Warriors of the Plants

Larkswim Deerwhisper ♠️Ashcloud♟️ 🪶Finchrush🍃 Rockfang Indy Rattlestrike Fawnbright Blackchin berrypaw - 🫐 Amber'Mantis Harry 🍃Littlebreeze🎐 🪶Quailleap🔻 🐿️Squirrelheart🏵️ 🥀Aspendream🪦(Dark Forest Amaji Tuliptiger Lionlight Shrubkit Firefly Nettletear Maggotstar Tempestkit Muffin Woolymoth Acornsparrow Magnus Felix Cider Fumblelight Dustbunny BeechFace Dapplepetal Kitty Mapleblaze Crowtalon Follydance Mudriver CypressStep Lightningbug Silence Wolfshadow Swirlkit Wild'Stripe Avery Canarystride Rollybug Cloudingkit Jackdawwing Gorseclaw Gloomfreckle Cherryblaze Flintrunner Swallowtail Chirpkit Dottie Blu Irisbreeze Scorpionpaw Bugberry Aisling Fiver Alderspot Sandripple Wicket hawkrunner kuzon 🌾Wheatfeather🪶 Stormpaw (for now) Shimmerscale Bolicha Stagrun Basset Starlingflight Bigthroat Rushcove 🌊Creekstorm🌀 Bonsai Stoatskip Stonevine Ashgaze Hyacinthcurl Gigglechirp Antjaw applefall Bearsnap robinchatter - 🪶 foxspirit - 🦊 🌿Springfern🌿 Smogwillow Dawngaze Dusk ☀️Daystar🌟 BeetleBranch CardinalFluff cowfoot Mouseheart specklepelt - ♣️ sparrowbreeze Drizzlewind Falcon Fireleaf ⚡️Whitestreak⚡️ Ferretslip windwhistle - 💨 Harveststar🌾 Flipflop Sporeshine Malevolent mossystar - 🌱 Jaggedflight silkheart - 🍬 Yewshine Ivybloom KestrelClover Osprey SpruceStar Hazelbird🌰 AshenThorn PetalPaw BristleThorn PigeonClaw Brackenstorm Bleakheart Thistlesong Raccoonpaw 🦗Cricketdust🐞👵 Jeju Tigerspirit Dogwoodpaw Dustpaw Weaselpaw Whirlwhisper honeycoat - 🍯 blunt - 🚘 Willowsong Boot Cloverstream 💕Rustswirl💗💝 Reapwatcher Brownclaw & Thickethop Cinnamon 33 🩵Smoke🪁 Cashew Auburntail Swooppaw Copperflame Bramble Bong🦷 Webswirl Safari Pumpkinpurr DeerMist Sheepfish🐟 Sunheart☀️ 👺Shrewfang🧛 RabbitHeart 🪔Redflight🎈❣️ 🌹Rosedust💥 fogwatcher - 🌫️ shadelight - 🌩️ Dawneye Brookflight Bluetuft Bandit Bubzy 🌙Addersting🔱 🐴🪃Briarstream🍃 Show More
1 year, 18 days ago
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Chapter 109
Published 8 months, 9 days ago

Explicit Violence

This is an archive for a rp server that I'm in! It will be constantly updated as the plot goes on!

Book cover art by Calley_Spring, thanks Spring!

View all archive sprites here!

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In the outlands 

Harry let out a sweet hum as he stretched out his backlegs, letting his claws slide out from his back paws. He quickly hopped over to an old looking tree before he started to scratch at it, honing his claws and letting out a little stress

Falcon looked around, his eyes scanning the horizon of the area next to the river.   His eyes focused on a cat next to an old tree, and Falcon narrowed his eyes. Bounding over, Falcon hissed lightly at this new cat. "Who are you?" He asked.

"Doh.. Hello there!" Harry stretched out his legs again as he turned around. "Name's Harry. Now how's about you start tellin' me your name and stop hissin' at me? I'd like that, straggler!" He had a kindness to his voice, despite his sassing

Falcon returned the sass, his eyes looking at Harry. "I'd rather not, Harry." He said, a spike of hostility entering his voice. "Whether I tell you my name or not, completely depends on why you're so close to my den..."

"Your den? Why, I wasn't aware there was a den here at all! Only a  river and a dead beat tree.. I'm mighty sorry, I didn't scent a marker or nothin'.." Harry pawed at the dirt a little. His claws sort of looked like chipped thorns. This was one unkept kitty..

