Warriors of the Plants

Larkswim Deerwhisper ♠️Ashcloud♟️ 🪶Finchrush🍃 Rockfang Indy Rattlestrike Fawnbright Blackchin berrypaw - 🫐 Amber'Mantis Harry 🍃Littlebreeze🎐 🪶Quailleap🔻 🐿️Squirrelheart🏵️ 🥀Aspendream🪦(Dark Forest Amaji Tuliptiger Lionlight Shrubkit Firefly Nettletear Maggotstar Tempestkit Muffin Woolymoth Acornsparrow Magnus Felix Cider Fumblelight Dustbunny BeechFace Dapplepetal Kitty Mapleblaze Crowtalon Follydance Mudriver CypressStep Lightningbug Silence Wolfshadow Swirlkit Wild'Stripe Avery Canarystride Rollybug Cloudingkit Jackdawwing Gorseclaw Gloomfreckle Cherryblaze Flintrunner Swallowtail Chirpkit Dottie Blu Irisbreeze Scorpionpaw Bugberry Aisling Fiver Alderspot Sandripple Wicket hawkrunner kuzon 🌾Wheatfeather🪶 Stormpaw (for now) Shimmerscale Bolicha Stagrun Basset Starlingflight Bigthroat Rushcove 🌊Creekstorm🌀 Bonsai Stoatskip Stonevine Ashgaze Hyacinthcurl Gigglechirp Antjaw applefall Bearsnap robinchatter - 🪶 foxspirit - 🦊 🌿Springfern🌿 Smogwillow Dawngaze Dusk ☀️Daystar🌟 BeetleBranch CardinalFluff cowfoot Mouseheart specklepelt - ♣️ sparrowbreeze Drizzlewind Falcon Fireleaf ⚡️Whitestreak⚡️ Ferretslip windwhistle - 💨 Harveststar🌾 Flipflop Sporeshine Malevolent mossystar - 🌱 Jaggedflight silkheart - 🍬 Yewshine Ivybloom KestrelClover Osprey SpruceStar Hazelbird🌰 AshenThorn PetalPaw BristleThorn PigeonClaw Brackenstorm Bleakheart Thistlesong Raccoonpaw 🦗Cricketdust🐞👵 Jeju Tigerspirit Dogwoodpaw Dustpaw Weaselpaw Whirlwhisper honeycoat - 🍯 blunt - 🚘 Willowsong Boot Cloverstream 💕Rustswirl💗💝 Reapwatcher Brownclaw & Thickethop Cinnamon 33 🩵Smoke🪁 Cashew Auburntail Swooppaw Copperflame Bramble Bong🦷 Webswirl Safari Pumpkinpurr DeerMist Sheepfish🐟 Sunheart☀️ 👺Shrewfang🧛 RabbitHeart 🪔Redflight🎈❣️ 🌹Rosedust💥 fogwatcher - 🌫️ shadelight - 🌩️ Dawneye Brookflight Bluetuft Bandit Bubzy 🌙Addersting🔱 🐴🪃Briarstream🍃 Show More
1 year, 15 days ago
3 days, 15 hours ago
251 914677 13

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 15 days ago

Explicit Violence

This is an archive for a rp server that I'm in! It will be constantly updated as the plot goes on!

Book cover art by Calley_Spring, thanks Spring!

View all archive sprites here!

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Author's Notes

Cats mentioned 

Harveststar (she/her), Flowerclan leader, owned by SeraphCritter

Nectarpelt (she/her), Flowerclan deputy, the owner of this character is no longer in the rp 


Springfern (she/her), Flowerclan medicine cat, owned by Calley_Spring 


Yewpaw (he/him), Flowerclan medicine cat apprentice, owned by CloudyMilku 


Hazelbird (he/him), Flowerclan warrior, owned by SeraphCritter


Petalpaw (she/her), Flowerclan apprentice, owned by Mallowkie


The Prophecy


Harveststar received a prophecy from Starclan, Dens of stone and cats of strange, they are to join or we fall to pain. Storms they flash, with water rise, if we don't shelter we all will die.

It seemed that rain had been pouring nonstop when HarvestStar receives this prophecy. The rain had flooded CactusClan out of the safety of their burrows forcing them to take refuge with Forestclan and yet the storm raged on. 

The rain had started several sunrises, making hunting difficult for all the clans since the prey hides from the rain just like the cats. That was the least of Harveststar's worries as all the cats realize with the pouring rain that Forestclan and Flowerclan's territories are beginning to flood. 

Where would they go if the clans are flooded? Would they be able to leave the place their generations have called home or would they die drowning trying to stay? With this prophecy Harveststar remembers seeing stone walls at the other border of Flowerclan's territory. So she begins to send patrols there...maybe that was the clans key to survival.

