Tales from All Heny

5 years, 2 months ago
5 years, 2 months ago
16 33998

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 2 months ago

The documentation of now 16 games

These may be incomplete- hard to interpret in some places as I typed up handwritten notes which can occasionally be hard to read. But I also write near constantly so you get every detail of what happens.

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Ringus Holiday Special


Game 1

"On the first day of Ringus my true love gave to me"


  • Ringis: An All Heny holiday lasting 5 days. ( Party kind of deal not so much a gift-giving Christmas)
  • Theater: Sunin is busy working, she's prepping all the holiday goods. Lots of specialty drinks and treats.
  • Stage: Mantus and Avara are doing a little gig. Vornada is in the general audience socializing.
  • Everyone heads to the 3rd floor patio after the show; more eating, drinking, socializing.
  • Mantus being a mega whore cuz he's getting attention. 
  • The whole building starts to vibrate; everything is shaking;its quiet
  • Womp whole town is SHOOK, the town is Warbling
  • A green explosion comes from the walled-off royal zone; sound just stops for a moment; low growl stops; everyone just gives each other puzzled looks. 
  • One guy just starts yelling; to quote: “ WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” 
  • No one seems to care about that place and the party continues until midnight.
  • The next morning the gang has brunch at the Underline; rather calm there, most people are murmuring of the night prior. 
  • People talk of a shadowy person who entered their home and left just as quickly into a well-lit room that seemed to vanish after the door shut. 
  • Awkward kinds of murmuring. 
  • People report random items appearing in their homes. The tailor has golden scissors, random: Boot, and another random a Ring box that seems to cure hangovers.
  • One of the patrons goes over to the fireplace where a stew pot is out for anyone to get food from.
  • A bejeweled green bottle rest on the mantle.This patron takes it.
  • Upon opening the bottle Mantus goes mute. He doesn't like this and promptly starts trying to yell and makes quite a silent fuss.
  • The patron closes the bottle.
  • Mantus now can’t breathe. He grabs Anthra in a panic trying to show he can't breathe. Thora quickly gets over and tries giving him the Heimlich maneuver thinking he's choking.
  • Avara sees this as its quite the scene and thinks to get some bandages because that what you do with hurt people right? You patch em up. 
  • Avara proceeds to rip off some curtains for some makeshift bandages and tries to fix Mantus. 
  • Vornada yells at Mantus for making a scene and to knock it off. She just sits n drinks her Mimosa. 
  • Out from the backroom comes Maxie carrying a few dead chickens and other ingredients for one can only assume is chicken nuggets.
  • He stops for a moment to see what's going down; he tried to do a spell but it doesn't seem to work.
  • He sees the bottle and takes it. Tipping it upside down then corking it. 
  • Mantus is finally able to breathe again. 
  • Maxie just puts the bottle back on the mantle and drops a tray of nuggets down in front of Mantus to try n make him feel better before scampering off. ( Why the fuck did he know about this, see someone get hurt by it, and leave it out again?)
  • A ruckus starts up from outside; it's a teen yelling at a bunch of people.
  • They head out to see what's going down
  • One of the usual beggar teens is waving a coffee spoon around a threatening to send people to hell. 
  • He whaps the local historian with it and the dude vanishes. 
  • Everyone is back by the doorsteps of the surrounding buildings. They're talking about the objects; spoon seems to be one.
  • The spoon-teen is trying his best to be menacing but it's not really working.
  • Demon-kid is surprisingly away from his current caretaker
  • A female wood elf in her mid 20’s walks by with a parasol. Mantus feels like he knows her for some reason. 
  • The spoon-teen comes over to her as well and asks, and I quote ‘ I feel like we went to school together” 
  • The parasol elf retorts with “ I'm way too old to have gone to school with you” 
  • She starts to get crowded by more people to be claiming to know her. She doesn't like; uncomfort.
  •  As soon as she closes the parasol everyone stops vaguely recognizing her
  • Teen gets pissy that the attention is off him; he hits parasol elf with the coffee spoon
  • Mantus responds by punching the spoon-teen square in the face. 
