Warriors of the Plants

Larkswim Deerwhisper ♠️Ashcloud♟️ 🪶Finchrush🍃 Rockfang Indy Rattlestrike Fawnbright Blackchin berrypaw - 🫐 Amber'Mantis Harry 🍃Littlebreeze🎐 🪶Quailleap🔻 🐿️Squirrelheart🏵️ 🥀Aspendream🪦(Dark Forest Amaji Tuliptiger Lionlight Shrubkit Firefly Nettletear Maggotstar Tempestkit Muffin Woolymoth Acornsparrow Magnus Felix Cider Fumblelight Dustbunny BeechFace Dapplepetal Kitty Mapleblaze Crowtalon Follydance Mudriver CypressStep Lightningbug Silence Wolfshadow Swirlkit Wild'Stripe Avery Canarystride Rollybug Cloudingkit Jackdawwing Gorseclaw Gloomfreckle Cherryblaze Flintrunner Swallowtail Chirpkit Dottie Blu Irisbreeze Scorpionpaw Bugberry Aisling Fiver Alderspot Sandripple Wicket hawkrunner kuzon 🌾Wheatfeather🪶 Stormpaw (for now) Shimmerscale Bolicha Stagrun Basset Starlingflight Bigthroat Rushcove 🌊Creekstorm🌀 Bonsai Stoatskip Stonevine Ashgaze Hyacinthcurl Gigglechirp Antjaw applefall Bearsnap robinchatter - 🪶 foxspirit - 🦊 🌿Springfern🌿 Smogwillow Dawngaze Dusk ☀️Daystar🌟 BeetleBranch CardinalFluff cowfoot Mouseheart specklepelt - ♣️ sparrowbreeze Drizzlewind Falcon Fireleaf ⚡️Whitestreak⚡️ Ferretslip windwhistle - 💨 Harveststar🌾 Flipflop Sporeshine Malevolent mossystar - 🌱 Jaggedflight silkheart - 🍬 Yewshine Ivybloom KestrelClover Osprey SpruceStar Hazelbird🌰 AshenThorn PetalPaw BristleThorn PigeonClaw Brackenstorm Bleakheart Thistlesong Raccoonpaw 🦗Cricketdust🐞👵 Jeju Tigerspirit Dogwoodpaw Dustpaw Weaselpaw Whirlwhisper honeycoat - 🍯 blunt - 🚘 Willowsong Boot Cloverstream 💕Rustswirl💗💝 Reapwatcher Brownclaw & Thickethop Cinnamon 33 🩵Smoke🪁 Cashew Auburntail Swooppaw Copperflame Bramble Bong🦷 Webswirl Safari Pumpkinpurr DeerMist Sheepfish🐟 Sunheart☀️ 👺Shrewfang🧛 RabbitHeart 🪔Redflight🎈❣️ 🌹Rosedust💥 fogwatcher - 🌫️ shadelight - 🌩️ Dawneye Brookflight Bluetuft Bandit Bubzy 🌙Addersting🔱 🐴🪃Briarstream🍃 Show More
1 year, 18 days ago
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Chapter 174
Published 4 months, 23 days ago

Explicit Violence

This is an archive for a rp server that I'm in! It will be constantly updated as the plot goes on!

Book cover art by Calley_Spring, thanks Spring!

View all archive sprites here!

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Pomegranate- I Mean Pregnant

In Cactusclan camp 

Sunheart was still a bit tired. Even after sleeping in he felt as if his very soul had been drained of energy. He wondered if all the medicine cats felt like that after their visits to the moon pond or if it was the star's punishment for him specifically.

After Sunheart set up the patrols, swallowing any spiteful looks from his fellow clanmates, before he looked for Thistlesong. Bluetuft's words repeating in his head. What could it mean? Was he allowed to ponder on the Starclan warrior's words or would his pounding headache get worse as punishment for overstepping...again...

Thistlesong was passing around quietly in the medicine den, his eyes scanning the ground and flicking around in nervousness. The brunt of “leading” such a chaotic clan was certainly getting to him, and a race of thoughts was streaming through his head. From the prophecy about Daylily, to the disobedience of half the clan, Thistlesong was having trouble keeping up.

Sunheart would yawn as he padded into the med cat den. "Thistlesong?" He called before blinking letting his eyes adjust to the dark den compared to the blinding sunlight

Pausing, Thistlesong looked up from his pacing. “Oh, hello Sunheart.” He said, tired. “Are you injured?” Thistlesong asked, moving towards his herb store. He wouldn’t be surprised if Sunheart was injured, maybe the chaos with Viperfang got out of hand?

