Warriors of the Plants

Larkswim Deerwhisper ♠️Ashcloud♟️ 🪶Finchrush🍃 Rockfang Indy Rattlestrike Fawnbright Blackchin berrypaw - 🫐 Amber'Mantis Harry 🍃Littlebreeze🎐 🪶Quailleap🔻 🐿️Squirrelheart🏵️ 🥀Aspendream🪦(Dark Forest Amaji Tuliptiger Lionlight Shrubkit Firefly Nettletear Maggotstar Tempestkit Muffin Woolymoth Acornsparrow Magnus Felix Cider Fumblelight Dustbunny BeechFace Dapplepetal Kitty Mapleblaze Crowtalon Follydance Mudriver CypressStep Lightningbug Silence Wolfshadow Swirlkit Wild'Stripe Avery Canarystride Rollybug Cloudingkit Jackdawwing Gorseclaw Gloomfreckle Cherryblaze Flintrunner Swallowtail Chirpkit Dottie Blu Irisbreeze Scorpionpaw Bugberry Aisling Fiver Alderspot Sandripple Wicket hawkrunner kuzon 🌾Wheatfeather🪶 Stormpaw (for now) Shimmerscale Bolicha Stagrun Basset Starlingflight Bigthroat Rushcove 🌊Creekstorm🌀 Bonsai Stoatskip Stonevine Ashgaze Hyacinthcurl Gigglechirp Antjaw applefall Bearsnap robinchatter - 🪶 foxspirit - 🦊 🌿Springfern🌿 Smogwillow Dawngaze Dusk ☀️Daystar🌟 BeetleBranch CardinalFluff cowfoot Mouseheart specklepelt - ♣️ sparrowbreeze Drizzlewind Falcon Fireleaf ⚡️Whitestreak⚡️ Ferretslip windwhistle - 💨 Harveststar🌾 Flipflop Sporeshine Malevolent mossystar - 🌱 Jaggedflight silkheart - 🍬 Yewshine Ivybloom KestrelClover Osprey SpruceStar Hazelbird🌰 AshenThorn PetalPaw BristleThorn PigeonClaw Brackenstorm Bleakheart Thistlesong Raccoonpaw 🦗Cricketdust🐞👵 Jeju Tigerspirit Dogwoodpaw Dustpaw Weaselpaw Whirlwhisper honeycoat - 🍯 blunt - 🚘 Willowsong Boot Cloverstream 💕Rustswirl💗💝 Reapwatcher Brownclaw & Thickethop Cinnamon 33 🩵Smoke🪁 Cashew Auburntail Swooppaw Copperflame Bramble Bong🦷 Webswirl Safari Pumpkinpurr DeerMist Sheepfish🐟 Sunheart☀️ 👺Shrewfang🧛 RabbitHeart 🪔Redflight🎈❣️ 🌹Rosedust💥 fogwatcher - 🌫️ shadelight - 🌩️ Dawneye Brookflight Bluetuft Bandit Bubzy 🌙Addersting🔱 🐴🪃Briarstream🍃 Show More
1 year, 18 days ago
1 hour, 22 minutes ago
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Chapter 244
Published 12 days, 5 hours ago

Explicit Violence

This is an archive for a rp server that I'm in! It will be constantly updated as the plot goes on!

Book cover art by Calley_Spring, thanks Spring!

View all archive sprites here!

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Another Life

In Flowerclan territory 

Fumblelight padded along parting the tall grass and flowers as he walked. Some small scraggly flowers clinging to his fur only adding to the mess. He squinted against the bright happy sun surpressing a grumble in his throat. He was out with his new apprentice, he was still learning to be their for his kits and now he had another kit to look after. At least it was Kestrelpaw and not Acornpaw...Kestrelpaw seemed more manageable if not unnervingly quiet.

Kestrelpaw finally broke the silence. "Glad we're finally out of there. Dealing with kits as a single father is rough huh?" He says casually.

Fumblelight tripped on his own paws nearly falling as Kestrelpaw suddenly spoke. Before taking Kestrelpaw out he had talked with Pigeonclaw and Hazelbird. Mostly Hazelbird as he talked about his worries with Kestrelpaw especially how he still hadn't spoken even at his old age. "I uh..." He stared wide eyed at the younger tom "Yeah...I guess..."

