Warriors of the Plants

Larkswim Deerwhisper ♠️Ashcloud♟️ 🪶Finchrush🍃 Rockfang Indy Rattlestrike Fawnbright Blackchin berrypaw - 🫐 Amber'Mantis Harry 🍃Littlebreeze🎐 🪶Quailleap🔻 🐿️Squirrelheart🏵️ 🥀Aspendream🪦(Dark Forest Amaji Tuliptiger Lionlight Shrubkit Firefly Nettletear Maggotstar Tempestkit Muffin Woolymoth Acornsparrow Magnus Felix Cider Fumblelight Dustbunny BeechFace Dapplepetal Kitty Mapleblaze Crowtalon Follydance Mudriver CypressStep Lightningbug Silence Wolfshadow Swirlkit Wild'Stripe Avery Canarystride Rollybug Cloudingkit Jackdawwing Gorseclaw Gloomfreckle Cherryblaze Flintrunner Swallowtail Chirpkit Dottie Blu Irisbreeze Scorpionpaw Bugberry Aisling Fiver Alderspot Sandripple Wicket hawkrunner kuzon 🌾Wheatfeather🪶 Stormpaw (for now) Shimmerscale Bolicha Stagrun Basset Starlingflight Bigthroat Rushcove 🌊Creekstorm🌀 Bonsai Stoatskip Stonevine Ashgaze Hyacinthcurl Gigglechirp Antjaw applefall Bearsnap robinchatter - 🪶 foxspirit - 🦊 🌿Springfern🌿 Smogwillow Dawngaze Dusk ☀️Daystar🌟 BeetleBranch CardinalFluff cowfoot Mouseheart specklepelt - ♣️ sparrowbreeze Drizzlewind Falcon Fireleaf ⚡️Whitestreak⚡️ Ferretslip windwhistle - 💨 Harveststar🌾 Flipflop Sporeshine Malevolent mossystar - 🌱 Jaggedflight silkheart - 🍬 Yewshine Ivybloom KestrelClover Osprey SpruceStar Hazelbird🌰 AshenThorn PetalPaw BristleThorn PigeonClaw Brackenstorm Bleakheart Thistlesong Raccoonpaw 🦗Cricketdust🐞👵 Jeju Tigerspirit Dogwoodpaw Dustpaw Weaselpaw Whirlwhisper honeycoat - 🍯 blunt - 🚘 Willowsong Boot Cloverstream 💕Rustswirl💗💝 Reapwatcher Brownclaw & Thickethop Cinnamon 33 🩵Smoke🪁 Cashew Auburntail Swooppaw Copperflame Bramble Bong🦷 Webswirl Safari Pumpkinpurr DeerMist Sheepfish🐟 Sunheart☀️ 👺Shrewfang🧛 RabbitHeart 🪔Redflight🎈❣️ 🌹Rosedust💥 fogwatcher - 🌫️ shadelight - 🌩️ Dawneye Brookflight Bluetuft Bandit Bubzy 🌙Addersting🔱 🐴🪃Briarstream🍃 Show More
1 year, 18 days ago
2 minutes, 28 seconds ago
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Chapter 29
Published 11 months, 13 days ago

Explicit Violence

This is an archive for a rp server that I'm in! It will be constantly updated as the plot goes on!

Book cover art by Calley_Spring, thanks Spring!

View all archive sprites here!

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Author's Notes

Cw : blood and gore, violence 

Cats mentioned

Bearsnap (he/him), Forestclan warrior, owned by Calley_Spring


Smogwillow (she/her), Forestclan warrior, owned by CloudyMilku


Minnowpaw (he/him), Forestclan apprentice, owned by Zzzzleaf


Springfern (she/her), Flowerclan medicine cat, owned by Calley_Spring


Yewpaw (he/him), Flowerclan medicine cat apprentice, owned by CloudyMilku


Shrewkit (he/him), Flowerclan kit, owned by Calley_Spring


Thistlesong (he/him), Cactusclan medicine cat, owned by beheaded_dino


Sunheart (he/him), Cactusclan warrior, owned by SeraphCritter


Sheepfish (he/him), Cactusclan warrior, owned by SeraphCritter


Daykit (she/her), Cactusclan kit, owned by Calley_Spring


Dawnkit (he/she/they), Cactusclan kit, owned by CloudyMilku


Drizzlekit (he/they), Cactusclan kit, owned by beheaded_dino


Mousepaw (she/her), Castleclan medicine cat apprentice, owned by MintieBerrie


Osprey (he/they), Castleclan warrior, owned by CloudyMilku


Rosedust (she/her), Castleclan warrior, owned by Calley_Spring


Redflight (he/him), Castleclan warrior, owned by Calley_Spring


Pumpkinpurr (they/them), Castleclan warrior, owned by CloudyMilku


Whitepaw (she/they), Castleclan apprentice, owned by Calley_Spring


Raccoonsong (she/her), cursed spirit, former Castleclan warrior, owned by Calley_Spring


Sunny In Trouble

Inside the stone den 

Bearsnap awoke to a kit bounding on his tail. A young brown tabby by the looks of it, with wide eyes and a bright grin on his face.

