Warriors of the Plants

Larkswim Deerwhisper ♠️Ashcloud♟️ 🪶Finchrush🍃 Rockfang Indy Rattlestrike Fawnbright Blackchin berrypaw - 🫐 Amber'Mantis Harry 🍃Littlebreeze🎐 🪶Quailleap🔻 🐿️Squirrelheart🏵️ 🥀Aspendream🪦(Dark Forest Amaji Tuliptiger Lionlight Shrubkit Firefly Nettletear Maggotstar Tempestkit Muffin Woolymoth Acornsparrow Magnus Felix Cider Fumblelight Dustbunny BeechFace Dapplepetal Kitty Mapleblaze Crowtalon Follydance Mudriver CypressStep Lightningbug Silence Wolfshadow Swirlkit Wild'Stripe Avery Canarystride Rollybug Cloudingkit Jackdawwing Gorseclaw Gloomfreckle Cherryblaze Flintrunner Swallowtail Chirpkit Dottie Blu Irisbreeze Scorpionpaw Bugberry Aisling Fiver Alderspot Sandripple Wicket hawkrunner kuzon 🌾Wheatfeather🪶 Stormpaw (for now) Shimmerscale Bolicha Stagrun Basset Starlingflight Bigthroat Rushcove 🌊Creekstorm🌀 Bonsai Stoatskip Stonevine Ashgaze Hyacinthcurl Gigglechirp Antjaw applefall Bearsnap robinchatter - 🪶 foxspirit - 🦊 🌿Springfern🌿 Smogwillow Dawngaze Dusk ☀️Daystar🌟 BeetleBranch CardinalFluff cowfoot Mouseheart specklepelt - ♣️ sparrowbreeze Drizzlewind Falcon Fireleaf ⚡️Whitestreak⚡️ Ferretslip windwhistle - 💨 Harveststar🌾 Flipflop Sporeshine Malevolent mossystar - 🌱 Jaggedflight silkheart - 🍬 Yewshine Ivybloom KestrelClover Osprey SpruceStar Hazelbird🌰 AshenThorn PetalPaw BristleThorn PigeonClaw Brackenstorm Bleakheart Thistlesong Raccoonpaw 🦗Cricketdust🐞👵 Jeju Tigerspirit Dogwoodpaw Dustpaw Weaselpaw Whirlwhisper honeycoat - 🍯 blunt - 🚘 Willowsong Boot Cloverstream 💕Rustswirl💗💝 Reapwatcher Brownclaw & Thickethop Cinnamon 33 🩵Smoke🪁 Cashew Auburntail Swooppaw Copperflame Bramble Bong🦷 Webswirl Safari Pumpkinpurr DeerMist Sheepfish🐟 Sunheart☀️ 👺Shrewfang🧛 RabbitHeart 🪔Redflight🎈❣️ 🌹Rosedust💥 fogwatcher - 🌫️ shadelight - 🌩️ Dawneye Brookflight Bluetuft Bandit Bubzy 🌙Addersting🔱 🐴🪃Briarstream🍃 Show More
1 year, 18 days ago
1 hour, 18 minutes ago
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Chapter 53
Published 10 months, 21 days ago

Explicit Violence

This is an archive for a rp server that I'm in! It will be constantly updated as the plot goes on!

Book cover art by Calley_Spring, thanks Spring!

View all archive sprites here!

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Author's Notes

Cw : death, blood

Mossystar (they/them), Forestclan leader, owned by frogtalon


Bigthroat (she/her), Forestclan warrior, owned by Calley_Spring


Smogwillow (she/her), Forestclan warrior, owned by CloudyMilku


Bearsnap (he/him), Forestclan warrior, owned by Calley_Spring


Weaselpaw (he/him), Forestclan apprentice, owned by CloudyMilku


Dustkit (she/her), Forestclan kit, owned by SeraphCritter


Harveststar (she/her), Flowerclan leader, owned by SeraphCritter


Springfern (she/her), Flowerclan medicine cat, owned by Calley_Spring


Yewpaw (he/him), Flowerclan medicine cat apprentice, owned by CloudyMilku


Citrinebundle (they/it), Starclan cat, former Forestclan medicine cat, the owner of this character is no longer apart of the rp


It's Just A Prank Bro

In Forestclan camp 

Weaselpaw laid on the ground, soaking up the sun's rays, last night's gathering was pretty boring, Mossystar didn't even bother announcing his apprenticeship, maybe he should prank them to get back at them.

