Warriors of the Plants

Larkswim Deerwhisper ♠️Ashcloud♟️ 🪶Finchrush🍃 Rockfang Indy Rattlestrike Fawnbright Blackchin berrypaw - 🫐 Amber'Mantis Harry 🍃Littlebreeze🎐 🪶Quailleap🔻 🐿️Squirrelheart🏵️ 🥀Aspendream🪦(Dark Forest Amaji Tuliptiger Lionlight Shrubkit Firefly Nettletear Maggotstar Tempestkit Muffin Woolymoth Acornsparrow Magnus Felix Cider Fumblelight Dustbunny BeechFace Dapplepetal Kitty Mapleblaze Crowtalon Follydance Mudriver CypressStep Lightningbug Silence Wolfshadow Swirlkit Wild'Stripe Avery Canarystride Rollybug Cloudingkit Jackdawwing Gorseclaw Gloomfreckle Cherryblaze Flintrunner Swallowtail Chirpkit Dottie Blu Irisbreeze Scorpionpaw Bugberry Aisling Fiver Alderspot Sandripple Wicket hawkrunner kuzon 🌾Wheatfeather🪶 Stormpaw (for now) Shimmerscale Bolicha Stagrun Basset Starlingflight Bigthroat Rushcove 🌊Creekstorm🌀 Bonsai Stoatskip Stonevine Ashgaze Hyacinthcurl Gigglechirp Antjaw applefall Bearsnap robinchatter - 🪶 foxspirit - 🦊 🌿Springfern🌿 Smogwillow Dawngaze Dusk ☀️Daystar🌟 BeetleBranch CardinalFluff cowfoot Mouseheart specklepelt - ♣️ sparrowbreeze Drizzlewind Falcon Fireleaf ⚡️Whitestreak⚡️ Ferretslip windwhistle - 💨 Harveststar🌾 Flipflop Sporeshine Malevolent mossystar - 🌱 Jaggedflight silkheart - 🍬 Yewshine Ivybloom KestrelClover Osprey SpruceStar Hazelbird🌰 AshenThorn PetalPaw BristleThorn PigeonClaw Brackenstorm Bleakheart Thistlesong Raccoonpaw 🦗Cricketdust🐞👵 Jeju Tigerspirit Dogwoodpaw Dustpaw Weaselpaw Whirlwhisper honeycoat - 🍯 blunt - 🚘 Willowsong Boot Cloverstream 💕Rustswirl💗💝 Reapwatcher Brownclaw & Thickethop Cinnamon 33 🩵Smoke🪁 Cashew Auburntail Swooppaw Copperflame Bramble Bong🦷 Webswirl Safari Pumpkinpurr DeerMist Sheepfish🐟 Sunheart☀️ 👺Shrewfang🧛 RabbitHeart 🪔Redflight🎈❣️ 🌹Rosedust💥 fogwatcher - 🌫️ shadelight - 🌩️ Dawneye Brookflight Bluetuft Bandit Bubzy 🌙Addersting🔱 🐴🪃Briarstream🍃 Show More
1 year, 18 days ago
1 hour, 11 minutes ago
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Chapter 203
Published 4 months, 9 days ago

Explicit Violence

This is an archive for a rp server that I'm in! It will be constantly updated as the plot goes on!

Book cover art by Calley_Spring, thanks Spring!

View all archive sprites here!

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Growing Up

In Cactusclan territory 

Dawnpaw sat underneath the sun, she didn't know how to feel about this, last time she checked he was just a kit playing and exploring the stone den with their siblings.

Wheatfeather groaned as he trotted up to the younger cat. “Ya ready kid? It’s time for ya test.”

Dawnpaw straightened up, "Ready." They said seriously, looking determined. Deep inside, they were a bit nervous, they never got any proper training from her mentors, Daylily gave him a run down but he didn't know if it was enough.

“Alright then, lemme tell ya what’s gonna happen. First you’ll have a hunting tab, a set where you’ll go hunting no duh—and you’ll catch as much prey as you can.” Wheatfeather explained. “Then, we move to the fighting tab to check out your combat skills, get me?”