"Ah no," Sunheart laughed. Sure he had a headache but a hunting patrol would probably help. "I actually have a message for you.. uh from Starclan," He meowed trying to sound nonchalant but he couldn't deny he was nervous admitting to the med cat that he had went to the Moon Pond

Stopping on his hind legs, Thistlesong pivoted around. “Are you getting dreams?” He asked curiously, moving towards Sunheart. Maybe he had received a similar message to the one Bluetuft had given to him those few moons ago..?

Sunheart would shuffle his paws chuckling awkwardly as he looked away from Thistlesong "N-not exactly?" He mewed "I went to the uh.. Moon pond after the last gathering," He meowed deciding not to mention Harry so he wouldn't get in trouble

Dropping his head, Thistlesong let out a small grunt. “Oh.” He said shortly, slightly disappointed. “What’s the message then?” He asked, barely registering that Sunheart had gone to the Moon pond after he learned the message hadn’t come from a dream.

Sunheart relaxed a little seeing Thistlesong not caring. He cleared his throats as he carefully recalled the words. "'The heart will split when the next moon cries.'" He meowed pausing before adding, "And also we need to keep an eye on Quailleap and Viperfang,"

Muttering the words under his breath, Thistlesong looked up and around his den. “That doesn’t really sound like the other prophecy…” He muttered, confused. Musing to himself, Thistlesong gazed out of the exit of the medicine den. “Perhaps this is about something different…?” His voice trailed off.

"What other prophecy?" Sunheart inquired curiously

Hesitating, Thistlesong stuttered slightly. “I said that out loud?” He said guiltily. “I 'spose I’ll have to tell you now.” He muttered. Thistlesong moved his mouth silently for a couple seconds, attempting to find the words for it. “So you know how Daylily is a warrior now?” He asked.

Sunheart slowly nodded raising a brow watching Thistlesong

"Well..." He said slowly. "The only reason he's a warrior, is because Starclan sent me a sign." Thistlesong admitted. "The sun was shining brightly at midday, with four kits." Gulping, Thistlesong continued. "Daylily and his siblings, naturally. They were playing next to some desert lilies." Slowly, Thistlesong got the words out. "I think Daylily is destined to be the next leader of Cactusclan."

Sunheart stared at Thistlesong with wide amber eyes. His face tensed "You can't be serious." He growled

Shrugging, Thistlesong chuckled slightly. "I made him a warrior!" He said slightly giddily. "Can I be any less serious?" He asked.

There was no amusement at all on Sunheart's face. Just cold dead seriousness. "I know Daylily can learn quick. Quicker than any other kit I've seen but he's still a kit!" He meowed "You can't put that sort of responsibility on a kit!"

Thistlesong nodded. "You may be right, but this is Daylily's destiny!" He said. "He'll meet with fate eventually, there's no stopping it."  He admitted. Thinking back at Rainstar's brief leadership, Thistlesong thought for a second. "Take a look at Rainstar though." Thistlesong pointed out. "He was a horrible leader, lazy and childish, but I know Daylily will take the role on more responsibly." Thistlesong reasoned. "He can't even become leader until he's had an apprentice anyways." He said. dismissing Sunheart's point.

Sunheart's face tensed further. "What about Daylily." He meowed "He's already stressed enough. None of this should have happened! He should have stayed an apprentice like his siblings! Playing and training normally. Forcing him to be leader at such a young age! That's cruel, Thistlesong." He growled standing over Thistlesong before taking a step back taking a breath. "Let him have his childhood...at least what's left of it," He meowed tiredly turning to leave the den "I have to go watch two warriors..."

Thistlesong growled lightly. "He had a kithood, but it's not about his feelings!" He hissed. "It's about the fate of the clan, nothing more, nothing less!" Flicking his tail and turning around, he continued to pace around the den, eyes bright with frustration.

