Jo Titan Transformation [11/12/2014]

Jo Show More
1 year, 23 days ago

Mild Violence

I was cleaning out my Google Docs to free up some space, and I came across some old writing I did for Jo, so I figured I'd archive it here!

This particular story was a kind of AU where Jo was a titan shifter. This was written back in 2014 lol, don't judge my horrible writing!

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Author's Notes

*Contains mention of broken bones, bleeding, and a brief mention of amputation

    Jo lay across the cobblestones, the blood that once swept through her veins now congealing into a sticky crimson puddle under her broken body.  Her legs and waist were crushed; trapped under God only knew how many tons of rubble.  She was back where she had started from, she realized, attempting a laugh but only managing a weak cough and a spatter of blood.  Yes, she was right back where she had started from; trapped under the rubble, hurt, afraid, and waiting for death.  Except this time, though, she wouldn’t be as lucky.

    There was no one here to save her, no one here to cut her loose and carry her to safety.  She wouldn’t just lose a leg either.  No, Destiny wouldn’t favor her a second time.  This time, she would lose her life.  She knew it was going to happen sooner or later; after all, she had cheated Death once already, and now he was coming back to claim what was rightfully his.

    Jo closed her eyes, allowing herself to sink into the blissful numbness of unconsciousness.  She could feel death there, lurking in the absence, and welcomed him.  Better to be taken by him than to be eaten by a Titan, right?  But as she felt his cold fingers around her- as he pulled her deeper into the void- a small voice chimed from the inside of her head.

    Please, don’t give up.  It seemed to say, its tone that of fear, They need you, you can’t die!  “It’s too late…” She wanted to reply, but she was beyond the ability to speak.  Yet the voice persisted.  Think of all the people who need you, it pleaded, think of all the people that will die if you’re not here!  Images began to flash through her mind; Hazy, yes, but still discernable.

    Do you remember the man?  The one in the Garrison uniform?

    The image of a man was projected over her thoughts.  Brown hair, eyes the color of emeralds, a Garrison Regiment jacket streaked with blood, and a copper-headed girl with a freshly amputated leg draped over his shoulder.

    Remember the promise you made to him?

    Of course she did, how could she forget?  He had died, given up his life to save hers; the life of a little girl he didn’t even know.  She had promised to him- then and there- that she would repay him, that she would continue his work in the Garrison.

    You promised to save people, just like he saved you.

    The voice was screaming at her now, its words strained as if it knew the end was near.

    If you give up…

    More images flashed through her head:  her parents, her old childhood friends, her comrades.

    All the people you once knew, your family, your friends…

    The pictures were beginning to fly by faster now, so fast that she couldn’t even make out who they were anymore.  A pain was starting to accumulate in her chest, growing until it was in her throat.  It was fear- she realized- pure, molten fear.  Suddenly, the images stopped, leaving only the voice and its chilling message:

    They’ll all die.

    Jo’s body lurched, terror exploding inside her skull.  Her eyes snapped open, watching as the world rocketed past her, plunging her into a fate far worse than death.


    The beast unfurled itself from the rubble, the snapping of its bones as they set themselves into place like rifle shots through the silence.  It stood to its full height, about 15 meters tall, shaking the remaining pieces of masonry from its shoulders.  The creature that had once been Jo tipped back its head and let out a scream; a noise that could have brought the world to its knees.  This cry wasn’t that of anger, though, nor was it of pain.  It was fear.

    It began running before the last of its echoes had died away, sprinting aimlessly down the street.  It didn’t know where it was going or why, but it had a feeling that it had something to do with the terrified shriek that screamed at her from inside her mind.

    No one is safe until they’re all dead!

    No one is safe until they’re all dead!

    The sound was maddening, but it was nothing compared to the agony that gripped her chest and throat, the agony brought on by the same emotion as the voice; fear.  It made her want to jab her fingers into her windpipe, to tear it and the rest of the pain out, but before she could, something caught her eye.  A figure in the distance, looming over the rooftops, a sick smile plastered across it face.  A Titan.  It held someone in its oversized hand, the tiny form squirming helplessly in its grip.  The beast- Jo- watched as the Titan flexed its fingers, watched the blood erupt from the person’s mouth as their body was crushed; as yet another life was taken.  Kill it!  Screamed the voice, Kill it before more people die!

    Jo let out another earth-shattering shriek, changing her course and barreling down the street towards the creature, ragged breaths tearing from her lungs.  The Titan looked up from the crumpled figure in its fist, a look of anger fracturing its goofy face.  Jo was on it in an instant, wrapping her goliath hands around it head and twisting.  There was a snap, and the Titans body went limp.  She slammed the creature’s nape against the edge of the nearest rooftop, over and over, until she was sure it would never get back up again.  She dropped the body, taking off again before it even hit the ground.

    Jo had thought that killing the Titan would have eased the pain in her chest, but she was wrong.  If anything, it had made it worse.  More had to die.  It was the only way to stop the agony and the storm of panic and fear that raged inside her skull.  She wouldn’t stop until every last Titan was dead; until everyone was safe.  She spotted another one of the grotesque beasts and ran for it, descending upon it with the ferocity of a starving lion.

    And all the while that voice- that terrified, screaming voice- serenaded her with the same desperate message:

    No one is safe until they’re all dead!

    No one is safe until they’re all dead!
