Warm Blood

1 year, 24 days ago
2 months, 8 days ago
7 7755

Entry 3
Published 9 months, 43 minutes ago

Mild Sexual Content

Collection of short moments staring Screks and Katsu

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What are we?

Dr. Screks is on his usual work desk, completely absorbed in his current project, when he hears a metallic knock on his door that immediately breaks him out of "the zone" he was in, and makes him blurt out a long sigh.

"YES?!?!" - he shouts out with annoyance, looking towards the room's entrance with an extravagant motion.

The big metallic door opens up with a metallic creak, from it steeping up a tall figure with red galaxy hair made into a magical floating braid holding two mugs, one on each hand, a light fume sprouting from them, announcing the warmth of the liquids inside.

"I brought you a little treat, Doctor." - the mage announces with a warm smile, stepping up towards the scientist, as the metallic door closes behind him.

"Yeh? Well, leave it on the table, I'll drink it after finishing this bit." -  the doctor responds, his expression and tone both softened from before, after realizing who had interrupted him.

"As you wish." - Katsu says, as he carefully puts down his partner's drink in the midst of the chaos that was Screks' table. - "You sure you can find anything in here?" - he asks with a lighthearted hint of sarcasm on his voice, eyeing the messy desk, a soft smile tracing his lips.

"Yes, but of course I can. I was the one who organized it that way, so I know exactly where I put everything." - Screks responds, looking towards his project once again, resuming what he was previously doing.

The magician lets out a soft giggle and goes towards the wall closer to the working scientist, resting his back against it, while sipping on his warm drink with a pleased expression.

After some more minutes of intense metallic tinkering, Screks stops for a few seconds, his eyes slowly gravitating towards the drink Katsu had made for him, that still appeared visibly warm.

"Hey Katsu." - he calls, getting the magician's attention, who is about to take a long sip of his drink.

"Hm? What is it doctor?" - Katsu asks, not putting much thought into his partner's call and starting to take a big gulp of his drink.

"What are we?" - Screks asks in a more serious tone, not looking away from the fuming mug.

This question takes Katsu completely off guard making him spit loudly the mouthful he had just taken off his drink, starting to cough right after, Screks looks at him but seems unamused.

"Like, think about it. We're definitely not just friends, far from it, but calling each other boyfriends seems childish and superficial so it doesn't really feel right. I guess you could say we are spouses as you literally got us matching rings the other day but I'm unsure if that's exactly what it is..." - the doctor rambles as the mage struggles to remember how to breathe again, his face flushing up with every other word coming from the man in front of him.

"Uhm." - the mage coughs loudly once again as he puts his drink down to prevent any more spilling. - "I mean, do we have to give it a name?" - Katsu questions, his face still clearly redder than usual.

"Well, yes? People give things names for a reason no? To be identifiable, to make sense of them. It is important that things have a name, it helps people understand better what these things are really about, not only for others but for the individual in question themselves! It's a way for the brain to ground itself into accepting certain things!" - Screks explains, gesturing with his words, still seemingly unbothered by the magician's fluttery.

The mage pauses for a second, looking at his partner who looks right back at him.

"What name would you be more comfortable giving it then?" - Katsu asks, stepping closer to the scientist.

Screks pauses, slight annoyance growing on his face. - "That's what I just asked you, you dumb mage." - he reiterates.

The magician lets out a slight giggle - "Well yes, but I'm okay with it not having a concrete name. We both know what we have and what we feel for each other and that's..." - he feels his cheeks getting warmer as his magical hair wraps around the doctor's organic arm. - "... that's enough for me."

"Hm..." - the scientist stares intently at his partners for some good seconds making the taller one at some point look away slightly and awkwardly scratch the back of his neck as the warmth on his cheeks doesn't go away, and he knows it wasn't because of the drink he just had.

"I think spouse is fine." - Screks says with a decisive tone, looking away from the mage and back to his project, as one of his mechanical arms grabs the mug Katsu had brought him and brings it to the doctor's mouth which he takes a sip off, not looking away from what he is doing.

A soft laugh comes out of Katsu as he sees his partner's resolve. - "Well, alright if you're happy with that then I'm happy too, my spouse." - the magician claims with a pleased tender smile all over his face.

The doctor chokes slightly hearing the mage's words, feeling the right side of his face warm up slightly after hearing the word "spouse" leaving Katsu's mouth.

"Yeah, well. We'll think better about it later." - he murmurs before going back to focusing on his project.