Warriors of the Plants

Larkswim Deerwhisper ♠️Ashcloud♟️ 🪶Finchrush🍃 Rockfang Indy Rattlestrike Fawnbright Blackchin berrypaw - 🫐 Amber'Mantis Harry 🍃Littlebreeze🎐 🪶Quailleap🔻 🐿️Squirrelheart🏵️ 🥀Aspendream🪦(Dark Forest Amaji Tuliptiger Lionlight Shrubkit Firefly Nettletear Maggotstar Tempestkit Muffin Woolymoth Acornsparrow Magnus Felix Cider Fumblelight Dustbunny BeechFace Dapplepetal Kitty Mapleblaze Crowtalon Follydance Mudriver CypressStep Lightningbug Silence Wolfshadow Swirlkit Wild'Stripe Avery Canarystride Rollybug Cloudingkit Jackdawwing Gorseclaw Gloomfreckle Cherryblaze Flintrunner Swallowtail Chirpkit Dottie Blu Irisbreeze Scorpionpaw Bugberry Aisling Fiver Alderspot Sandripple Wicket hawkrunner kuzon 🌾Wheatfeather🪶 Stormpaw (for now) Shimmerscale Bolicha Stagrun Basset Starlingflight Bigthroat Rushcove 🌊Creekstorm🌀 Bonsai Stoatskip Stonevine Ashgaze Hyacinthcurl Gigglechirp Antjaw applefall Bearsnap robinchatter - 🪶 foxspirit - 🦊 🌿Springfern🌿 Smogwillow Dawngaze Dusk ☀️Daystar🌟 BeetleBranch CardinalFluff cowfoot Mouseheart specklepelt - ♣️ sparrowbreeze Drizzlewind Falcon Fireleaf ⚡️Whitestreak⚡️ Ferretslip windwhistle - 💨 Harveststar🌾 Flipflop Sporeshine Malevolent mossystar - 🌱 Jaggedflight silkheart - 🍬 Yewshine Ivybloom KestrelClover Osprey SpruceStar Hazelbird🌰 AshenThorn PetalPaw BristleThorn PigeonClaw Brackenstorm Bleakheart Thistlesong Raccoonpaw 🦗Cricketdust🐞👵 Jeju Tigerspirit Dogwoodpaw Dustpaw Weaselpaw Whirlwhisper honeycoat - 🍯 blunt - 🚘 Willowsong Boot Cloverstream 💕Rustswirl💗💝 Reapwatcher Brownclaw & Thickethop Cinnamon 33 🩵Smoke🪁 Cashew Auburntail Swooppaw Copperflame Bramble Bong🦷 Webswirl Safari Pumpkinpurr DeerMist Sheepfish🐟 Sunheart☀️ 👺Shrewfang🧛 RabbitHeart 🪔Redflight🎈❣️ 🌹Rosedust💥 fogwatcher - 🌫️ shadelight - 🌩️ Dawneye Brookflight Bluetuft Bandit Bubzy 🌙Addersting🔱 🐴🪃Briarstream🍃 Show More
1 year, 20 days ago
11 hours, 16 minutes ago
263 953403 13

Chapter 254
Published 2 days, 4 hours ago

Explicit Violence

This is an archive for a rp server that I'm in! It will be constantly updated as the plot goes on!

Book cover art by Calley_Spring, thanks Spring!

View all archive sprites here!

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Curses And Mistakes

In Flowerclan camp 

Harveststar would pad out into the snowy camp with a yawn. She wasn't bothered by the cold much thanks to her thick pelt as she looked around camp

Behind her, tucked into the Springfern finished wrapping some of the last ends of the snowdrop flowers into their right pockets. The crown was complete, again, after having what seemed to be like endless undone rows falling apart. She held it up to examine it. Everything went well this time, and the crown looked splendid, perfect for a warriors ceremony.  “Cloud,” Springfern called softly, turning to face her lover when she picked up on Harveststar’s presence.

Harveststar would look over at Springfern hearing her nickname. She smiled padding over to her shaking out her pelt

Springfern held up the crown, turning it in her paws to showcase all angles. “What do you think?” She asked slowly, carefully enunciating her words.