Sunheart slipped back out into the bright sun. Even with the beating heat he could tell it was getting cooler. He shook his head going to his patrol hoping Thistlesong would leave Daylily be because he couldn't stop Thistlesong from giving Daylily an apprentice. Couldn't stop Thistlesong from making Daylily such a young leader... couldn't stop Starclan. He dug his claws into the stony camp floor suddenly feeling powerless

Littlebreeze in the corner of camp, by the roots of the meeting area. The tree grew above but its legs twisted into burrow and made nets of brambles and branches. Littlebreeze tucked herself into the corner of one, trying to regain her troubled breathing. It felt as if a puma had rammed into her

Sunheart would be getting ready to go out on a patrol before noticing Littlebreeze. He would slowly approach her "Hey, Littlebreeze," He mewed

The small cream she cat would pause, her mind circulating before she realized it was Sunheart talking to her. That made her relax a bit, uncurling. “Sunheart...” She said with a strained smile.

Sunheart smile wavered slightly as he got closer "You alright?" He asked worriedly

“A little out of breath…” Littlebreeze admitted

Sunheart nodded "Do you want me to get you some water?" He asked wanting to help Littlebreeze

Littlebreeze nodded, feeling like she was about to throw up

Sunheart nodded quickly getting up and going to the water storage to get Littlebreeze some water

Littlebreeze watched him run off, feeling faint

Sunheart would be as quick as he could as he got a soaked mossball quickly going back to Littlebreeze

Littlebreeze looked at the mossball and graciously accepted it.

"Do you need me to do anything else?" Sunheart softly asked gently resting his tail on her back

Littlebreeze coughed. “Could you possibly fetch Thistlesong?”

Sunheart didn't really want to go back to Thistlesong after their altercation but he cared about Littlebreeze's healthy more. "Of course,"  He nodded getting up quickly going back to Thistlesong's den. "Thistlesong!" He called popping his head into the den

Thistlesong looked up again from his napping place. "Yeah?" He asked, getting up.

Harry had made his way into Thistlesong's den a little bit ago, having planned to make a fuss about last night to him, but he stopped and turned around to look at Sunheart 

"Ok!" Thistlesong said, attempting to put the temporary turmoil between himself and Sunheart to the side, and help Littlebreeze. Thistlesong followed Sunheart out of the medicine den, to where Littlebreeze was resting.

"Did you tell 'em about last night already..?" Harry whispered to Sunheart, trotting at his side

Sunheart glanced at Harry following Thistlesong, "Uh yeah.. I did," He nodded

"Did he 'side anything about the Forestclan news..?" Harry tilted his head

"I didn't tell him that much.." Sunheart admitted shifting slightly

"Shouldn't 'e know? Or should we do it ourselves..?" Harry tilted his head

Sunheart nodded "He should know yes.. all I told him was the message," He explained under his breath

Thistlesong looked over his shoulder. "What's taking you two so long?" He asked.

Littlebreeze was gripping the sides of her head as she let out a pained groan

"We was just'a talkin' bout our dream last night at the moon pond is all.." Harry caught up with Thistlesong

Thistlesong raised an eyebrow. "Our dream?" He asked. Dismissing it quickly, he walked over to Littlebreeze, and gave her a quick sniff.

Littlebreeze shrank away from the three toms, their presence and grouping was making her uncomfortable

"Yeah, I thought Sun 'ad told you, we both went there and dreamed'a lost ones and what not.. But it don't look like that's our worries at the moment.." Harry looked down at Littlebreeze with concern

Thistlesong smiled at Littlebreeze. "I just need to rule out a couple things, then I can give you some herbs to make you feel better." He said softly.

“Okay…” Littlebreeze mumbled, wincing

Sunheart went over to his mate laying down on her other side to give her some warmth and support

"This question might 'elp.. You two get down and did some things in a comfy lil bed sprinkled with petals and shite some time recent?" Harry asked bluntly 

Littlebreeze blushed furiously, covering her face with an irritated frown.

Sunheart bristled "Harry," He warning growled wrapping his tail around Littlebreeze. Sunheart would try to get his fur to lay flat looking at Thistlesong

"Headache, nausia lookin', stomach cramped, smells and sounds pregnant but that could be a million things till we know if yall did tango. There ain't no judgin' to be done, only evaluation..." Harry gently patted Sunheart's back with his tail

Thistlesong touched Littlebreeze’s belly softly. "If so, there’s a possibility you’re pregnant." Thistlesong added onto Harry’s comment.

“Pregnant?!” Littlebreeze echoed, sounding terrified. There was a Cactusclan curse on mothers, they never lived long!