“Hi!” Shrewkit smiled, bouncing away. “You have really puffy fur! I think when I get older, I’ll have fur like yours only mine will be cooler!”

"It isn't that hard to be cooler than him." Sunheart would say to the Flowerclan kit with a smirk, teasing Bearsnap

Bearsnap frowned, looking up, tired. The kit and the cactus bloom, how delightful. “Har har,” he snarked, wincing at his sore muscles. “Not funny...”

"It's a little funny." Sunheart purred as he walked over with the smug smirk, "How are you feeling?" He asked a slight tone of worry in his voice

Bearsnap glowered down at the little kit, but Shrewkt didn’t notice, parading around and examining his body. The kit was so small, he noticed, tiny enough that if he reached out he could have squashed him.

Sunheart rolled his eyes watching Shrewkit with a soft smile. "You should probably go play outside the medicine cat den." He said starting to scoot Shrewkit away from the injured Bearsnap

Shrewkit looked between them. “Aw...okay...”

Sunheart would usher him out before looking back at Bearsnap looking at the squirrel curiously, "Is that the same squirrel..?" he trailed off

Bearsnap gave a curt nod. “Yup. It’s been with me for so long.” He yawned. “I don’t know how to get rid of it.” At those words, the squirrel reached down and poked his face

"I can get rid of it if you want." Sunheart said "Could be good food too." He licked his lips

Bearsnap frowned. “Don’t.” He said firmly, tensing up. The squirrel glared at Sunheart before scampering off to hide in Bearsnap’s fur

Smogwillow slinked into the medicine den, if her calculations are correct, both Bearsnap and Sunheart should be there, she saw the two toms and sighed, she's been thinking about this for way too long, she doesn't even know why she cares so much, she walked up to them, "Hello boys, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Bearsnap’s frown deepened when he saw Smogwillow walk in. Their last interaction didn’t go well and he still felt bitter about it. Like a little kit, he huffed and turned his muzzle away.

Sunheart raised a brow "What do you mean? No?" He growled confused before looking over at Smogwillow not saying anything

Smogwillow sat down in front of them, noticing Bearsnap's bitter mood, she turned to him first,  "Cub, I want to say I'm sorry."

Bearsnap didn’t say anything, giving her a side eye.

Smogwillow slumped, looking like she hasn't slept in days, "You're right, it's not my business, you and your sunshine can do whatever you want."

Bearsnap felt his fur bristle and warm up. He coughed and looked at her, irritated. “It’s not like that.” He growled, shooting Sunheart a nervous glance

Sunheart would watch them wondering what they were talking about. He would look back at Bearsnap but it was clear he was not catching it. "Is 'sunshine' the squirrel?" He asked innocently. He was so dense it was a little funny

Bearsnap gave him a look of disbelief. Even the squirrel looked flabbergasted. “No, sunshine. She’s talking about you.” He snarled under his breath

Smogwillow groaned, looks like she needs a to be as blunt as she could possibly be, "I know you two are in love, and while I don't like it, it's your choice and therefore..." She looked at Bearsnap in the eye, "I'm happy for you."

Sunheart's eyes widened a bit glancing between Bearsnap and Smogwillow. "Okay on that note, I'm leaving." He said chuckling awkwardly quickly trying to walk out of the medicine den

"No wait." Smogwillow said turning to Sunheart.

Sunheart froze but sighed softly turning around "Uh, yeah?" He asked, really not the most comfortable

Smogwillow went over to Sunheart and whispered into his ear, "If you hurt Bearsnap's feelings, I will rip your heart out and shove it into your throat so you'd suffocate from your own heart." And with that she went back to sit next to Bearsnap. 

Sunheart's eyes widened a bit. He felt a shiver go up his spine as he simply slowly nodded before quickly leaving

Bearsnap frowned. “Thank you for scaring him off.” 

"It's no problem cub." Smogwillow muttered. 

Minnowpaw slowly steps in the building with a frowny angry look, he looked down with dissapointment rather than fear, he lashed his tail around, walking around slowly. 