Falcon's head turned inquisitively. "Well, for your future consideration, my den is near here, so you better think twice before roaming to close." He said, looking at the stranger carefully. "And I renewed these markers yesterday, do you have a broken nose or something?"

Harry sniffled and wiped his arm over his nose. "I only broke it a couple days ago.." He muttered shyly. "Welp, you best be gettin' used to me, then. There's a fine river just yonder that I've decided I'd like to frequent. Who knows, I might just decide to be your distant neighbor! I think there's a badger set I could take just over'a hill or two from 'ere.. I could take 'em if they're young or old.." He pointed in a direction, thankfully, opposite of Falcon's den

Falcon narrowed his eyes. "Is it a cove?" He asked. "With big rocks, a beach and some large brambles?" He said, describing his frequent hangout spot. "If so..." He said, narrowing his eyes.

"If you mean a beach outlookin' a river, then yeah! Just about. There was a similar one I spotted, too.. It was a lil larger and had those large brambles. I saw some nice fish there, caught some! I'm thinking of choosing either or, depends on which is tighter for security.." Harry shrugged.

Falcon groaned, his eyes rolling. "Another deadbeat I have to drive off my territory.." He said under his breath. "Do you mind showing me the place?" He asked. "I want to make sure you don't move into my special spot..." He said, thinking back to that one afternoon with Bubzy a while back...

"Which one? The sandy one with the big brambles or the more bay-y one closer to the river?" Harry asked.

"Both." Falcon said shortly, waiting for Harry to lead the way.

"River's close, so THIS-A-WAY!" Harry bounded off towards the river. He started to follow it, running across until he made his way into a very thick and small patch of forest. He slipped under a root and guided Falcon until he was in an unfamiliar place. There it was, the badger set. It wasn't Falcon's hang out spot. The scent of Badger was growing stale, but not quite gone yet

Following Harry, Falcon sighed. "Well, this isn't my spot." He said resentfully, as he was hoping for a fight. "I don't particularly like you though, so...." Falcon's voice trailed off, his eyes narrowed. "Just stay out of my territory, and don't go near my river den or my hangout spot." He said. "Or I will find you..."

"You think you own that damn river? Ha!" Harry chuckled. "Sorry, but it ain't your river. Ya know, you ain't the only cat allowed to make dirt in it, catch fish in it, bathe in it, and all else. Otherwise, you might wanna have a chat with the big cats'n dogs that like to drink from the river.."

Falcon grimaced. "Make dirt in it?" He exclaimed angrily. "And here I thought all cats at least had some manners. Making dirt in the river is revolting!" He said, a little incredulous. "You really are the most uncivil cat I've ever met!" He exclaimed. "And I've met a lot of cats."

"Where do you think it goes after you burry it and it rains, mouse brain!" Harry laughed. "What with you living so close, it has to happen.." He shook his head.

"Yes, but making dirt in it directly is something else entirely." Falcon said angrily. "At least most cats are civil enough to bury their dirt."

"I burry it, I just don't deny that the rain sweeps it away. Now enough with the dung talk, you're focusin' on it a bit much. You tryna hide it, some?" Harry squinted his eyes at the other tom.

Falcon was finding it hard to understand Harry's accent, and groaned in non-committal. "You know what?" He said. "I'm just gonna leave." Falcon dismissed Harry with a flick of his tail. "My name is Falcon, by the way." He added. "And remember. Don't get to close!" He hissed.

"OK, RIVER-SHITTER!" Harry cackled, clambering his way up into the twisted trees, grinning to himself. "Haa.. That cat had to be hidin' it.. No shame, no shame.." Harry muttered to himself, reminding himself to be nice, even when the other person wasn't around. Harry hummed as he crawled out of his twisted patch of trees. He slithered off to the river, purring on his way

Bonsai was studying the wildlife on the other side of the river, examining the flowers and weeds that grew along the side of the shore

Harry noticed Bonsai. After he'd taken a sip from the sip, he pranced over to them. "Who might you be..?"

Bonsai flicked her ear. She turned her tranquil smile to Harry, her eyes glinting as she examined the smaller cat. “Just a wanderer.” She said sweetly. “I’m very interested in the fauna here.”

"Yeah.. It's all new to me.. I'm new around here.. I, myself, am just a straggler.. What ya sniffin' there?" Harry sat nearby Bonsai

Bonsai held up the wild flowers. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out as well.”

"Hmmm.. Looks like Black-Eyed susan to me. They're a lot more common in the further regions I origionate. It ain't all that far, so it makes sense to see ol' Susan here too.." Harry nodded, stepping closer to the flower

Bonsai raised her brows. “You know about this plant?”