Dawnpaw nodded, "Yes sir! Where to?" They stood up and flexed their claws.

“We’re goin to them burrows. I wanna see how quick ya are on your feet. Last time I did assessing, I was studyin Sunheart’s sqaud of ‘prentices and lemme tell ya that went real south real quick. Somehow Sunheart tripped an got his head stuck in one of them burrows.”

Dawnpaw rolled her eyes, "Sounds like Sunheart." He took a deep breath and straightened up again, "Okay let's go!"

Wheatfeather adjusted the wheat in his maw before leading Dawnpaw to the Hunting Burrows. He stood atop of the hill, peering down at the venue before nodding. “Right then, off ya go.” Wheatfeather said calmly. “Now you do the best you can.”


Dawnpaw didn't need to be told twice and shot off into the burrows, he is quick and silent on his feet as moved deeper into the territories, Daylily said that since less cats hunt here, there's usually more prey. Dawnpaw skidded into a halt and got in position, sneaking around and sniffing the air, spotting a desert rat, she unsheathed her claws and charged at it, definitely not the normal way to hunt rats but it worked and we're moving on.

Wheatfeather watched from above, studying the young cat.

After kicking sand over his catch, Dawnpaw crept away from the scene to a different area, they figured that their weird and untrained hunting style is probably gonna get judged but they can't judge too much if it works. After a bit of sniffing around, she found a small lark, jumping on one of the boulders, he launched themself at the bird and pinned its wings down when it tried to fly away.

Wheatfeather blinked, watching their practices. While that wasn’t the way Wheatfeather would normally hunt, it worked out. He took note of it

Dawnpaw huffed, maybe they should've listened to her brother about the proper hunting style as their own made up one can be pretty tiring, they picked up the lark and carried it back to where he caught the desert rat.

Wheatfeather nodded to himself, counting the prey caught.

Dawnpaw licked his lips, the prey he caught were starting to get really tempting, they were small and scrawny, but at least it was something. They backed away and looked around, a soft chirp told them that another lark is near by, narrowing her eyes as she searched. 

He prowled through the sandy hollow, he arched his back and charged with long strides, the bird shrieked in alarm and flew off, but Dawnpaw seems to know that would happen, cuz without missing a beat, they leaped into the air and chomped down on the bird.

The bird’s cry would alarm any prey in the vicinity. He picked himself up and slid down to join Dawnpaw. “Alright, that’s good.” Wheatfeather said, nodding at catches

"These should keep the kits and queens full for a few days." Dawnpaw meowed proudly, "They're a bit skinny but it should do."

The prey Dawnpaw had caught was suffice, it definitely would keep some cats mellow. Wheatfeather kept his face blank as he buried and marked the prey. “Alright then.” Wheatfeather said, padding away. “We’ll come back and pick those up. Right now, up ere, on the flat. It’s time for your battle assessing.”

Dawnpaw nodded, following Wheatfeather with his tail held high, they can do this, while Quailleap is horrible, at least she taught them how to fight.

Wheatfeather stood across from Dawnpaw, his tail still and his form tall. “Ya need to attack me, claws sheathed, no bitin, no spittin. We keep it clean ere. Simple as that, got it?”

"Got it." Dawnpaw snapped and charged at the large cat without warning, darting to his side to slash at his flank, keeping their claws sheathed of course.

Wheatfeather rolled onto his side just as Dawnpaw made contact, squashing them

Dawnpaw noticed a bit too late at the growing shadow before he was under a mound of fur, she kicked and squirmed, usually she would bite and claw but that's not allowed, they gave a good kick to Wheatfeather's side.

Wheatfeather grunted as he was kicked off, rolling back onto his feet. He stood on his hind legs as Dawnpaw got back up. Then he stood back down, slamming his paws onto Dawnpaw’s back to push him to the ground

Dawnpaw huffed, who made this cat so big? I mean at least he's not as big as Harveststar but still! Dawnpaw was getting desperate and twisted their head to bite at Wheatfeather's paws, though he was careful not to break skin.

“I said no biting.” Wheatfeather scowled, thwacking Dawnpaw upside the head.

