
1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
2 5653

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

Be quiet-

(Guys :skull: I'm not an author this will be close to 1st grade level leave me alone) -Nillie

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Chapter 1

Zanes Pov-

A few months ago, I moved into my collage dorm (or whatever it's called-). Everything was fine, my roommate was fine, the cost of the dorm was fine, my grades were fine. Life was normal that day...the day I met him, I got all my crap together and headed for the bus stop. When I got into the bus, it was crowded as usual.. Barely could fit another entity inside...didn't bother me though, as long as I was able to get to and back from school, I was okay with the shoulder touching...and all the...the smell..the crying children and just about everything. But this one guy, who was squashed between me that day...made the ride especially miserable. He had poofy blonde hair and a pale blue hoodie on. He had dropped a ton of crap and of course, me being nice, I helped him pick it all up. But our hands...they kept...touching..he kept reaching for the things I was clearly aiming for. And he muttered sorry every time I made contact with him. It's like he's never been on public transport.

Once all his stuff was collected. The amount of "Thank you"s I heard that day was outrageous.

By the time I came to my stop, I was already socially drained. As I paddle my way through the crowd..I notice...that annoying guy from earlier...was following me

He must be new here too-

When we both got off the bus. He finally said something other than 'Sorry' and 'Thank You'.

"Hey, thanks for helping me pick up all my stuff" He said, rubbing the back of his head.

" problem" I put on the most friendliest smile to hide my obvious rage towards him.

"What major do you take?" He asks

...great...he's starting conversation now.

"Nothing much, Just Biological Science" (If that even is one cause I had to look it up cause my dumbah can't remember)

I sigh, giving in to this guy's desperate attempt at conversation "I plan on becoming a nurse...maybe a doctor...I like the idea of constantly using handsanitizer..." That statement obviously isn't the ONLY reason I'm aiming to get this job. But he takes it so seriously

"Why work so hard just to use know u can buy that at the store...right?" The stranger turns to me.

"I'm only joking" I laugh a little to brighten up the chat...which it does. His face lights up in "Oh I'm actually talking about some interesting stuff aren't I-?)

He turns to his feet. Walking a bit less tense then he was before "Oh-" He laughs a bit "Sorry..I took that way to seriously. This is my first time actually being in a school-"

I look to him. "You've been homeschooling your whole life until now?"

He nods a bit. Now I feel a bit bad calling him super awkward...which isn't wrong...but he has a reason.

"Yeah..I only got 3 people at home I really talk to...My 2 pet ferrets and my tarantula" He smiles wide..

I've always wanted a ferret

By now we've already entered the school and our classes are both on opposite directions. I hold my hand out..waiting for him to shake it so I can finally head to class. He seems so confused. He leans close to my hand.

"Is...Is there something I'm supposed to see-?" He asks-

"Uh- no...Shake my hand" I grab his hand and shake mine aggressively

"That's how u greet people...then..u say your name" I hold my other hand out. As if saying 'Say your name'

He seems to get it.

"Bakugou Katsuki"

I nod

"Zane VanDusen"

I let go of his grimy hand, wanting so bad to put on handsanitizer...but I wait until he walks off to do so as to not come off as disrespectful.

For some reason...once I get to class..he's all I could think about. He's the most interesting thing I've come across since going here..

Bakugous Pov-

Well that certainly was a lesson..I'm not bothered by it though..being one of my very few encounters with another wasn't so bad. I hope to God I get to see him again..probably after class.

Once my class ends I'm really inpatient on waiting for him..this has always been a problem with me so I just wait there for a couple more minutes...before I know it...he's walking out of his class.

He doesn't seem to be talking to anyone, I thought he had a friend...or maybe, a lover..why wouldn't a guy like him be lucky enough to have all that.

He turns to my direction and- my ears heat up...don't know why...I think I'm growing an infection there  

Zanes Pov-

I see Bakugou waiting for me outside. I'm not, mad by it. In fact, I'm relieved to see him. My first class in the morning isn't really the best one. This kid bullies me every day on the most childish things...and yet, it still stings to hear it. That said bully was behind me so to shake him off. I speed-walk over to Katsuki holding his hand and dragging him off.

"Uh-" He shakes my hand while walking "Katsuki Bakugou...didn't I already greet you-?" He laughs

I stop walking...taken aback by how dumb he just sounded in front of Denina. (the bully) She must-have heard since i could hear her stupid little snicker.

"Yes- just- ...this is another gesture" I hold our hands up. "We do this so we don't lose each other in the crowd...or...yknow..if we..nevermind-!" I blushed...why was it so hard for me to say that-

He nodded and held my hand tighter..

Thankfully we both have this class together. I walk in with him and we both sit next to each other..I didn't want to let go of his matter how slimy it felt. He seemed to want to keep holding mine too.

"About..about your ferrets..what're their names?"

I ask...thats all I've been wondering the whole last period. That and why Denina never failed to make me feel insecure and gross.

Bakugou turns to me "Uhm..Jimmy Neutron and Penny Proton"

. . .

With my other hand I held onto my stomach as I let how the most wicked cackle "Wh- Why would you- why would you name them that!?" I say between laughs.