Harveststar sat down beside Springfern wanting nothing more than to cuddle into her and lick her head affectionately but not in the middle of camp.. not until Springfern officially retired. She smiled as she looked at the crown "It looks perfect," She meowed with a nod of her head as she examined it

Springfern’s smile grew. “Thank you. Let the Willows be patient with the young shrew. The storms have drifted away.”

Harveststar chuckled, "Well patient is the only thing I can be around him," She smiled starting to groom her pelt so she didn't look all mangy for the ceremony

Shrewpaw was settled in the middle of the snowy camp, eagerly talking to his twin. It was his time to shine now

Amberkit looked a lot less excited to be here.. She flicked away the snow that dragged down her front paws as she dragged the rest of her limp body through the snow. "Cold..." She hissed quietly to herself as she put herself next to Shrewpaw

“Oh yeah, this is your first time seeing snow.” Shrewpaw recalled. “Whatcha think so far?”

"I don't like it...it makes my fur even heavier and it's difficult to move through...I can't just go over it like everyone else..." Amberkit hissed at the snow. She shivered a little and she crouched to the floor. "It's too bright...but also a little pretty..."

“Yeah, no one really likes the cold.” Shrewpaw nodded grimly. “It’ll take some time getting used for you, my leafbare coat is alright so I have no issues.”

Amberkit laid down in the snow, still keeping herself cuddled up in a ball enough not to get too cold..

Harveststar would work through her coat before letting out a long sigh. "I should've done this earlier..." She muttered to herself. She had always had a thick coat so working through it all was always a nightmare at least during new-leaf and green-leaf she could just go wade in the river to help the process

Springfern chuckled, lightly patting Harveststar. “I can attend as well.” She offered, nodding at her fluff

Shrewpaw watched his breath condensate in the air, a hint of amusement flickering over his face.

Harveststar smiled "That would be wonderful, thank you," She meowed crouching down so Springfern could actually reach her

Amberkit curiously reached upward, trying to paw at the cloud around her and Shrewpaw's muzzles

Springfern leaned over to sort through Harveststar’s long fur. She found herself leaning in close, brushing against Harveststar’s back. It just felt right, touching her. She wanted to be closer, to just feel Harveststar and know she’s a solid being with her.

Springfern finished fixing up her back. “There.” She said after a while. “Now Cloud looks like a cloud.”

Harveststar would stand to her full height her usually coarse fur sticking close to her body was all fluffed up. She really did look like a cloud soft and warm and irresistibly cuddly. "Well let's get this ceremony started before more snow falls," She chuckled padding towards the high rock

Fighting his own battles, Rushcove would drag himself into camp. He looked... tired, as usual, however after fighting with snowdrifts trying to patrol it was no wonder he was probably at least a bit worn out. As he sat down to rid his paws of collected snow, he'd look around the clearing. There was an air of excitement. Either that or it was the cold air flowing directly into his brain and freezing it solid. He began to wonder if he really did curse them. In any case, something appeared to be about to happen, which was...usually an exciting event.

Harveststar would jump onto the high rock clearing her throat, "All cats able to catch their own prey gather below the high rock!" She called out

Briarstream gathered the rest of my ocs to settle down in the middle of camp

Shrewpaw sat tall in the crowd, his face morphing to something triumphant 

Amberkit stood-ish up, not looking very enthused. She was tired and bothered by the snow...

"Shrewpaw is ready to receive his warrior name," Harveststar announced "From now on he will be known as Shrewfang," She meowed with a smile dipping her head

Shrewfang smirked widely, stepping forward to receive his crown

Harveststar would leap down from the high rock going to where Springfern had the crown. She took it padding over to Shrewfang carefully placing the crown on his head with a smile.

"Woo Shrewfang!" Hazelbird shouted letting the rest of the clan chant his new name as well

Shrewfang struck a pose as his clanmates cheered his name. He made sure to be careful not to let his crown get crumpled

Harveststar would soon leap back onto the high rock. Clearing her throat as she waited for the cheering to stop. Once it stopped with she smiled, "And Amberkit is ready to be an apprentice. From now on she will be known as Amberpaw and I will be her mentor," She announced with a nod

Hazelbird's eyes widened a bit. His mother sure was taking on a lot of apprentices recently

Amberkit straightened herself, her eyes wide. "You're gonna be my mentor!!" She mewed, flabbergasted

Harveststar smiled letting out a soft chuckle, "Yes I'm going to be your mentor," She meowed jumping down from the high rock and approaching Amberkit

Amberkit, now Amberpaw, took a single step back before taking two more forward. She gulped, not being able to tell if it was good or bad

Harveststar would have to almost fully lay down for Amberpaw to reach her muzzle to her shoulder it was a slightly comical sight

Amberpaw booped her back, forcing a smile on her muzzle as she awkwardly shuffled her paws

Harveststar stood up to her full height "I'm looking forward to training you," She purred softly

"Goo Amberpaw!!" Hazelbird yowled.