At Flowerclan camp

“The clouds are crying.”  Springfern murmured to nobody. She stared at the sky with a dazed expression. 

Harveststar would step out from the Leader's den. She looked up at the sky her face tense with worry. It was only a light drizzle but she knew it wouldn't stop. Especially after waking up from a vision. She would notice Springfern so she would quickly walk over to her relaxing her face and smiling, "Springfern." She purred letting the drizzle soak her heavy coat 

The smaller she cat slightly glanced at the leader, her eyes still focused on the heavens before her. “The willows are mourning.” She nodded before turning to look at her friend. “How are your colors, Cloud? Your friends cry from above.”

Harveststar would press her nose to the smaller she-cat's forehead in greeting, "They're okay, Springfern I need to talk to you in your den." She said letting her mask slip slightly showing the tense expression she had held just earlier while looking up at the still clouded sky

Springfern ducked her head. Understanding the shift in tone, she nodded a bit lightheadedly and turned to lead Harveststar into the confines of her den. She let her tail tip rest on Harveststar’s shoulder, to direct her, to reassurance her, or whether to simply touch her went unanswered. "Are you like the willows?” She simply asked, with a glance over her shoulder. 

Petalpaw was laying down, she didn't really like getting her fur wet, but she enjoyed seeing the flowers sparkle from the rain. 

"A little..." Harveststar cleared her throat once in the safety of Springfern's den she would shake out her pelt which had already soaked up quite a bit of water. "Have you had any visions lately?" She asked letting her mask slip more as she sat down glancing outside the den at her clan 

Springfern watched the young apprentice from her place next to Harveststar. She was tempted to call out to her, but at the moment her first priority was Harveststar. "I didn’t see the other side. No silver tongues or whispers.” She blinked slowly. She softly nudged Harveststar with a small giggle. “Have you been pestered by the tongues? Have you become a med like me?” 

"If only it were that simple..." Harveststar whispered her voice so full of stress it didn't sound like her voice. She would clear her throat looking back at the medicine cat "I had a vision...about the clans...it isn't a good one..." She whispered as if every cat in clan could hear her 

“What did the silver tongues share?” Springfern asked slowly.  

Harveststar didn't want to relive the nightmares of Silverpelt's whispers so she shortened what she assumed the message was. "The clan's will drown." She said bluntly as her mind raced letting her mask fall completely. The nonchalant always ready with a plan, Harveststar, was gone. Now was just a leader who had no power, terrified for the outcome of her clan.

Springfern nudged Harveststar to lay down on the soft moss bed she had slowly begun to reserve for her sole presence. She’s been calling it Harvey Cloud’s Corner. It was tucked far enough into the den where it didn’t quite mingle with the other beds—offering a semblance of privacy that still welcomed others–and looked over the clan from a safe distance. 

“We must learn to swim.” Springfern nodded to herself. She quickly peeked outside the den to call to Petalpaw. “Tears of the sky will make you cough and your throat dry! Flowers must stay safe! Stay inside!” 

Harveststar would lay down on the moss bed as she stared out at the clan her eyes wandering to watch Springfern. She needed this privacy and warmth to think. Why had Starclan come and given her this message? How was she supposed to part the cloud's to save the clans? Maybe she should travel to the other clans. See if the other leaders or med cat's have gotten the same message she had 

Springfern padded back inside and laid down next to her friend. Tentatively, she leaned into her side. “Is this okay, Cloud?” 

Harveststar would wrap her arm around Springfern, "Yes...this is wonderful, Springflower..." She spoke softly pressing her muzzle into Springfern's fur closing her eyes as she thought. Thinking about the words spoken in the prophecy. "...dens of stone..." She would mutter to herself starting to sound like the medicine cat

Petalpaw barely heard what Springfern said, the rain, though only drizzle, was loud in her ears. She still decided to go back to the apprentice’s den based off what she could barely hear. 

Springfern perked up. “Too much rain in your mind.” She said quietly. “Flowers die when there’s too much water. Don’t let the rain wash over you. ”She gave her a cheek a small lick. “Your worry about flowers, cactus, and trees is like sunlight. Warm and plentiful. If the silver tongues shared a sight of all plants, then you aren’t drifting alone.” 

Harveststar's eyes would open locking onto Springfern's. She smiled, "Maybe I should go to Forestclan and Cactusclan. See how they are fairing...ask them of any prophecies." She thought lifting her head yet 'dens of stone' still rung through her mind. What could that mean? 