"MOVE MOVE!" Dustkit would yowl before promptly jumping on Weaselpaw running over him instead of just going around him. She did this on purpose of course

Weaselpaw hissed in annoyance before giving Dustkit a chilling smile, "Hey Dustkit. Can I ask you a question?" He sat up so he was looking down at the kit.

Dustkit would skid to a stop before turning to Weaselpaw bouncing on her feet, "Can it wait, I'm looking for Mossystar! They haven't full filled our promise." She huffed annoyed

The smile on Weaselpaw grew, "That's what my question is about." He walked over to the kit, "Mossystar haven't fulfilled their promise to me as well, don't you think they deserve a punishment?"

Dustkit blinked, "Punishment? That's a great idea! I get punished all the time!" She exclaimed, "Why did I never think of that?"

Weaselpaw nodded, "So what was their promise to you?"

"Well they said that if I checked all the corners of the dens and helped my mom with stabilizing the dens then I could go out." Dustkit said taking out a few crucial parts of their deal with Mossystar, although they just didn't remember what they said exactly

Weaselpaw tilted his head, "You mean like leave camp?" He looked around and saw that nobody was paying attention to them, he smirked, "That can be arranged, come on let's go, we'll plan the rest of the punishment with a bit of privacy." He gestured towards the camp entrance.

Dustkit perked up, "Really??" She squeaked with excitement already going towards the entrance

Weaselpaw smirked, they were gonna be in so much trouble but it's totally worth it, he followed Dustkit out of camp.

In Forestclan territory 

Weaselpaw checked if the coast was clear, doesn't seem like there's many cats going to the river... "Come on Dustkit, this way." He trotted forward without waiting.

"Yippie!" Dustkit giggled frolicking in the grass and leave a bit before standing up and nodding "Okay." She said before smiling following Weaselpaw

Weaselpaw thought about what they could do to prank Mossystar on the way there, it needs to be fun for both of them so Dustkit would like him and continue pranking Mossystar with him in the future, but not too over the top that it would get them in big trouble, and of course it needs to scare the living daylights out of Mossystar, "Okay let's start planning." He said as they reach the river.

Dustkit would giggle going to the water patting the water with her paw happily before sitting down and straightening up "Yes yes. planning." She said

"Hmmm we could do a classic like tainting the food with mouse bile, or we could do something more..." Weaselpaw hummed thoughtfully. "You have any ideas? What's something that Mossystar hates?"

"Hmmmm...Mossystar hates it when I blame stuff on them and Bigthroat gets mad at them." Dustkit giggled but wasn't sure how they could turn that into a prank so she tried to think of something else

Weaselpaw flicked his ear, "Has Bigthroat got something that she really cares about? Like if it went missing she would do anything and anything to get it back?"

"Hmmm, me." Dustkit said flicking her ear with a smile looking up at Weaselpaw

"Then let's play a game of hide and seek with them." Weaselpaw narrowed his eyes, "With a catch of course."

Dustkit perked up of course hearing they would play before blinking, "What's the catch?" She asked curiously

"You'll see." Weaselpaw ruffled Dustkit's head, "But first, how are your tree climbing skills?"

Dustkit would look up at one of the trees. She's never climbed a tree before, "Really good." She said with a big smile

Weaselpaw nodded towards the nearest tree, "Show me what you got kid."

Dustkit smiled. It couldn't be that hard climbing up the tree. Forestclan cats were made for this. She would unsheath her claws before trying to climb the tree. She didn't realize how hard she had to dig her claws only get a fox tail length off the ground before falling with a yelp

Weaselpaw burst out laughing, "Is that the best you got? Maybe I made a mistake bringing you with me." He taunted.

Dustkit felt her pelt heat up with embarrassment. "No no I did that on purpose!" She said before suddenly clambering up the tree with a lot of speed almost looking like a squirrel with her size

Weaselpaw hid his surprise, "Very well, okay so here's what we do..." Weaselpaw paced around at the foot of the tree, explaining to Dustkit about the plan, he looked up when he finished, "So what do you think?"

