Warriors of the Plants

Larkswim Deerwhisper ♠️Ashcloud♟️ 🪶Finchrush🍃 Rockfang Indy Rattlestrike Fawnbright Blackchin berrypaw - 🫐 Amber'Mantis Harry 🍃Littlebreeze🎐 🪶Quailleap🔻 🐿️Squirrelheart🏵️ 🥀Aspendream🪦(Dark Forest Amaji Tuliptiger Lionlight Shrubkit Firefly Nettletear Maggotstar Tempestkit Muffin Woolymoth Acornsparrow Magnus Felix Cider Fumblelight Dustbunny BeechFace Dapplepetal Kitty Mapleblaze Crowtalon Follydance Mudriver CypressStep Lightningbug Silence Wolfshadow Swirlkit Wild'Stripe Avery Canarystride Rollybug Cloudingkit Jackdawwing Gorseclaw Gloomfreckle Cherryblaze Flintrunner Swallowtail Chirpkit Dottie Blu Irisbreeze Scorpionpaw Bugberry Aisling Fiver Alderspot Sandripple Wicket hawkrunner kuzon 🌾Wheatfeather🪶 Stormpaw (for now) Shimmerscale Bolicha Stagrun Basset Starlingflight Bigthroat Rushcove 🌊Creekstorm🌀 Bonsai Stoatskip Stonevine Ashgaze Hyacinthcurl Gigglechirp Antjaw applefall Bearsnap robinchatter - 🪶 foxspirit - 🦊 🌿Springfern🌿 Smogwillow Dawngaze Dusk ☀️Daystar🌟 BeetleBranch CardinalFluff cowfoot Mouseheart specklepelt - ♣️ sparrowbreeze Drizzlewind Falcon Fireleaf ⚡️Whitestreak⚡️ Ferretslip windwhistle - 💨 Harveststar🌾 Flipflop Sporeshine Malevolent mossystar - 🌱 Jaggedflight silkheart - 🍬 Yewshine Ivybloom KestrelClover Osprey SpruceStar Hazelbird🌰 AshenThorn PetalPaw BristleThorn PigeonClaw Brackenstorm Bleakheart Thistlesong Raccoonpaw 🦗Cricketdust🐞👵 Jeju Tigerspirit Dogwoodpaw Dustpaw Weaselpaw Whirlwhisper honeycoat - 🍯 blunt - 🚘 Willowsong Boot Cloverstream 💕Rustswirl💗💝 Reapwatcher Brownclaw & Thickethop Cinnamon 33 🩵Smoke🪁 Cashew Auburntail Swooppaw Copperflame Bramble Bong🦷 Webswirl Safari Pumpkinpurr DeerMist Sheepfish🐟 Sunheart☀️ 👺Shrewfang🧛 RabbitHeart 🪔Redflight🎈❣️ 🌹Rosedust💥 fogwatcher - 🌫️ shadelight - 🌩️ Dawneye Brookflight Bluetuft Bandit Bubzy 🌙Addersting🔱 🐴🪃Briarstream🍃 Show More
1 year, 18 days ago
24 minutes, 13 seconds ago
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Chapter 41
Published 10 months, 25 days ago

Explicit Violence

This is an archive for a rp server that I'm in! It will be constantly updated as the plot goes on!

Book cover art by Calley_Spring, thanks Spring!

View all archive sprites here!

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Author's Notes

Cw : transphobia, toxic relationships, bugs

Mossystar (they/them), Forestclan leader, owned by frogtalon


Cowfoot (she/they), Forestclan deputy, owned by halcyon


Smogwillow (she/her), Forestclan warrior, owned by CloudyMilku


Bearsnap (he/him), Forestclan warrior, owned by Calley_Spring


Weaselpaw (he/him), Forestclan apprentice, owned by CloudyMilku


Bigthroat (she/her), Forestclan queen, owned by Calley_Spring


Dustkit (she/her), Forestclan kit, owned by SeraphCritter


Harveststar (she/her), Flowerclan leader, owned by SeraphCritter

Springfern (she/her), Flowerclan medicine cat, owned by Calley_Spring


Yewpaw (he/him), Flowerclan medicine cat apprentice, owned by CloudyMilku


Hazelbird (he/him), Flowerclan warrior, owned by SeraphCritter


Rabbitheart (she/her), Flowerclan warrior, owned by Mallowkie


Pigeonclaw (he/him), Flowerclan warrior, owned by Mallowkie


Sheepfish (he/him), Cactusclan warrior, owned by SeraphCritter


Sprucestar (she/her), Castleclan leader, owned by Mallowkie


Redflight (he/him), Castleclan warrior, owned by Calley_Spring


Citrinebundle (they/it), Starclan cat, former Forestclan medicine cat, the owner of this character is no longer in the rp


Brookflight (she/her), Starclan cat, former Flowerclan medicine cat, owned by Calley_Spring


Mossystar And Children

In Forestclan camp 

Dustkit existed

Bigthroat was cleaning up the nursery and making sure Dustkit was safe and comfortable

Dustkit would leave the nursery looking around being bored

Bigthroat poked her head out at to watch her. “Is the nursery not to your liking, sweetheart?” 