Bearsnap noticed Minnowpaw sulking and tilted his head. Where had the little guy been all day?

Daykit scampered up to Sunheart. “What’s wrong?” She asked him, seeing him look distressed

Sunheart would look at Daykit. He would smile awkwardly, "Yes everything's fine, w-why don't we do some more training!" He suggested with a smile licking his puffed up chest fur so he at least didn't look so scared

Daykit nodded, wiggling down into a good hunter’s crouch. Her balance wasn’t as well as it was before, but her form was still splendid.

Sunheart would slowly relax but he was a bit nervous of interacting with Bearsnap now. So for now he focused on this 'training' with Daykit

Dawnkit scrambled over, "Daykit! Are you training without me? How dare you!" She tried to tackle her sister but completely missed. 

Daykit yelped and jumped out the way in instinct. Upon noticing Dawnkit stumble onto the ground, she looked at Sunheart worried and trudged towards her sibling. “Are you okay?”

Dawnkit rolled over and smacked Daykit in the face, he dropped into a crouch, tail whipping around playfully, "Got you!"

Daykit shrieked and ran around to hide behind Sunheart. “No fair!” She whined

Dawnkit growled playfully, "Come fight me!" They swiped at Daykit and hit the side of her face.

Sunheart would watch them "Yeah! You guys can train fighting with each other!" He suggested with a smile "Much better than one of those weird balls." He said

Daykit glowered up at Sunheart, “You’re not helping! I don’t wanna fight them!”

Sunheart sighed stopping Dawnkit from hitting Daykit "Okay okay, well then what do you suggest, Daykit?" He asked

Daykit shrugged. “I don’t know…Foxkit and I used to play games.”

Dawnkit stuck their tongue in a blep.

Daykit frowned and tugged Sunheart’s leg. “Dawnkitttttttt.” she pouted

"What? Play with meeeee, stop thinking about Foxkit! Are you two in love or something?" Dawnkit brushed his bangs back, it got messed up during the one sided fight.

Daykit squeeked and shook her head fervidly. “NO!” She said a bit too loudy. Foxkit was just a friend! The thought of them in love made her prickle with discomfort. “Sunheart tell her, he’s wrong!” She whined

Sunheat sighed softly "Dawnkit, you're wrong." he said before stopping the conversation "Can we go back to what you guys are going to play?" He asked not wanting to have this end with both kits or one kit upset. He didn't want two cats wanting his head

Daykit looked over at Sunheart. “I never really played games until now. What game do you think we should play?”

Sunheart would think about it "Well, when I was a kit we used to pretend to be warriors, leaders, and medicine cats." He said seeing as Daykit didn't want to playfight

Daykit nodded. “That sounds really fun!! What should I be??”

"The leader obviously!" Dawnkit bounced around excitedly, "Gasp! Can I be your deputy?"

Daykit flushed under the attention and meekly nodded. “I’m not sure I would be a good leader…”

Sunheart relaxed seeing them ease into the game. At least now only one cat would want him dead

"Of course you would be! You're the best!" Dawnkit bounded up to Daykit and gave her a reassuring lick.

Daykit found herself beaming at the positive words. “Thank you Dawnkit!” She giggled. “Okay as the leader, I will be um I will um,,, Sunheart can you give me a fake name?”

Dawnkit poked Daykit's side, "You don't need a fake name silly! You'll be Daystar!"

Daykit found a small giddy smile on her face. That name felt surreal. Daystar. She thought, with a tingle

"Hey guys!!" Drizzlekit said, as he bounded up to Daykit and Dawnkit. "What are you doing?" He asked, bouncing up and down on his paws.

Sunheart would beam watching the kits play just made him feel so happy. He would soon get some more dustballs so they could use them in their game "I'm going to leave you guys to it." He said before starting to walk outside. He was thinking to sunbathe and take a nap. He hated the area Cactusclan they had to sleep in. He wanted the sun's rays to warm his pelt, like it always did when living in Cactusclan

Daykit looked at Drizzlekit and beamed. “We’re playing Clan Life! I’m Daystar and Dawnkit is my deputy!”

"But I wanna be deputy!" Drizzlekit complained, pouncing on a nearby leaf. "See, look! I'm the best fighter there ever was!"

Daykit looked at him and then Dawnkit. “Dawnkit already got deputy. You can be a medicine cat like Thistlesong!”

"If you want to be deputy then fight me for it!" Dawnkit giggled, and crouched down.

Turning his head at Dawnkit, Drizzlekit looked a little bit surprised. "Yeah! Sure!" He said inignantly, holding his small form in place.