  • The spoon-teen fumbles with the coffee spoon and it touches some part of him that’s exposed and vanishes. A scream is heard from the north. 
  • The spoon-teen was wearing a glove on the hand wielding the spoon.
  • Vornada comes over and picks up the spoon with her scarf.
  • They hear a woman crying. Its demon kids current caretaker. She's clinging onto a guy who looks happy just not moved to tears happy like she is. 
  • Mantus doesn't care because he processes that the spoon can rid the town of the demon kid once and for all. 
  • He does not vocalize this as he knows Avara will stop him.
  • He asks Vornada for the spoon, which she easily hands over to get him away from her, as soon as he gets it he bolts for the kid.
  • It takes Avara a moment to process what he's doing before she bolts after him. 
  • The demon-kid looks up to see Mantus Who forgot about how dangerous it is to even be around the kid. He gets the tug and hears the whispers that deter him for a moment; making him feel sick with a headache and a warbled perspective. 
  • Enough time to see the demon-kid holding out a card to him.but he’s too determined to get rid of him and whaps him with the spoon instead.
  • The kid drops the card as he vanishes 
  • Avara comes barreling towards Mantus; she trips and they collide and go tumbling to the ground
  • As they try to get up they both feel rattled and worse than hungover.
  •  Mantus picks up the card the kid was holding out to him; it's a tarot card; turning it over he sees that it's the hanged man.
  • It causes Mantus to just collapse; screaming and holding his head in pain.
  • Townspeople who watched just, all the shit going down, just kinda are like “ wtf is going on?”
  • Our Lord and Savior, Maxie appears, sighs, and comes over to the two; charging up a little healing spell for each and delivering them with a good whap to the head.
  • He picks up the card and only flinches a little. He wraps it up and gives it to Vornada and makes his exit.
  • Vornada picks up the spoon as well.
  • Magical items are very rare so this is very weird.
  • One of her employees comes over to check in on things. They report that 4 people have vanished. Caretaker lady ate a fucking coin and the man he’s hugging just magically showed up. He also does drugs; the employee that is.
  • Mantus is kinda just there chuckling and pointing in delight that he got rid of the kid. 
  • The general store owner (GSO) comes running out full speed from her shop and yells “ What the hell?!” then proceeds to go around asking for a guy in re PJ’s.
  • She is holding a largeish pocket watch, she is confused AF, eventually goes back into the shop.
  • Scream from the inside.
  • The gang goes to check it out along with other curious townspeople.
  • Go into the General Store
  • Mantus is still dazed by the mental strain he was put through and doesn't notice as the gold in all his jewelry vanishes, and jewels or other metals the gold was plated on remain.
  • Vornada and Avara immediately realize all their gold pieces are gone. The townsfolk around them also lose anything gold.
  • All the gold in the shop vanishes.
  • Soon it gets hard to breathe, everyone is coughing violently.
  • Vornada is able to taste the gold in the air and tells everyone to get out of the shop before they all choke to death. 
  • GSO stays inside and ends up collapsing.
  • Avara goes back in to get her outta there.
  • Avara comes out with both the GSO and the clock
  • People gather to check out what's going on, hear about people missing the money, they get too close to the clock’s range and they lose their money, more ruckus, more people come over, more lost money, more ruckus, the cycle continues.
  • Mantus realizes all his jewelry is missing and nearly has a meltdown. He's more pissed about finding out his nose ring was plated so he's left with a silver chain.
  • Everyone realizes Maxie knows what's good so a bunch of towns folk just barge into The Underline
  • Everyone is yelling at T and A for answers and or the fish. 
  • Maxie comes out from the back room and doesn't know why everyone is yelling at him. He's smart and grabs the bottle to silence the room.  Now everyone is yelling but without a voice.
  • The gang walks into the bar, Gold starts to vanish from the area.
  • Maxie loses his locket; mildly upset. 
  • A+T check the till and to their dismay its empty of all gold. 
  • Maxie knows whats good
  • He tips the bottle upside down and corks it, returning the voices. 
  • Everyone stops yelling on their own.
  • He tries to destroy the bottle; throws it in the fire, it doesn't break. Claims that none of the objects will break.