Dustkit shook her head sitting down looking back at Bigthroat

Bigthroat hummed. “Well then, what would you like?”

"Mmmm I'm bored." Dustkit would finally whine, flopping down on her side acting like she died

Bigthroat sniffed, pushing her body with her nose. “I’m sorry sweetheart. There isn’t much to do right now.”

Smogwillow groaned as she woke up, looks like she accidentally passed out, maybe she overworked herself but there was still work to do, she got up and checked up on Bearsnap.

Bearsnap’s body did not move L

Smogwillow sighed and went back to check progress on camp, she was kinda worried that Mossystar and Cowfoot seems to be missing but was too tired to care right now, "Bigthroat!" She called out.

Bigthroat poked her head out from the nursery. “Yes?”

"Report on progress." Smogwillow stated simply.

Bigthroat looked around before settling down. “Well, most of the dens have been rebuilt, although a bit unstable in some parts. The only den we haven’t touched so far is the medicine den.”

Smogwillow closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "Citrinebundle..." She shook her head, "I'll take care of that, you go gather some other warriors or apprentices to stabilize the dens." Smogwillow ordered and slunk off to gather materials for the medicine den.

Bigthroat nodded and bounded off

Smogwillow returned to Bearsnap side, sorrow still made her heart ache, but she pushed through the pain and started getting her paws busy by patching up the den.

In Forestclan territory 

Weaselpaw slipped out of camp while no one was watching, he couldn't help but noticed that his beloved mentor and leader was missing so he's looking for them to make sure they weren't dead or something.

Mossystar was exploring the territory, noting down in their mind what paths would need to be cleared from fallen trees. The tabbico was honestly more annoyed by the damage than anything else.

Weaselpaw saw Mossystar and let out a little smile, he padded up to them with a shit eating grin, "Wow these trees are dead, so dead, I wonder when you'll end up like them."

Mossystar tensed up and groaned when they heard his voice. Of all cats...! "Weaselpaw. Shouldn't you be at camp?" They asked, pawing at a log.

Weaselpaw hummed, "Yea. But I wanted to look at the dead trees." He looked around, a thoughtful look in his eyes, "These would be great for killing cats." He nodded at the fallen logs.

Mossystar turned their head to look at him, one brow raised. "You already planning my murder, Deathpaw? Good luck with that."

"Well just think about, if a cat got caught under a tree, it could be a quick death with the tree just breaking the neck, or it traps the cat and they die of thirst and hunger." Weaselpaw dug his claws into the bark, scratching it to sharpen his claws.

The tabbico shivered a bit as they pictured the scenes. They weren't like this at 6 moons! Yeah, they were already a great fighter, but they didn't imagine things like this all the time. They shook their head, "What's wrong with you, kid?" They sighed, "Are you planning on just staying here or are you going to head back to camp now? You know, to help." Maybe if they didn't mention him following them, he wouldn't think of it.

Weaselpaw lifted his tail, "Nothing is wrong with me, what's wrong with you?" He started heading back towards camp, "And if you really want me to help, then I'm gonna go teach Dustkit about death." He chirped happily, not waiting for Mossystar's response.

Mossystar's eyes widened. Bigthroat was going to kill them if Weaselpaw was being serious. They rushed after Weaselpaw, "Do not!! I meant fixing the walls! Get back here!"

Weaselpaw stopped walking and looked back at Mossystar, he smirked at their panic, "What do you mean? All kits gotta learn about death someday, better sooner than later." He looked at his mentor with big 'innocent' eyes.

The tabbico fought the urge to cuff at his ears. Everyday they regretted choosing to mentor him, and it hadn't even been a moon. Be better. "I'm not humoring that. You know what, just...come do recon with me. Maybe we'll find a dead bird or something to distract you." Should they really be enabling that? Oh well.

