Warriors of the Plants

Larkswim Deerwhisper ♠️Ashcloud♟️ 🪶Finchrush🍃 Rockfang Indy Rattlestrike Fawnbright Blackchin berrypaw - 🫐 Amber'Mantis Harry 🍃Littlebreeze🎐 🪶Quailleap🔻 🐿️Squirrelheart🏵️ 🥀Aspendream🪦(Dark Forest Amaji Tuliptiger Lionlight Shrubkit Firefly Nettletear Maggotstar Tempestkit Muffin Woolymoth Acornsparrow Magnus Felix Cider Fumblelight Dustbunny BeechFace Dapplepetal Kitty Mapleblaze Crowtalon Follydance Mudriver CypressStep Lightningbug Silence Wolfshadow Swirlkit Wild'Stripe Avery Canarystride Rollybug Cloudingkit Jackdawwing Gorseclaw Gloomfreckle Cherryblaze Flintrunner Swallowtail Chirpkit Dottie Blu Irisbreeze Scorpionpaw Bugberry Aisling Fiver Alderspot Sandripple Wicket hawkrunner kuzon 🌾Wheatfeather🪶 Stormpaw (for now) Shimmerscale Bolicha Stagrun Basset Starlingflight Bigthroat Rushcove 🌊Creekstorm🌀 Bonsai Stoatskip Stonevine Ashgaze Hyacinthcurl Gigglechirp Antjaw applefall Bearsnap robinchatter - 🪶 foxspirit - 🦊 🌿Springfern🌿 Smogwillow Dawngaze Dusk ☀️Daystar🌟 BeetleBranch CardinalFluff cowfoot Mouseheart specklepelt - ♣️ sparrowbreeze Drizzlewind Falcon Fireleaf ⚡️Whitestreak⚡️ Ferretslip windwhistle - 💨 Harveststar🌾 Flipflop Sporeshine Malevolent mossystar - 🌱 Jaggedflight silkheart - 🍬 Yewshine Ivybloom KestrelClover Osprey SpruceStar Hazelbird🌰 AshenThorn PetalPaw BristleThorn PigeonClaw Brackenstorm Bleakheart Thistlesong Raccoonpaw 🦗Cricketdust🐞👵 Jeju Tigerspirit Dogwoodpaw Dustpaw Weaselpaw Whirlwhisper honeycoat - 🍯 blunt - 🚘 Willowsong Boot Cloverstream 💕Rustswirl💗💝 Reapwatcher Brownclaw & Thickethop Cinnamon 33 🩵Smoke🪁 Cashew Auburntail Swooppaw Copperflame Bramble Bong🦷 Webswirl Safari Pumpkinpurr DeerMist Sheepfish🐟 Sunheart☀️ 👺Shrewfang🧛 RabbitHeart 🪔Redflight🎈❣️ 🌹Rosedust💥 fogwatcher - 🌫️ shadelight - 🌩️ Dawneye Brookflight Bluetuft Bandit Bubzy 🌙Addersting🔱 🐴🪃Briarstream🍃 Show More
1 year, 18 days ago
52 minutes, 58 seconds ago
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Chapter 138
Published 6 months, 16 days ago

Explicit Violence

This is an archive for a rp server that I'm in! It will be constantly updated as the plot goes on!

Book cover art by Calley_Spring, thanks Spring!

View all archive sprites here!

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Bee Spit

In Cactusclan camp 

Dawnpaw shoved Daylily playfully with his shoulder, "Look at you big bro~"

Dustytrail padded up to Daylily "I can go on patrol if ya need me to."

Daylily smiled, laughing a little as Dawnpaw nudged him. He felt a bit bad that he was already a warrior while his siblings were still apprentices. Did he deserve this culmination? “Thanks, Dustytrail.” Daylily smiled. “I’m thinking that Hunting patrols are probably the priority right now, I can go out and do a border check after you finish hunting.”

Dawnpaw smiled, glad to see their brother so happy and cheerful, "I'll come with you guys!"

Daylily nodded. “That’s great! You guys can go ahead on the hunting patrol! I want to congratulate Drizzlepaw…” He said, a bit hesitant. Thinking back on Drizzlepaw’s behavior, Daylily might not be his favorite cat at the moment

I'll be a second, actually.." Harry darted out of the medicine den and over to Dawn'Paw. "EY! You headed out, Poshy? I need water fer Sun'Heart.."

