1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

This lit is based on a journaling style ttrpg by Tofu Sheets Visual! If you have a little time, I'd definitely recommend it. It's a fun little character exercise and it's free! https://tofu-sheets-visual.itch.io/13-days

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Author's Notes

Chapter is WIP! There will still be another night tape :]

DAY 01: Safety Is Within Our Grasp


I don't really know where to start with this. Everything's a mess and I don't really know what to do or- or where to start. I don't quite understand why things happened the way they did but.... everyone's.... gone now, I think. I don't know. I just hope my friends are alright.

Anyway, I just know I need to survive. Just thirteen days. That's what they said. I just hope it's true. I don't know if they'll take me the way I am now, with what's happened, but it's the only hope I really have. There's no other way out. In case anything happens to me, I will have recorded everything I've learned here, so at least then maybe some knowledge will be passed on.

Besides, I think talking like this helps me think. Or maybe I'm just going crazy or something, I don't know. OK, well, talk to you soon, maybe.

002: Morning

Well, first things first. In times like these people usually stock up on supplies, right? I checked this gas station that was nearby, and it was surprisingly empty. Maybe there are other survivors? I guess that means there might be more competition. Maybe that's a good thing though. Safety in numbers and all that. Or maybe some animals got to it first? Who knows. The big blob of flesh sizzling behind the counter didn't make things very appetizing though. Poor bloke was probably just trying to do his job, and now he's burned up to a crisp.

[A nervous laugh seemed to follow, and then silence for a moment.]

Well anyway, not much else has happened so, talk to you soon, maybe.

003: Evening

It's been a few hours and I've picked another store. I'd really rather not go hungry. I guess I could go to a bigger store but... I don't know. It's hard to walk around and not feel like throwing up from the smell. The smell of rot.... you can't really escape it. I can't help but look at them though. The more of them I see around the more things I notice. Burnt clothing melded to flesh by hair and what I can only assume was once skin. Maybe I'll start up a small journal to go with this. I'm sure you wouldn't be able to miss the flesh things, but you never know, you know? The marine biologist in me says I should record everything. Maybe I'll look for one somewhere. Oh, there's another over there. I think- oh..... I think this ones face is still intact.

[+Junk Food!]

004: Night