Weaselpaw nodded his head obediently, "Of course my beloved mentor and leader, I'll do everything you say." It's not like he was actually gonna listen to his mentor, but giving them a false sense of security before doing something that he shouldn't be doing always got the best reactions.

Mossystar narrowed their eyes, suspicious, "Mhm." They nodded slowly. They'd have to keep one eye on Weaselpaw, but at least he wouldn't be out of their sight. They turned around and headed back towards the path again, glancing back to make sure the apprentice was following.

Weaselpaw followed Mossystar, "Hmm I wonder if there will be maggots feasting on corpses..."

Mossystar stared at him, mouth agape, before shaking their head and continuing to walk. "Maybe I'll feed you to them too..." they half-joked. Half?

"Maggots only eat decaying organic matter, I'm not decaying so you can't feed me to them." Weaselpaw meowed nonchalantly.

Mossystar raised their brows. "Wow, look at you, so smart." Admittedly, they were a bit miffed that he'd corrected them, but they weren't gonna show that.

In Forestclan camp 

Mossystar padded around camp in circles, wanting to plan out what they'd say during the Gathering but not being able to decide on anything. Meh, they'd just improvise - who needed plans when they were as great as them? They'd already announced each cat that was coming, why bother doing anything else? All that was left to do was wait.

Weaselpaw snuck up on Mossystar, well not really snuck up, they were just too busy to notice him, "Mossystar the beloved, why are you so nervous? Are you afraid of something?" He asked with a smirk.

Mossystar jumped, head snapping towards the apprentice. Why??? Why does he do this?? They put on a serious face, acting like he hadn't scared the mouse-dung out of them, "I'm not nervous! Just thinking ahead. You should try it sometime instead of throwing yourself off of heights!"

Weaselpaw pouted, "I do think ahead, I always make sure I know exactly how to make you as frustrated as possible."

Mossystar stared at him disapprovingly, before flicking their tail, "Why go through all that effort? I'm pretty sure you've got a natural talent for that."

"Why go through all that effort to keep a mate and child alive? It'd be much easier to just abandon Bigthroat and Dustkit." Weaselpaw shot back.

Mossystar gasped - the kid could insult them all he wanted, but Bigthroat was going too far (Dustkit was another question, the little bastard). They stood up straighter to make themself taller, and narrowed their eyes, "Don't you ever imply anything like that towards my family again, Weaselpaw." They wanted to continue, to threaten him or something, but he'd probably like the idea of death. "Get out of my sight and go make yourself useful."

Weaselpaw just smiled, "Of course Mossystar, anything you say~" He turned towards the nursery, "Dustkit! Do you want to learn how to feed maggots?" He called out loudly.

"Nooo!" Mossystar shouted, at their wits end. "You know what I meant! Can't you feed the elders or help fix the camp like literally any other apprentice would do?"

Weaselpaw looked back at Mossystar, "There are no other apprentices, and you didn't teach me how to do those."

Mossystar dragged their paw down their face, before waving it around as they spoke, "I'm sorry, you need me to teach you how to feed someone? Cactusclan kits know how to do that!"

For once Weaselpaw didn't have that grin that makes you want to kick him in the gut on his face, he frowned, "Fine! I'll go feed the elders!" He went to the prey pile and picked up a mouse.

Mossystar smirked and watched as he walked away. Had they won for once? But what if this was a trick? Sure, the leader was extremely convincing and intimidating, but they were smart, too - never trust Weaselpaw.

Smogwillow stormed up to Mossystar, her glare piercing, "Mossystar, Weaselpaw just came to me with a mouse, saying that you told him to feed the elders." She hissed, "Do I look an elder to you? Or is Bearsnap the elder? Are you forcing him to retire?"

Weaselpaw watched from a distance, laughing to himself.

The tabbico felt a migraine coming on as they shook their head, "I-no! He just-" Well, they couldn't admit that the apprentice didn't listen to them- was Smogwillow always this scary when she was mad? Focus! "He probably got mixed up! You know how apprentices are. Maybe he thought the elders got moved? And wanted to help?" They tried, smiling nervously.

Smogwillow narrowed her eye, "Sure." She huffed turning away, "You better bring him to the gathering, I don't trust him alone with Bearsnap."

Mossystar nodded quickly, "Yep, alright! You know it!" Oh stars, please let him be intimidated by everyone at the gathering.

Weaselpaw walked passed Smogwillow with his head held high and tail lifted, "So~ I'm assuming I'm going to the gathering right?" That smirk on his face returned, Mossystar has fallen into his trap yet again.