Sunheart looked at Littlebreeze sympathetically, "H-hey it'll be alright," He tried to comfort with an awkward smile. He really didn't look like a mate to Littlebreeze...more just a close friend

"Harry’s right." Thistlesong said. "There’s a high possibility, with all the symptoms that you’ve been experiencing, that you’re pregnant." He said softly to Littlebreeze. He hated admitting that Harry was right, but it was practically undeniable.

“I can’t be pregnant!” Littlebreeze insisted. “I’m going to die..!”

Harry nodded. "You'll be safe if y'ar.. We promise. We and the rest'a the clan will keep an eye on you and yer health, mk?" He didn't get too close to Little'Breeze, but he laid down and looked at her, speaking in a calm and gentle tone. "Yain't gon' die, not on our paws you ain't.. Plus, me and Dusty are gon' be in the nursery more often so there'll be more eyes watchin' you fine and careful..!"

Thistlesong nodded reassuringly. "Lots of cats give birth." He said softly. "You’ll be fine. You’ve got me. And I guess Harry."

Harry gave a toothy smile at Thistlesong and Sunheart, giving a calmer one to Littlebreeze

Littlebreeze looked even more uncomfortable than before. All this attention! It was making her queasy

Sunheart saw this licking her ears to try and comfort her. "Uh, you guys can go, I'll help Littlebreeze move into nursery," He meowed

Sunheart did help her calm down, thankfully, so Littlebreeze mustered up her strength to stand up

Sunheart helped Littlebreeze stand up letting her lean on him

Thistlesong nodded to Sunheart. "We’ll talk later." He said. "About…things."

Sunheart didn't look at Thistlesong his attention on helping Littlebreeze. He just flicked his ear to show he had heard him

“Are you okay…?” Littlebreeze asked

Sunheart would glance at Littlebreeze "Why do you ask?" He meowed helping her towards the nursery

“You seemed angry around Thistlesong..” Littlebreeze whispered, straining herself to keep up

Sunheart took a breath "We...I-I wasn't angry persay," He meowed slowing down so Littlebreeze could go at her own pace

Littlebreeze winced with every step but finally settled into the safe burrow of the nursery. She curled up underneath the straw curtains and groaned. “I feel so sick…” she whimpered. “But you definitely seemed upset with him..”

Sunheart sighed softly shaking his head "Is there anyway I can help?" He asked not wanting to talk about Thistlesong any longer

Littlebreeze frowned, not sure how Sunheart could help her when she was the one who had to sit through all of this

"I can get you more water, some prey maybe?" He meowed peeking out of the nursery to see the empty prey pile with a frown. This wasn't the best time to be having more mouths to feed...

“Sunheart.” Littlebreeze called, sounding serious

Sunheart blinked looking back at Littlebreeze, "Y-yeah?"

“We’re having kits.” She said. “You’re going to be a dad.”

Sunheart stared at her. He felt his pelt prickle slightly as the realization started setting in. "Kits..." He echoed before smiling, "I-I can't wait to meet them..." He softly purred

Littlebreeze chuckled even though she felt awful. She felt like she was a liar but couldn’t place what she was lying on

Sunheart was excited. That was true...he's always wanted kits to be a father to a cute bunch of furballs. To watch them grow up into strong capable warriors...yet he couldn't help but wish he was fathering them with someone else. He quickly shook his head. What was he thinking?! Littlebreeze was going through pain to carry his kits and birth them. He loved Littlebreeze. Yeah. He loved her...

Littlebreeze loved Sunheart. He was such a nice tom and pleasant to talk to. Yet she couldn’t help but feel as if something was…off between them. Oh what was she thinking?! That’s just the stress talking, Sunheart and her were perfect

Sunheart cleared his throat "I'm going to get you some water.. and some extra bedding," He meowed leaning in close before just licking the top of her head awkwardly before standing up slipping out of the den

Littlebreeze nodded, smiling faintly.

After a while Sunheart would finally come back. Carrying a soaked mossball and some extra straw and dry moss with a smile

“Are you okay?” Littlebreeze asked once again. She couldn’t help but notice just how upset he looked

Sunheart would place the things down pushing the water towards Littlebreeze before starting to add the straw and moss to her bed. "Huh? Why do you say that?" He asked raising a brow

“you and Daylily…you two are so alike you know.” Littlebreeze mumbled. “You always stress yourself out putting too many tasks on your shoulders!”

Littlebreeze mentioning Daylily made Sunheart falter slightly being reminded of his earlier conversation with Thistlesong. "Yeah well.. can't leave it all to Daylily.." He murmured

Woolykit would suddenly appear beside Sunheart staring at Littlebreeze

Littlebreeze flinched at the sudden appearance of Woolykit.