"A yellow flower with a big'ol black eye in the center, same colors as a bee. They like the sun and reach for the sky, and find lil' insects pleasant. Tall, sunny in a litelral sense, and bug lover. This must be a stragglin' wanderer of its own.. It grew quite a ways away from home. They like open fields, not bays.." Harry shook his head. He sure did know a lot more about herbs than one might assume

Bonsai nodded. “How do cats react to it?” She asked, taking note. She took everything in about the flower. It’s smell, its design, natural habitat.

Harry hummed in thought, "You can eat it. You won't like it, nor will your stomach, but only if you eat too much.. I can't remember much else about it.." 

“so it upsets the stomach?” Bonsai inquired. Her voice was melodic as it usually was, sounding  calm and peaceful.  “Nothing else?”

"It upsets the stomach the same way too much of any herb starts to sour your guts..." Harry mewed, "Wait! I remember a lil sumtin'! Daisies.. They're similar to daisies.. Their leaves do somethin', right? I never knew if Susan was better or worse than Daisy.."

Bonsai took it into consideration and nodded. She knew how Daisies affected cats. Maybe she could experiment with this bunch. She clipped the flowers and hid them in her fluffy coat.

"What'd ya plan on doing with those?" Harry tilted his head

“Research.” Bonsai said pleasantly.

Harry gasped, "Oh? Really? You research herbs in your spare time as well..?"

“something like that.” Bonsai said, her serene smiling growing. Butterflies danced around her. One dropped to the floor after perching on her ear.

Harry's eyes followed the butterflies as he spoke. "Say.. You know that reddish brown tom that's around here..? 'Says his name is Falcon. Does he do the same? You even know 'em?"

“I have no idea who that is.” Bonsai chirped. She stared at the dead butterfly. “Why?”

"He was snappin' at me earlier for scratching at a tree near his done or somethin' like that." Harry shrugged, scratching behind his ear

“I’m sorry that happened to you.” Bonsai said. “Some cats simply don’t know how to behave.

"Nope, not these moons.." Harry shook his head. "So, wanderer.. Any plans for later in the day? I ain't hungry yet and I'm scouting out around my den before I settle in it, so I don't have much to do myself.."

Bonsai moved onto the next flower. Azalea flowers. She was surprised to find a bunch growing in this area

"Arlight, I'm 'suming you're busy.." Harry sighed before he approached the Azaleas. "They smell nice.." He muttered

Bonsai’s pleasant smile grew even more so. “Beautiful.” She said dreamily. Bonsai picked up some the flowers with her claws, carefully tucking them away in her fluff with the black-eyed Susans. “I need to restock. This place has such a lovely collection of wildflowers…albeit it is strange how some plants that shouldn’t be here, just are.” Bonsai said. “It’s like certain cats. They somehow find their way in places where they shouldn’t be.”

Harry chuckled, "I guess I'm more like these flowers than I know. I'm from further off... Do you collect herbs?"

“Something of the sort.” Bonsai replied. “I just go where The Night calls me.”

Harry tilted his head, "You say it like its a person.. Or a.. A livin' thing.. Who's this 'The Night'?"

Bonsai’s peaceful smile stayed intact. She didn’t answer the question. “You should stay well within the day.”

"...What happens at night 'round here? I haven't seen these parts of the night sky just yet.. Not till tonight.." Harry asked.

“Just stay out of the city then.” Bonsai said. Despite the ominous tone in her voice, Bonsai looked as if she were basking in the sun, just enjoying the peaceful late afternoon.

"This whole night time sh'bang is startin to worry me, lanky lady.." Harry muttered, nervously pawing at the dirt

Dustytrail looked around, Where was Harry? He was usually over here right? Dustytrail chewed the grass in his mouth as he kept going. Leavin the range was frowned upon but he hadn't see his friend in a few and was worried, especially after that nasty flood. "Harry? Ya over here partner?"

"Dusty? Well I'll be damned, you didn't become a drowned rat!" Harry laughed, darting away from Bonsai. "Well I'll be damned, the ol' strangler himself is sittin' fine and right. It's so good t' see you 'gain! I had to leave my ol' den on the further ends of the bend. It'll become marsh by the next few moons if that flood has anything to say to the ground water.." Harry purred, giving his old friend a little head bump

Bonsai watched the small cats interact. She picked up the smell of the dusty desert on the other cat. InterestingHer size and fluff made her stand out, but she looked back to the flowers hoping that they wouldn’t want to drag her into their giddy nonsense

Dustytrail purred his deep rumbly purr as he saw his pal. "Harry! Oh I'm glad to see ya partner! I was mighty worried bout you!" He bumped his friend back. "Don'cha worry bout me, ya know the range can hold up good. We got a whole herd now on account of ForestClan joinin us. I'm sorry bout your range though." Dustytrail looked up to see another cat. "Oh? Harry you slyyyy dog! Who's this now?"