Springfern slightly tensed with a slight shiver. She didn’t normally leave the camp that much, only to restock herbs and to help nurture Yewpaw’s gift in medicine. Her anxiety regarding the other clans came from the harsh tales of the elders, back when she was younger and would fetch moss for them. “Is that the clearing in your head?” She leveled Harveststar with a light but unnerved look. The thought of her going on her own didn’t settle right in her head. “I can join your travels.” 

"It will only be a quick chat with the leaders and their med cats...nothing will come of harm to me..." Harveststar reassured seeing the unnerved look on the medicine cat's face. She took a deep breath "It's a long journey, Springflower." She softly said

Yewpaw walked into the medicine den mouth full of dripping wet herbs, despite the weather he was able to manage to snag a few plants that weren't uprooted from the flooding, he was quite proud of himself. "Springfern! I got the herbs you needed-" Yewpaw stopped talking when he saw the leader and the medicine cat together, "Oh uh sorry." He quickly slipped out of the den to not disturb them. 

Springfern glanced up just in time to see the tip of Yewpaw disappear. Ah she almost forgot—she’ll pay her consequence later—that she would accompany Yewpaw in jotting down the areas were specific herbs grow. She frowned, turning back to Harveststar, her anxiety still prominent. “I only wish that your flower don’t get trampled.” 

Harveststar chuckled as she slowly shifted from the moss bed standing up, "Please, Springflower, have you ever seen me lose a fight?" She chuckled before her smirk softened, "If you wish to accompany me I would be delighted." She smiled pressing her nose against the medicine cat's ear

The med cat felt a smile growing on her face but alas she still had duties to attend to at the moment. Such as working with Yewpaw. But there was also Harveststar. Even though she had faith in her friend, she had this nagging feeling of something going wrong. 

And maybe there was a part of her that wanted to see the other clans, but that part was pushed back by numerous rumors and tinted perceptions. “Yewpaw and I can ready you for your journey. I might accompany your flower, just so no one would think to trample on two star touched ones.” Springfern mewed.

Harveststar would pull back, "I'm going to send out a patrol before I leave" She said as she started to exit the medicine cat's den right back into the cold kisses of rain

Yewpaw was waiting by the entrance but he couldn't help but evesdrop a little on the conversation, it sounds like the leader is going on a journey, excitement bubbled in his chest, he's seen the other territories from the borders but had never explored them, maybe he can somehow convince them to let him join. Harveststar emerged from the den entrance suddenly which made Yewpaw jump a bit, "Ah, h-hello Harveststar! How are you today?" 

Harveststar looked down at the young medicine cat apprentice. "Ah Yewpaw! I'm doing okay. You should head in before you catch a cough" She said before walking away flicking some water off her tail as she glanced around the camp to see which of her cats were available for a patrol

Springfern poked her head out and shook her head. “Yewpaw!” She called softly

Harveststar would send out Hazelbird and Petalpaw together. She asked them to watch the specific border that they shared no clan with. 'dens of stone' it rung through her mind bringing back memories of seeing a wall of stone...maybe that had something to do with the prophecy. 

Or she's finally gone insane and this truly was the end of the clans. Although once the patrol was out Harveststar would quickly slip back into the Medicine den shaking out her pelt. She never liked rain or water which made her heavy coat heavier but finding out how to save the clans was much more important than her slight discomfort.

As Harveststar flicked the water off the tip of her tail, the water droplet smacked him square in the face, making him flinch, compared to the others, Yewpaw actually didn't mind the rain that much. He heard the soft voice of his mentor, delight shined in Yewpaw's blue eyes, "Coming!" Finally, the time for the adventure of his life, he only needs to convince Springfern and Harveststar, which is easier said than done unfortunately.

Springfern purred when she saw the young cat run in. He’s not a kit, anymore. “Yewpaw,” She said. “We must ready Harveststar to share her tongue with the other plants. The willows are mourning, so I will be with her for the trip.” The med cat yawned and shook herself. “Yewpaw, do you see the leaves from daisies?” 

Yewpaw looked genuinely at his mentor with shining eyes, "Springfern, I'd love to join you and Harveststar to see the other plants!" He realized that he might have said that a bit too eagerly so he looked down at his paws, "If you'll let me of course." He added embarrassingly. 

Surprised, the older cat turned to look at him. This was tricky. Yewpaw was still fairly young, letting him see the other territories might be dangerous. No one would dare attack a medicine cat, especially one that’s so young. They were leaving for a diplomatic mission, so her worries were resounding her own anxiety rather than logical reasons. 