"So, I stay up here, you go get momma, I scream, and then we laugh?" Dustkit asked laying down on the branch she had climbed to

"And the best time is we don't get into trouble, Mossystar does." Weaselpaw smirked, his blood boiling for mischief.

Dustkit giggled digging her claws into the bark of the branch "This is going to be so fun!"

Weaselpaw nodded excitedly, "Okay you'll scream when the sun reaches its highest peak." And with that he bounded off.

In Forestclan camp 

Weaselpaw bursts through the entrance, heading straight to the nursery, "Bigthroat! This is an emergency! Where are you?"

Bigthroat was sleeping in the nursery. She startled awake, looking around in a hurry when Weaselpaw called out for her. Her body ached from the work Smogwillow put her through but she jumped to her feet at Weaselpaw’s urgency. Even though Mossystar didn’t exactly like the young cat, he was still a clanmate and had her respect

Weaselpaw panted, "I can't find Mossystar anywhere!" He faked a panicked look, "I searched the forest and smelled an overwhelming scent of fox."

Bigthroat tensed up, she burst through the nursery and wildly searched camp. She scanned every nook and double checked the leader’s den when she caught Dustkit’s scent going outside. “Did she leave camp? Is Mossystar outside of camp too?” She asked herself, shocked. Panic set in, gripping her heart tightly and squeezing. She couldn’t freak out too much in front of Weaselpaw, but she had to find her family before that fox did

Weaselpaw's act dropped, he smiled and followed Bigthroat.

In Forestclan territory 

Bigthroat tore through the forest, trying to keep up with Dustkit’s scent trail. “Dustkit!” She called out. “Mossystar!” Please answer her, she didn’t want anything to happen to them

Weaselpaw just watched Bigthroat panic, not moving to help her.

Dustkit would look up at the sky squinting at the sun. She would smile before taking a deep breath. She let out the most blood curdling skin crawling scream that would make any parent's heart drop

Bigthroat shrieked when she heard what came from Dustkit’s mouth. It was enough to make her tear up in, terrified for what her little baby was going through. Just as the horror washed over her, so did cold rage. Her claws unsheathed, fur bristled, and she snarled as she pelted towards Dustkit’s direction. Whatever happens, she was going to keep that mangy fox away from her baby, and tear its stupid pelt off for even looking at her.

Dustkit would cover her mouth to keep herself from laughing noticing Bigthroat running towards the tree. She would shift into the leaves to hide herself so her mother couldn't spot her with a small giggle 

Weaselpaw followed Bigthroat calmly, he looked up at Dustkit, flicking his ear towards her mother.

Bigthroat called out again, looking around attentively. “Dustkit! Dustkit! Mossystar! Where are you?”

Dustkit would leap out from the branch laughing as she landed square on Bigthroat's back with a slight 'oof' as she landed "Hi mama!" she giggled

Bigthroat nearly rolled onto to her back, instinct taking over when she realized it just Dustkit. “Dustki—DUSTKIT!” She yowled, whirling her head around to see the kit. “Dustkit, you’re alright! Where’s Mossystar?

"Dunno, probably just out on their daily stroll though." Weaselpaw appeared behind them, he winked Dustkit.

Dustkit would yelp before laughing again kicking her back paws in the air before looking up at her mother. "Yeah I haven't seen them at ALL today." She giggled getting up onto her feet

Bigthroat’s jaw dropped. She quickly picked up Dustkit and checked her over. “But the fox? Are you okay? Why are you out here? You were supposed to be with Mossystar!”

Weaselpaw broke into a fit of laughter.

"There is no fox, and I would be with Mossystar if I knew where Mossystar was " Dustkit said letting Bigthroat check her, "I'm alright mama!" she laughed looking at Weaselpaw 

Bigthroat's face warped from relief to absolute fury. She placed Dustkit down and glowered at her. “Are you crazy?! Kits aren’t supposed to leave camp! You aren’t used to the environment outside yet, nor are you old enough to last long out here!” Bigthroat whirled to send a harsh glare at Weaselpaw, who had the audacity to laugh in this situation. “And YOU!” She growled, bristling. 

