Warriors of the Plants

Larkswim Deerwhisper ♠️Ashcloud♟️ 🪶Finchrush🍃 Rockfang Indy Rattlestrike Fawnbright Blackchin berrypaw - 🫐 Amber'Mantis Harry 🍃Littlebreeze🎐 🪶Quailleap🔻 🐿️Squirrelheart🏵️ 🥀Aspendream🪦(Dark Forest Amaji Tuliptiger Lionlight Shrubkit Firefly Nettletear Maggotstar Tempestkit Muffin Woolymoth Acornsparrow Magnus Felix Cider Fumblelight Dustbunny BeechFace Dapplepetal Kitty Mapleblaze Crowtalon Follydance Mudriver CypressStep Lightningbug Silence Wolfshadow Swirlkit Wild'Stripe Avery Canarystride Rollybug Cloudingkit Jackdawwing Gorseclaw Gloomfreckle Cherryblaze Flintrunner Swallowtail Chirpkit Dottie Blu Irisbreeze Scorpioncrash Bugged Berry Aisling Fiver Alderspot Sandripple Wicket hawkrunner kuzon 🌾Wheatfeather🪶 Doveflutter Shimmerscale Bolicha Stagrun Basset Starlingflight Bigthroat Rushcove 🌊Creekstorm🌀 Bonsai Stoatskip Stonevine Ashgaze Hyacinthcurl Gigglechirp Antjaw applefall Bearsnap robinchatter - 🪶 foxspirit - 🦊 🌿Springfern🌿 Smogwillow Dawngaze Dusk ☀️Daystar🌟 BeetleBranch CardinalFluff cowfoot Mouseheart specklepelt - ♣️ sparrowbreeze Drizzlewind Falcon Fireleaf ⚡️Whitestreak⚡️ Ferretslip windwhistle - 💨 Harveststar🌾 Flipflop Sporeshine Malevolent mossystar - 🌱 Jaggedflight silkheart - 🍬 Shining Yew Ivybloom KestrelClover Osprey SpruceStar Hazelbird🌰 AshenThorn PetalPaw BristleThorn PigeonClaw Brackenstorm Bleakheart Thistlesong Raccoonpaw 🦗Cricketdust🐞👵 Jeju Tigerspirit Dogwoodpaw Dustpaw Weaselpaw Whirlwhisper honeycoat - 🍯 blunt - 🚘 Willowsong Boot Cloverstream 💕Rustswirl💗💝 Reapwatcher Brownclaw & Thickethop Cinnamon 33 🩵Smoke🪁 Cashew Auburntail Swooppaw Copperflame Bramble Bong🦷 Webswirl Safari Pumpkinpurr DeerMist Sheepfish🐟 Sunheart☀️ 👺Shrewfang🧛 RabbitHeart 🪔Redflight🎈❣️ 🌹Rosedust💥 fogwatcher - 🌫️ shadelight - 🌩️ Dawneye Brookflight Bluetuft Bandit Bubzy 🌙Addersting🔱 🐴🪃Briarstream🍃 Show More
1 year, 3 months ago
2 months, 5 days ago
288 1029784 13 8

Chapter 272
Published 2 months, 12 days ago

Explicit Violence

This is an archive for a rp server that I'm in! It will be constantly updated as the plot goes on!

Book cover art by Calley_Spring, thanks Spring!

View all archive sprites here!

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Forest No More

In Sandstone camp 

Quailleap stepped through the cold air like a puma. Her head was held high and a sharp grin graced her features. Behind her, a weary and drained Wheatfeather followed her, keeping his head hung low and his eyes scattering along the sides of the camp. “Drizzlepaw!” Quailleap called, her voice ringing through the crowd. “Drizzlepaw, we need to talk.”

Drizzlepaw's head popped out from an edge of the camp. "Yes, Quailleap?" He chirped, wondering what this was all about.

Quailleap flicked her tail in a morion for him to follow. Silently, he led Drizzlepaw and Wheatfeather away from the others and to a far corner of camp

Drizzlepaw followed his superior with interest, slinking away after her.

“Drizzlepaw, you are aware of what is about to happen right?” Quaillleap started, her voice sweet with honey

Drizzlepaw looked confused for a second. "If you mean, we're about to drive out Forestclan, then yes..?"

“We’re going to have to fight too, Drizzlepaw.” Quailleap continued. Her tone sharped. “We don’t have time for mistakes...or running away.”

Drizzlepaw shrugged. "Well of course we're going to have to fight." He pointed out. "Forestclan is a whole ass clan, and Castleclan didn't send alll their warriors."