Dawnpaw narrowed their eyes, "What was I supposed to do in that situation then?" She sneered as she stumbled to their paws again, panting heavily. He scurried to slash at the big tom again, this time he jumped away from Wheatfeather in fear if getting crushed again.

Wheatfeather huffed, watching Dawnpaw carefully as the younger cat hopped around. “You use your brain. If you’re pinned down, what should you do?” Wheatfeather recalled.

Dawnpaw frowned, "Bite their ankles? It always worked for me."

Wheatfeather didn’t know where to start with that. “You roll and break free.” He offered. Wheatfeather then lunged for Dawnpaw, but he miscalculated and ended up landing just a rat tail away from Dawnpaw’s tail tip

"Can't we allow biting? I'm not gonna draw blood." Dawnpaw whined slightly, she was so used to chomping that she was having a hard time getting a grip. He sprang away from the other warrior and jumped on his back.

“I don’t allow bitin,” Wheatfeather said sternly. He whirled around sharply, the sudden momentum throwing Dawnpaw off. Just as Dawn hit the ground, Wheatfeather swung at her, missing his head and striking the air instead

Dawnpaw gulped, seeing Wheatfeather miss, they raised their hind legs and kicked at his chin.

Letting out a startled cry, Wheatfeather staggered back, rubbing his chin. “That’s more like it!” Darting forward, he swung a hefty paw down on Dawnpaw’s head before rounding on him and swerving her away with a trip n kick.

Dawnpaw yelped, they tried to land on their feet but she just rolled off and onto her side, hissing in pain, he pushed himself back up with narrowed eyes, Dawnpaw realized that there's no way that he can defeat Wheatfeather.

A lot of her energy was already drained just from hunting, what he needed to do was impress him. They sprang up and ran at the golden warrior, looking like they were going to attack his shoulder, but changed direction at the last moment and batted at his side instead.

Wheatfeather smirked at Dawnpaw’s tactics. “Good hit, however.” Wheatfeather whirled on him once more and knocked him off his feet, quick to pin Dawnpaw down on his stomach and place both his paws on the  sides of his neck. “I just snapped your neck. We can end it here.”

Dawnpaw huffed a breath of relief, I mean they didn't like that they lost, but at least it was over, he was exhausted. "Damn..."

“We’re done here. I’ll report today’s session with Thistlesong.“ Wheatfeather said firmly

In Cactusclan camp 

Daylily padded up to Thistlesong, a smile on his face. “Thistlesong, you know what day it is?”

Thistlesong looked up at Daylily. "Uhh, no?" He said inquisitively.

“Tulippaw,” Daylily whispered conspicuously, waving his paws. “She’s of age! It’s time.”

Thistlesong gasped slightly. "Oh, of course!" He said, a smile creeping on his face. Despite all the chaos lately, it's always nice to have a new apprentice. "Did we have a mentor decided for Tulipkit?" He asked.

“I was thinking of Dustytrail,” Daylily nodded. “He’s earnest, hard working, and already has an established relationship with Tulipkit. I’m thinking he might help Tulipkit mature a bit, learn to balance her energy.”

Tulipkit finally having fully healed a few days ago was chasing a warrior around camp laughing and giggling

Daylily watched her with a smile. “I’ll go get her ready. You go speak with Dustytrail.”

Thistlesong nodded, and went off to find the warrior. "Dustytrail?" He called, peeking his head into the warriors den.

Dustytrail looked up from his nest. “Yes Thistlesong?”

Thistlesong waved to Dustytrail. "Can you come outside?" He asked. "We need to talk in private."

Dusty nodded and padded after the medicine cat. “What's wrong? What did Harry do?"

Harry yawned and woke up on his favorite sleeping rock. He sensed someone talking shit about him

Thistlesong laughed. "Nothing, yet." He said, as he lead Dustytrail out of the den. "This is about Tulipkit." He indicated to the kit on the other side of camp. "Me and Daylily decided you'd be a good mentor for her."

Dusty breathed a sigh of relief. He stopped, blinking. “Oh really? Thank you so much Thistlesong!” He dipped his head respectfully “I’d love to be her mentor”

Thistlesong nodded. "Good, because you don't really have a choice." He laughed jokingly. "They ceremony will be soon, don't miss it."