Dustytrail turned to Dawnpaw with a smile. He sure didn't know the apprentices that well but he could get on just bout anyone. "Where ya wanna hunt Dawnpaw?"

Dawnpaw faltered a bit, she saw the way Drizzlepaw looked at Daylily, he shot a glance at his direction, seeing the new apprentice was looking happy, Dawnpaw nodded, "Let's hunt near the cliffs, meet you there Daylily!"

Daylily watched them go before forcing himself to pad towards Drizzlepaw

Sunheart sighed staring at the mouse frowning slightly "I think Windwhistle might like this mouse instead," He meowed starting to get to his paws

Harry grumbled and ran back into the den. "Who in the name'a the sun is WindWhistle? And why ain't you sittin' down, Sunshine? Look, there's more prey'a comin', huntin' patrol and all. You need to eat that mouse as much as anyone else, got it?"

"Windwhistle is a monarch, and as much as i hate Quailleap she's right about us not having.. the most prey," Sunheart meowed carefully. He would go into another coughing fit that made his entire body shake forcing him to sit back down

Harry pressed his paw against Sun'Heart's shoulder. "You can't even stand right now.. Eat. I'll grab some prey for Windwhistle if you'd really like.."

Sunheart let out a long tired sigh. He would just go on an extra hunting patrol later. He would finally relent laying down taking some bites from the mouse

"Good.. Good.. Now, lemme go grab some feverfew.." Harry nodded, padding over to the herb stock to grab some feverfew

Sunheart would force himself to eat all the mouse not wanting to waste any food

Harry returned with the feverfew, putting it ontop of the catmint. "Once you finish swallowin', try and eat some of this, too.." He nudged the small pile of mixed herbs

Sunheart grimaced at the pile of mixed herbs. "I shouldn't have slept out last night.." he muttered to himself full of regret. He missed Daylily's warrior ceremony, he felt awful, and he couldn't even do the one duty Thistlesong was expecting him to do

"No, you shouldn't of.. But.. Yer 'ere now, Sunshine. Just keep on eatin', you'll be alright.. Got it?"

Sunheart just slowly nodded. Once he finished the mouse he cringed at the pile of herbs one more time before lapping them up quickly chewing and swallowing them

"Good job. I'll make sure you get somethin' to drink, no worries! I'll be back. Feel free tto grab yerself some poppy seeds, but try only two or three.." Harry started to pad out of the den. "Keep restin', 'er else!" He looked around for the nursery after grabbing some mice.

Sunheart would lay down resting his head. He muttered a grunt as a response before trying to get some rest

Harry peaked his head into the nursery with two small mice dangling from his jaw, looking for Windwhistle. Shrugging as he failed to find Windwhistle, he simple dropped the mice back off and decided to join the patrol already out with a moss ball in his jaws

In Cactusclan territory 

Dustytrail padded out of camp and towards the cliffs. "So Dawnpaw ya happy for Daylily?" He asked as they walked

"Of course I am! I just wish the others wouldn't give him such sour looks, it's not his fault that Starclan sent Thistlesong a message." Dawnpaw spat.

Dustytrail nodded. "Yeaaa i bet its hard for him right now. Specially young Drizzlepaw just now becomin an apprentice. Don't worry none bout all the others, they'll get over it." He waved his tail. He spotted a lark and went to chase it but it flew off to quickly

The arrived at their destination in no time, Dawnpaw dropped into a crouch, immediately spotting a sandgrouse, they pounced on the small creature before it could even know what was going on, she looked back at Dustytrail with his catch dangling from his jaws.

Dustytrail purred for Dawnpaw, "Good catch bucko!" He raised his nose in the air but couldn't scent anything, today didn't seem like his day.

Dawnpaw dropped his catch, spotting a desert rat poking its head out of a crack in the cliff walls, they slithered over to the crack and hooked the rat out by the tail, snapping it's spine when she got the chance, he glanced at the other warrior, "You good?" He asked raising a brow, seeing that he wasn't doing anything.

Harry bounded across the sandy desert, looking for Dawn'Paw and Dusty.. He was glad he could find them quickly, though he slowed down a little as he approached. His scent was strong in the air

Dustytrail nodded "Yea sorry I'm rusty ya know?" He smiled and shook his pelt out. He sniffed again, sniffing out a rat for himself. He dropped low and skimmed across the sand.  He leaped. landing on its tail. He nipped it and padded back to Dawnpaw. "Can't let ya show this ole man up" He winked at him

Harry laughed. "Always keepin' up the competition.." He shook his head as he pranced on over

Dawnpaw rolled his eyes, "...okay." They narrowed their eyes when Harry approached, but stopped immediately when she realized what she was doing, remembering what he did for Daylily, "Hello Harry."

