"Hmm..." Gene hums as he looks over Arius's face, pointing to a spot on his own cheek. "You have a little something..."

Arius slapped Gene’s hand away and rubbed it with his sleeve, getting it off “Better?”

Gene chuckled lightly. "Yes, better. Surprisingly so, I might add. You make quite the brunette," he said. "Now then, let us head for the tavern. I believe we will want to fetch the torches from the cart."

“Don’t be ridiculous.”, He walks past but Gene can see a blush on his face with ease “Tavern. Then we go.”

Gene grinned to himself at having caught Arius's blush (Perception 22), following him to the stables behind the tavern where the horses and carts were kept.

"So I spoke with the undertaker, a kindly older woman. Lovely lady, though I suspect her... wit is dwindling. Regardless, she claims she has seen some rather shady figures in the graveyard at night, and suspects she may have some unwanted guests that have taken up residence in the crypt. A 'check for monsters under my bed' sort of task, as it were."

“Hopefully it is basic grave robbers then. If we go early I can set out silent alarms so we will know if people are entering at night”, he suggests

"Wonderful!" he said cheerfully. "Though you wished to take a rest first, yes? I can see how these magic affairs have taken their tole on you. Perhaps you would like to cash in on those baths before we go."

“We’ll be okay. It took a while”, he says as he nods

“We should rest for one hour. And go. We can bath when we come back.”

"Ah yes, would not want to wash out that new hair dye just yet," Gene teased.


Later that evening the pair returned to the graveyard, the sun just beginning to set. Not that the limited light would make any difference to their eyes. Still, they brought some torches along to keep up the charade of being human. The graveyard keeper had allowed them access to the cemetery and crypt to explore as they pleased.

"Shall we go down there and have a look then?" Gene asked, lighting his torch and holding it in his off hand. It wasn't as though he would have need of his shield or anything, right? "Or did you wish to setup your alarms first, in case something wanders in from outside?"

“I want to set up the alarms.”, He says as he begins to make a circle around the area slowly “Just give me a bit. I will make it silent so it doesn’t cause issues.”

"Fine by me, take your time," Gene says, making himself comfortable.

He does so, and after a bit he returns, having gotten all of the alarm set out and taken care of

Gene wanders for a bit as Arius casts his spell, observing some of the graves, though he doesn't recognize any names. He glances up when Arius comes back his way.

"Ah, well then, shall we see what boogeymen await us?" he teases as he leads the way into the crypt. "Perhaps it is just a raccoon."

"I hope this is just grave robbers we can scare off", Arius says as he walks behind Gene

"Indeed, I believe that is the most likely scenario," he nodded as they descended down the steps and into the crypt below. As they walked the light of the torch brought color to their otherwise black and white surroundings. Upon having reached the landing Gene abruptly came to a halt as they were confronted with mounds of bodies tossed against the far wall, rotting corpses stacked atop one another in precarious piles.

"Wh-what is...? Why are they just... strewn about?" he asked, taking a cautious step forward, then another, until he lets out a small gasp and makes his way over to one of the bodies, kneeling before it. A half-rotten face of a young man can be seen, a uniform suggesting he may have worked for the miliary.

"This makes me think more about grave robbers. Disrespectful and all...", Arius says as he walks

"B-but there are so many..." Gene says, clearly shaken and not paying attention to his surroundings. But soon enough the stacks of bodies begin to shift and topple over, knocking into Gene and he drops the torch he was carrying, the room now shrouded in darkness again as two zombies shamble their way out of the piles. They give a guttural snarl and lash out at Gene, who is taken by surprise.

"GENE!!!", Arius said in shock

Arius acts quickly and unleashes his spell on the monster. It seizes in response and a puff of ash is expelled from the monster, a cloud forming around it that encompasses itself and Gene. He coughs, waving the dust away with his hand. "I'm alright," he wheezes (DC 10 Con save => 16).

The two zombies attempt to slam into his, but he manages to side step them both, drawing his sword and cutting into the zombie that Arius had previously struck.