Dusty nodded, smoothing his fur down awkwardly

Harry stood up and shook his fur out, calling to Dusty "What's goin' now, darlin..?" He yawned and padded over

Dusty smiled at Harry “Oh Thistlesong told me im gonna be Tulipkit’s mentor!” His chest fluffed

"Doh, really? Oh this is amazing!" Harry purred. "We get'a keep our girl close!"

Dusty nodded, tail swishing in excitement “I’m just glad Thistlesong decided on me! She will be my first apprentice!”

"I'm so happy for ya, darlin'!" Harry pressed his muzzle against Dusty's

Tulipkit would giggle evilly before turning to Daylily. Her pelt was covered in sand and her fur was a complete mess. She eyed Daylily a glint of mischief in her eye

“Tulipkit, we need to talk.” He said, theatrically ominous. “It’s serious.”

Tulipkit's smile somewhat faded. "What, what is it?" She meowed panicked. Of course the last time this happened her mother died

Daylily rested his tail on Tulipkit and led her to a more secluded area. “Look Tulipkit, something big came up. Something really big.”

"Just tell me already!" Tulipkit wailed loudly smacking Daylily's shoulder with one of her big paws having quite the impact as tears welled in her eyes

Daylily’s grim expression dissipated. “You, you’re going to become an apprentice!” He exclaimed happily

Tulipkit didn't gain a happy expression instead her blue eyes glared at Daylily "You're gonna pay for that." She ominously meowed

Daylily blinked surprised by Tulipkit’s tone. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you like that.”

Tulipkit huffed before perking up "So who's my mentor!" She exclaimed

“You’ll have to see.” Daylily said lightly. “But we should get you ready for your ceremony.”

Tulipkit blinked looking down "What's wrong with how I am now?" She meowed

“Nothing really,” Daylily said, at a loss. When he thought about it, there didn’t seem to be any real reason to groom oneself except for custom and to look neat. “Others just think it looks neat and honorable. Beauty customs apparently. However I do suggest we do fix the tufts on your face so they don’t blind you.”

Tulipkit huffed "My tufts don't blind me," She muttered trying to detangle her fur. The fur she hasn't detangled for a good moon now

Daylily winced when see how knotty Tulipkit’s fur was. “Okay well, now I must take a look at you.” He said with a wince. “You can’t let your fur get all tangled up, knots and uncleaned fur can house all sorts of dust mites or fleas.”

"I wasn't allowed to move though!" Tulipkit huffed defensively as she tried to tear out a knot

“Here let me,” Daylily said, with a small smile. Memories of fiddling with Dawnpaw filled his head. Daylily examined the mangy fur before using his claw chip away dead hair and untangle other lumps.

Tulipkit huffed and let Daylily clean out her tangles. She hadn't really been grooming her fur well since her mother died

The dark tabby made sure to be gentle with his work, so he wouldn’t irritate her

Once clean Tulipkit would puff out her chest with a smile

Thistlesong took a deep breath in as he lept up onto the high rock. "All cats old enough to hunt, gather around for a clan meeting!" He called.

Dusty jumped and padded over in front of high rock and sat carefully

Harry padded  over to where he saw Thistlesong, his head tilting with curiosity. He sat down next to Dusty

Viperfang slithered out of the warriors den and sat close to it, eyes curious

Dawnpaw yawned, they took a small nap after their assessment, he hopped over to Daylily and Tulipkit, "What's goin on?"

Tulipkit would smile wide "I'm becoming an apprentice!" She chirped triumphantly

In the outlands 

Indy, having gotten himself out after his companion had left to go do his job for the day, decided to swing by the wilder parts of the city to see what he could get up to. He didn't really have much of a reason beyond a stroll, or scouting out the area and the cats in it. He had yet to meet many outside of his local neighborhood and had been pretty busy himself, with Charles and whatnot. But now he had some free time. So he was here.

Falcon looked around, his eyes scanning the horizon. After hunting for a while, Falcon had started to get bored, and contemplated trying to find Bubzy. However it was likely he was still stuck inside, unfortunately. Falcon sniffed, raising his head. 