Quailleap narrowed her eyes at his language. “What I’m saying is that, you’re of age to becoming a warrior.” She said lowly. “Should you mess anything up today...it would be a shame if you were to stay an apprentice. Fight well, and you can have your full name.”

"All right then..." Drizzlepaw said, pretending to be casual about it. In reality he was REALLYY exited. He was just under 20 moons old, and still an apprentice. It was about damn time. "I'll fight hard." He said with a nod.

Quailleap nodded, looking pleased. “You’ll be fighting alongside Wheatfeather. You’re in charge of him. Make sure he behaves.”

Ivybloom raised her tail up high, clearing her throat, "Alright girlies~! It's time to slay and kick those disgusting squirrel mulch away once and for all!"

Gorseclaw flexed his claws. Behind him the rest of the group got ready to fight, cheering

Osprey looked nervous, what did Forestclan even do that they're willing to go this far? He didn't have the answer and he probably never will.

Sandripple looked at Ivybloom with a small smile. They were going to get what was rightfully theirs. All she had to do was pave the way for her new friends. She just had to take back what was rightfully theirs."Right behind you, Ms. Ivybloom," Sandripple said.

Ivybloom nodded, she's gained a good amount of respect for Sandripple ever since the last fight, "Make me proud darling~ okay let's go!"

The praise only made Sandripple's smile wilder. She'd make Ivybloom proud all right. She make everyone proud.

Inside the walls of Castleclan 

With most of the cats gone to ForestClan to fight a war, Woolypaw saw this as the perfect time to find the stone. What few cats had stayed behind were indoors to avoid the cold and the snow but he had to find that stone. He had to fulfill his side of the deal. He went to his marked place the snow had already started trying to cover his paw prints but he was quicker.

Woolypaw went to the dead dried flowers and started to dig started to search for this stone he didn't really know what it looked like. Those cats he had met...they weren't alive clearly but what they were saying were things that existed...maybe he could sense this stone. He closed his eyes but all he could feel was the cold. He could be here all night digging and that thought made him chew his lip with worry accidently drawing blood. He let a drop hit the ground before licking at the small cut. 

Then he felt it...a small tug of his paws and hurt. This must be it then he had to follow it, it didn't hurt. He followed that ever so slight tug and started to dig. He dug so fast and so hard he felt himself hurt one of his claws but then he found it. A medium sized gem that was green and it visually looked like it had blood splatters on it but it was part of the stone. "This is the stone...this is the stone..." He whispered to himself picking it up in his jaws before racing away back to the moon pond

In Forestclan camp 

Ivybloom decided that leading her attack party straight to camp would be the best course of action, it's the heart of Forestclan and if they claim it then they're forced to retreat, "Sandstone attack!" She yowled when they got close enough.

Firefly leapt up, caught off guard by the sudden barrage

Smogwillow jumped to her paws, the nerves on these cats- wait why is Castleclan here?! The warrior was momentarily shocked and stood in place before gaining back her senses, "Forestclan! We're being attacked! Get up and fight!"

Crowtalon's fur bristled at the sound of the familiar voice. She rushed out of the Warrior's Den with fury in her eye. It widen in shock when she saw some CastleClan cats were also present. "What's the meaning of this?!" Crowtalon yelled. "Why are you kittypets siding with them?"

Ivybloom narrowed her eyes and smirked, edging closer to the Castleclan cats, "You're really gonna let them insult like that? Go show them what you're made of!"

Osprey had their eyes wide as they charged into battle, Castleclan was his home and if he knew anything about his clan and clanmates, then they're nothing like kittypets.

Smogwillow charged at Ivybloom, knocking her over and pinning her to the ground, "Get. out." She snarled.

Sandripple charged forward and attempted rip Smogwillow off her leader, only to get bodied by another ForestClan warrior in the process. 

Ivybloom has learned a thing or two since the last fight, and she knows that they can't retreat from this battle, "This is our camp now!" She snarled back, hitting the other warrior's chin and forcing her back, giving her just enough time to slip away.

Osprey tackled Firefly, taking a swipe at him before bouncing back so he'd be out of reach.

Firefly hissed in annoyance as he struggled to get a grip on Osprey, the slender cat darting away before he could catch up and then another warrior taking him by surprise

Quailleap charged at Crowtalon’s familiar form, tackling her to the ground. “Miss me?” She sneered, watching the camp dissolve into chaos

Crowtalon rolled to the ground with Quailleap. She clawed onto Quailleap's pelt, refusing to let the other cat get away. "Hardly," Crowtalon gritted out as she kicked Quailleap's stomach. 

