Warm Blood

1 year, 3 months ago
5 months, 10 days ago
7 7755

Entry 6
Published 6 months, 8 days ago

Mild Sexual Content

Collection of short moments staring Screks and Katsu

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Right after two figures enter through the room's metal door a loud hard thud echoes in the small office space.

"... It's always the same crap, I always ruin everything." - the doctor murmurs under his breath, clenching his organic fist, looking away.

"Cael... don't say that, you know it's not-"

Screks suddenly turns around with an extravagant motion, startling the mage as he looks right at him. - "Yes it fucking is??? Whenever we have a slightly more serious or out-of-the-norm talk with ANYONE, if I'm there I always ruin it." - the doctor expresses, gesturing at Katsu.

"Cael it's not like that okay? Just because you have difficulties-"

"It's always the """"difficulties"""" it's ALWAYS the fact that I'm different! Do you think I want to be like this??"

"No, of course not, I never said-"

"Then WHY do you use that as an excuse every time something like this happens??? It's always the same crap, over and over and over! I don't get it, I don't get it! Why, why are all of you like... THAT while I'm not? How can you understand so easily shit like that??? It's so fucking weird, it has no logical reason, so how can you just understand it??? Uh?????"

The doctor continues his ramble, but the mage keeps quiet this time, just looking at him.

"Oh okay, now you won't even answer me, great, cool, thanks a lot wow you are reallyyyyyy helping me out here mage, yes what a good insight, what a magnificent view on the topic, yes that really fucking HELPS!" - Screks shouts, gesturing aggressively with every word.

The scientist let himself fall into one of the room's chairs, sinking his head onto his hands, his body shaking and his breath heavy with anger.

Silence fills the room for some minutes, and the Doctor's breathing slows slightly.

"I'm sorry that you're going through this, but you can't expect me to answer you when you keep cutting me off whenever I talk dear." - Katsu says gently, getting close to his spouse.

"...I know, it's just" - the doctor grabs at his own hair shuffling it around aggressively for a moment. - "You're right, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay?"

Katsu crouches in front of his stressed partner and gently grabs his wrists, slowly pulling them apart and towards himself, and placing a gentle kiss on the doctor's organic one.

Feeling his partner's warm lips on his skin Cael lifts his eyes to look at Katsu, who is smiling at him reassuringly.

"Why am I like this?" - the doctor's voice cracks as he says this, his shaky eyes fixed on his partner's.

"Because you're you. If you weren't "like this" you wouldn't be you, you would be someone else. That's just the way you are and there's nothing wrong with it, there never was."

"But it's hard and it sucks"

"I know but" - the mage gently reaches out, placing his hand on the back of Screks head and pulling it close so their foreheads are touching. - "That's still a part of who you are, one of the pieces that make you the person who you are today. One of the pieces that lead you here, to be with me, in this very moment."

The mage gently strokes his partner's nap of the neck with every word, reassuringly.

"Every single part of you, the ones you like and the ones you don't, are a piece of who you are, a step of your journey. They are the things that lead you here, and because of that I would never wish any of them to be different." - Katsu closes his eyes, planting a gentle kiss on his partner's lips, who retributes the gesture.

"I love you, all of you, so don't be mean to that part of yourself. What I love aren't just a few pieces of you Cael, I love the whole picture, every single bit included, and I always will, no matter what."

Cael responds with a quick reaching motion, pulling Katsu close for an embrace.

"I'm sorry, I love you too."

"Don't apologize, I know it's hard, but you can always talk to me, I will always be here for you, always." - Katsu hugs him back, tightly.

"...I know."