"Dunno. She says she's a wanderer.. Introduced myself as a straggler. " Harry looked over at Bonsai. "They like plants, just like me!" He smiled, his jaw and overbite making his face all screwy. "Actually, hold on.. What's this about those thicket forest cats? Who are they 'gain? You know I'm more out of the loop than a dizzy pill bug.."

Bonsai perked at the mention of Forestclan. So two clans were currently in the weather. “You speak with a grimace.” Bonsai said gently, turning face Dustytrail. “Is Forestclan troublesome?” Bonsai turned to Harry, “how do you know each other?”

Harry looked back at the large molly, "Before Dusty left for a bigger life, we were like kin. I was alone and we found each other. We stuck together ever since for strength in pairs. You can't empty a badger set alone, you always need some sorta help.."

“Like brothers I assume?” Bonsai said softly. “I don’t believe in that type of kinship.”

"Yes, we were sort'a found family brothers.." Harry looked back at Dusty. "Why don't you believe in that sorta kinship? I'm a lil confused here, Lanky Lady.."

“It just seems futile in the long run. In the end, you ultimately have to prioritize your own survival.” Bonsai said simply

"That is true.. It's probably why Dusty left, safety in numbers, a new world. But would you really rather die alone? No warmth when your body grows cold.. When you're ill, no well fed cat to fetch you water and mice. When you break your mind like a turtle's shell fallin' from a hawk's talons..." Harry mewed, "You really gonna let yourself run loose and drown in a river tryna' kill an ol' badger that didn't look at cha' right? I'd say someone to talk to who can care's enough for that kinda kinship to exist. Maybe you just never had a taste.. Or.. A bad bite? Maybe with that night fella you mentioned.."

Bonsai watched the butterflies around fall. They got too close to her ears. “I don’t mind dying alone. I think it suits me.” She said, her voice soft as the green leaf leaves

"Well then, suit yourself.." Harry flicked his tail and turned back to face Dusty. Harry wasn't really sure if he liked Bonsai all too much.. He couldn't get a good idea of what her deal was..

Dustytrail purred and bumped into Harry again. He had been sad to leave his friend but he had found a place in CactusClan. "Partner you know you van join my herd at anytime" He mumbled to Harry. He looked up at Bonsai. "ForestClan had a bug infestation. They came to stay on my range"

Harry sighed and nodded. "I know, and I would, but I dunno if they're friendly yet.. Or'll make me change my name like you did. And can't those ForestClan cats just eat the bugs or sumtin'? Is it really that bad?"

“Sometimes large infestations can overwhelm colonies of local wildlife. I’m not surprised Forestclan had to flee.” Bonsai said

"If they need any help at all, I know my fair share on how to treat all kinds of bites, scratches, and nips. I have to, I practically nurture bugs in my fur.." Harry laughed 

Bonsai snorted

Harry blinked, "Why are you poutin'?" 

Bonsai blinked at him. She gave him a dead butterfly.

Harry picked up the butterfly. "Who died..?"

“Someone. Far over the hills.” Bonsai said. “No one mourns them, however.”

"They a lost soul or soul who's lost a right to be mourned?" Harry asked.

Bonsai shrugged. “Someone. I’m not sure who it is though.”

Harry sat down, "Sounds like a tale I'd like to hear.. A myth or a legend, even. Whatever your weird relationship with the groups of cats over the hills, I'm helping Dusty's new folks.."

Dustytrail tilted his head as he watched the two.

Bonsai took that as her sign to leave. “Very well then. My work here is done,” She said sweetly. “I shall take my leave. It was a pleasure meeting you both.” She lied with her harmonic voice.

"That cat just ain't right.. Not sure what it is.."  Harry shook his head and looked back at Dusty. "I can tell she's lying.. I can smell it!"