"So...just letting you know now, you really don't need to train me. You can just use this time as a breather or whatever you need." Kestrelpaw vocalized. He really didn't want to deal with training all over again, and was glad to have a mentor that probably needed a break anyways. If there was anything he needed to train though, was to rebuild muscle that he might used to have...though he still considered not doing it, since he'd be reset anyways.

Fumblelight stopped in his tracks staring at Kestrelpaw "What? I can't just not train you," He meowed with a long irritated sigh "I might not ever get another apprentice if I do that,"

Kestrelpaw then sighed. He supposed not. It wasn't worth ruining someone elses life over his lack of interest in his own. Plus, its not like that was something he didn't try already. "Okay...then what's your plan." He asked. He supposed he'd just follow along for now.

"Well it's uhh.." Fumblelight trailed off. Of course he didn't have a plan. He wasn't sure what to do with himself the next day let alone make moons worth of training plans for this child. "You aren't even supposed to be asking me questions like that!" He meowed defensively just making something completely up but Kestrelpaw didn't know the code so his lie was safe

Kestrelpaw rolled his eyes. "Uh huh." He walked ahead of Fumblelight. "So what did you do when you were a apprentice?" He asked, trying to give a hint on what Fumblelight could do.

"Well you know..." Fumblelight trailed off again. He was fine as an apprentice he knew he never struggled but remembering what he was doing.. he didn't remember any specific lessons since most of his time and thoughts were consumed by her. He shook his head "What you will be doing," He simply meowed back. "Now this isn't the point of us coming out here," He meowed "You're supposed to be picking our your flowers,"

"Right...flowers.." Kestrelpaw hated this part. He'd normally pick red spider lily flowers, representing the afterlife since he always hoped for the chance to reach there, instead of the endless cycle he experienced. He didn't even want to be in starclan, he just wanted rest. "Can we find red spider lilies?" He asked simply, a spit of hope in his voice.

"Red spider lilies?" Fumblelight echoed. He wasn't sure which was more surprising, the fact that Kestrelpaw knew exactly what he was looking for or that he even knew that flower at all. "I mean...yeah sure..." He meowed

Kestrelpaw was silent again. He knew where the spider lilies grew, but figured he'd wait for his 'mentor' to lead the way. He figured it might mess with Fumblelight's pride if he didn't at least do some teaching. Letting Fumblelight show him around the territory was the least he could do.

"There should be some over this way..." Fumblelight finally meowed and started to lead the way for Kestrelpaw

Kestrelpaw nodded and followed quietly. Was he supposed to make conversation? He could ask Fumblelight more about his own apprenticeship, but...he figured Fumblelight might avoid the topic again. What else could he even talk about? "What other flowers do you think could be good..?" He decided to ask. He honestly just wanted to at least be in good terms with someone. Just incase.

"Oh um...I'm not sure. I can't think of anything off the top of my head. We could just look around after we get your spider lilies. Maybe something'll catch your eye..." Fumblelight offered but was already becoming tired

Kestrelpaw just nodded. Ok, there was no point...either way Fumblelight seemed to struggle with talking, nor probably wanted to. They finally arrived where the spider lilies grew. Kestrelpaw wasn't too sure how Fumblelight wanted to do this. The mentor would normally be the one to put the flowers on the apprentice right? This was one thing he didn't like about dying over and over again. Sometimes the variations made traditions confusing.

Fumblelight looked at the flowers, "Not the...prettiest batch this season..." He murmured frowning slightly

"Yeah...too bad." Kestrelpaw responded. Though, it felt like a joke to him. Of course they'd be wilting. A sign he'd never reach where he wanted. Great. Well they were already there...and he'd feel bad making Fumblelight walk around more with him. He didn't really want to go around too much anyways- but he also didn't want to head back to camp to quickly.

Fumblelight awkwardly glanced at Kestrelpaw "Well, let's pick out the prettiest and tour the rest of the territory," he meowed padding and looking over the flowers "Next newleaf we can get you better flowers," he said with a strained smile. Not because he didn't want to do that for Kestrelpaw.. he just had trouble showing any emotion other than sad and empty

"Only if you want to." Kestrelpaw responded a little grimly. He didn't mean for it to sound rude, but it came out as heavy and blunt as a dropping boulder. He shifted his gaze through the spider lily flowers, his eyes catching onto one that was still brightly red. He grimanced a little, thinking about how he was cutting the flower's life short. He hated the times his life was cut short. There was so many negatives to it. Not only did he get to feel helpless again, but sometimes they were the most painful.