"Fuck fuck fuck", Arius says quickly

Arius hits the zombie with his quarterstaff in panic

Arius's staff connects with an unsettling 'thmp!' to the zombie's skull. It whirls on him instead, but they bounce uselessly off of Arius's mage armor.

The zombies lash out at them futilely, and Gene manages to cut into them again with his sword, the zombie staggering as it loses one of it's limbs.

"You alright?" he asks Arius, concerned as the zombie had struck his armor.

Arius keeps beating the zombie in a panic until it literally dies again

"Arius? You can stop now I believe it is--oof, do you mind?" Gene turns to the zombie that shoved itself uselessly against him, not hurting him in the slightest. He turns around and cuts into it with his sword, and once again a cloud of ash is released. Gene coughs violently, but seems otherwise unharmed (DC 10 Con save => 16).

"Damned nuisance," he grumbles.

Arius realizes there was a second one and attempted to use toll the dead, but it didn't seem to do much.

The zombie came at Gene again and he simply shoved to away, striking it with his sword again. Clearly the initial panic was dwindling as these creatures struggled to do anything against them.

Arius circled around Gene and kept hitting it

The zombie slumped under Arius's assault, but just as it appeared like it might have gone down it sprung out at him once more, this time slamming into him with enough force to bypass his magical armor.

"Arius!" Gene gasped, cutting into the zombie once more and cleaving it in half.

"Fuck that hurt", He wheezed painfully and stammered back, clutching his arm that was bleedings

"Here, let me see," he says, taking a steps towards him with his hand out.

"Nothing of value... maybe dice? but I think I'd rather leave them here"

"Not that," he laughs lightly. "Your arm. You are bleeding."

He looks at his arm "I... it's okay...", He holds it "WE don't know what else is around..."

"A valid point," Gene nods. His eyes linger back towards the pile of bodies and whatever little enthusiasm he had had fades. He unhooks his shield from his back, slipping it onto his arm.

"Well... seeing as you are the more clairvoyant of us two, which way to you propose we head?" he asked.

"I don't know did the groundskeeper give details about the biggest problem areas? Otherwise let's just do the old.. follow the wall trick. Left? Left."

"I do not think the groundskeeper has set foot in this place in some time. Least not from what she told me," Gene says. "I am... unsure she was even away of the zombies? She mentioned seeing strange shadows in the graveyard at night, though I suspect these... whatever these are, would not simply head back to their rooms after an evening stroll."

He looks around for a moment. "I suppose either way is as good as any," he says as he heads down the western corridor.

"WE should be careful of bone piles from now on right?", He follows Gene

"Hmm?" Gene turns as his boot steps on a pile of bones with a loud 'crunch!' and he shutters at the sound. "Oh. Yes, that is... yes, most likely."

Arius keeps his quarterstaff close

As they round the corner they can already hear some suspicious clattering in the next room. Gene pokes his head in to find a skeleton, completely devoid of flesh much unlike the undead they had just slain. And much unlike the other piles of bodies in this new room. But then a much more fleshy lump began to move as well, one that flopped uselessly towards them, a human hide.

"Ugh! What?" Gene backed up slightly, bumping into Arius.

"NOPE NOPE NOPE", He casts toll the bell at the first one that moves, striking it!

The skeleton rattles at Arius strikes it, but remains standing. Meanwhile the lump of flesh lumbers with surprising speed over to Gene, slamming into him as the skeleton rushes up and cuts into him with it's shortsword!

"Oof!" he grunts, lashing out at the skeleton with his sword but unable to land a hit.

Arius continued to cast toll the dead and eventually one of the zombies collapsed

The skeleton rattles violently as Arius uses his deadly magic on it one more time, the bones falling apart and clattering to the ground.

"Good show Arius," Gene huffed, sounding a bit worn out as he dodged out of the way of the mound of flesh that attempted to slam into him again. He lashed out at it in turn but missed.