Dustytrail tipped his head to the other cat. "Ma'am, pleasure was all mine." He watched her leave before turnin to his friend. "Aw Harry ya know how hard it is for ya to trust new cats. 'Member when we met? Was sniffin every piece'a prey i caught for a moon!" Dustytrail laughed and swatted his friend with his tail. "Don't worry bout her none, I'm sure she's just wary bout others"

"Yeah.. Darker times, Dusty. I've tried to be more kind since. Thank ya kindly for that.. But tell me more 'bout this bug problem you've got goin' on.. Is there any way I could help? You know I care 'bout your safety, and if your new flock, or flocks, is in'a heap'a trouble, you know how quick my tail flicks through the air when I'm runnin' from trouble!" Harry held his head high. He wanted to know if his friend was alright..

Dustytrail's deep purr rumbled again. "That's ForestClan, their range got infested after that flood. They livin with us for now, no bugs in my range thankfully." Dustytrail sat, chewin his piece of grass. "My flock is okay for now i think, thank ya Harry, your concern is most welcome." Dustytrail smiled at the cat, he missed spendin everyday with him,

"Of course! Does anyone still have bug bites? I found some aloe growin' on some cat named Falcon's half of the river.. Hehe.. He's a River-Shitter, and refuses to admit it.." Harry laughed. "Or at least I tricked 'em into soundin' like it.."

Dustytrail thought for a moment "hmmm not sure honestly, i havent noticed? Was busy huntin and walkin the range ya know? I will ask though." Dustytrail paused. "He what???" He busted out laughing "Harry whatcha talkin bout bucko?"

"I briefly mentioned makin' dirt in the river when the tom claimed he owned the thing. He got all mad'n huffy, so I fooled him a good bit!" Harry snickered and pressed his paw to his muzzle. "Yeah.. You should head on down to those foresty cats and ask'em who needs help. I'm scoutin' out a badger set in this lil thicket of wood and big'ol brambles on this side of the river, its in a bit of a shadowy place. Just a little further down and over the hill's a very flowery place, so remember that if ya must. Come fly by to snatch me if you wanna chat or need some aloe. I might need help clearing the place, honestly.. But we'll see.."

Dustytrail laughed even harder. "He tryin to say he owned the whole river???" Dustytrail snickered and waved a paw. Dustytrail listened as Harry listed off what he had to do. He smiled and leaned in. "A badget set ya say? Wanna relive some old times bucko? I could use a lil adventure" Dustytrail stood with a flick of his tail

"Oh, I'd love that! Whoo! Help is always nice.." Harry nodded, starting to lead Dusty along

Dustytrail grinned and followed his friend. "So Harry, whathca been up to lately? Any new adventures...or beaus?" He leaned in curiously

"No.. Not much.." Harry shook his head. "I've just been walking along, looking for a place to stay. I finally found a place, like I said, but life's been stale without a buddy.." He shrugged. He'd approached the dark, twisted thicket he'd mentioned. It was a very small patch and was covered in thorns. The safest way through was to hop from leaning trunk to leaning trunk..

Dustytrail listened and nodded along. "Harry come to my range! I can talk ta Rainstar bout keepin ya name, the flock is nice. The barn is warm and safe." They had this conversation so many times, Dustytrail knew Harry's hesitations but still, he missed his friend and wanted him closer and safer. He looked at the thicket ahead of them

"Alright, alright.. I'll come visit you soon. How's about in a night or two? For now, I want to make sure that badger knows I stole its home.." Harry swiftly bounded between trees, his chipped, thorn-like claws digging into the old wood with each nimble jump

Dustytrail grinned, his tail flicking happily. "Pefect, i'll let Rainstar know." He followed his friend, his heavy body not used to leaping between stumps anymore. "oof been a long time since ive had to leap like this."

"Has your flock really been encouraging to slow down!? Ha! You've got to speed up, Dusty! I ain't slowin' down!" Harry darted through the dark thiket, sliding under a root and popping out the other end. He seemd to disapear from sight after he slipped away

Dustytrail huffed "listen i can wipe the floor with ya at anytime!" He grumbled, leaping after his friend. He landed with an undignified thump. "ugh get back here" He slipped after Harry, having to squeeze through a bit.

"I'd like to see you try one of these moons.." Harry shook his head. He was now looking at a lump in the ground that caved inward to form a small den with a couple tunnels. It was surrounded by brambles

Dustytrail grinned and flicked Harry's ear with his tail. "I'll have'ta take you up on that" he laughed and looked at the tumble of brambles. "This it bucko?"

"This is it, yep." Harry nodded. "If I don't move in with you, I'll use the tunnels to store prey and herbs. Problem is, the badger still comes in and out. Smell it? It's fresh.. Fresher than when I last came here. I'll bet my last teeth that it's just left the thicket.."