Fumblelight frowned slightly. Maybe Acornpaw would've been easier but no point praying for the past to change, "That's a good one," he smiled slightly going over to the flower. He gently cut the stem holding the flower motioning for Kestrelpaw to come close

Kestrelpaw came closer as instructed, and dipped his head so that it'd be easier to place the flower. He was glad that his mentor was at least clean about cutting the flower. He remembered one time, the flower he had picked was a struggle to actually cut. The stem was too sturdy and claws weren't able to cut through so easily. His mentor had to bite through it...which unfortunately lead to the cats death. The flower being a lethal poison.

With how messy his own fur and flowers were it was surprising how much care he put into placing Kestrelpaw's flower in his fur "There. You look good!" Fumblelight complimented his smiles becoming a little less strained as he kept trying

Kestrelpaw looked up at Fumblelight, trying to discern if he meant it. "Thanks." He decided to accept the compliment, but struggled to return the smile. He ended up giving a clumsy half smile, and quickly turned away embarrassed by his lack of ability. He supposed he hadn't really smiled in such a long time... he didn't even remember how to use those muscles. 

Fumblelight nodded looking out at the flowers. He picked two extra mostly okay looking red lilies adding them to his pelt "Good. Now uh...let's go explore the territory," he meowed awkwardly 

Kestrelpaw nodded. "Yeah." He says adding to the awkwardness. He wasn't really sure what else to say, and only really wanted to follow along at this point.

Fumblelight cleared his throat standing there for a moment longer before finally starting to move "Uh...this way," he meowed but sounded unsure of himself

Kestrelpaw followed him quietly. Looking around the territory. This was his first time exploring this version, but it wasn't too different from one he knew. Though there was already some variations, he figured it wouldn't be too hard to survive.

Fumblelight would explain some parts of the territory with short explanations and sometimes he'd forget to explain something at all so maybe it was for the best he received Kestrelpaw as his apprentice

Kestrelpaw nodded along with whatever explanations Fumblelight would give. He'd correct some of what Fumblelight said in his head, but wouldn't say anything out loud. He'd feel bad to do so. He then remembered the possibility that Finchpaw was one of the anomalies in this life. Maybe he could ask Fumblelight? Though he doubted that his mentor knew anything. "So...your kits..." He decided to ask anyways "Anything strange happen with them..?"

Fumblelight slowed his pace to a stop turning and looking at Kestrelpaw. "Why?" He asked suspiciously quickly having his guard up but there was some worry in his voice. Was something strange about them? Was he talking about Amberkit?

"oh...um...my brother is...strange...so I was hoping he didn't rub off on them." Kestrelpaw says, like he figured, Fumblelight didn't seem to know what he was talking about. And it's not like he could outright say something like 'hey me and my brother are cursed' or whatever.

Fumblelight relaxed letting out a short sigh, "You shouldn't talk like that about your brother," He meowed scolding the younger cat as he kept moving

"Yeah... sorry" Kestrelpaw quickly agrees with Fumblelight, he didn't really mean to just throw Acornpaw under the bus, but he also needed to avoid making Fumblelight suspicious or uncomfortable.

Fumblelight would continue the tour. It would take only half the day with how few places Fumblelight decided he didn't want to tell Kestrelpaw about. "We can start heading back to camp," He meowed "We can start on training tomorrow.." he murmured but he sounded as uninterested in training as Kestrelpaw probably felt

"Yeah, okay" Kestrelpaw agreed awkwardly. It's not like he could do anything to object anyways.

In Forestclan camp 

Gloomfreckle was minding her own business as one does, perking up when she heard someone pad through the entrance. She eyed the ferns that surrounded the camp walls, sheltering them from the forest. When she glanced at the prey pile, she settled back down upon seeing that it was Stonevine and not Mossystar.

Stonevine glanced over at Gloomfreckle and smirked. "You look as though the cat stepping in was supposed to be more grand and marvelous, Gloomfreckle...am I not to your expectation, cat wise?"

“No.” Gloomfreckle said listlessly. “I was expecting Mossystar.“

"Are they out and about now..?" Stonevine asked.