He doesn't find it as funny, but he chuckles anyway

"I don't know.. I usually just call them Jimmy and Penny."

I want to keep laughing at him "So...what's your- tarantulas name-?"

He seems to know where I'm going with this...he sighs and mutters "Eddie Electron-"

Instead of laughing, I look at him..."It's kind of cute how their names all match" I blush and turn to the side..he catches sight of this and is about to speak before I cut him off, "Still- very...VERY stupid name choices"

He frowned..

A couple weeks later

Zane's Pov:

It's been a few weeks since that conversation. And we haven't talked much more after that, mainly for schoolwork..never outside of that.

Classes were over and I was heading to the grocery store for some lunchables..their the cheapest and most appetizing. Surprisingly, he was there...Bakugou.. I unknowingly smiled as he too was getting lunchables. He saw me walking over and waved at me, making it VERY obvious it was me he was waving to.

"ZANE! it's been awhile since I saw you! Wow is that how you dress normally? So different from when I first saw you" Bakugou walks over with the LAST PEPPERONI LUNCHABLE.

"Y-yeah-" I say, most of my attention was to somehow get the lunchable from him.

He'll probably be to shy to say no if I just ask him.

"Hey is that- the last lunchable-?" I ask.

"Hm? Ahh~ yeah- I'm not really gonna eat want it?" He hands it out to me, to which I snatch for it. Before I was able to grab hold of it, he raises his hand up. I'm just realizing how tall he is...I blush hard as I start jumping to get to it. Yes that is how hungry I can get.


He says, smirking. Where did this confidence come from and I want his shy back.

"If you have dinner with me"

I grab the lunchable.

"Why?" I lean on my hip and give the most female-dog face ever.

He doesn't seem fazed by it though. Tough guy.

" parents really expected me to make a friend- I said I had one to get them off my chest..Then they said I should invite them to dinner." He gives off the most embarrassed look.

I feel bad that he has to ask some guy he barely knows to come over to his house...but then again, I feel special that he asked me.

"I-...Yeah I guess I'll go. When do I have to be there?" I ask. Switching my expression to a happier look.

He seems less stressed now. "Thank're like the only person I know..other than that Denina girl..she's a turd-"

I look up "You know Denina?" I ask, snorting a bit.

We continue talking and buy our food.

The walk back to class was probably the best I've had, even ones I've had with my best friends.

Denina was the main subject of our conversation, slowly switching to favorite colors, foods, and aesthetics. I'm glad I got to know a little bit about him before meeting his parents.

When we eventually had to separate, I I wanted to stay with him longer.

"Well, I guess our chat ends here" He says, looking at the school statue in the commons.

"Yeah.." I look down "Hey I'll meet up here after school" I say, waving to him whilst slowly backing up.

He grabs my hand and shakes it "Katsuki Bakugou" He says.

I shake my head "That's not how you say bye" I laugh. He really makes me remember his name.

I straightened my posture even though I'm not straight-

I let go of his hand, which he seems desperate to hold again.

"Just wave your hand and say 'bye Zane'" I look3d at him as a sign of 'your turn now'

He takes a second to process before clutching my hands, letting go, and waving his hands "Bye Zane

..did I do it right-?"

I nod "Bye Katsuki" I laugh a bit at the thought that I'm really teaching someone to say goodbye properly.

I turn around and head for my class, and he does the same. At this point I'm very excited to visit his house. My stomach has butterflies in it for a very odd reason. I've read about it in romance novels before..I mainly read them to feel less lonely..but I end up feeling more single than I already am. 👁👁

I couldn't stop thinking about it the whole time I was in class, trying to figure out the reason I'm so flustered around him...I mean he's not even that attractive. Sure he hair..and- his sharp ruby eyes...and I guess his..his body isn't the worst either. I feel hot

"Ugh ew, you're sweating all over me dip(bad word)"

I hear a sassy voice behind me..I dont even turn around...I could care less about her now.

"Good to know..I'll keep it up" I say..trying to sound a bit more brave. It seems to drive her off.

After class, I rush to the commons, impatiently waiting for Bakugou. I don't know why I'm so desperate to see him..I guess Denina drained my will to be here.

Bakugou ran up to me, breathless. I didn't notice at first and turning to him sprinting towards me is quite scary.

"JESUS YOU SCARED ME!" I say when he finally gets to a close enough hearing range.

"C'MON C'MON C'MON C'MON!!!" He's giving this huge smile as he snatches my hand and practically drags me out of the school.

"Hey! What're you so 'cited 'bout?!!" I say, his energy is transferring to me and now I'm just happy for no particular reason

He stops, and I do too.

"I did it again didn't i-?" He turns to me.

"Ah- what? Did what?" I smile at him. Still feeling holly jolly from his burst of excitement.

Bakugou blushes, I notice it for only a second before he covers his face. "I went overboard with it huh? Its- its not like I'm getting married or anything" He takes his hand off his face and laughs, he looks at my bewildered expression "...I'm sorry" Bakugou says that way to quickly, prolly from the millions of times he's said it to me since we met.