Mossystar's smile disappeared and they narrowed their eyes, "Yeah," they sighed, "You know what, maybe I'll get Rainstar to get you back with him."

"Y'know, for someone who hates Rainstar, you sure talk and think about him a lot, don't you~" Weaselpaw teased.

Mossystar recoiled, "Wh-?! I don't do either of those things! I've never thought about him for more than a second! Be quiet!" Awful, annoying, bastard...

"Just keep telling yourself that." Satisfied, Weaselpaw left Mossystar alone to go find some other cat to terrorize.

Mossystar turned and walked away, grumbling, "...think about Rainstar, when have I ever thought about Rainstar?! He's just a lazy idiot...doesn't deserve to be thought about...who thinks about Rainstar? Not me!"

Auburntail was sitting on the perimeter of the camp, his tail curled around the base of his paws, and a snarky look on his face.

Dustkit would leap out of the nursery once more. She knew it was the gathering and she was determined to somehow go

Mossystar was still walking around and talking to themself, head down.

"Mossystar!" Dustkit would mewl bounding up to the Forestclan leader

Mossystar startled, raising their head to see the kit approaching. "Hey, twerp."

Dustkit gave a slightly annoyed look before quickly bouncing back "Can I come to the gathering?"

Mossystar laughed, "Of course not, worm, you'll get stepped on." The leader didn't hate the kit, even if she was annoying sometimes - at least she was funny!

Dustkit whined "No I won't! I'll bite them!" She said bouncing on her paws vibrating with energy

Mossystar rolled their eyes. "If you do that, I'll get in trouble with Harveststar, and then we'll both get in trouble with your mother."

"I have a feeling you'll get in more trouble if I get stepped on." Dustkit said as if she were making a good point

"Exactly," Mossystar shrugged, "Doomed either way, so you can't come."

"Ugh this sucks!" Dustkit whined, sitting down with a plop bored out of her mind

Mossystar shook their head. They understood her - they couldn't sit still as a kit either. Wasn't a brat though! "Uhh...how about...I give you a bunch of tas-missions you have to do while we're gone, and if you do all of them I'll try to convince Bigthroat to bring you outside of camp for a little while?" Man, they were good at this parenting thing!

Dustkit jumped back up onto their pays puffing out her chest "I'll get them done before the clan even leaves for the gathering place!" She said, beaming

Mossystar grinned, Bigthroat was gonna be so proud of them! (and admittedly, it felt nice to cheer the kid up) They sat down, thinking, "Okay, let's see...I'm going to need you to check every corner of each den to make sure nothing's gotten buried somewhere during the flood. Then, uh, help your mom stabilize the dens." Maybe they hadn't planned ahead. Oh well.

"On it!" Dustkit said quickly running to the dens to go check all the corners. 

Mossystar chuckled and got up, not really wanting to stay still for longer than needed. Actually convincing Bigthroat to let the twerp outside wouldn't be easy, but they'd get to that later. Maybe Dustkit'd annoy someone and then they wouldn't even have to do it! Mossystar watched the sky as it darkened. They should probably start heading for the Gathering place. Considering some of their companions tonight, the walk might take some time - and Starclan smite them down if they got there last! They called out for the cats that'd come with them, not planning on waiting much before leaving. If some cat got left behind, that was their own problem.

Deermist was ready to go to the Gathering, though she felt like it's been too recent since they last saw the other clan cats. She was mainly just upset that half of her collection had gotten swept up during the storm.

Smogwillow walked up to Mossystar, "Don't stay at the gathering for long, I want to come back sooner to check up on Bearsnap."

Mossystar shrugged, "Wasn't planning on it, I've already seen Cactusclan and Flowerclan too much for at least five more moons." They looked towards where Bearsnap was kept. They hadn't had the time to visit him, not that they were willing to show their worry, "How's he doing?"

Auburntail was hoping that he'd get to go to the gathering tonight, as it might be an interesting one. He was lying next to a tree stump, observing Mossystar and the rest of the clan.

Mossystar flicked their tail - they'd waited enough. "Alright, come on everybody!" they announced to the patrol, before heading to the gathering place

In Flowerclan camp 

Hazelbird would be laying in the shade relaxing after his hunt with Pigeonclaw

Rabbitheart saw Hazelbird by himself, and padded over to him. "Hey there birdy." She greeted 

Hazelbird would tense quickly lifting his head looking at Rabbitheart. He wanted to say something but the words got caught in his throat. It didn't feel like he was looking at a denmate it felt like he was staring in the maws of a fox

Rabbitheart sits down next to Hazelbird, her fur brushing up to him. "So, where's that tom cat you're always with?" She asked. "I haven't been able to get some time alone with you for some time because of him."