Dawnkit smiled, she ran at Drizzlekit and shoved him to the floor. 

Drizzlekit attempted to get up, but failed. Tripping over his tail in the process.

Daykit frowned, worried. “Okay, that’s enough.” She said, stepping in between them. “Dawnkit, you’re deputy.” She said before turning to Drizzlekit, “You’re still important in this story, Drizzlekit.”

Dawnkit pawed at Drizzlekit, a bit softer this time, laughing.

Daykit turned to her sibling, shaking their head with a frown.

Standing up and dusting himself off, Drizzlekit ran off, just wanting to get away for the moment.

"Wait Drizzlekit no! Come back!" Dawnkit yelled after him.

Daykit followed after him, “Drizzlekit come back!”

Drizzlekit rushed over to the nursery, through the door. He sat down in the corner, a little sad.

Dawnkit bounded after Drizzlekit, "Drizzlekit! Come on, there's no need to be upset." She patted him on the head, "It's just a game."

Daykit scampered next to Dawnkit and peered down at Drizzlekit. “Drizzlekit!"

"You guys go play, I need to ask Thistlesong something." Drizzlekit said, dismissing his friends with a wave of his tail, as he started walking towards the medicine cat den.

Daykit frowned and watched him go. “I think we hurt his feelings too hard…”

Dawnkit looked at Daykit, "I didn't mean to..."

Daykit looked down at her paws and reached out to put them over Dawnkit’s. “It’s okay Dawnkit. He just needs space.” 

Inside the walls of Castleclan 

Sunheart would slip out taking a deep breath of fresh air. It finally was starting to not all smell like rain and water. He would go over to find a good sunny patch away from other cats to lay in and nap 

The shadowed cat watched from across the field, taking note of the familiar cat they saw earlier. What a rude cat, they thought, thinking the could enforce their own beliefs on to others.

Sunheart would find a grassy area going over and flopping down in the sunset. He would take another long breath letting his muscles relax and letting the sun warm up his orange pelt

The shadowed cat, prowled closer, stepping cautiously and carefully

Sunheart closed his eyes hoping to get some sleep

When noticing the slumbering cat, they stood flabbergasted at the sight. Did this cat just fall asleep in the middle of the estate grounds? Didn’t he know what happened to cats who pushed their boundaries? They crept closer

Sunheart was fairly hidden and anyway from any cat traffic so he thought it would be okay. He would only nap for a bit before going back into the estate

They crept closer and closer until they leapt out at him, claws unsheathed.

Sunheart half asleep finally seemed to notice the cat suddenly leaping at him. Living in the desert he of course was sensitive to a lot of dangers. Even though he was groggy he quickly rolled out of the cat's range scrambling to his paws. His eyes squinted and blurred from sleep, "What in starclan??" He groggily yowled trying to get a good look at the cat 

They darted back to the shadows, keeping themself hidden.

Sunheart would flick his tail uncomfortably as suddenly the cat disappeared. He turned his back to where the cat had hidden into the shadows. Had he just imagined that a cat was there..? Was he really that bored and tired?

They circled his figure from the shadows, lunging out at moments to swipe at him but they always darted back whenever he looked their way. They swiped and missed again. 

Sunheart still waking up from his almost nap he would just start to back away from the shadows terrified and of course thinking he was going crazy.

They circled back, trying to strike at their flank. They missed and darted back away from eyesight. They crept back and tried to bite Sunheart’s tail but he moved too quickly and they had to go dart to the side. Snarling, they let out a half hearted and annoyed growl that didn’t meet them. Having enough, they finally bounded forwards and leapt up, tackling Sunheart to the ground. They raked their claws down his side and above his eyes

Sunheart would yowl in agony as claws raked his sides and above his eyes. He would use his back paws to try and throw his attacker off 

They screeched as they were thrown off, neatly landing on their paws

Sunheart desperately turned to the sound of the cat but blood would block any cohesive sight.

Smogwillow decided to give Bearsnap some peace and quiet to rest, she heard a bunch noises coming from the shadows, then she heard a yowl of pain, she rush towards the noise, she growled menacingly, fur fluffing out, "Who goes there? Show yourself!"

Upon hearing the new voice and other cat show up, a shiver ran their spine and they ducked out, running away into the shadows.

Smogwillow strides forward, ears perked, the smell of blood was intoxicating, she saw a familiar ginger cat with blood dripping down his face, eyes widen, "Sunheart? What happened? Are you okay?" She rushed to his side.

Sunheart would heave growling unsheating his claws not recognizing Smogwillow's voice "STAY BACK!" He yowled stumbling backward blindly

"Sunheart, it's me Smogwillow." She inched closer and grabbed his scruff, dragging him to the medicine den like a kit.