Arius moves around and takes a swing at the remaining zombie but misses right as Gene tells him good show

The boneless mess lunges at Gene again and manages to land a critical hit. He's thrown back against the wall and the creature takes this chance to envelope his face, blinding him! He gives a muffled shout of distress, dropping his sword and instinctively attempting to shove the thing off, gasping for air when he manages to (DC 13 Str save => 22)

Arius beats it with the stick "Fuck! Gene?!"

The monster lunges for Gene again, but then turns on Arius when he whacks it with his staff. However the human skin is too slow to hit either of them.

Gene reaches down to retrieve his sword, cutting up into the monster and some hunks of flesh fall away.

Arius couldn't get a distance without taking an attack so he kept using his stick and praying this thing just died. Redied? Died a second time!

The creature slams into Arius, seemingly reaching out and attempting to take hold of him much like it had with Gene.

"Arius! No!" Gene swung out with his sword, carving out a chunk of the creature's flesh before it fell to the ground motionless.

He panted, staring at the lifeless mound on the floor. "Gods..."

As the silence hangs in the room broken only by their gasping, Arius spots an unusual shift of the light along the wall in the hallway. Except there is no light down here. (DC 17 Perception check => 17).

“What is that?”, Arius points it out to Gene

"What?" Gene turns, ready to fight, but even with Arius's assistance he still does not see anything there. He channels his Divine Sense and sees...

"There is... something. Like a ghost, on the wall," he tells Arius as the shadow shifts and heads further down the hall.

“Gene you are bleeding- like…. All over…”, Arius says softly

Gene glances to Arius, looking him up and down. "No... worse than you," he says between breaths. "I can patch us up a tad, before we... press on."

“I will just cast fire if needed…”, Arius says

"Healing fire?" he laughs lightly before heading back down the hallway in the direction the shadow had moved.

“Nope. Fire fire.”

"Then do avoid bleeding anymore," he teases. "I hear blood loss makes it difficult to cast 'fire fire'."

Gene peeks around the corner before walking straight into the room. "Looks like just one of those zombies from before. Should be easy enough," he whispers back to Arius.

“Then go get them soldier boy”, Arius whispered as he peaked around the corner too

Gene chuckles lightly and mutters under his breath, "Tally ho," before dashing into the room and slashing at the zombie with his sword. He strikes the zombie and a familiar puff of ash shoots out, but he knows to expect it and simply holds his breath, brushing it aside as before.

However out of the corner of his eye he spots that odd shadow on the wall again (DC 12 Perception => 13) just before it lunges out of the wall, passing through him and he gasps loudly as he feels his strength as been sucked away, his sword suddenly heavy in his hands, his armor weighing heavy on his shoulders.

Arius turned the corner as he rushed over and saw Gene being flanked. He shot a scorching ray at the shadow bit it wasn’t nearly as effective! “Oh great”

The Shadow shrugs off Arius's attack easily enough and lunges towards Gene a second time. For a moment it appears to hit him, but Gene utters the incantation for Silvery Barbs and it misses. Seems he has a way of bending fate himself. However the zombie still manages to slam into him again, and he definitely does not appear to be doing well.

Gene turns back to the Shadow. Whatever that thing was he needed to end it quickly. He brandished his sword, swinging out at hit, filling it with his Divine Smite--

but the holy magic did not come.

The blood drained from his face as he stared at the Shadow. What... why hadn't it worked?

“What the hell is this thing made of?”, Arius tried to use toll the dead but it the shadow shrugged it off easily

"Hell if I know!" Gene yelled back as he narrowly dodged out of the way of both these monsters, finding it easier to avoid them now that he was facing them both without one at his backside. He frantically swung his sword at it again, beyond grateful when it connected and the dark specter seems to dissolve into the air.

Arius cast toll the dead and thankfully the last zombie stayed dead!

Once the last zombie fell, Gene collapsed to the ground along with it, breathing heavily.

“You okay solider boy?”, Arius asks as he poked a bone pile suspiciously

"Y-yeah," Gene said, clearly shaken. "I-I just uh... feel... weaker, somehow."