 Fumblelight was also there cheering his daughter's name

Rushcove, though his slightly dull voice couldn't really be discerned, cheered for both cats. He pulled as much energy as possible in order to do this, as this was a big moment in both of thier lives. Especially considering both of them were having thier ceremonies late but that was neither here nor there.

Stoatskip sat near the back as he watched Ferretslip bounded up to Shrewfang and basically shower him in nuzzles and purrs, his eyes shined brightly. Stoatskip felt his heart ache.

Amberpaw gulped a little. All of this sudden praise after being scolded for doing dumb shit...it felt good. She pawed at her chest before genuinely smiling and raising her head up to look around. It felt good to be here...to have her name called proudly.

"Meeting dismissed!" Harveststar called stepping back, letting Hazelbird and Fumblelight approach

"Ohh you've grown so much Amberpaw! I remember when you were still such a little kit!" Hazelbird cooed Fumblelight nodded in agreement, "I'm very proud..." He meowed softly

Stormpaw gingerly walked up to his family, "You didn't say that to us when we got apprenticed." He muttered quietly.

"I-I was out on patrol-" Fumblelight meowed which was true. He had been put on patrol during their apprenticeship and missed it

Amberpaw looked at Stormpaw, she was...very confused. "Why didn't you attend their ceramonies..? Why mine?" She got a little defensive as she padded closer to Stormpaw and gave him a gentle lick across his fur. "He grew just as much as me...he grew more, really..."

Stormpaw flinched slightly at the touch, he still hasn't gotten over their argument last moon, but he didn't move away and stood still. "More excuses..."

Hazelbird saw this and put his tail on Fumblelight's back, "Give your father some slack." He said sternly glaring at the two kits

Fumblelight just sighed and looked away. He tried to think of Bramble's words but what if his kits just didn't want him there

Stormpaw's eyes narrowed and his gaze hardened, "Whatever..." It's kinda hard to give his dad some slack when all his life he has watched Hazelbird be the best father to his kits and Fumblelight was nowhere to be seen.

“Amberpaw!! Amberpaw!!” Finchpaw exclaimed running over to join his siblings. “You’re one of us now!!”

Mudpaw kept her distance staying with Creekpaw

"I AM! I AAAM!" Amberpaw wished she could hop and bound because she wanted to pounce on Finchpaw with joy. She purred and pressed her nose to his cheek and then padded over to Stormpaw. She was glad he brought a different energy to the air. "Stormpaw! We're all apprentices now! WOOHOO!"

Fumblelight was thankful for Finchpaw as he took a step back he just nodded and started to pad away. He needed air...he needed room...

Stormpaw glanced at Fumblelight's retreating form one last time before shaking it off and turned to celebrate with his siblings.

Creekpaw watched from afar, his head tilted high. So Amberpaw was finally an apprentice. He hoped she wouldn’t be partnered with him anytime soon. Although he was slightly envious that she had Harveststar as a mentor.

"Well I guess we won't have anymore peace and quiet huh," Mudpaw joked nudging Creekpaw's arm gently

Creekpaw said nothing. He simply huffed in contempt and turned away.

Amberpaw purred and pressed her muzzle to Stormpaw again. "We're all apprentices now...we can be the very best!" She felt a sense of kinship with her brothers like she never had before. Maybe it was because Stormpaw was...well Stormpaw now or because she didn't have to wait anymore. They were apprentices! She and the boys could run around and catch prey together, they'd work together to go against the world! And without her snobby sister, which she was happy about as she shot a proud and sly look at her

Mudpaw didn't see Amberpaw's look too busy looking at Creekpaw. Even if he was quiet and blew her off sometimes it was better than her siblings

Amberpaw stuck her tongue out at the muddy-creek duo before turning to her brothers. "Lets play a game to celebrate! Shrewfang can join us!"