Sunheart would whine softly as his wounds were stretched and pulled as she grabbed his scruff

Inside the stone den 

Yewpaw stumbled back into the medicine den, and completely forgetting that there were other cats there. "Oh uh, hey I'm back." 

Whitepaw looked at him, giving a curt nod. Osprey was still asleep besides them and Mousepaw and joined him.

Osprey growled in his sleep, he was having a nightmare.

Drizzlekit padded up to the medicine cat den, his head low. Luckily, Thistlesong was there, and not out gathering herbs or something. 

Looking up, Thistlesong smelled Drizzlekit entering the den. "Hey Drizzlekit! What's up?" He asked, turning around to face him.

"Hey, can I i ask you a question?" Drizzlekit said, looking down. "What's it like, being a med cat?"

The question caught Thistlesong off-guard, and he took a step back. "Well..." He answered carefully, "You get to help cats."

"That's not clearing anything up for me!" Drizzlekit said indignantly, scowling at the med cat. "I mean, what's it like to not have a mate?"

Smogwillow dragged Sunheart into the medicine den and dropped him on the floor, "Someone, do something." She ordered to the medicine cats.

Sunheart heaved trying to stay on his paws as he desperately tried to wipe the blood from his eyes

Yewpaw jumped at the sight, the tom's face was completely dripping with blood, "No..." He whispered. Yewpaw was tired of blood, why was everything so bloody? Why is this happening?

Sunheart's wounds and eyes burned from the blood. Who was that? What had happened??

Yewpaw tried to snap out of his daze, he stumbled to grab cobwebs.

"Well, I guess being a medicine cat has it's downs." Thistlesong wasn't about to spill his entire history to the little kit, but he couldn't help thinking of Cloverstream. Poor, poor, Cloverstream. Yet another cat Thistlesong was helpless in saving. And worst of all, he had loved Cloverstream, even having her back in his life would be a dream come true at this point... He zoned out, staring into the corner.

"Are you ok?" Drizzlekit squeaked, and tapped Thistlesong with the end of his tail. "And what do you mean by 'downs'?"

"Thistlesong? There's a cat bleeding out right there." Yewpaw poked the older medicine cat, this cat can't even do his job.

Drizzlekit turned around, and looked at Yewpaw. "Leave him alone! He's talking to me!" He said angrily. 

Yewpaw flinched, he didn't expect a kit to yell at him, "okay, I'll go save him myself then..."

"No, it's ok Drizzlekit. Sunheart needs my help." Thistlesong sighed, and went over to Sunheart, inspecting his wounds.

Yewpaw pressed cobwebs into his wounds, "We should clean this up." He mumbled, pointing at the blood.

Springfern padded inside the med den looking worn from studying the body outside. Her paws were stained with blood and she looked around the den noticing the chaos

"Ok, moss... and cobwebs." Thistlesong turned around to look for some other herbs, trying to zone out all the things around him.

Yewpaw looked up to see Springfern, "Mom! Come help this mousebrain do his job."

Springfern blinked, looking confused before sensing blood. Immediately she rushed over to Sunheart, and studied his form. “Yewpaw, report. What are his injuries?” 

"Scratches on the face, I think it's above the eyes but I'm not sure." Yewpaw replied 

Getting stressed at the amount of cats in the den, Drizzlekit scampered out towards the main room.

Thistlesong grabbed some poppy seeds, and some herbs, including comfrey, and turned back around. "Ok, here," He said, attempting to calm himself.

Springfern nodded. “Moss to clean up excess blood. Goldenrod, bottom cove, to the left, chew and apply the pulp to the wounds. Then cobwebs to stitch the gashes up.”

Yewpaw straighten up, doing exactly what he was told to do, he started working on the injuries.

Springfern took the poppy seeds and settled some aside for Sunheart. “Consume their light.” She whispered softly to him. Turning to stock coves, she scanned the shelves for thyme until she found them. She turned to Thistlesong and pawed them over. “Your mind is drifting and your flower is quivering. Ease the storm.”

"Yea Thistlesong, maybe try to do your job." Yewpaw hissed under his breath, applying the chewed up pulp to the wounds.

Sunheart would sigh. Why was he always around bickering cats? He would tense and try to stay still as Yewpaw applied the chewed up pulp before lapping up the poppy seeds

Hearing Yewpaw's words, Thistlesong backed off from Sunheart. "Ok." He said, simply, and walked away, going over to the corner of the room, looking for some herbs. He was trying to breath, but it was hard not to be angry at Yewpaw.