  • Mantus brings up the green light.
  • Suddenly the side door opens. A guy in ratty red robes comes into the room; Vornada can tell the clothes are of high quality and they're just extremely worn. He exits through the door for a moment, then returns bringing back all the people who have been hit with the spoon. The man promptly leaves after that, two emeralds and a ruby rest by the door, presumably off some jewelry as he was in the range of the clock. 
  • Everyone near the now returned demon-kid backs far away
  • Maxie shoos the kid out no prob.
  • Spoon-teen dips feeling very frustrated.
  • Parasol elf is all like “ I need a drink” and plops down at the bar. 
  • The gang goes over to her and asks what's good.
  • She explains that the spoon put her high over a field where she fell into a pile of bodies. The old guy showed up n brought her and the others into the nice well lit room then brought them to The Underline. 
  • Parasol elf leans over to Avara and asks her in wood elvish why she’s hanging out with a tiefling ( She says at the bar, where two tieflings run and own the place).
  • They probably roast him right to his face cuz he can’t understand that shit. 
  • Mantus and Vornada eventually piece together that the Green blast, the old man, the objects, and the royal zone are all connected. 
  • But that puzzle is interrupted by yet another ruckus from the outside. 
  • The local gambler is out yelling at people and threatening them with a feather quill
  • Seems to have gotten into an argument with spoon-teen; they both yelling their heads off.
  • Gamble fukin’ jabs spoon-teen with the quill and the kid is just blasted with lightning to a deadly degree. 
  • Avara rushes over to check on spoon-teen; he's fukin’ fried mannnn
  • Gamble starts yelling at Avara demanding money 
  • Avara looks for Vornada for backup; tells Mantus to go get Maxie; he goes but is gonna take his sweet ass time about it. 
  • Gamble dude is very power hungry atm.
  • “ Avara is gonna fuck this guy up LMAO” ( From the notes themselves)
  • He's mega peeved and is holding the quill up threateningly. Starts attacking others verbally. 
  • Avara tries solving the situation with words ( the fool this is the clowder campaign we don't use words)
  • Gamble lunges at her with the quill; just barely missing.
  • Avara hits him with the butt of her ax; he stumbles and falls 
  • Something about demon kid
  • Avara wants him to chill 
  • He backs away from the kid, puts quill away, arms up, talks to no one, proceeds to collapse when he’s out of DK’s range.
  • Maxie shows up and pokes Spoon-teen; brings him back from the brink of death. Avara offers Maxie some jerky, he sniffs n bites a little, then gives it back thanking her for the offer.
  • Town medic comes over to check on ST. Town medic has a file that can render people unconscious 
  • Vornada collects the quill 
  • She seems to know a man but I do not know whom but it's in the notes
  • Everyone is chill now 
  • The guy is a plan??? And the lady is em??? ( Love not reading my own writing)
  • The holiday spirit comes back by sundown and partying starts up again. 
  • They’re back in the Underline
  • General discussions of the day fill the bar.
  • Caretaker lady is with the guy; she excuses herself to the bathroom; guy soon just vanishes into thin air; when she comes back she panics that he's gone, she's crying sad tears now; she suddenly gets a look of realization and heads back to the restroom; comes back into the bar and asks to use the wash basin; she has the coin; she swallows that again; the guy comes back; she’s overjoyed. ( You are disgusting. That was disgusting. How dare you make me hear that how dare you make me sit though  t h a t)
  • Vornada knows what’s good.
  • The music in the room suddenly stops; people are quiet; they're trying to listen for a sound again but it's not coming back.
  • There's a sudden gasp and a thump; the dull guy vanishes; where he was is now pitch black.
  • Anthra screams; caretaker lady is mcfucking dead right next to him. Her stomach is torn the fuck out and there's bloody ass hoofprints.
  • Mantus is like “ Not my hooves bitch”
  • Vornada goes gut digging like a phyco for the coin but it's not in there. 
  • The fireplace area goes briefly dim and now the bottle is missing. 
  • Vornada knows what's good 
  • Things aren't so cheery anymore
  • Ring box guy and medic lady are present; around ML it gets darker. 
  • Vornada hurries over to try and help ML; people around her notice the darkness settling in and back off
  • Mantus tries to cast a spell to attack the darkness but it backfires and he's thrown back into the bar while the spark of the spell fizzled upwards.