“You’re supposed to know better! You don’t take a kit outside of camp! You can barely protect yourself! If anything had happened to Dustkit, that would be on your paws! Have you no shame? I don’t care how obsessed with death you are, I don’t want you leading my child to hers! If you weren’t a clanmate, I’d rip your pelt out for even thinking of risking her life like that!”

Weaselpaw tried not to flinched at Bigthroat's fury, "Look, nothing happened! And it was all in good fun!" He scoffed, Weaselpaw nudged Dustkit to get her to back him up.

Dustkit would squeak as Bigthroat lectured them. She would look over at Weaselpaw with wide eyes, "You said we wouldn't get in trouble!" She whispered before looking back at Bigthroat, "Y-yeah mama, nothing bad happened! And I'm really good at climbing trees!"

Weaselpaw bit the inside of his mouth, "We won't be in trouble, I'll get us out of it." He whispered to Dustkit.

Bigthroat slightly softened, but she was still very upset. “I’m glad nothing bad happened to you today, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t danger around us.” She explained. “The forest is huge especially for you two! Where I’m glad and impressed you can climb trees, I’d feel better knowing you did that with a warrior training you, not Weaselpaw who barely became an apprentice. You’re both still too inexperienced!”

Weaselpaw straightened up, "Mossystar was supposed to be looking after Dustkit, and they were also supposed to be training me, we don't know where they went so who's really to blame here?"

Dustkit nodded eagerly at Weaselpaw's words not wanting to get grounded like before

Bigthroat put a paw to her forehead. “I understand that, and I will have a word with them later. But it is still common sense to not take a KIT OUTSIDE OF CAMP WEASELPAW!"

"But mama I'm okay!" Dustkit would whine not understanding the issue

Bigthroat frowned. “Dustkit, sometimes we don’t expect things to go wrong, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. If I went out and got hurt, how would you feel?”

Dustkit frowned not wanting to think about her mother getting hurt. Let alone she couldn't see it, Bigthroat was so strong in her eyes. "But that could never happen, because you're strong!" She huffed

Bigthroat shook her head. “Just because I’m strong doesn’t mean I don’t get hurt. You understand how upset I would be if I found out you got hurt? It’s like that. What you two did, worried me so much. I felt that bad emotion when I thought of you getting hurt, that’s why I got so upset when I found out it was a joke. What you did made my feelings feel like it was being played with, and that hurt.”

Dustkit would look down at the ground her tail curling around her paws "I'm sorry mama.." She murmured now regretting this 'harmless prank'

“Thank you for understanding, Dustkit. I’m sure you learned your lesson.” Bigthroat said, licking the top of her head.

Weaselpaw twitched, sensing something.

Bigthroat’s tensed again, picking up on a new scent. “Both of you, get down.”

Weaselpaw stood his ground but did try to stand in front of Dustkit.

"Hey I can be fine on my own!" Dustkit whined stepping away from both of them "What's going on?" She asked confused looking around

As soon as the words left Dustkit’s mouth, a large bird dove through the clearing, talons flashing as they stretched towards Dustkit.

Dustkit froze seeing the large bird glide towards her. She knew she had to run but her paws felt frozen to the ground

Weaselpaw hissed, launching himself at the bird and managed to snag his claws on the eagle's wing. 

The eagle screeched out in alarm. Despite Weaselpaw's attack, it wasn’t after him, it dove towards Dustkit and picked her up, swooping towards the air, deciding to leave Weaselpaw be. 

Dustkit would scream in terror squirming as she tried to get out of the eagle's grasp yowling in pain as the eagle's talons dug into her body as she squirmed

Bigthroat roared as she leapt up after the eagle. She unsheathed her claws and swiped down the bird’s back, causing it to drop Dustkit.

Weaselpaw went back to attack the eagle again, he jumped out and scratched the eagle's chest.

Dustkit tumbled to the ground bleeding as she whined shaking in pain

Angered, the large bird wiped around in pain. It lunged towards Bigthroat, failing to smack Weaselpaw with its wings. It reaches out, talons flashing, and grips onto Bigthroat’s flank where it then lifted her writhing form into the air

"Mama..." Dustkit would cry in pain trying to get to her paws looking at Weaselpaw and Bigthroat fight the large bird

"Bigthroat!" Weaselpaw yowled in alarm as the eagle started to fly away with the queen, thinking fast, he scrambled up a tree, and flew at the eagle, landing on its back, "Let her go!" He screech as he dug his claws deeper into the bird.