Yewpaw finish wrapping up the wounds with cobwebs and cleaned up the blood. "There!" 

Springfern nodded, looking over the work Yewpaw did. “Good job.” She murmured

Yewpaw beamed at Springfern's compliment. Smiling happily. 

Thistlesong mulled over Springfern's words. My flower is quivering? What the hell does that mean? And ease the storm? Thistlesong had no idea. Just noticing the thyme that Springfern had left on the floor, he cautiously nibbled it, before laying down in the corner of the room.

Smogwillow lumbered over to them, "Will his eyes be fine?" She asked.

Springfern pulled small pillows together to make a soft nest for Sunheart. “Rest up.” She said simply. “No fighting, no extra work. Just rest.”

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't move." Smogwillow sat next to Sunheart, tail wrapping around the ginger cat. "I would hate it if my cub's sunshine gets hurt again from being too stupid." She sneered.

Springfern padded over to Thistlesong, but stood a few mousetails away. “Have you gotten sleep?”

Looking up at Springfern, Thistlesong had the sudden urge to tell her everything. "I'm fine." He said, keeping his head low.

Springfern tilted her head. “My flower is gifted with healing sensations as well.” She said. “You’re not fine.”

Of course she could sense it. That only made sense, as she was a medicine cat. "I'm fine!" Thistlesong said with a grumble. "I'll sleep, get up tomorrow, and reset. Go away!" He shooed off the flowerclan med cat, flicking his tail away.

Springfern dipped her head and padded off. If he didn’t want to talk, that was fine

Sunheart did not like being so close to Smogwillow but did stay still, "Something weird happened...some cat attacked me..." He muttered

Smogwillow snorted, "Well obviously, I'll need to go back to track the scent with Bearsnap, I'll love to rip into them."

"H-hey I want to come to! I was the one who got attacked!" Sunheart said with a huff. He wasn't too badly hurt. He had been hurt worse falling off a cliff in Cactusclan

"Hun, you can't see." Smogwillow gently smack his back with her tail

"I can see." Sunheart grunted although he was still squinting and his vision was blurry thanks to how much blood had gotten into his eyes

Springfern padded over to check on Sunheart’s form. “How are you?” She applied a stinging nettle mixture over his forehead, over the gashes by eyes, carefully so they didn’t burn. “This should reduce swelling.” She murmured. “Your flower mustn’t do anything rash.”

"Thank you, Springfern" Sunheart said but he did not understand her words but at least he remembered her name

Springfern gave a soft smile and a polite nod.

Sunheart rested his  head down on the ground but he was so curious of that cat...and he just wanted to find out who had attacked him

Smogwillow went over to Bearsnap, still keeping an eye on Sunheart, "Cub, your sunshine tells me he was attacked, I think we should go check it out."

Bearsnap groggily looked up, feeling exhaustion creep up through his bones. Hearing that Sunheart got attacked, got him up in a second. Who attacked the tom and why?

Sunheart would have his eyes open staring at the wall trying to focus his blurry eyes. He hoped that his eyes didn't stay blurry forever

Smogwillow flicked her ear towards Sunheart, "He's over there."

Bearsnap padded over to him and looked down. He was shocked if anything, thrown out of loop based on how much he slept in the med den, he didn’t hear much but passing rumors from the apprentices.  Sunheart got attacked and there had been murders lying about the estate. “What in Starclan’s name?” He muttered. He didn’t quite know how to feel about Sunheart getting attacked. It was so surreal to him at the moment. He couldn’t grasp reality as it was fleeting from his grasp. All he heard was “Sunheart” and “attacked” and all he saw was bloody wounds barely healing. His paws felt on fire, they itched to do something. He raised one and cuffed Sunheart’s ear. “Mousebrain.” He scowled, though it wasn’t Sunheart’s fault.

Sunheart would look up at Bearsnap confused before yelping as Bearsnap cuffed his ear "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He yowled angrily


Osprey jumped awake from the yell, "Wha-" he found himself in a unfamiliar place with unfamiliar cats, "What happened to me?"

Whitepaw gave a small hum, curling their tail closer to Osprey. 

"Whitepaw? What happened?" Osprey tried to stand up but his legs were wobbly, it didn't help that there were cats screaming at each other.

Sunheart blinked "...HOW IS IT MY FAULT?!" He yelled back his fur fluffing up with anger

Smogwillow rested her tail on Bearsnap's shoulder, "Cub, while I do agree with you that he's a mousebrain, you need to calm down."