“Do you need a rest?”, Arius asks “You have taken quite a beating”

"Perhaps, but this is... hardly a safe place to rest," he argues, struggling to get back to his feet.

“Well you collapsing dead seems a worse idea…”

"Arius, are you saying you would miss me?" Gene teased with a small grin despite how plain his exhaustion was to see.

Arius sighs “I already paid for your bath. I don’t like wasting money.”, he says (Deception 7)

"Take two baths, in my honor," Gene said dramatically (Insight 16). "Though yes, I suppose you are right that I do have something to live for."

He turned to look at Arius more intently. "How are you fairing?"

“I am fine. It is- clear I do not have enough offensive spells…”, he admits

"You may not be the only one..." Gene sighed, looking to his sword, turning it slightly in his hand. "Against that Shadow, I was unable to summon my smite. I know not if it was... the creature's doing, or..."

“Conviction wavering?”, he raises a brow

"I... do not know," he said, though from the tone of his voice it sounded as though he had a few guesses (Int 14).

"I think that... before we leave town... there is somewhere I would like to stop."

“Where is that?”, he asks curiously

"There was... a body I recognized," he says. "I would like to... pay his family a visit. If they are still... around."

“Oh, that is unfortunate. Was it the soldier from earlier?”

Gene nodded wordlessly. "His family... was very kind to me when things... began to turn south. When the fighting first started."

"Is it... smart to visit Gene? Perhaps you should write a letter instead..."

"Just a short visit, as we are on our way out," he says, seemingly having made up his mind. "There will little room for any trouble to come of it."

"... fine..", Arius says softly

"Thank you," he sighs. He is quiet for a moment before asking, "How was your work at that magic shop? Acquire any interesting spells?"

"I.. got some new spells... I was not expecting this job to be so difficult, otherwise I would have added them to my spellbook sooner..."

"More offensive spells, as you crave?" Gene asked with a tired smile.

“My… spells where always for utility like… comprehend languages and such but… clearly I need more than that”

"Is your ability to bend fate not enough to get by?" he asked curiously. "That seems a pretty extraordinary ability when where I am standing."

“I… can only do it a few times a day. And it takes a lot out of me..”, Arius explains

"Ah, I see. I suppose changing reality would be rather strenuous," Gene joked lightly.

“It can be. The bigger the change the harder the strain on my body and mind”

"In that case, I appreciate you bending fate on my behalf all the more," he smiles.

“Yeah… you should”, Arius said but there was a bit of jest to his voice

Gene chuckled lightly. "So what is the plan then? If you wish to rest then we had best try to get out of here first. Or I can give myself some healing and we can press on."

“We should press on. Surely there is not many more to clear out”, Arius says hopefully and continues to walk through the crypt

"Surely," Gene agrees as he casts Cure Wounds on himself and gets back to his feet.

As Arius rounds the corner he spots another Boneless, another mount of flesh that shambles mindlessly about. It does not appear to have taken notice of him yet.

Arius sees it and foes toll the dead althought the fleshy zombie misses the effect. Arius takes a step back, his back hitting Gene’s chest “Sorry!”, he casts it again

The Boneless shakes off the first attack easily, but is unprepared for the second and writhes in pain. It launches itself at Arius.

"Watch out!" Gene says, grabbing Aeius's shoulder and pulling him to the side to shove his shield between him and the creature (Fighting Style: Protection).

He steps into Arius's space to stab at the creature, managing to hit it before stepping back behind Arius. "Taking up front lining, are we?" he teased.

Arius wildly beats at the zombie in a panic, stuck between the Zombie and Gene! He didn’t get a clean hit in his panic “Gene this isn’t funny!!”

"I think it's--ugck!" Gene stumbled, clutching at his chest as another Shadow appeared and phased through him, catching him by surprise, his strength draining all the more.

The Boneless attempted to slam into Arius again, but could not pierce his magical armor.

Gene turned and struck the Shadow, hitting but doing minimal damage.