“They’ve been out for a while.” Gloomfreckle said, furrowing her ‘brows’. An amused grin crossed her face as she went back to arranging the leaves on her body. “As one does when your kid goes missing.”

"Ah, right. Forgot Mossystar had kin for a good moment there. I hope Cowfoot is able to attend to her duties properly, especially given the lack of leadership at the moment..." Stonevine mewed.

Gloomfreckle laid her head down, her frown twitching. “I believe in Cowfoot. She can be a bit naive at times but she’s goodhearted I think.”

Stonevine hummed, "We can all hope...in the meantime, how have you been fairing? I hope well, of course."

Gloomfreckle smirked. “Why? You worried bout me?”

"Is it not simple courtesy to wonder about the well being of my clanmates? In short, I suppose I am, yes. Again, how are you, Gloomfreckle?" Stonevine sounded just a tad annoying in how he went about talking, but he genuinely did wonder how Gloomfreckle was doing, plain and simple. After feeling a sense of...not being welcomed Stonevine slowly started to leave the conversation. "...well, good day to you, gloomy." He mewed respectfully

Jackdawwing gazed around camp, his pale blue eyes settling on Stonevine, who had just exited a conversation with Gloomfreckle

Stone'Vine hummed and purred, mewing a greeting. "Good times, no, Jackdawwing? How's your fur fairing? Tisn't fraying off your skin now, is it, dear?" He swung his arm flamboyantly and strutted over, putting emphasis on his dainty, yet heavy paw steps.. He had quite the image of himself

Jackdawwing smiled; he liked listening to Stonevine talk, as he couldn't hear his own voice in anything more than a quiet rasp.

"Ah...right...I nearly forgot, darling, excuse my failing memory, a tom like I can only focus on so many important things as they go around this here forest.." Stonevine shrugged. His voice was loud and proud, and he stepped a little closer, further emphasizing every word he mewed with action. "Be a darling and tell me.. Good.. Or unwell? A simple nod or shake of your fur is all you need to do, my eyes can pick up on quite the detail just through that, huhu~"

Jackdawwing just nodded, the smile still plastered on his dark muzzle.

"Oh, well that's just absolutely wonderful! You know, I caught a stray little thing, a stringy mouse, no thicker than its own tail.. It was sad and drabby, really, but a good meal for an elder who's taste has rotted away.. It's as dry as sand, perfect for a pallet cleanser. I must bid my catches fair praise, after all. Why be rude? Have you caught anything? Bird? Mouse? Squirrel, perhaps?"

Jackdawwing thought back to the beautiful pheasant bird that his sister always admired. Grief tugged at his heart, prompting his ears to fold back and his muzzle to twist into somber smile as he shook his head.

"You look undone.. Worse than tangled bird brains building a nest.. Alas.. But don't you worry your head much further, I'll put my paws to work to catch for the both of us, I'll credit you, huhu~!" Stonevine purred with a smile. "Say, is there anything you could think of that you'd like to do to cheer up? You may simply sweep my off and take me away on a journey if so needed, darling.."

Jackdawwing looked at Stonevine, looking deeply into the purple-blue eye of the tom. Jackdawwing simply pressed his head into Stonevine's shoulder, remembering how his sister would do the same when she was sad.

Stonevine froze. He wasn't really sure what was going on.. But perhaps he should go with it. He did invite the cat to simply hop in if he so desired since he couldn't communicate his needs, he was in no position to complain. So, he gave him a hug and rested his chin on his head. "Oh darling, if a hug was all you needed, I'm glad I swung by.. Such simple acts, they are, so easy and yet so meaningful.." His voice was hush, he wanted to keep the moment calm and comforting

A small purr leapt from Jackdawwing's throat - he couldn't remember the last time he had purred, but he knew that for once, things would be okay, even without his sister, his other half.

Stonevine had no idea who this cat was, in all honesty, other than they couldn't talk.. But why the fuck not comfort him? This was actually quite nice. His fur was so very soft, he could make his nest out of it, he swore. He purred in return to the purr he heard and gently patted Jackdawwing's back

Jackdawwing sighed into Stonevine's soft fur, remarking how similar it was to his beloved sister - Jackdawwing couldn't help but let a few tears slip from his eyes at the memories of their kit days.