But still. Yewpaw could use the experience. It’s raining, he might get sick. He’s a med cat that knows how to battle the cold. The clan will be left without their med cats and leader. There shouldn’t be much trouble since the other plants were worried about their own clans. What would they do? “You wish to see the other plants?” Springfern mused. “Cactus may be bitter and dangerous.” 

It seemed like Springfern is unsure, it's time for Yewpaw to put on his best baby doll eyes, "Pleaseeee Springfern, I'll be good I promise! If things get prickly I'll do everything that you say! Please let me go with you!"

Springfern settled Yewpaw down. She’ll have him run a few errands while they’re out. She checked their stocks and gave a small hum in disappointment when she saw how low they were. With the new herbs, Yewpaw brought back, she’d can manage to save up most burnet leaves for Harveststar. 

Grabbing chamomile flowers and burnet leaves, Springfern organized the bundle in a delicate leafy package. She peered up when noticing Harveststar’s ruffle her pelt from the raindrops. Springfern held back a small giggle

Harveststar would notice looking over at Springfern a smile spreading across her face "What are you laughing at?" She chuckled softly sitting down as she waited for the medicine cats 

Springfern kept Yewpaw close by as she watched him fetch the remnants of herbs. She spaced them out so both Harveststar and Yewpaw had enough, it wasn’t much but it was enough concerning their lack of stock. “You look like a water vole.” Springfern giggled. “Soggy and drowsy. It’s cute.” She quickly turned, slightly dizzy from the sudden harsh movement, and went deeper into her chamber to find daisy leaves for herself

Harveststar sat there for a second before laughing then watched her. "I think I would prefer to be a water vole in this type of weather..." She huffed softly looking out the light drizzle. Sure it was light but it was a far walk to ForestClan. Her legs already felt heavy as if her heavy coat was already soaked. She shook her head, she couldn't think about it or else it would be worse.

The med cat returned holding the bundle of chamomile and burnet. She settled them down in front of Harveststar, nudging them forward before turning to give Yewpaw his own. “He’s coming. Yewpaw. I believe the outside may enlighten him.”  Her tail brushed Harveststar’s nose

Harveststar tensed her mask slipping slightly but it was quickly brought back since Yewpaw was there. "I'm not sure it's the best idea for him to come alone." She said simply worried about Yewpaw. With the storm and Cactusclan with Forestclan there was so much that could go wrong. She could only be certain she could protect her and Springfern, with another cat she wasn't so sure...

“I pondered much about it. Yewpaw is gifted in medicine, much more than I am. His flower has much potential but Not enough sunlight. This might help him.” Noticing Harveststar’s worries and facing her own, Springfern watched Yewpaw with his bundle. “Young yew, he won’t get into trouble. The willows may be mourning but they won’t mourn a kit.”

"The willows won't but Cactusclan and Forestclan might. They're already tense with having to live together. One wrong move and it could start a fight." Harveststar murmured trying to make it so Yewpaw couldn't hear, "I'm unsure if I can protect us all if that happens..." she explained pressing her nose against Springfern's forehead

Springfern turned to look at the young apprentice. He was busy sorting out the rest of the herbs she asked him to, finishing up the last bit of errands. “You worry about the plants and the other clouds. Yewpaw has the willow’s protection as well as my flower.”

Harveststar would pull back looking deep into Springfern's eyes. "Okay...I trust your judgement Springflower." She said softly, pressing their forehead's together before pulling back waiting for Yewpaw to get ready so they could leave

Springfern gave a small smile, ducking back flustered before pushing Harveststar to the bundle. “Consume the herbs! They will lift your health!”

Harveststar nodded crouching down and eating the herbs that Springfern prepared for her ignoring the bitter taste she has become used to her entire life

Nodding as her friend and apprentice have eaten their fill, Springfern ducked back to eat two daisy leaves. They wouldn’t do much, but she had to adapt with their low supplies. Once done, the med cat herded Yewpaw outside with Harveststar. “Hopefully the willows don’t begin to sob. Tearing up is saddening, the colors are low, but full sobs will bring sickness.”

"Alright, let's go. I told Nectarpelt to tell the cats where I'll be." Harveststar explained before heading out of the camp for their long journey ahead

Springfern nodded, bounding behind her leader. She kept Yewpaw between them so she could keep an eye on him.

Nectarpelt sat in the center of camp. She silently thought about the dream she had the night before. A terrible one. One where she traced back to her apprentice years. But this was no happy memory, it was the one where she got her best friend in a whole lot of trouble. The Molly tried to shake this thought from her head and sighed. She looked up to the sky, observing the rain hitting her fur.

Author's Notes

Tldr : Harveststar got a prophecy about the clans dying from the rain, so she wants to go to the other clans to check up on them, Springfern and Yewpaw goes with her cuz why not