Arius continues to fight but with the Zombie bearing down on him he has to block his face with the stick and can’t get a clean strike

The Shadow lunges at Gene again and he takes a massive hit, crying out in pain as he stumbles, only just barely hanging on (Nat 20).

Arius sees a flash of a moment, Gene being critically hit. He focuses hard and throws his hand out, tearing at the fabric of possibilities! (Potent: Shadow hit becomes 11)

Arius's magic winds back the hit, Gene no longer zapped of strength yet again and he manages to side step the Shadow.

While Arius is distracted with Gene, the Boneless managed to get one hit in. Gene lashes out at the Shadow but misses. Crap!

Arius tried to use sword burst, panicking and feeling surrounded. But he can’t get the spell to go off and it hits no one

The Shadow seems distracted by Arius's movements, preparing to dodge a spell and failing to land a hit on Gene.

The Boneless managed to hit him again, though it's strength is weak.

Gene as well is watching Arius too closely, expecting a spell to come, and fails to hit the Shadow.

Arius switches back to blocking with the stick, hitting the boneless in the face but his attack seems to do little damage

All the things try to hit each other and they all miss. Gene is tired. The monsters are tired. Everyone is tired.

Arius pushes the boneless away “GO AWAY!”, he shouts as his hand become a electrical eruption of arcane energy and shock the boneless back into a dead mound of flesh

The Bonless flails from the shock and falls motionless onto the ground. The Shadow misses once again but Gene manages to land a hit.

Arius grabbed at the shadow letting out a second pulse of shocking grasp!

Gene's eyes widen as Arius reaches around him and takes hold of the Shadow, lightning jumping from his grasp! The Shadow flickers, only just barely holding on and attempts to lung at him, though Gene raises his shield, deflecting it. He raises his sword, using the openning to just into the ghost, and it fades with a cry into nothingness.

Gene heaves a heavy sigh, wiping his brow with his forearm. "How... are you holding up?"

Arius has some wounds visible even in the limited light of the torches “I will live. You are in worse shape…”

Gene looked him up and down. "I doubt that I am, friend," he says, clapping a hand on Arius's back and using a touch of Lay on Hands.

“How much further can you go soldier boy?”, Arius asks, weariness clear in his voice

"I have a bit of life left in me," he says with a small grin, pressing two fingers to his jaw as though he is checking his pulse, giving himself a few points of Lay on Hands as well. "We have already cleared out quite a bit of this place. There cannot be much left."

“And there could be a fabric tear to the abyssal plane around the corner”, he says

"Then I doubt any amount of rest would save me now," he smiled playfully. "Why? Did you see such a tear in your mind's eye?"

“Not yet. I’m just… being honest of the dangers…”, he leans on his quarterstaff

Gene struggles to keep his shoulders up. Wow did his armor weight more than he remembered. But then had work to do, and he did not want to let Arius see how winded he was (Deception 16).

"So, after me then?" Gene asked, heading further down the corridor.

(Insight 14) Arius was unaware of Gene’s struggles “Of course Gene…”, he follows

Gene peeks his head in the next room, spotting two zombies wandering about. He continues on down the hall, taking a look down that way as well.

"No more ghosts that I can see," he whispered back. "How do you wish to proceed with those two?"

“Do you have anything holy? You smite right? Don’t undead hate that?”, Arius asks softly “I only have one big spell left…”

“We should draw them out into the hallway and flank them. They aren’t to hard on their own right?”

"I... know not if my smite with work," Gene sighed. "And even so, I would rather not waste it on these simple creatures if it did. I have one spell left as well, and as there is one last chamber remaining I am afraid to use it unwisely."

He nodded at Arius's suggestion. "Not a bad idea. Could you attempt to hit them with some ranged magic to lure them out?"

“Can you peak in the other chamber?”, he looks at the other’s armor wearily

"I can," Gene nods, attempting to stealth fully make his way over to the last chamber but with his jangling chain mail echoing off the walls there really is no use trying to be sneaky (Stealth 6).