Sunheart raised a brow wondering why Littlebreeze flinched before looking at the tiny devil himself that was suddenly beside him making him also jump "Starclan!" He hissed under his breath

"Why are you having kits?" Woolykit blurted out tilting his head curiously

Littlebreeze shifted uncomfortably. “I just am…”

Woolykit just stood there before looking up at Sunheart then back at her, "Him?" He asked in a tone that was like 'really?'

Sunheart bristled, "Where's Sheepfish?" He meowed cutting in before Littlebreeze could answer

Littlebreeze shrank back, feeling discomfort crawl through her

Woolykit shrugged "dunno." He meowed sitting down pawing at a small stick on the ground. He was hungry and bored and he didn't want to think about his hungry stomach any longer

There was a rustling by the entrance of the nursery. Pushing past the straw curtain, Daylily stepped inside and shook his pelt. It was obvious he was here to visit his pops, but when he saw Windwhistle resting, he gave a tired sigh

Sunheart would stare at Woolykit before looking at Daylily dipping his head in greeting. He turned to Littlebreeze "I should go now, I'll come back later but the clan needs more hunters," He meowed pressing his nose against Littlebreeze's forehead

Littlebreeze nodded, watching with a worried sigh as Sunheart stepped outside.

Harry hummed quietly to himself, shaking out his now cleaner fur for a second before slipping into the medicine den. He wanted to talk to Thistlesong about the rest of the dream now that he knew that Sunheart rejected to mention the news about Forestclan, as well as his patches of missing fur on his buttocks that needed tending after his matting was cleaned away

Thistlesong padded past Harry, and out of camp into the territory. He couldn’t deal with him right now, so he was going to relax just outside camp

In Cactusclan territory 

Harry decided to travel into the desert for a good stretch. He also knew that if he could find something to soothe damaged skin out here, it'd be wonderfully helpful. Harry's ears perked up as he realized that now he and Thistle were headed the same way. "Oh look who'sa come along now~"

Thistlesong groaned. "You’re here?" He asked, super drained after today’s events.

"What you mean 'xactly?" Harry tilted his head as he stretched with each step

Keep walking, Thistlesong hoped Harry would leave him alone eventually. “Nothing." He grunted, practically walking in a large circle now.

"Well, I wanted to talk to ya some anywho.. The first thing is 'bout the dream.. I realized Sunshine left a tad bit out, the bit important to me, honestly.."

Thistlesong turned around to Harry. "What’d he leave out?" Thistlesong asked.

"I was askin' a storm about a single question to some starry cats.. First some floof-ball-brain named Maggot'Star, then to a much bossier type named Blue'Tuft. Blue'Tuft said he couldn't say none 'bout the full, but, what he could say to my question was this.. Well.. Firstly.. I asked about Lion'Light's death. Blue'Tuft couldn't say much, it was 'gainst his rules or somethin', 

but essentially, ForestClan is involved. Sorry, I repeated myself a tad, but yeah.. ForestClan is involved with Lion'Light's death, confirmed by Blue'Tuft. I wanted to know because Mossy'Star denied even the idea that one of her warriors could've killed a queen. I think this is the sign we need to confirm such and then hopefully Mossy'Star will accept my request for peace to prevent anymore death! Hell, Harvest'Star sounded on board.."

Thistlesong‘s eyes looked dull. "We knew it was Forestclan." He pointed out. "Who else could it have been?" Thistlesong said dismissively.

"At best, it was an accident.. It might be truthful that they did somethin' wrong and that they don't want to.. But they were all certainly mad because of Viper and Quail, Viper especially. Why else would they warn us about those two things at the same time? I honestly just want all'a this bloodshed t' end.."

Thistlesong sighed, still not totally paying attention to Harry. His eyes were wandering, and he pawed at the ground with his right front paw. "It’s not going to end." He pointed out. "Unless someone can control those two."

"I have this idea in my mind for a while now, ya know.. It might sound cruel but.. Viper maimed a cat, took the poor things eye. I want to rip the claws from that snake.. Take away his ability to hurt.." Harry, too, pawed at the sand, his ragged claws sinking past each grain

"He’s a good warrior." Thistlesong stated. "Just looking out for his clan. Stupid though." He chuckled slightly.