"Darling, are you crying? What brings you to tears?" Stonevine wiped Jackdaw's tears away. "Do me a favor and draw for me, your heart, if you will. I'd love to understand the story behind those eyes, my whiskers twitch with suspicion..!"

Jackdawwing just smiled - no words could describe what he was feeling - was it comfort? Security? Jackdawwing didn't know. Regardless, Jackdawwing just smiled fondly at the ground, wondering how he could tell Stone'Vine what he was feeling. Jackdawwing tried to form a sentence, 'It was my sister,' but it only came out as a low croak - he remembered that he couldn't talk and just slumped - feelings are hard.

Stonevine hummed in thought...snd the doodled in the ground once her turned around to sit next to Jackdaw. He doodled a fluffy cat making a line while a less fluffy cat sat

Jackdawwing stared into Stonevine's eye - it was one of Jackdawwing's favorite things about the tom - apart from everything about Stonevine that Jackdawwing adored

"You're looking at me like there's catmint in my eyes.. Do you seem something in me? I'm only teasing, if that isn't your prerogative.." Stonevine smirked. He started to remember how he'd feel eyes on him sometimes.. He couldn't tell their origin, but it made him feel like he was in the spotlight, the star of the show, fueling his showman ship.. Perhaps this was his secret audience he'd been dancing for~

Jackdawwing simply giggled in delight - it was always such a treat to hear Stonevine's voice, and Jackdawwing felt it could soothe any cat to sleep with the fluidity it carried.

"Your smile speaks your charms, darling.. So is it true? Is my wildest guess her a truth in disguise? Dare I say.. You fancy me~?" He was squealing his voice to sound more and more cheeky

Jackdawwing shuffled...he did fancy Stonevine over the other cats in the clan, apart from his now deceased sister, who forever tugged at Jackdawwing's heart like a vulture tugging at the carrion beneath its beak. Jackdawwing dare say he might be in love - he hadn't felt something like this since his sister was ripped away from him - maybe it was time to move on.

"I know clarity is difficult between the two of us, but I do have a bit of seriousness with my wishes here.. A bit of consent would do me wonders.. I mean, I'd love to get to know you and I'm not one to fear getting to know someone through such means as intimacy.." Stonevine sounded more down to earth and serious, as much as his flamboyant fancy voice could, at least

Jackdawwing simply stared at Stone'Vine's response - was he dreaming? Was the tom whose entire existence made his cheeks warm really asking to learn more about him? Jackdawwing nodded as quickly as he could - he loved Stone'Vine - he was sure of it

Stonevine was excited to get to know Jackdawwing. Perhaps equal feelings would blossom! "I must warn you, darling, there's no garntee that this will stay.. But.. Dwelling on the negative futures is no way to get to know the good of the other.. And you're certainly a cutie I wouldn't mind having by my side~" 

Stonevine smirked as he looked Jackdaw up and down. "It'll be nice to get to know you, Jacky~" He gently grazed the top of his paw against Jackdaw's jaw in a flirtatious manner, his eyes softening to try and signal that he meant it more of a mix of a wholesome and flirty way. He was a little scared of making his new companion uncomfortable

Jackdawwing leaned into the touch, sighing as he blushed, a smile forming on his face - things will be okay.

"I'm not the fighting type, darling, but be sure I'll try my best to keep your beautiful mind safe.." Stonevine gently brushed his paw against Jackdaw's head. "Now.. Draw about yourself, if you can.. I'd love to know your favorite dish so I can serve it.."

Jackdawwing smiled. He carefully dragged his claw along the ground, trying his hardest to mimic the shape of rabbit - it was his favorite, after all.

Stonevine gasped, "Oh darling, those are rare around here.. Those I suppose if a hare strayed from the flowers.. We'll see what we can do around gathering time.."

Jackdawwing frowned. He looked around, then remembered another favorite of his: squirrel. Dragging his claw around in the sand, Jackdawwing carefully traced the outline of a squirrel, hoping that Stonevine would recognize the animal.

Stonevine glared at the image for a moment before he tapped the ground in understanding. "Now this is a dish I can agree on! Oh the stretch on their muscles. For certain, Darling!"

Jackdawwing couldn't help but press his muzzle into Stonevine's shoulder - oh how much he loved the warrior.

Stonevine purred and hugged Jackdawwing, patting his back again before yawning and sitting down