"Hey, Poshy. I thought I'd tag along so I could grab some water fer Sunshine.. He's got a bad throat and needs water to help get things down.." Harry dipped his head to Dawn'Paw

Dustytrail smiled at Harry. "Hey Harry, come on and join us"

"That's my plan!" Harry dipped his head. "But I have'ta grab water, too, s'be 'ware..!"

"You have to go to the Flowerclan's border for that." Dawnpaw pointed out.

"Sounds good, we should go!" Harry nodded, turning to face the direction of the Flowerclan border, his tail raising up and flicking

Dawnpaw tilted his head, "Er...you guys can go, I told Daylily I'd meet him here, he's going to be crazy with worry if he can't find me."

"Of course, he needs all the help he can get.." Harry nodded and started to prance off to the border, looking back at Dusty. "Shall we?" He purred

Dustytrail hesitated "Well...we shouldnt leave a youngin alone."

"Hmm.. Well.. I ain't sure.. I think Dawn'll be fine, Dusty.. Sunshine needs water, anywho, and lil Devil's comin' over 'ere.."

Just as the two were speaking about Dawnpaw being on his own, Daylily rounded the corner and padded over to their area. He meowed a quick greeting, putting on another false smile as he grew closer.

"Hey bro!" Dawnpaw cheerfully greeted, "He's here now so you guys can leave for the water or whatever." He said, he wanted to talk to Daylily alone as she could tell that he wasn't feeling alright.

Dustytrail nodded to Daylily. "Alright be safe still." He turned to Harry. "Lead on buckaroo"

Daylily watched them move, his paws and ears twitching.

"Keep Day'Lily safe, Dawn'Paw! Same goes for you, Devil!" Harry nodded before leading Dusty to the border with his tail held high

Dawnpaw watched the two, waiting for them to be out of earshot before speaking up, "Didn't go well?" They asked softly.

Daylily frowned, kicking dirt. “He avoided me.” Daylily said, sighing. “He wouldn’t even look my way, I guess he was too busy with Viperfang.”

Dawnpaw brushed Daylily's side with her tail, "I'm not saying your feelings are not valid Daylily, but I'm sure you can understand where he is coming from." They sat down, nudging their earlier catches towards his brother, "I would be pretty mad too if this happened to me."

Daylily nodded, despite feeling a stinging sense of disappointment in himself. Why was he upset? Drizzlepaw had every right to be angry. Dawnpaw mentioning it also stung. I don’t deserve this. I’m not good enough.

Dawnpaw sighed, looking away for a moment, "He'll get over it eventually, and Daylily..." They turned back to him, "You don't have to act so tough all the time."

But that was his job. To be the stable one that the rest could rely on. If he couldn’t do that, what good was he? “I don’t think I’m tough.” Daylily whispered. Just weak. I can’t even be myself. I don’t who that is anyways. The thought made him grow cold. Everything Daylily did, everything he’s done, was for his family. Whenever he did something for himself, he always got in trouble. 

Speaking of which, Daylily couldn’t remember the last time he did anything for himself. Sneaking into Castleclan? To find Sheepfish. When he and Dawnpaw got back to camp, he got told off by Windwhistle and Sunheart. The Adventure Team? For Duskpaw. He got told off, grounded, lectured, just so Duskpaw could enjoy their little trip. 

Whenever he went on little walks, Dawnpaw was with him. Whenever he went on runs, someone was with him. He hunted for his family and clan, fought for his family and clan, snuck out for his family and clan. Daylily never did anything for himself by himself that he wanted to do because he wanted to.

Dawnpaw took a step back, "Are...you okay?" She asked, knowing full well that her brother was not, "You can relax sometimes, you don't have to be the 'older' one, we're growing up and we can take care of ourselves now. You don't...need to do everything for us, y'know?" He continued, shuffling their paws with the sand.

Daylily sighed, glaring at the floor. When he was the responsible one, he was no fun. But when he looked away, he was neglectful. He didn’t know what to do. “Let’s just go patrol the border…”

Dawnpaw glanced at Daylily, "I'll be here to listen if you wanna talk..." They reminded him, she kicked some sand over the prey and picked herself up, "You don't have to do this alone."