"Good?" Harry spat. "He wouldn't listen.. And now look where 'is actions got 'em? A poor cat is missing an eye and a child is missing a mother.. He might'a been a good warrior once, but now even spirits are sayin'a be wary.." Harry stood up and took a determined, quick step in front of Thistle.. He really wasn't pleased with anything to do with Viper, not after what'd gone down just two nights ago..

Harry’s voice pounded in Thistlesong’s head, and he stumbled over his back feet, groaning slightly. Thistlesong buried his head in his neck, ears feeling full of water. He attempted to shake it off, and replied to Harry. "As I said, stupid." He groaned.

"..You fine?" Harry mewed with concern, hesitantly taking a step back

Thistlesong shook himself off again, getting up. "Yup!" He said confidently, still shaking off the last of the headache. It sorta felt like someone was driving a stake through his brain, so to say. However, it abated quickly, and soon it was like Thistlesong had felt nothing at all.

"Alright, but remember I know herbs too, just in case you need it.. We can talk more 'bout what to do for ForestClan later. How's about.. We just grab some Feverfew and Chamomile..?" Harry spoke a little quieter

"Are you stupid?" Thistlesong asked. "They will never let us get herbs from them now." He said. "I’ll go to Castleclan."

"FlowerClan's been kind to us.. It might actually be nice to see if they have Juniper berries.. Hell! I saw the lil blue dots last time I was asleep in my den outside of the clan camp..! Right by my favorite thicket, it's past the big dunes and up the river.."

"I’ll go to Castleclan." He repeated, pacing slightly. He hadn’t talked to Mouseheart in what seemed like ages, it would be a good opportunity to see her.

"..Alright.. Could I come please? I could 'elp carry shite and I've never been nor seen nome of 'em Castle cats, I don't believe..!" Harry had a big smile on his face

Thistlesong grunted. “No." He said impartiality. "I don’t need you." Thistlesong said with a hint of a hiss in his voice.

"You suuure? Ya can't carry 'bout everything you might need in that one mouth'a yours, it's quite small, hehe.." Harry purred, strutting through the sand with excitement

"My mouth might be small, but what about my claws?" Thistlesong asked, flexing his surprisingly long (but not very sharp) claws to Harry. "And what about the rest of me?" He asked, attempting to exude an aura of intimidation.

"Alright, I won't.. But y' best stand down a tad.." Harry stood up and rose his chin, exuding a little bit of intimidation aura. "..No need'a get violent some. I'll head on back to camp now, you have a nice day!" Harry promptly headed back towards camp.

As soon as Harry was out of earshot, Thistlesong sighed in relief. "Thinks he can steal my job…" He muttered, kicking a rock nearby. "Dung-face…” Thistlesong settled down in a patch of sand he had worn down after hours of napping, and slowly drifted off to sleep, trying not to think of anything that was happening around him. 

As Thistlesong opened his eyes too walk back to camp, he found himself in an unfamiliar field landscape. Standing up, he looked around at the landscape, spotting a starry cream figure atop a hill. “Cloverstream…” He said in awe, getting up slowly and standing shakily.

Clovestream looked down at Thistlesong, smiling warmly. She suddenly turned around, racing down the opposite side of the hill.

Thistlesong protested, and started bolting up the side of the hill, his sides aching. He reached the top of the hill, and saw Cloverstream lying down in what seemed to be Cactusclan camp. “I’m coming Cloverstream!" He said urgently, dashing down the hill, not paying attention to where his feet were going. His eyes were fixed on Cloverstream. 

As he ran, the territory around him transformed, and it was like he was back into the territory, all those moons ago. As he rounded a corner into the camp, Cloverstream was let out of his sight for a moment. Rushing into the camp, his face fell as he saw Cloverstream limp, in the middle of the clearing. Wailing loudly, he rushed forward up to Cloverstream’s dead body, placing his head on her flank and crying out in anguish.

Thistlesong sobbed slightly, his eyes closed and resting on Cloverstream. He felt her body dissolve underneath him, and when he opened his eyes again, he felt the heat of the rest of his clan mates around him. However, they weren’t there to comfort or console. His clan mates crowded around him, continually asking him questions and berating him. Soon they crowded him so much that he felt like he was drowning in cats, their words mushing into one and eventually consuming him.

Thistlesong closed his eyes, wanting it all to just stop. When he opened them again, he was shivering in fear on the little sand nest in Cactusclan territory.