"Hey~ it's okay~" I hold his hands as a sign of reassurishment. I don't get why he always apologizes.

He brushes off the conversation, blushing hard with embarrassment...and maybe something else...

What am I thinking

I've only known him for barely 2 months.

Bakugou's Pov:

I don't know what got over me. I did eventually change the conversation. But the thought of how excited I got about Zane coming over to my house.

"Will I be able to meet your ferrets~~?" Zane leans on me a bit. I could feel my whole body steam up-

Why am I like this?

"Yeah- they'll be able to get out of the cage once we get can feed em if you want too" I say. His face lights up, "Really??" I nod to him, smiling. My ferrets aren't the ones you see on Tik Tok and YouTube.


My ferrets are nasty, fat, and stinky- no matter how much I wash them they still smell like a piss rag-

Zane's Pov:


He stopped walking in front of this mansion looking place. I...was flabbergasted.

"Don't tell me you live here-" I said, in pure shock.

"Ahh- yeah-" He rubs the back of his neck, as if embarrassed of living in such a house. "We didn't clean before you came here so it's a bit messy" He grabs my hand and leads me inside..

I don't see any mess.. to be honest this is my house at its cleanest-

"Crap-" Bakugou clutches my hand as he sees a clone of himself in the kitchen...or at least I thought it was a clone...

"Is your friend with you?" She says, not looking away from the chopping board.

"Yes old hag-" Bakugou rolls his eyes, probably being asked this question everyday since he entered collage. His assumed mom looked up and saw me, which immediately changed her sarcastic impression to a more surprised and happier one. She threw a silent, tiny happy fit before walking up to me and checking out literally my whole entire body-

"Oh my gaaaawwwd~ Katsuki~ you didn't lie to meee? Oh and he's an attractive friennndd~" She says teasingly to Katsuki, which he responds by blushing heavily.

"Don't say itt-" He mumbles.

"You just reminded me to say it, thank you sweety" She responds.

"He's been talking so much about you, especially since 3 days ago- you just couldn't get off his mind." She grabbed my face, turning it to the side and checking out my ears before turning my head back to her and squishing my face. I was blushing at the thought that he too was thinking of me-

"W-aht-??" I manage to say.

"It's true! Isn't it..Katsuki?" She replys. Bakugou just covers his face more.

Some guy walks out from a room. "Mitsuki, did introduce yourself yet?" He says in a voice that doesn't match how bulky he looks.

"Oh! How rude of me, Im Mitsuki Bakugou, and this is my dear husband Masaru." Mitsuki smiles. "And that's Katsuki.. my brat." There was an awkward pause...

And you are?" She says to me after an awkward silence. "O-oh! I forgot! Uhm. Im Zane VanDusen".

Mitsuki smiles. "VanDusen...what a nice last name" She jerks her head towards Katsuki..smirking.

She pats Katsukis shoulder before walking back off to the kitchen." Katsuki make him feel at home. Make sure he puts his shoes by the front door and puts on the slippers ok?" She says aggressively pointing to the neat line of shoes.

Katsuki rolls his eyes and grabs my hoodie. "You heard her..." he says, sounding impatient as he taps his foot on the ground. I quickly swap my shoes.

"Aight- Oi old hag were going to my room now!!" He grabs my hand now and brings me upstairs to what I think is his room.

"Don't have to much funn!!" She yelled back. Probably smiling to herself.

Bakugous Pov:

I don't know who my mom thinks she is..she's giving me away before I even have the chance to tell Zane that i-

"Whoa! Is this your room!?" He practically yells. I smile. Forgetting my anger towards my old hag.

"Mhmm~" I nod and sit down on my bed, leaving room in case...maybe he wanted to get on too.

My minds going down the gutter


Zanes Pov:

I walk around his room..why is his room bigger than my house in general. I see a lot of All Might related things..its cute thinking he collects stuff too.

"And your beds so big!" I jump on the bed.

His face lights up red.

(Me resisting the urge to say "that's not the only thing that's big"-)

"Ah- i- no this is just a queen size- s'not so big--" He scoots back a bit. Not uncomfortable but more..shy- I lean closer, smirking.

"Why you so shy 'round me~?" I say, booping his snoot.

He turns a flushed pink and closes his legs a bit. He's hiding something. 🤡🤡

I look down

I regret looking down

"Oh-" I was shooketh- "oh~" I look back up. "Someone's minds going places.." I crawl a little closer to him..I'm not trying to scare him out of his mind so I'm taking it a bit slow.

He gulps and tries to keep his eyes away from me...but fails miserably. I chuckle. "It's fine to look at me..I won't bite" I grab his chin gently and move his head towards me. His ears are heating up and just about his whole body (that I can see-) is flushed.  

Moving closer, he now allows me to position myself in between his legs.

(Get ur mind out of there nothing inappropriate finna happen-)

I smile at him. And he blushes back. After a minute of us just admiring each other. I finally muster up the courage and lean in to kiss him. Immediately I see a reaction from him as he wraps his arms around my neck-

We...kinda sorta...made- out a bit there

"Guys dinners ready-" Mitsuki says opening the door.

. . .

"Friends, huh?"