Daylily shook his head. “It’s fine, I’m just trying to make sure there isn’t anymore Forestclan trouble..”

Dawnpaw blinked, not decided not to continue pressing on, "Okay...let's go then."

At the border between Flowerclan and Cactusclan 

Harry hummed a little as he approached the river between CactusClan and FlowerClan, dipping the moss into the river. "We 'aven't talked in a hot second, eh Dusty?"

Dustytrail smiled "Yea, herd been busy and you been chattin up sunheart and the youngins" He teased, taking a drink from the river

"Sunshine's a good cat who's just like me, I can't help but be friends!" He smiled as he put his mossball down to drink from the river. "Who are your friends?"

Dustytrail smiled, listenin to Harry talkin bout makin friends in the herd. "I'm glad ya makin friends already Harry. My friends?" He thought for a moment "Ah well ya know." He waved a paw vaguely.

"Me, right, but who else?" Harry smiled

Dustytrail smiled "Of course you Harry. I'm not very close with many cats. I chat with em but not suuper close"

"Oh.." Harry nodded. He paused for a second. "Sorry I been a tad distant fer the last couple days. I didn't mean'ta.."

Dusty waved his tail "No no Harry I want ya to make friends with the herd! I'm alright, I know youll always chat with me" He smiled, a twinge in his chest.

"I will, I will.. But I can smell sumtin' is off, Dusty.. You've seemed a lil bit off for a tad.. You know how in touch with the soul I can be a bit.."

Dustytrail sighed, looking down at the river. "Youre gonna laugh at me Harry, it's pretty dumb"

"I promise I won't laugh.." Harry shook his head, leaning closer to Dusty

Dustytrail wrapped his tail around his paws. "well....im happy for ya gettin comfy an cozy in the herd but, well..." He looked away, pelt hot. " I thought you were joinin to be with me" He mumbled the last part

Harry's ears grew hot. "Well.. I mean I am. That's why I was sorry I hadn't talked to you much. I missed you and I joined for you, I just.. Haven't had a chance to make friends again." Harry smiled at Dusty

Dustytrail smiled a little at Harry. "I know so thats why im not mad but, ya know how the heart is sometimes Harry.  It be feelin what you dont want it to"

"..That's true, yeah.." Harry nodded. "We should start sharin' tongues 'gain durin the mornings.." Harry picked up the moss ball

Dustytrail smiled, ears burning hot. "We should, i miss it fro mwhen we were youngins. Member how mad Deputy was when we wouldnt let her in?" He chuckled

"Ha! No, I don't sadly.. Was that yer sister or yer pops? I forget, heh.."

Dusty snorted "My sister Harry! My pops was Sheriff. Deputy got named that cause she was born first"

"Right! Right! I miss her a tad, she was a hoot to laugh at some! Heh!" Harry laughed aloud

Dustytrail laughed and shook his head. "She was always sayin some wild stories. Causin so much trouble when we were youngins" He heart ached for his family, he hadnt seen them in moons

"They still'a livin' at all? I haven't seen 'em either.." Harry chuckled

"Yea they still livin, last i knew at least. They moved to a new range." He sighed

"Alright.." Harry dipped his head and nodded. "You think you can find a big wad of moss for grabbin' water, by the way?"

Dusty nodded and padded down the river. He leaped up onto to some rocks and started scrapping up some moss. Maybe I wasnt clear enough? Should I tell him? He shook his head. No, now wasnt the time. He picked the moss ball up and went back, before dunking it into the river

"Thank you!" Harry smiled. "Sunshine's really gon' need this.. He's got a cough.. Not sure what it was, but it ain't vomits.. Thank goodness.."

Dustytrail smiled "I'm sorry hes sick, hopefully thisll help! Maybe we can find some honey round here?" He looked up at the trees crowding the river

"That's a good idea! Looks like there's a beehive on the otherside with the flowers.. We'll be fiiiine.." Harry put the rock down on a rock. "Keep this moss safe, I'll be quick.." He lept into FlowerClan territory

Dustytrail paused. "Wait Harry! Ya cant do that!" He called after his friend

"Why not? I ain't stealin' prey, is it illegal to steal bee spit?"

Dustytrail's tail flicked nervously. "Ya cant cross borders! Thats Flower's range!"

"I'm doin' this to save a sick cat, they just gon' have to cry.." And Harry sassily pranced into the territory

Dustytrail sighed and leaped onto the rocks, staying on the Cactus side. "Harry!" He hissed " Get back here! Please!"