Stormpaw tilted his head in interest, "What kind of game?"

Amberpaw turned to her brother, "Finchpaw, you know LOTS of games! I've always wanted to play some of 'em! Could we play some of your games?"

“Oh I know, we can play Hide and Seek!” Finchpaw exclaimed. He turned to Hazelbird instead of Shrewfang, seeing that the new warrior was spending time with his brothers. “Hazelbird!! Wanna play Hide and Seek with us?”

Amberpaw noticed too. Why not invite Hazel'Bird? "Yeah! We're gonna hide and then uh.. Seek! Wait, why are we hiding and what are we seeking for..?"

“Hide and seek is where everyone hides and one cat has to go and find the others!” Finchpaw exclaimed

"Ooh! Sounds fun! Yeah, we have to play now!" Amberpaw purred

Hazelbird was looking at the camp entrance that Fumblelight had walked out to. He looked up at the sky seeing the storm rolling in.. it wasn't safe for Fumblelight to go out in such weather. He blinked looking at the kits "Maybe next time," He meowed starting to pad away towards the entrance

"Why is he leaving..?" Amberpaw mewed to Finchpaw and Stormpaw. "He's not like Fumblelight...he's not just going because...right?"

Stormpaw watched Shrewfang from afar, he wasn't playing any games with his brothers, so he probably shouldn't play games with his siblings, he flicked an ear, "Hazelbird isn't like dad, he's actually there for his kits."

Hazelbird quickly slipped out of camp hoping to get Fumblelight before the storm rolled in. He didn't really trust the tom to take care of himself

"Yeah! That's what I thought!" Amberpaw nodded in agreement. "Hazelbird cares! Maybe too much...he probably left cuz he cares about Fumblelight...blehk. Also, we should invite Hazel's kits as well as Shrew's brothers! Big big game!" Amberpaw tried to hop with excitement and nearly fell into the snow

Finchpaw turned towards the crowds again, facing the brothers. Foxspirit was no longer either them, so that left Ferretslip and Shrewfang. The two seemed to be immersed in their conversation and Finchpaw wondered what could have been so engrossing. “I’ll go ask them!” Finchpaw said excitedly. He leapt up and padded towards the brothers, looking expectant

"I'll go find Acorn and Kestrel! Stormpaw, come with me!" Amberpaw purred to her brother, padding through the snow with joy and waiting for him before heading towards the apprentice den

Acornpaw would be with Kestrelpaw shivering in the snow wanting nothing more than to go back into the apprentice's den now that the ceremonies were over

Amberpaw dragged herself over, "Hey Acornpaw! Kestrelpaw! Wanna play hide and seek with us?"

Kestrelpaw was also cold, but to be fair, he had buried himself in the snow during the ceremony. In a past life the cold could have frozen him over, giving him eternal sleep until he died and was rebirthed again...but the sleep was nice when it happened. He popped his head out of the snow when hearing his name. "Hide and seek in this weather?" He groaned in response to Amberpaw's invitation. "Why don't you go look for your father for something like that..?" He asked, since Fumblelight had just left a few minutes before. "He could use something fun to warm him up."

"Because Fumblelight is a dirty fuck who hates playing with his kits!" Amberpaw hissed, remembering the words she'd learned from both him and Dapplepaw. "And I'm not supposed to leave camp...and you guys are more fun! And apprentices!"

Kestrelpaw narrowed his eyes. "He isn't a dirty fuck. Well. He's a fuck up. But you really can't blame him." He says, defending his mentor. "He cares about you guys, just struggles to show it." Kestrelpaw says getting up and shaking the snow off his pelt. "And I wouldn't want to be a father to you guys either...theres so many of you..." He flicks his tail, sending the last flecks of snow off of himself and rudely onto Amberpaw.

Acornpaw shifted his paws before shrugging, "It's...kinda true...also it's too cold!" He meowed quickly starting to pad to the apprentice's den to warm up

"Wait, what..!? What's wrong with all of us? Why can't he just...take care of us...Hazelbird can all the time! And while his brother's missing, you were mute and scared, and...lots of stuff!" Amberpaw hissed with her fur puffing out. "I still don't get it! Why did he even have us if we were just an issue.." She recoiled her head into her fur and clawed at the ground. "Why do you keep defending him, anyways.. I've never seen him do anything to deserve forgiveness like this.. I don't get any of you, really! Only Stormpaw makes sense.."

