Stardust Scroll: An In-Depth Biography

1 year, 1 month ago
1 year, 1 month ago
5 2028

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

TL;DR This is my first time writing anything on toyhouse but this is basically going to be where I log Stardust Scroll's entire developing backstory. Will be more in depth than his profile page.

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I : Distant Memory

Stardust Scroll was born in the Pre-Classical Era of pony history. Before Celestia and Luna's reign, before Equestria was even established, it was raised in the wealthier side of the Unicorn Tribe. Their family studied powerful magic, and Stardust was trained to become one of the several unicorns who would help raise the sun and the moon. He was a prodigy of his kind, mastering all sorts of magic and reading any spell-book it could get their hooves on. Truly, he was a jewel to the unicorns. But Stardust Scroll mostly kept to himself, never really interacting with the other unicorns if he did not need to. And there was a reason for this.

The unicorn never understood the hatred of the two other pony tribes. On the contrary, Stardust wished for a better future for all of ponykind. It learned everything it could about magic because he believed that one day, they could share their magic to help all three race. Maybe someday, he could even learn to travel and share their learned magic with other creatures. But the unicorns were very strict on never associating with the other ponies if it were not for their usual trades or deals. So he kept his dream a secret.

One fateful day, Stardust was making his usual travels to the unicorn libraries when they spotted an injured earth pony at the base of the outer walls. It hid the pony in secret as they recovered, and Stardust questioned her motives. The earth pony, named Grimoire, had tried to sneak in to read the unicorn's vast collection of forbidden spell books, but took quite a fall before they could ever reach inside. Upon further investigation, Stardust learned that the rebellious pony had a secret passion for dark magic. This drew in Stardust's curiosity, wondering why or how on earth an earth pony would even be interested in the topic. Grimoire spoke much of how envious they were of the unicorns' magic, how much she wished they too could conjure spells and perform magic.

It began with Stardust sneaking dark magical tomes for them both to read. Then the two began practicing said dark spells and learning to craft their own magic through it. Grimoire firmly believed that dark magic could be a useful tool, and bring about just as much helping good as regular magic could. Through their shared interest in learning about and wanting to share magic, the two became friends.