  • Pitch black
  • ML is on the floor with a slit throat; she’s patting at her pocket for something, but she dies pretty quickly.
  • Mantus tries to tell Vornada to dump the magic items she has on her before the thing comes and slits her throat but she's all like “ But I want to die”
  • Avara spots the dark spot moving around the room and follows it with her eyes; waiting for it to get close; she touches it and it feels prickly and attacky
  • Avara gets shrouded in darkness
  • Mantus tries to fire off another Eldritch blast but Vornada ends up shoving him ( idk how or why) and he misses the darkness and nearly hits Avara. 
  • A 16yo genasi shows up and checks out the sack on the floor. Holding it open she is promptly pulled into it. She has a silver locket.
  • She and Avara are now in the sacc
  • Makani begs for her life
  • The two are kinda just hanging out in there
  • Makani begins to feel cold and paranoid; soon enough she can't move at all. 
  • Avara sees her panic and sa??/
  • She tries to move her but she's as stiff as a board; so she picks the small thing up like a mannequin. She can see Makani has a locket on.
  • They hear a clicking behind them
  • The locket goes missing.
  • Avara feels something go th?? her pa???
  • She grabs a cold metal object and pulls
  • Holding the watch
  • Avara has a sudden spazz and drops everything including Makani.
  • Avara is now also frozen
  • Outside of the sack Mantus walks up to the bag and proceeds to try and shake the child he saw go in out. 
  • Inside the sacc, Avara and Makani are being tossed about; along with the being inside it too, its upset; they're flung out into the air falling. (Yeet LMAO )
  • Manti dumps em out.
  • Avara’s ax comes tumbling out, bumping Makani in the head with the hilt and Avara with the flat of the blade before cleaving and stopping in the wooden floor.
  • Finally out of the bag comes the Krampus- Grinch, The Grunch I’ll call it for now cuz that's shorter.
  • Vornada is aware of local lore and knows The Grunch doesn't like fire, light, and happiness.
  • She sneaks around and makes a flaming crossbow bolt, loads it, and fires that bad boi into the chest of The Grunch
  • The thing panics as it has been shot in the heart and it's on fire, it runs out of the underline. Trying to get to the fountain.
  • Avara hits that thot with her ax and it's a pretty killer hit. 
  • Makani throws a dagger that gets it in the shoulder. 
  • Just as the bitch ass Grunch manages to put itself out Mantus struts up with a good ol’ fireball. Hurling the thing at the demon it gets bigger and bigger before slamming it and reigniting it. 
  • Vornada loads her crossbow again, this time with 3 bolts; she hits the demon in the chest once more; fuckin sick. 
  • The Grunch stumbles in pain towards Avara.
  • She retorts by hitting it in the abdomen with her ax; it howls in pain.
  • Makani runs at it to slash its throat.
  • The bitch ass demon is being a whiny upset bitch.
  • Mantus lobs another fireball at it and hits it dead in the chest.
  • Avara tries to cleave its head off but it drops down to one knee; placing its hands on the ground; the wind picks up and the fire on him goes out. 
  • A chill runs through everyone; heel? Au??; thoughts disjoint 
  • Avara and Makani are fucked cuz they can’t target the bitch ass Gunch 
  • Makani and Vornada can see it but it's very out of focus. 
  • Mantus completely freezes up the same as Makani was in the sacc.
  • Avara can't find the Grunch
  • Mantus can't move; Makani holds off cuz she can’t see the attacker. 
  • Vornada poisons an arrow and fires but misses as she’s having trouble targeting. 
  • The Grunch goes for Avara. She swings her ax into its gut, Makani gets it in the torso with her scimitar 
  • This fucks with the thing and Mantus is finally able to move again; He lines up a shot and cast Eldritch blast, letting the twin beams strike it dead in the skull. 
  • The Grunch crouches, plant?, reca???d, illusion dissipates??
  • Dumbass Grunch trips and falls on the poisoned arrow, tipping it over into the dead zone.
  • Vornada And Avara light that bitch up 
  • It screams 
  • To mimic the towns peoples cheers of joy our DM, screams, horrendously; I thought another monster was coming.
  • Everyone is happy and partying again.
  • Out from a shed comes the old man; he makes a face, and just heads over to the underline; grabs the sacc n dips.

Bonus info:

Maxie has inherited fish-faces' house somehow and now watches the oracle.Oli theory: Old man is the king from beyond the wall.