Mawe docs

11 months, 4 days ago
11 months, 4 days ago
2 1629

Chapter 1
Published 11 months, 4 days ago

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Chapter 1

Mawe ~ Doc 1: "Who knew children looked so tasty"

**`Asset 0398... documentary log recorded... opening... file open`**

Good morning reader, this is our first entry on our brand-new asset! We've decided to name him Mawe, the name for hail in Swahili. He's quite a bit larger than our previous assets and more aggressive as well, but nothing we can't handle of course *Ahem*. He is a 5th generation Pantheraptor born to the asset "Oxala". We bought the rights to the raptor shortly after he reached sub-adulthood, and we've adored him so far. *Cough* Sorry, on to today's findings.

*Mawe's POV*

> The pale raptor lounged around on a rock, closing his eyes and stretching his body. His fluffy tail lay relaxed over his eyes in an attempt to ward away the sun. It wasn't super successful as the sun still managed to wedge its way between the fur-feathers and into his sensitive eyes. With a chuff he relinquished the warm spot he had claimed and clambered down. To his delight, the calls of an Avatrops sounded not too far off. Careful not to ram into trees and other rocks, Mawe darted after it. He sank his teeth into its side, dragging his jaws down the panicked creature's flesh. In an instant, he let go. The poor thing ran screaming as the massive raptor lay chase in glee. He ran after it, herding it in random directions to get the most out of his plaything. The bleeding quickly caught up to it and it slumped to the ground.

> Before he could dig into the still-warm body, the most irritating little squeaks met his ears. The Golden Raptor hissed in irritation and stalked toward whatever it was. Next to a tall rock stood a mother raptor named Swan and her two fresh juvenile babies. The clumsy movement of the babies piqued his interest as Mawe lept onto said rock. He investigated further, getting close to the tasty little packets of calories. However, their father (Big Boy) quickly shoved himself in between the leopard and the juveniles. When Mawe didn't back off and hissed back, the protective male sunk his teeth into the leopard's shoulder. Mawe yelped and fell back a good bit. But he didn't seem deterred.

> He returned to the rock, watching the little rats running around. Eventually, the two parents got into it over the son... something about that thing wasn't quite right... but that doesn't matter to our large cat man. Calories are calories. Mawe slunk down towards them, mouth open in the slightest to determine just how far they are from him. He stepped forward just about to pounce. Before he could attack them Silver, a male aiding Swan while the father is not, steps between them. Now frustrated that his little hunt has been interrupted twice now. He bared his teeth as the male spat out a hiss. Before he could hiss again, a sharp pain in his rear melted the aggression and he spun to see Swan, already bleeding heavily, snarling at him. Silver shoved him away from the juvis and Swan bit the leopard again, effectively making him reconsider whether or not he actually wanted baby hot pockets.

> Mawe backed off a bit and lay down to quell the bleeding, shooting salty glances at the little family. He decided that he still did want a kids meal, just not that bad. So he stayed crouched and waited patiently. Before long the daughter shot forward to hiss at her father. Mawe dashed afterward. The lanky leopard stood directly behind looking down at the spicy thing in amusement. He reached down to sniff her and remarked how easily he could pop her head off. She turned to him and hissed. He purred at it gleeful that it had enough attitude to fight back. He opened his jaws to snatch her up. But, was quickly shoved away by Silver. The leopard got up and watched as his would-be meal was ushered away.

> He chuffed again and turned to go feast on an Oro. As he gulped down his meal he watched the juveniles. Annoying things... but tasty nonetheless. Maybe he'll make a meal of a different juvie, but tonight he lays down to sleep.