Bearsnap inhaled deeply and shrugged Smogwillow’s tail off him. He closed his eyes, feeling exhaustion creep in. But following that wave were pinpricks of burning fire. “Who did this to you?” He asked in a low voice, devoid of its previous charm. 

Sunheart would shift uncomfortably "I don't know...I was half asleep when they attacked me...and they got me above my eyes blinding me with my own blood." He grunted not mentioning to the bigger tomcat that he could still barely see

Smogwillow pulled Bearsnap away from Sunheart, "Let him rest cub, let's go investigate ourselves." 

Sunheart just watched them wondering what Bearsnap was thinking before just laying his head down. He wanted to come with them but he knew Smogwillow wouldn't let that happen

Whitepaw leaned close to Osprey and brushed their pelts together. “Murder.” She whispered for him only

Osprey blinked, surprised,  "You can..?" Osprey shook himself, he'll ask that later when there aren't so many cats around, "Who died?"

Whitepaw held up her paws. “Two. Dead.” She said in her broken speech. She didn’t speak much so her voice was strained. She nodded at Sunheart, “Injured.”

Osprey closed their eyes, their dreams were bloody and pull of screams of pain, "Have they found out who did it yet?"

Rosedust padded inside the building, her paws stained red and her fur matted. She approached the med den and looked at Redflight. “Have you seen the Forestclan leader?” She asked, irritated.

Whitepaw shook her head, carefully watching the interaction between her denmates. At Redflight’s lack of an answer, Rosedust stormed out of the med den and down the hall. 

Osprey shivered, "This brings back unwanted memories..." They whispered.

Whitepaw nodded. She nudged him to get up so they could rest someplace else. The med den wasn’t a good place to be at the moment 

Osprey followed Whitepaw out of the medicine den. Once they reached a more secluded place, Osprey stopped Whitepaw from going further, "Whitepaw, you can speak, tell me why you choose not to when you can." They looked into their eyes, "If you are comfortable with that..." 

Whitepaw twitched. “Speaking…” she whispered. “Killed mom.” She said blankly. He deserved to know the truth

Osprey's eyes widen, "You killed Raccoonsong?" His shock morphed into gratitude as he gave Whitepaw a hug, "Thank you." He whispered.

Whitepaw gave a numb nod. This felt strange. No one thanked her for killing Raccoonsong. They looked at her with disgust and fear.

Daykit softly scampered up to Sunheart. “Are you okay?” She asked tentatively, worry laced in her little voice. 

Sunheart would look at Daykit squinting his eyes slightly "Of course I'm okay." He laughed "I'm Sunheart afterall." He said with a smile not wanting the kit to worry

Dawnkit followed Daykit over to Sunheart, "Woah, you look horrible." He said nonchalantly

Daykit scrunched up her nose and frowned. “I don’t think you’re okay.” She shot Dawnkit an exasperated look. “Dawnkit…don’t be so blunt!”

Sunheart shook his head "I am okay really." He chuckled. Once his eyes healed he would fine other than his stinging wounds.

Daykit curled up beside his form, as if she were offering the small amount of heat she had. “You got hurt!”

"Getting hurt is just what happens as a warrior." Sunheart tried to explain gently licking Daykit's ears

Daykit nodded. “I know. It’s just, even more bad things could have happened to you.” She said in a small voice. “Then what would happen to the ones who care about you?”

"At least you'll get cool scars!" Dawnkit jumped onto Sunheart's back, clearly not understanding the dire situation.

"Yeah what Dawnkit said." Sunheart laughed wincing with a grint as Dawnkit stepped on one of the claw wounds on his side. "It wasn't bad, alright? Nothing bad is going to happen to me" He reassured Daykit 

Daykit blinked up at him, looking older than she was for a moment. “You can’t always hold on to your promises.”

"You're right but nothing bad is going to happen to me any time soon." Sunheart murmured gently laying his head down to rest

Daykit watched him rest and took a step back. Sunheart did so much for her, and here he was, injured and foggy. His eyes didn’t track her like they used to, he seemed to be staring in the distance.

Dawnkit pawed at Sunheart's ear, "What even happened? Did you fall of a cliff again? Pops told us that you were really clumsy as a kit." They giggled remembering the story Windwhistle told them.

Daykit found herself giggling at the story. “If he fell off a cliff, he would have more injuries I think!”

"Yes, I was climbing the wall and fell." Sunheart lied obviously not wanting to tell the kits he was attacked by a mysterious cat

Daykit scrunched her face but nodded. “Okay.” She mused. “Why would you climb the walls?”

"Cuz he's a mousebrain!" Dawnkit laughed, "He was probably trying to impress that big brown forest cat."