Quailleap growled in annoyance, feeling her stomach hit her back. She failed to grapple with Crowtalon for moment, allowing her moves to be quite sluggish before she immediately got control again. Her unsheathed paws grabbed a hold of the other warrior’s head and dug in. 

Crowtalon cried out in pain as Quailleap's sharp claws sunk into the black she-cat's skull. No matter how hard she tried to flail the CactusClan cat off, Crowtalon wasn't able to get Quailleap off of her. 

Maplepaw was hiding in the foliage, just as she was instructed to do. She was going to be the best ambusher ever. Before she knew it though, a fight was already breaking out. Her first real fight. She just thought about what Rosedust taught her. Calm mind. Calm mind, calm mind. Maplepaw leapt out of the bushes and tackled Smogwillow to the ground. "Not so fast, tree-hugger!" Maplepaw shouted. 

Smogwillow snarled, baring her teeth, flipping over and grabbing Maplepaw by the scruff, she flung the apprentice into a wall, "You're literally a child, what are you doing here?!"

Maplepaw slammed against the wall with a hard thud. She struggled to get up. She looked into the other cat's eyes. This was the first time she could die. She could die. "I-I'm not just a kid!" Maplepaw screamed, failing to intimidate the warrior. 

Smogwillow sighed, turning to go fight another cat, she's not going to beat up a apprentice that's already defeated.

Ivybloom battered another Forestclan cat away, dodging and weaving her way out, she saw Maplepaw slumped to the ground and went to pull her up to her feet, "Girlie come on! You're really gonna get defeated like that?! Get up and show those squirrel eaters what you are made of!" She rallied.

Drizzlepaw spawned next to Ivybloom. "Yeah come on!” He said supportively. "We’ll take them on!!"

Maplepaw got up and nodded her head. They were right! They couldn't lose when they were the good guys! She turned to a random ForestClan warrior and pounced on them. She forced them onto the ground before slashing at them. She'd make her clan proud! 

Sandripple hissed at Smogwillow. "Over here!" she screamed before rushing at the other cat. She ran at the older warrior and bit at her neck, drawing blood. 

Smogwillow choked on her own blood, she fell to the ground, unable to do anything as her life flashed before her eyes.

Sandripple, thinking that Smogwillow was dead, left her and tried to find another foe to fight. That should teach her to mess with Ms. Ivybloom!

Ivybloom smirked in satisfaction as blood slowly painted the ground, the Forestclan cats were clearly struggling.

Quailleap grinned eagerly as she pinned down Crowtalon, however her cheer was caught off when a large tom gripped her scruff and tore her off Crowtalon

Wheatfeather couldn’t stand it anymore. He was tired of Quailleap. He didn’t care what happened to him, he wanted her gone.

Crowtalon gasped for fresh air after feeling the piercing claws leave her head. She looked up, only to see pure chaos. They were losing. They were all going to die if they didn't retreat. But they couldn't! This was their home -- this was their rightful home and she would rather die and be stranded in the Dark Forest than abandon it like a coward.

But now she had something -- someone -- to live for. She wanted to live. She wanted her clan to live. If they had to retreat this battle to keep living, then it might be something they had to do. Her eye darted towards Smogwillow's fallen body. She rushed over to the warrior and checked to see if she was breathing. She was, but barely. "Smogwillow, can you hear me?" she asked. "We're losing. We need to retreat or we're all going to die."

Smogwillow felt useless laying on the ground, it's really a miracle that she's still alive and breathing, "I'm aware of that..." She coughed, they needed to leave before anymore death happens, pushing herself up and managing to stay on her paws, "Retreat! Forestclan retreat!"

"Yeah, you better run!" Maplepaw hissed, trying, and ultimately failing, to sound intimidating. 

Drizzlepaw leapt onto a nearby Auburntail, slashing him across the face. Drizzlepaw yowled at the forestclan cat aggressively. “Get out of OUR forest! Filth!!”

Auburntail screeched, as blood welled from his wound. "What do you mean 'your forest!'" He snarled, looking over the smaller cat with contempt, as he attempted to bat him aside. Instead, he only shoved Drizzlepaw a few tail-lengths to the side. Auburntail’s eyes widened in shock.

Ivybloom saw the murder in Drizzlepaw's eyes, "Finish the job kid." She egged him on, "Prove yourself."

Drizzlepaw laughed, before pouncing on Auburntail, rolling him over and somehow pinning the larger cat down. "What's the matterrr?? You miss your mommyyy?"

Auburntail struggled under the pressure of Drizzlepaw's claws. He attempted to reach up, and claw Drizzlepaw accross his face, but he always seemed just out of reach.