Kestrelpaw rolled his eyes. "Well, while Acornpaw and I are a curse, our parents are very much happily in love. Your dad, had you and the rest of your siblings, by mistake. You ever wonder why you've never met your other parent?" He says, sitting down again. He had a feeling this might end up being a long talk. "Plus. Fumblelight is a good mentor. I've learned lots from him." He lied, but he still considered him a decent mentor none the less.

Amberpaw looked shocked. "I'm a mistake..? Y-you're a curse..? How can you be a curse..? Wh-...I never...thought about it. I kinda thought that maybe...I...didn't really think about it at all..." Amberpaw's eyes teared up a little, it explained so much...kits were a curse, she was a mistake, and this...this had to be why she was broken. She wondered how her brothers and sister were broken, too...or did she just soak up all the punishment for them? She hoped it was the latter

Kestrelpaw noticed her tearing up. Great, she didn't get it...well it wasn't really his problem anyways, as long as she lightened up on his mentor, that would be good enough for him. "Having you guys is hard on him. Just don't make it any harder." He says deciding to sum it up. "Don't think too hard about it"

"Too late, foxdung!" Amberpaw stuck her tongue out at Kestrelpaw, a little contrast to her still heartbroken feelings about her own birth that she had now. "..." She couldn't say much more...she just wished everything was simpler, that Fumblelight could just love her and her littermates the way Kestrelpaw did...that's...THAT'S IT! Kestrelpaw's parents loved each other and loved him and his littermate. He just didn't get it! 

"You don't get how tough it can be, knowing you're a mistake...your father never wanted you...never plays with you, just sleeps or 'goes out for some air'. You just don't get it...you just don't...you just don't..." Amberpaw was hardly saying anything to Kestrelpaw, just convincing herself she wasn't wrong, wasn't as bad as she was scared of being. She started to pad away from the conversation, the whole clan entirely, really. She went to her usually spot, the wall of the nursery, to hide and sleep in.

Finchkit watched Amberpaw storm off and quit his conversation with Shrewfang. He padded away from the brothers and headed over towards the twins, looking upset. “What did you say to her?” Finchpaw asked with a frown

Amberpaw paused, she looked back at Finchpaw. "That Kestrelpaw didn't get it...because...b-because...did you...know we are a mistake? That...Fumblelight never wanted us..?" Amberpaw's voice was at its weakest and most sincere. She always sounded mad, defensive, forced into a strong tone...she finally just sounded...herself. Vulnerable...she could only really be that way with her brothers, at least she thought so. She included Shrew'Fang in her list of brothers, of course, so she'd feel comfortable with him too.

"Ugh great..." Kestrelpaw mumbled to himself, if she was looking for comfort then of course she didn't get it. He turned to Finchpaw and glared at the anomaly. "All I said was that you guys were born by mistake." He looks to Amberpaw. "I'm sorry I said anything about not wanting you, I'm sure he doesn't think that. You guys make things very hard- and I know just from sleeping next to your noisyiness all of these moons." He says a bit annoyed. 

"Like I said before, you should really look for him to play hide and seek. Even if he says no, it's the gesture that counts. He might not show that he cares, but maybe you should show that you care first." Kestrelpaw then sighs after saying that much. He puts a paw to his head like if this was giving him a headache.

Finchpaw stared at Kestrelpaw as if he had a mouse for a head. “We’re what..?” He echoed. “We’re a mistake?”

Amberpaw growled a little, she genuinely considered doing it, she almost wanted to. "I'm pretty sure it was his job to do that first...and yeah, we're a mistake. Starclan punished me for it, so as long as you don't have broken about you, Finchpaw, then it'll all happen to me! I'll make sure you're ok..." She rested her head on Finchpaw, as though what she was saying was actually assuring and not a frightening thought to be having.

Kestrelpaw looked Finchpaw up and down. Right, broken...maybe Finchpaw would say something now to confirm his suspicions of the anomaly. He looked back to Amberpaw. "HA- if your a mistake from Starclan." He shook his head and looked to the ground. Amberpaw had no idea how lucky she was compared to the many lives he'd lived. Not to mention, the number of terrible things that were going to happen to the other clans in the near future. "Trust me. You're being overly dramatic. Things can, and will be, way worse." He paused to watch their reactions. "At least for the other clans."