Daykit giggled. She never heard anyone besides Sunheart curse out Bearsnap

Sunheart felt heat rise to his pelt. So even the kits knew now?! "N-no. Bearsnap was here all day. I just wanted to know what it was like climbing the walls" He lied

Daykit hummed, her eyes lighting up all of a sudden. “Have you ever climbed the small cliff walls back in Cactusclan? Pops always said he tried to but he never could! One day when we’re apprentices, I want to visit the climbing cliffs!”

"Oooo let's have a race to the top with Duskkit and Drizzlekit!" Dawnkit jumped off Sunheart.

"Why don't you guys go play outside, I need some rest." Sunheart would murmur softly urging them out of the med cat den

"Okay! You should rest up, I'm sure Bearsnap would hate it if your pretty face got hurt." Dawnkit started nudging Daykit out of the den, "Unless he's into that sort of thing."

Sunheart's tail would lash, where are they learning these things...he thought in his head

Sheepfish was being sheepy and fishy

Redflight was still tucked away in the med cat den, shivering and looking around the room as if the killer would come forth for him. 

Sheepfish would walk into the med cat den with a few clothes soaked in water for any of the injured cats and the working medicine cats. He would notice Sunheart and gasped rushing to the tomcat "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU NOW?!" He meowed 

Sunheart would sigh "Hello, Sheepfish." He grunted tiredly. He laid there as Sheepfish yelled at him before shoving a water cloth in his face so he could drink before going towards Redflight with another water cloth

Springfern was working with Redflight when Sheepfish burst in. She stared at them then went back to her own busy work, smoothing down Redflight’s anxiety

Pumpkinpurr bursted into the medicine den, "Redflight! Are you okay?" They rushed to the tortie's side sniffing all over, "I heard from that small white and black cat over there that you were crying, are you okay?"

Redflight’s heart caught in his throat when he saw Pumpkinpur. He threw himself at his cr—lov—friend’s chest and burried his smaller form into their fluff.

"Oh Redflight..." Pumpkinpurr hugged Redflight back, they nodded to Springfern, "Thanks for the help, I'll take it from here."

Redflight whimpered in the love of his life’s chest, and clung to them like a leaf in honey. “Don’t let me go, please!” He cried.

Sheepfish would walk over placing down two water clothes in front of Redflight "Here, finally figured it out." He chuckled awkwardly

"I won't!" Pumpkinpurr wrapped their tail around him, purring to help him calm down, they turned to Sheepfish, "Uh Sheepfish right? Thanks for the water, come on Redflight, drink a bit."

Noticing Sheepfish’s presence, Redflight slowly turned to blink up at him with wide eyes. It was the strange cat from earlier

Sheepfish would stare back awkwardly "Uh yeah...no problem..." he said before slowly starting to leave the med cat den

Redflight stared up at them edging away before calling out. “I uh thank you!” He blushed when his voice cracked. He looked too terrified if anything.

Pumpkinpurr started calming down now that they knew Redflight wasn't brutally murdered, "I'm glad you're safe." They looked at Redflight with their big green eyes, a smile was on their face.

Redflight felt his heart stutter. THIS WASNT FAIR! I HAD A HEART ATTACK FROM EARLIER AND NOW I'M GOING TO DIE BECAUSE PUMPKINPURR WAS TOO PRETTYY!!! His eyes began to water and soon he started wailing

Pumpkinpurr's smile dropped at Redflight's panic, "What's wrong?" They pressed their nose on his cheek, "Why are you panicking?" They asked worryingly. 

Redflight stared up at Pumpkinpurr with glistening wide eyes. “This isn’t fair.” He whined. “I’m hurt and you’re nursing me.” 

Pumpkinpurr laughed, "You're whining cuz I care about you, you little rascal!" They pat Redflight's head with their paw, messing up the fur.

Redflight felt his heart burst. “I LOVEEEE YOUUUU!” he sobbed, crying into Pumpkin’s shoulder

Pumpkinpurr choked, "W-what? You're kidding right?" They failed to hide their surprise.

Redflight nodded solemnly. “You’re so sweet to me and kind.” He sniffed.

With nobody watching Sunheart would get up and quickly slip out of the medicine den heading towards the door

Author's Notes

Tldr : Some classic Sunnybear moments with Smogwillow, Daykitand Dawnkit play games and Drizzlekit gets a hissy fit because he couldn't be the fake deputy, but that's not important cuz Sunheart almost got blinded, Springfern and Yewpaw saves him, Thistlesong didn't help cuz he was panicking, some more shenanigans happen and Sunheart sneaks outside cuz he's crazy.