He activates his Divine Sense, looking for anything out of place, and when he cautiously enters the last chamber he spots a creature that--unlike everything else they had fought thus far--was not falling apart. A tall, gangly, humanoid shape with its head bent into a pile of rotting remains that it was... eating??

The head of the creature sprung up as Gene rounded the corner, turning towards him and immediately launching itself at him.

"ARIUS!" Gene yelled in a panic as it lashed out at him with its claws, deflecting it with his shield.

Arius hears Gene and rushes forth, hurting a flash of fire into the room and running down the hallways. He hits one zombie with two rays and the wall with the third as he used scorching ray

As Arius hits each of the zombies they each release a puff of ash, blinding them momentarily as he rushes off. He can hear them grunting and slowly shambling after him.

The ghoul lashes out with his claws at Gene again who deflects them once more. His mind races as he wonders whether to make use of his last spell and how, opting to simply cut into the creature with his sword instead.

Arius preps an attack for the next zombie that wanders into the hall, severely injuring it though it barely remains standing.

Meanwhile Gene is holding his own against the ghoul, stabbing into it once again. It appears to be bloody? If the purple ooze dripping from its body is anything to go off of.

Arius casts toll the fead and one zombie collapses

The zombie falls to the ground, the second one lumbering out of the room, over the body, and attempting to slam into Arius but he dodges out of the way easily.

Gene parries the ghoul again before digging his blade into its chest and it goes still.

"H-hah... nevermind! False alarm!" he says to Arius, shoving the monstrous corpse off his sword with the help of his shield. Seems there wasn't anything to be afraid of after all.

Arius wakes the remaining zombie with his staff, and it attempts to strike him back but fails. Gene makes his way over, cutting into it with his sword and one of its arms come off. It's nearly over.

Arius continued to beat the zombie in the face with his quarterstaff “Just. Go. To. Sleep!”

Gene breathes heavily as he watches as Arius continuously beats the zombie with his staff till it's turning to paste. He did not tell him to stop. He did not want to ruin his enthusiasm.

"Well, that... should be the last of them," he sighed, leaning heavily against the wall.

"I don't even remember what the reward was for this...", He pokes at the body of the zombie

"Hmm? Oh, yes, I do not believe I mentioned it. The woman who hired us did not have any gold to offer," Gene said as he sheathed his sword. "However! She does have... other things of value."


The pair make their way out of the crypt and over to the small cottage nearby where the graveyard keeper stays. It takes a bit of explaining for her to remember who Gene is and what they are doing here, but once that little detail has been sorted out she is very grateful for their assistance, encouraging them to come in and sit down for a spell, offering them a home cooked meal and a small box filled with various rings, brooches, amulets and the like.

"Wh-when they started... filling up the crypt, I-I kept what I could from the bodies," she explained, her voice old and shaky as she spoke. "I th-thought maybe their loved ones... might come by to... c-collect their belongings. Some did, but... these were never claimed. You may take any three trinkets you li-like..."

"You are very kind," Gene says politely, and it is not clear at all he even heard what she said, his head tilted back in his chair, beyond exhausted.

Arius keeps behind Gene, and his head down. He wonders what trinkets might be available

As the pair spend some time chatting politely with the old woman and are treated to dinner, Arius has time to look more closely at the contents of the box. Inside he finds that there are two silver mask-shaped charms that radiate illusion magic along with a green pen, and a ring emanating conjuration magic. The rest of the contents of the box appear to be mundane, though likely they could sell them at a decent prince whatever else they claimed.

Arius relays this information to Gene

Gene raises an eyebrow curiously at Arius and glances into the box more intently, looking at the items he pointed out as magical. Something seems to catch his attention and he grabs a rather plain looking silver right with a stripe of gold through the center.

"I would like to take this for one of our items," he says to no one in particular, setting it on the table. Then to Arius he adds, "I trust your judgement with the rest.

"Take the matching two charms as well. I... have an idea as to what they do ", He says not reaching into the box

"Oh?" he asks, seemingly surprised. "You want us to match~?" he teases, though he does reach into the box and set them beside the ring he claimed.