Maplepaw looked stunned. "Woah, woah, woah, he's already down! They're retreating! C'mon, just let him scurry away."

Ivybloom's eyes shined in amusement, "Come on Drizzlepaw! You want your full name? Prove to me you deserve it!"

Sandripple shoved Maplepaw out of the way. "You got this!"

Whitestreak appeared next to Maplepaw, shoving her towards the entrance. This wasn’t something she wanted to see

Maplepaw fought back against Whitestreak. "What're you doing?! We came here for the territory, and we're getting it! Why are you just letting them kill a guy when his clan already surrendered?!"

Osprey followed Whitestreak, his eyes wide in fear, "Please, we need to leave." Flashbacks of Addersting's victims were swirling in their head.

Drizzlepaw kept Auburntail held down, a rush of adrenaline spiking through him. 

As Drizzlepaw held him down, Auburntail struggled, writhing underneath his grasp. Auburntail let out a whine, failing to escape Drizzlepaw.

Drizzlepaw's mind was completely focused. This is what he needed, this is what he wanted, right? He was positive of it. With a slash of his claw, Drizzlepaw aimed for Auburntail's neck, almost closing his eyes as he did so.

Auburntail wailed, his eyes flashing black. As he faded in and out of conciousness from the near death blow, he whispered something under his breath. "I'm sorry, kiddo..." He said, as his voice trailed off and his eyes faded to black.

Maplepaw looked back where the CactusClan cats were and heard the cries of the ForestClan warrior cease. The stench of blood filled her nose, and she thought she would gag at how strong the smell was. Instead, she just felt anger course through her body. The apprentice weaseled out of Whitestreak's grasp and ran straight for the older apprentice. She tackled him to the ground. "How could you do something like that?! You're a monster!" Maplepaw screamed into his face. 

Drizzlepaw looked blankly at Maplepaw, a couple tears trickling down his face. "It's what's right though, right?" He asked, mumbling slightly. "To give us more land and stuff?" Drizzlepaw looked down, his figure looking even less intimidating then normal underneath Maplepaw's gaze. It was right though? Right? Like Quailleap said, like Viperfang insisted. Not for the first time in his life, Drizzlepaw looked back on that scene in camp, the calls of "traitor" and all the betrayal. Drizzlepaw stood there, unsure of what to do.

"Yeah, and we already won, you fox-heart!" Maplepaw screamed. She could feel all eyes on her. "We were sending them running, and you still killed one of them? What kind of cat are you? Warriors are supposed to be heroic and honorable!" Maplepaw got in closer to where her and the other apprentice were touching noses. "And you are anything but honorable."

Ivybloom tsked, lunging at Maplepaw and knocking her off Drizzlepaw, "Drizzlepaw was doing his job, I'm sorry that you couldn't understand the stakes of battle kit."

Whitestreak leapt up, standing between Maplepaw and Ivybloom. Their fur spiked up and she glared Ivybloom down with her soulless eyes. The battle has been fought. They won.

Drizzlepaw's eyes started welling up further, and a couple tears fell down his face. He quickly backed up and wiped them away with a paw, so Quailleap wouldn't see them.

Maplepaw landed to the ground with a groan. She got back up, although she stayed behind Whitestreak. "Oh yeah, the stakes of a battle that was already won. You're nothing more than a buncha snakes!" She hissed. Considering how she was hiding behind another warrior, it wasn't all that intimidating. 

Ivybloom bared her teeth, "You don't know what we've been through! You've just been hiding away in your stupid stone den like a bunch of cowards while we've been pushed around since day 1!" She took a step forward, narrowing her eyes, "You don't get a say kitty."

Gorseclaw pursed his lips, “Sweetie, it isn’t worth it. That’s a literal kitten. She doesn’t understand dung so let’s just start marking the place up.”

Maplepaw's fur bristled. She wasn't intimidating them at all, but she was still going to speak her mind. "I am not just a kit, you're just a bunch of sadistic killers!" she hissed. 

Whitestreak rested her tail on the younger cat’s shoulder. Let’s go. She signaled, nudging Maplepaw towards the entrance

Ivybloom tsked, "That brat..." She hissed as the Castleclan warriors turned to leave.

Maplepaw glared at Whitestreak, but she supposed that they were right. She wasn't going to get through to these guys anytime soon. But before she turned to leave, she looked Drizzlepaw dead in the eyes. "Congrats on your new name, warrior." She hissed out through gritted teeth. She followed the other CastleClan cats. The pro-cats can call her whatever they wanted -- at least she had morals.