Falcon could smell cat-scent on the air, though he wasn't exactly sure where it came from. Trying to get a vantage point, Falcon raced to the top of a nearby hill, and looked down on the surroundings. He finally picked out a cat in the grass, and narrowed his eyes.

Indy, not really aware of the other cat, looked up, seemingly checking the time. He squinted up into the sky, before continuing on his merry way, kicking at some rocks on the ground. 'This place blows actually' He'd think to himself, seeming pretty bored. He'd shake himself, readjusting his jacket.

Seeing the cat's casual behavior, Falcon decided they probably were not a threat. So, he made his way down the hill, too about 20 tail-lengths from where the other cat was standing. "Hello!" Falcon said, in an attempt to sound friendly. However his eyes still gave off a seemingly hostile gaze.

Indy finally seemed to realise he was not alone. He spun around, blinking at the other cat. "Wassup?" He'd respond just as causally, his voice even sounding a bit dull. He kept his distance and didn't attempt to get any closer, feeling the other cats eyes prod into his being.

Falcon was slightly puzzled at the other cat's slightly monotonous voice. "Uhh..." Falcon continued on, not sure what to say next without sounding hostile. "That's a cool... uhh.. thing." He said, gesturing to the jacket.

Indy looked down, forgetting about his greeting not really being responded to. His jacket was so natural to him he had forgotten that most other cats didn't also wear stuff like this as much as he did. "Jacket. Also thanks." He left out the fact that his father- i mean his human made it for him. It was kinda embarrassing to be honest. He looked back up.

Falcon looked puzzled for a second, before shaking his head. "Never heard of a jacket before." He commented. "Let alone a cat wearing one." Falcon still studied the other cat's features, and tried to smile. "I haven't seen ya round here." Falcon noted. "Are you not from around here or something?"

"You could say that." Indy would respond. He didn't exactly want to reveal where exactly his residence was located at. He'd had problems with doing that before. And as he spoke, he appeared more engaged than before, instead of being extremely bored as he first was.

"Ah." Falcon said awkwardly, not really sure where to take the conversation. "So..." His voice trailed off slightly, looking for an escape from the conversation, or a way to change the topic.

"So what do you... do around here?" Indy would ask, flicking a loose piece of grass off his paw. "I don't get out much these days so I haven't been hanging with anyone lately you know?"

"Oh I mostly just hunt." Falcon said with a grin. "You know, boring stuff. Sometimes I hang out with my kittypet friends though, or talk with other rouges." He gestured to the surrounding area. "It depends really."

"Id kill to get out more often." Indy would mutter, his tail curling a bit inwards. However he then tilted his head. "Ki-kittypet?" He'd say with great confusion. "Is that a gang around here or something?"

Falcon choked on the back of his throat. "Uhh- no." He said pointedly. "Housecats. That live with twolegs." Falcon waved at the city behind with his tail.

"Two- Right. Right. Housecats." He'd honestly never heard the term in his (admittedly short) life, but he knew what a housecat was. "That would be a pretty funny group name for cats like that really." He'd add, chuckling as he remembered a collection of extremely edgy group names he'd heard of. Wait till he finds out about the neighboring clans, he'll have a field day with that.

"I mean there are a couple groups of cats around." Falcon said. "In twolegplace, and in the territories." He said. "My half brother is in one."

"Yea, my pops used to be in one. Didn't go well from what i understand." Indy would comment. "Also territories? What are you telling me there's groups of cats camping out in the woods or somthing? Wouldn't think a group would be able to keep together out there, if what ive seen from the city is anything to go by." He'd chuckle, looking like he found this mildly entertaining to think about.

Falcon looked mildly surprised. "Yeah, there's cats in the woods. There's a stone den or something in there, so a large group of cats camp out there." He said. "Apparently there's heaps of prey or something."

"Probably why they stay. I mean the prey out in the streets isn't exactly plentiful...... or safe." He'd respond, getting a mildly concerned look on his face as he added the safety comment. While poison was a great concern, he was actually thinking about rats and how many times he had seen cats be attacked by a group of rats before. He wasn't fond of rats.