Where the hell was Pigeonclaw? Hazelbird so desperately wished he was here, now having to face Rabbitheart alone. He sat up wrapping his tail tightly around his paws "I-I don't know where he is..." He whispered digging his claws into the ground wishing she would just go away and he wouldn't have to stare at her haunting cream pelt anymore

"Why are the two of you together all the time anyways?" Rabbitheart asks, she seemed a bit annoyed with Hazelbird.

Hazelbird blinked slowly, "Because I l-like being around him...and he likes being around me." He said watching the she-cat carefully not wanting her any closer

"Yeah right...like if he could ever like you? No one loves you Hazelbird. No one but me. Your parents are gone, your apprentice hates you, and that rouge cat is probably using you. You're gullible and naive, a easy target for cats like him." Rabbitheart says rolling her eyes.

Hazelbird would look into Rabbitheart's brown eyes. He felt his heart sink looking down at his paws. She was right...he had been abandoned by his parents, although he tried to ignore it he did notice how annoyed Petalpaw was with him, and Pigeonclaw's sudden liking towards him was suspicious...

"See, you think so too. I'm the only one there for you, I'm the only one who'd ever love you." Rabbitheart says with a twisted grin. "I don't know why you keep running away, the only cat you need is me."

Hazelbird frowned slightly. Maybe she was right...maybe Pigeonclaw really didn't care about him. He glanced up at Rabbitheart. He still hated Rabbitheart. Being around her made his skin crawl yet he didn't want to be alone

"Birdy, remember how I've always been there for you. We've been together since we were apprentices. Remember when you hurt your paw, and I helped bring you back home? I was the one who helped you, I was the one that was there for you." Rabbitheart continued.

Hazelbird would nod "Yes...I remember..."

"if you don't believe me, why don't you try finding out why that tom cat hangs around you? You'll learn really quickly, that I'm truly the only one there for you." Rabbitheart said confidently.

Hazelbird would take a deep breath and nodded. Although he hated Rabbitheart it was strange how close he was to Pigeonclaw. He barely knew Pigeonclaw and Pigeonclaw barely knew him. He couldn't deny how strange it was

Pigeonclaw returns back to camp, he was out doing a border patrol just incase the gang rouges were going to be around. He looked around the camp for Hazelbird, and saw Rabbitheart with him. Feeling a deep disgust in seeing Rabbitheart so close to Hazelbird, he walked up to the two of them, with his fur a bit raised. "Hey, hows it going?" He asked, trying to sound friendly.

Hazelbird would look at Pigeonclaw relief seeing the gray tomcat but also a slight pain in his heart remembering Rabbitheart's words. Was she really right? Did Pigeonclaw not really like him?

Rabbitheart stands infront of Hazelbird blocking Pigeonclaw's view of him. "Birdy is mine. I won't let you manipulate her anymore." She says with a smirk on her face.

Hazelbird would glance at Rabbitheart obviously uncomfortably and also horrified as she misgendered him in front of his crush

Pigeonclaw growled at the she-cat tp try to make her back off, "He doesn't belong to anyone. Hazelbird is his own cat. I'm not the one manipulating him, you're the one trying to convince him that he isn't himself..." Pigeonclaw shakes his head messing up his words a little. He pushes Rabbitheart out of the way and looks Hazelbird in the eyes. "Hazelbird..." Is all he manages to say, though his mind was jumbled with ways to defend Hazelbird, ways to comfort him...

Hazelbird would watch with wide eyes before looking at Pigeonclaw. "Pigeonclaw..." He murmured looking away feeling his pelt burn his ears hot before taking a deep breath "I think I need some space..." He murmured still unsure as to why Pigeonclaw tried so hard for him

Rabbitheart smiles feeling like she had won. She flicks her tail as she turns around to walk away. "Well see you around Birdy." She walks away to go do Rabbitheart stuff.

Pigeonclaw ignored the she cat and just kept looking at Hazelbird, reading that Hazelbird really believed Rabbitheart. "Hazelbird...I'm not...I'm not like that, I stay with you because I like you...not because I'm trying to manipulate you." He says sadly.

Hazelbird would look back into Pigeonclaw's amber eyes "You barely know me Pigeonclaw...I barely know you" He admitted although couldn't deny the beating of his heart anytime Pigeonclaw was near

"You're right....but I want to know you, and it doesn't change how I feel about you." Pigeonclaw says putting a paw out for Hazelbird to take.