Dustytrail nodded, chewing his grass. The idea of the badger still lingering made his fur stand on end. "Harry...ya shouldn use it then. What if ya here when it comes back?" Dustytrail's tail flicked with anxiety.

"That's why I brought you here. We've gotta clear this thing.. At least, I do. You really don't have to do this if you don't want to, and right now, I'm scouting.. I don't plan on getting near it or sleeping near it until its time.." Harry shook his head. His voice became a little more clear and calm

"No no ya not doin it alone Harry, we do this stuff together." Dustytrail said firmly, he wouldnt let Harry try to clear this alone! That was way too dangerous. Dustytrail sniffed along the brambles, making sure it was just one badger and not a whole flock of em

Harry sniffed along as well. He hadn't noticed it before, but it really was just a Badger.. But also a pregnant one. The milk scent was slight, but there. "I was thinking of planting a trap.. The ol' Harry style.. Yew berries, prickly trees, stuff 'em in something tasty.."

"eally want this set dontcha?" Dustytrail chuckled as he followed the brambles to find the entrance. It seemed well dug and sturdy so that was a bonus. "it seems alright, just badgery"

"Right. Just badgery. So, any ideas..?" Harry started to walk towards the root that acted like a gate to the small area the set was in. "We should also go just in case.. Just to let us have space away from the badger if it comes back.."

Dustytrail thought for a moment, walking around the perimeter of the den. "The ole Harry special would be good. Also maybe us bein in it would help? Badger sniffs cats hangin out in their den, gets upset, waddles away." Dustytrail waved a paw as he talked. He noded "yes yes youre right"

Harry clambered up onto a tree that looked like it'd be bent 80 degrees while it was trying to grow. "Alright. Lets do this. We'll leave markers in the badger set, so the badger will want to go in and re-new its scent markers. We'll then leave prey inside the den with something inside. I don't want to deal with yew berries, to be honest.. Do you know of anything else that would hurt to eat?"

"great plan, hopefully they get tha picture and skedaddle."Dustytrail thought. "hmmm whats a bitter tastin leaf? If we stuff prey with bitter leaves it might work." He suggested, he wasn't sure though. "or cactus paddles? The thorns hurt a lot"

"Cactus paddles? Wow, I haven't seen a cactus since I was still living with my pop on the far side off of the Cactus Cat's territory, far far away from the river.." Harry's awkward jaw dropped. "Come back here by next sunhigh. I'll hunt the prey and meet you at the front of this thicket by the river." Harry nodded, his eyes wide with excitement

Dustytrail nodded. He had a trek to make by tomorrow. "Got it chief." He smiled at Harry. "And then after that you come to my range." Dustytrail touched Harry's shoulder with his tail. "but of course we getcha this set"

Harry paused for a moment. "I'm sure that.. Even if I don't end up usin' it.. I'll make sure a fine service is done with this here set. It's the safest set I've seen. Secure, hard to enter.. Hard to exit, granted, but also hidden. Your help won't go to waste, ol' friend.." Harry purred as he nudged his head against Dusty's shoulder. It was very very clear now just how out of shade his pelt was. Thick, knotted, and likely had mats. The dusty tom was never good at upkeep, and his slowly breaking jaw made it difficult..

"Its a good set for sure. Nice an safe. a good hide out for ya." Dustytrail purred and bumped Harry back. He noticed the other tom's pelt. "Harry you still chewin bark?" He asked in his most nonjudging tone. He wasn't, he was more concerned. He knew much it hurt his jaw and made life harder. "You i'll help ya with anythin ya need"

Harry nodded, "It eases the stress.. You know how it can get for me without somethin' to gnaw on when the stress is tight as a knot.. Still haven't found an herb for it. But you don' have to worry! Not till ma' damn jaw falls off! I'll find myself a pretty ditch to hide in 'till sunrise. You should get on down back to your herb. I bet someone there miss ya'.."

Dustytrail smiled and licked Harry's cheek. "I know ya goof. Still though, offer for help is always there."He laughed a little at his comment. "Nah not really anyone there that I'm close to like ya Harry. I'll see ya in the mornin, stay safe." He brushed his tail along Harry's side as he started off back towards his range

Harry opened his mouth to say something as Dusty turned tail and left, but he didn't. He stayed quiet. He missed having Dusty around. A little part of him was worried he'd be gone for good.. Was getting used to being swarmed by cats, possibly changing his name that was oh so precious to him, and learning to follow by new rules and expectations he'd never understand really worth it..? It might really be.. He genuinely was split between the two options..