"I just... am considering.... the pen and the matching charms for us"

"If you want those, then..." Gene trailed off for a moment, considering. "Madam, would it be possible for me to take this ring as well along with the items my friend has selected? I am... well acquainted with the family of its late owner. I would like very much to return it." (Charisma 16 Commanding Presence)

"Oh, why y-yes of course deary. I did not think a-anyone would claim these now. Do tell the family I-I am sorry for their loss, won't you?"

"Of course," he nods, pocketing the ring.

He side eyes Gene, confused but does not speak up

Gene stretches and forces himself to his feet, looking quite a far bit better after having the chance to eat and rest.

"Thank you for the work, though it is getting rather late. Perhaps we should be on our way," he suggests, looking to Arius.

"Yes I am.. exhausted", Arius says as he nods

"A-ah yes, it does look to be getting quite da-ark out. Do-o be safe on your way home. And thank you again for cl-cleaning out the crypt for me," the old lady says kindly.

"Of course, happy to help," Gene smiles politely, unsure if this phrasing was just playing or if the old woman actually forgot what she hired them for. Either way he showed himself out.

Arius headed for the doors

The two made their way back to the tavern safely as the old woman wished, certainly not running into anything nearly as threatening as what had lied beneath the graveyard. They requested their baths, washing away the grime and slime of their evening's work.

Some time later Gene wandered back into the room, clad in only the towel draped around his hips, dripping wet. Another towel was tossed over his head, not just to dry his hair but also hide his ears as he returned to their room. He sighed contentedly as he flopped onto the bed.

"I do believe I had forgotten what it was like to be actually clean," he sighed.

Arius had cleaned and was already dressed back in his clothes when Gene returns “Yes, it feels well deserved…”, he is using the pen and testing it out

Gene gives another heavy sigh, smiling like a cat lying in the sun, his arms sprawled out on the bed as the towel falls from his head onto the pillow beneath him.

He turns his head curiously to look at Arius. "You said this pen was special, yes? Do you know what it can do, if anything, besides what your average pen is capable of?"

“It allows me to make an illusionary script.”, he turns and looks at Gene, his face bright read and he turned away just as quick “i can make invisible messages and decide who sees”

"My, how fascinating!" Gene says, getting up from his bed and moving to sit on the edge of Arius's, entirely uninvited. "Show me. I would quite like to see this."

“Put clothes on!”, he moves away, covering his eyes

Gene pressed his lips together to try to hide his amusement, resulting in a guilty, tight-lipped smile. "Ah, my apologies," he said, though from the smugness in his voice he did not sound particularly sorry.

He rose from his seat on Arius's bed and made his way over to his side of the room, fetching a pair of undergarments and trousers. "What of those pins as well?" he asked as he moved to face the wall, away from Arius, and pull his pants on beneath his towel.

“They allow the use of the spell disguise self.”, Arius says as he has his eyes coveted still

"They DO!?" Gene gasped as he hiked up his trousers, his towel falling limply to the floor as it was no longer needed. "That's wonderful news! I wonder then if... perhaps there were any people of Elvish blood in that crypt as well..." he mused, not having bothered to check but curious who else would have had need for such a thing.

Arius explains how the items work and such, never opening his eyes “I think it is best not to think of it”

"Perhaps..." Gene agrees. He wanders his way back over to Arius's bedside, still shirtless and damp but half dressed this time.

"You may look, I am decent," he says, then grins miseviously. "And ready to see how this instrument of yours works."

Arius finally looks at Gene “I would recommend only using the one hour setting. If you use it for longer it becomes unmagical.”, He explains. “Just think of your disguise and then touch it”

"Wonderful," Gene smiles as though a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. "That certainly makes our lives a tad easier."

"Though," he says as he hits beside Arius on the bed again. "I am interested in seeing you use this new pen as well."

Arius writes two thing. One Gene can see, one he can not “I can decide who sees it”

"Fascinating," Gene said as he looked over the text, willing himself to read the forbidden writing but unable to. "Whatever do you plan to use it for? A secret journal, perhaps?"