In Flowerclan territory 

Harry hummed a sweet little tune as he pranced into FlowerClan territory like a fancy little deer. He looked around up at the trees, searching for a nice leaf and a beehive to steal from

Harveststar avoided staying in camp for too long. She'd organize patrols and then she'd go off on her own patrol. She'd come back late at night when most were asleep to go rest herself. Today she was alone on a border patrol.

Harry hadn't noticed Harvest'Star yet.. He let out a little 'ooOooh..' As he spotted a beehive. He picked up a healthy looking fallen leaf and started trying to climb up the tree. He struggled and fell at first, shaking out his pelt as he got ready to climb up again

"Excuse me?" Came a booming strong voice. The large molly would pad up towards Harry staring down at him with a stern gaze but not hostile

Dustytrail growled to himself and bounded over the rocks. He followed Harry's scent and found...Harveststar. Great. "Harry!"

Harry froze, sloooowly turning around to look at Harvest'Star. "W-well, Howdy!" Harry called awkwardly, but softly

Sunheart would be right about just how large she was. "What are you doing on FlowerClan territory?" Harveststar meowed still not hostile but it was clear one wrong move and she might attack

"I'm just tryna nab me some honey fer'a friend.." Harry didn't noticed Dusty just yet.. He was sort of frozen with anxiety upon meeting Harvest'Star.. A cat he feared at the sight of her.. But also.. Couldn't help to admire her build, lets just say, his mind straying away from his bisexual panic, knowing damn well she probably wasn't even interested in toms.. He had more gay thoughts to explore, anywho..

Dustytrail trotted over, bowing as respectfully as he could to the intimidating leader. " Harveststar I am so sorry. Harry is ma friend and he is vistin CactusClan, learnin our rules. Obne of our clanmates is sick and I suggested finding honey on our side of the border. Harry came over here and I warned him against it. I am so sorry ."

"I know the rules, I just don't care about 'em when my friend is sick. Life goes over morals, that's my one moral.." Harry rose his chin up at seeing Dusty

Dustytrail resisted the urge to throttle his friend

Harveststar would stare down at Dustytrail. "If you needed honey we have some at camp." She meowed "Where's the charm?" She inquired shifting her weight making her muscles ripple underneath her coarse pelt. She looked as if she could body a fox by herself

Dusytrail dipped his head. "thank you so much Harveststar. We would greatly appreciate it ma'am"

"Well, thank you kindly, big lady.." Harry dipped his head with a very gentle purr. "Take us away, Ha.. Har.. Harvest'Star? Whatever yer name is, I greatly appreciate ya kindness!"

Harveststar grunted "You try anything I send you back to Cactusclan without tails." She growled towering over the two toms, "Next time bring the charm," She meowed flicking her fluffy tail before leading them away

"What.. What do you mean by charm, if you don't mind me askin'.." Harry's eyes grew a little wide as he lowered his head shyly.

"Ask your friend," Was Harveststar's deadpan reply as she walked

Harry turned to look at Dusty for a hint, an awkard look smeared across his muzzle

Dustytrail blinked, his heart was too busy tryin to beat normal. "huh? Uh i dunno" The weird look on Harry's face was throwin him off

"Dung.." Harry spat, pausing as he hesitated before he slipped into camp, following behind Harvest'Star

Harveststar laughed "You're a Cactusclan cat and you don't know the charm that the med cats use to send warriors into other clan's territories?" She shook her head

"We're.. More recent additions.." Harry shrugged

Dustytrail blinked "Oh uh we dont have it. We werent settin out to enter your territory."

In Flowerclan camp 

Harveststar would lead them into camp "You two sit and wait here." She ordered flicking her tail again before padding towards the med cat den

Harry nodded, sitting down and wrapping his tail over his paws

Dusty sat, keeping his tail wrapped around himself neatly

Shrewpaw nodded. He perked up when he heard movement outside the nursery

Hazelbird also lifted his head. He gently unwrapped himself around the kits peaking outside of the nursery

Rustswirl was busy washing her pretty pelt, making her warm tabby designs shimmer in the sunlight as she fluffed her bangs.