Hazelbird would look down at his paw, hesitating but took his paw, "I think we should get to know each other better..." He awkwardly said

Pigeonclaw nodded with a gentle smile. "Yeah, lets get to know each other better." He puts his paw down and looks to the camp exit. "Do you want to go out?" He asks

Hazelbird would smile softly and nodded although wanted to be cautious. As much as he hated Rabbitheart, Pigeonclaw was an outsider..

Yewpaw went to the leader's den to find Harveststar, "Mother? Are you ready to go to the moon pond?"

Harveststar would look at Yewpaw and nodded "Yes, let's go." She said walking to Yewpaw "Springfern won't be coming, she's feeling ill so she'll be staying here to rest"

"O-okay, let's go then." Yewpaw was already nervous about going to the moon pond, but now he was more nervous that Springfern won't be coming, still, he pushed on and followed Harveststar out of camp.

At the moon pond 

Yewpaw stepped to the edge of the moon pond, even though Starclan has been silent to him despite being a medicine cat, he can't help but admire the beautiful sight.

Harveststar would look at the sparkling pond. Although it was daytime it was as if the stars still shone in the water. She took a deep breath, she had only come to the moon pond one before and it was to receive her 9 lives

Yewpaw dipped his paw into the moon pond, watching the water ripple, "Are you ready?" He looked back at the leader.

Harveststar took a deep breath nodding her head, "Yes." She said before laying down on her stomach tucking her paws underneath. She would close her eyes before touching her nose to the edge of the moon pond

Yewpaw followed suit, flinching at the cold water brushing against his nose, he hoped this time his dreams would be different. Yewpaw didn't dream like usual, he got thrown into a cloudy haze before being forced awake, he sighed and watched Harveststar, chills ran down his spine as he watched.

Brookflight stood on top a hill, overlooking the meadows of Flowerclan.

Harveststar would open her eyes before standing up looking at Brookflight, "Brookflight!" She called towards the Starclan cat

Brookflight looked over to see Harveststar around the base of the hill. “Harveststar,” she greeted

Harveststar would start climbing the hill towards Brookflight, "I came here to talk about um...my dream." she began

Brookflight shook her head. “No time to talk, Harveststar. I wish I could tell you more.” She said, shaking her head.

Harveststar would stare at Brookflight "Well why not?" She asked confused standing next to the starclan cat

Brookflight said nothing. But stood there as the buzzing grew louder, and a swarm of giant bugs descended upon them.

Harveststar would yowl as she was once again pelted feeling the sharp stings as if it were real. She would quickly jump to her feet awake with a yowl digging her claws into the stone ground surrounding the moon pond

Inside the walls of Castleclan 

Harveststar would finally make it inside Castleclan's walls. The vision she had been shared at the moon pond...she just didn't know why they were sharing these visions with her. She shook her head, she needed to focus for the gathering. She would go to the entrance of the building "Hello!" She would call out not wanting to startle any Castleclan cat

Sprucestar was at the window of the stoneden looking outside she saw Harveststar come to the door. "Oh hey Harveststar?" Sprucestar greeted, surprised to see the cat. She jumped down from the window ledge and came to the door entrance.

Harveststar would smile softly seeing Sprucestar. She would dip her head respectfully, "Good evening, Sprucestar. How are you and your cats?" She asked

"They're doing well! We've had some visitors recently, but they left pretty quickly. Seems like there's no problems since the storm swept by." Sprucestar says, glad that her clan was well fed and healthy.

Harveststar nodded "Well, remember how I said I would invite you to our gathering. It's happening tonight." She said with a smile sitting down wrapping her tail around her paws

"And we gotta go before we're late!" Yewpaw meowed urgently.

Redflight peered over the wall and looked down at them. It was time for the gathering, just like Sheepfish had said

"Oh-um, shall I gather my cats to get going?" Sprucestar asked, still not fully sure how the clans did things.

Harveststar nodded "Cats able to catch their own prey can come to the gathering" she explained

Sprucestar nodded "Alright! then I'll go gather my cats." She goes and finds all the cats who want to and are able to go to the gathering.

Author's Notes

Tldr : Mossystar interacts with children, Rabbitheart is being a bitch to Hazelbird, but Pigeonclaw saves the day, kinda. Harveststar and Yewpaw go to the moon pond and Starclan was definitely very helpful, Harveststar then goes to Castleclan to invite them to the gathering, absolutely nothing will go wrong