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but what you’re saying is rude!” Finchpaw said with a frown. “Even if you do think we’re mistakes, Amberpaw and I are given this life which means we have a right to live it!”

Amberpaw's heart skipped a beat. Her brother's words made her spirits lift, at least a little. "How can things be worse than not having back legs and a tail to use like everyone else? I'll never be able to pounce, swim, run, or jump! Ever! You can right now...of course Starclan cursed me, you dung-brain! I couldn't be over dramatic about that if I tried.." Amberpaw stepped closer to Finchpaw. "And my brother's right...despite that, we're here! Finchpaw's alive for a reason! W-we're strong! You're just a ball of snark who talks like he knows everything..."

"Ugh...all I'm trying to say, is that you can cut Fumblelight some slack. I don't want my mentor running away because his children couldn't even be good to him." Kestrelpaw says. He really didn't want to deal with another cat as a mentor. "I never said anything about not having the right to live." He was getting tired of explaining things. "And I would give my legs if I could die normally" He says very quietly under his breath. "Also Dung-brain? Was that all you could come up with?" He wondered why she didn't just say 'shit-brain or 'stupid' if she already knew human language like 'fuck'

"...die normally?" Amberpaw was taken aback. "Do...you want to die or something..!?"

“That’s not fair.” Finchpaw cut in. “I still don’t know what you’re saying but our dad barely spends time with us. So we barely talk to him at all! We already give him slack for that...”

"Kestrel's kinda right, I get on his butt about it a lot..." Amberpaw whispered. "...I'm starting to regret it." She continued to whisper before speaking up. "What Finchpaw said! He's our dad, he knew us before we could talk!"

Kestrelpaw sighed again. No point explaining to kits. "No I do not want to die. You wouldn't get it anyways." He looked at the anomaly again. Right, he should probably be friendly with him, if he was going to save Acornpaw from his curse. If Acornpaw could be saved then maybe he could too. "Sure, there isn't much you can do when you're a kit, but now that you're a apprentice. maybe just try a little? You guys can handle my brother, surely a old man like Fumblelight wouldn't be much for you guys." He says, though cringing a little when he said old man...he hoped Fumblelight wasn't around to hear that- and if he was he hoped that he knew he didn't mean it at all.

"Even I know Fumblelight's not even close to old...tch..." Amberpaw spat a little. "Why don't you go run off an cheer him up? He just ran away right after talking to me and Stormpaw, and I wanna lay back down and play with my brothers..."

Kestrelpaw looked up at the sky. "Not a good idea. We should head back to the apprentice den...looks like a blizzard..." He says then wondered if Amberpaw would even consider the fact that Fumblelight had gone out during this blizzard- and could die...and They'd never see him again. He observed Amberpaw to see if she would notice.

Amberpaw now noticed the weather. She was looking up at the cloudy sky. "Oh wow, I thought it was clear out a moment ago..." She mewed quietly. "Yeah, I'm for sure not going out to go find him if I could get snowed on like that! C'mon, let go get Stormpaw and play in the apprentices' den, Finchpaw..."

Kestrelpaw just sighs again. course she'd be insensitive. He looked outside of the camp... no way in the state he was in he could go out there to look for his mentor. Plus, he was sure Fumblelight would make it back on his own. He glances at the other apprentices again and scrunches up his nose at the idea of being in the same den as the ones he was just arguing with. He trudges away towards the empty nursery instead. Better any shelter without them.

Soon Hazelbird stumbled into camp covered in snow. He panted in a panicked pace shaking off the snow looking for Harveststar

Harveststar noticed Hazelbird and padded to him "Something wrong Hazel?" She asked worriedly

"I-It's Fumblelight. He's out there! I-I couldn't find him before the storm!" Hazelbird meowed panicked, "We have to send out a patrol!"

Harveststar's eyes widened, "Are you sure? I can't send warriors out in this weather..." She meowed

Hazelbird stared up at his mother "W-we can't just leave him out there!" He yowled

Harveststar shook her head "Hazelbird it's too dangerous with the blizzard,"

Hazelbird drooped a bit. looking down at the ground, "W-we can't just..."

Harveststar lead Hazelbird away as the storm started to blizzard in camp "We'll look for him as soon as possible after the storm," She comforted her son