Harry scratched at the back of his ear, letting his eyes wandered around as he spotted the cats peering out of the nursery. He gently waved to them

Shrewpaw looked at the stranger, narrowed his sharp amber eyes, then turned away, covering his nose. “What are they doing here?!” He spat, grimacing at the sand that trailed after them.

dustytrail kept himself neat and sat upright. He smiled to the cat peering out of the nursery

Hazelbird narrowed his eyes at the two cats "Cactusclan.." He muttered to Shrewpaw "Watch the kits I'm gonna watch them make sure they don't try anything," He mewed to the apprentice before squeezing out of the nursery walking towards the two cactusclan cats

"Well they sound nice.." Harry shot a suspicious glare at Shrew'Paw before returning to a normal expression

Shrewpaw sent a suspicious glare back, bristling. It didn’t help that he could hear the kits mewling behind him.

Hazelbird would put on a friendly enough smile "Hello," He mewed "Cactusclan right?" The smaller tom asked

"Dusty 'ere is, I ain't quite.. But I'm helpin!" Harry took a couple steps closer to Hazel'Bird, but didn't exactly face him. "I'm Harry, you?"

"Hazelbird, what brings you to Flowerclan?" He questioned curiously

Rustswirl perked her head up when she saw two rather scraggly looking cactusclan cats talk with Hazelbird. What a gross combination. She winced as she took in their appearance, did they not know how to take care of their pelts? How horrid! It looked so dirty and matted!

Dustytrail dipped his head  "Howdy. Were here for some honey for our sick clanmate"

Harry was an especially disgusting sight to Rust'Swirl. He had matts on his tail, his fur was patched and stuck together like a thick coat of armor, and his jaw was off center.. Gross.. "My friend Sun'Heart has a cold of some kind.. We wanted to get some honey for him. He's been refusing to eat, sorta.. Strugglin' with it, really.." Harry scratched his cheek

Rustswirl felt as if she would vomit at the sight, but at the mention of her friend, she jumped upright and padded over, not so gently pushing Hazelbird to the side. “Sunheart’s sick?” She inquired, cringing at the smell that came from the cats. “Of course he’s sick, there’s always something up with him!”

Hazelbird would stumble a bit glaring at Rustswirl before blinking "Sunheart? That cat you like to gossip with?" He inquired

"He just slept outside is all.. He'll be doin' alright after some rest, water, food, and honey to help get things down.." Harry nodded assuringly to Rust'Swirl. "It sounds like Sun'Heart's got friends round 'ere, hmm? I'd love to make more friends!"

Rustswirl nodded. “He has the best drama, mostly surrounding him and this Quailleap or whatever. Point is, Sunnytom here always gets hurt one way or another. Like this one time in the gathering when I asked him about Bearsnap, he tripped over the Tribute Skate and spilled all the mice offered.” Rustswirl said with a sigh. “I can’t gossip with him if he’s siccckk! I neeed to know what’s happening and he has all the deets!”

Dustytrail laughed and shook his head. " I member that, a whole mess"

Hazelbird gave Rustswirl an unimpressed look "You know drama and gossip rots your brain," He huffed "But I guess you don't have one to rot away," He coughed looking away

Harry laughed aloud at Hazel's comment. "OH, Yer a hoot, stranger! Haha!"

Harveststar would soon come back with a dock leaf in her jaws. She would put the leaf down letting it unfurl showing the glistening golden honey it held. "While you're here did you two need anything else herb wise?" She inquired

"No. But I thank ya kindly, Harvest'Star. You and yer herd members have a good time, now! Stay safe!" Harry picked the honey up, standing to his paws and looking at Dusty

Dustytrail dipped his head to Harveststar "Thank you ma'am" he stood and turned to leave the camp

"I hope that Sunheart fellow gets well soon!" Hazelbird meowed watching them leave before going back to the nursery to watch over his and Fumble's kits

Harveststar would pad out of camp with them "I'm going to be escorting you out." She meowed sternly

Dustytrail nodded "Of course"

In Flowerclan territory 

Harry looked at Harvest'Star as they were escorted out. "Thank ya kindly for all ya done 'ere. I promise I meant no harm when I came on over in the first place.."

"I'll let it slide this time, but next time remember the charm. If not I don't care if your clanmate is dying of red-cough I won't let you on Flowerclan territory." She growled her icy purple eye showing she was being genuine about her threat. "Now go back to your side of the border before I turn this ugly." 

Harry nodded quickly, darting off as quickly as he could with Dusty at his side, wading through a shallow part of the river and gesturing for Harry to grab the wet moss before looking back at Harvest'Star and darting away into the desert

Harveststar would be standing at the other edge of the river watching them her purple eye seeming to glare into their souls. She was just making sure they actually left and didn't try to recross the border