“Maybe. If can be useful if we get seperated. If I need a coded message… and so on”

"Then there is still a 'we'?" Gene gave Arius a curious, hopeful smile. He had been unsure how long Arius wanted to stick together, and assumed the other would want to part ways once reaching the city. And yet here they were.

“For now. You are of great use”, Arius said and tucked the charm into his hood

"Wonderful. You are quite useful yourself I do not mind telling you. Seems you have saved my life more than once so far with these 'gifts' of yours," he smiled.

“Yes… I just hope… it goes well.”, he sighs softly

"How ominous," Gene laughs. "What plagues you, friend? Foreboding dreams? Prophecies come to visit you in the night?"

“No… but it is… hard to explain how it works. I see something horrible and sometimes I can adjust it before it happens? It just takes a lot”, Arius says

"So you have said," Gene nods casually. "But what I mean to ask is... you seem fearful of something. Is there a particular fate that keeps you up at night?" he asked, his tone cheerful enough but still curious and concerned.

“There is… something that keeps most of us like that…”

Gene watched Arius intently for a moment, clearly expecting more, before sighing to himself. "What I really mean to ask is... do you wish to talk about it?" he tried again, looking at him earnestly.

“I do not.”, He says simply “If you need to speak of your own sleep issues you are free to do so”

Gene holds his smile, but if one looked closely they could see it was more forced that before, more sad (Deception 21). "No, thank you," he said politely as he got up from Arius's bed. "Sleep well."

“Okay then.”, Arius gets up and sets alarm around the room before sat at the small desk and started to work on his strolls “Good night Gene”

Gene lays down, pulling the covers up over himself and settling down for the night. He watches as Arius gets himself situated at the desk, his mind too filled with the events of the day to think much of him staying up late (Investigation 7). Instead simply knowing someone is awake and keeping an eye out eases his mind even more than simply the comfort of sleeping indoors in a real bed.

"Goodnight Arius," he sighs, and almost immediately falls asleep.

Arius works to add magic missiles and detect thoughts to his spell book thanks to the supplies from the magic shop. It had been years since he got a new spell! He worked and worked, realizing some spells he’d been working on made sense as he added more spells, shatter and another spell. He felt more powerful already

As Arius worked, Gene slept peacefully. It was unclear if he was at least partially awake or if his hands just wandered in his sleep, but as some point he pulled on of the pillows close to his chest, almost spooning it, and sighing contently. Compared to most of their nights out on the road where he either slept like a log, snoring away, or the occasional nightmare, he seemed much more at ease. At least it seemed that way, assuming he was not faking it. After all he had Elven blood in his veins, and Elves did not sleep.

Arius had his suspicions of it but also knew humans did sleep. Still, at least he wasn’t screaming or something.

He finished his copying the first spell, but in a moment realized he knocked all of his ink over! No! He quickly yanked at the fabric to save his work! (potent 13 used. 13 rolled for second scroll)

Around when Arius decides to trance, Gene starts snoring EXTRA loud. Long, drawn out snores.

Arius throws a boot at him

"HMPH!" Gene groans as the boot hits him, flinging the sheets off, suddenly alert and looking around, fist clenched in his pillow and wielding it like it's some sort of shield he plans to beat someone's head in with. But then he spots the boot lying in his bed easily enough and turns to look at Arius (Wisdom Save 18).

"What!?" he stage whispers, not sure if he had some kind of important reason for waking him.

“You where to loud for me to sleep.”, he says simply

"Well then you should have picked up Silence when you were shopping for scrolls," Gene said, tossing Arius's boot onto the floor and rolling over in bed, his back to him, making sure to cover the back of his head with a pillow.

“That may not be as fun as you think”, Arius rolls away too, back to Gene

"A lack of projectile boots while I am sleeping sounds like a definite upside," Gene retorts, pouting to himself.

“Good night Gene.”, Arius says again

"Goodnight," he sighs.