Dustkit watched with wide eyes as Bigthroat was carried away

Bigthroat yelped as the eagle staggered in the air. “Weaselpaw!” She choked out, bloody from the wounds the raptor inflicted on her. “Go! Protect Dustkit!”

"MAMA!" Dustkit cried trying to run after the bird only worsening her wounds

The eagle let out a sharp cry, tired of this tomfoolery. It banked right and headed for a tree where it then threw Bigthroat’s body aside with horrific strength.

Bigthroat’s eyes widened. “Dustkit!” She called out, her voice watery and filled with fear. Run! she wanted to say. Before she knew it, her body hit the ground with a deathly crack

Dustkit froze as she watched her mother fall before hearing the loud crack, "MAMA!" She screeched racing to Bigthroat's body her wound only widening as she bled more

Weaselpaw fell down with Bigthroat but he manages to twist his body in mid air, making him land on his feet. 

The eagle let out one last screech before turning and flying off.

Weaselpaw stumbled over to Bigthroat and Dustkit, genuinely horrified by the sight, he doesn't even know what to say or what to do. What have I done?

Dustkit would shake as she went and pressed her small bleeding body against her mother. "Mama I-I'm sorry.." She whimpered as if that would bring her back

As Weaselpaw watch the blood spill out onto the forest floor and Dustkit's small body huddle next to her, he can feel his eyes water and soon tears dripped down his face, he would usually try to rub them away or hid them but this time he just let them fall.

Dustkit would sob "Mama...I'm sorry...please wake up..." She would mew getting soaked in her mother's blood

Mossystar pushed through a bush, brows furrowed. They'd heard screams while on their walk and had spotted an eagle as they were rushing towards the origin of the sounds, growing increasingly worried as the scent of blood and fear got stronger the closer they got. They looked around the area and froze when they saw a brown shape laying immobile near a tree, ignoring the two young cats nearby as they focused on it, "...Bigthroat?"

Weaselpaw flinched at Mossystar's voice, he didn't noticed them until they were right next to him. Weaselpaw snapped his head around to look at the leader, his expression unreadable, "Mossystar...you're finally here..."

Dustkit would mew and cry pressing her face into Bigthroat's fur not noticing or caring that Mossystar was there

The tabbico couldn't tear their eyes off of the corpse as they slowly approached it, almost trembling. She couldn't be-? Not her. She'd get back up and laugh, it was Bigthroat after all - nothing could keep her down. They opened and closed their mouth a few times, not knowing what to say.

Weaselpaw twitched uncomfortably, he looked down at his paws, he doesn't know what to do, "Mossystar..." He started slowly, "Are you...okay?"

Mossystar glanced at Weaselpaw without turning their head, processing who exactly was talking to him - were their ears ringing? Of course it was him. If Harveststar wasn't the source of their problems, then he was. "What, did you do?" Had he finally cracked? They shouldn't have let him out of their sight, this had to be his fault.

All of this was my fault, "Why are you blaming me?" Weaselpaw said defensively, even though his voice was small and quiet, it didn't sound aggressive at all.

Mossystar's ears flattened, "You did this," They responded, almost touching the body of their mate but pulling their paw back before they could. "I know you did. She wouldn't get herself hurt. She- you-" They turned their head towards the apprentice, "You wanted to see death in real time, huh? And you chose her to mess with me too."

Dustkit's ears were ringing. She knew Weaselpaw and Mossystar were talking but for some reason she couldn't focus on the words they were saying. Her eye sight became fuzzy before she slumped to the ground exhausted and in pain

Weaselpaw knew that Mossystar was right, he did do this, but he didn't mean for her to die, he didn't mean to hurt anyone, but something in him just won't admit it, "I didn't do anything! You should be blaming yourself for her death." He retorted.

The tabbico snarled, "How dare you?!" They found him near her corpse, and he's trying to accuse them? If you'd been there, you could've- They shook their head, glaring at Weaselpaw.

Weaselpaw narrowed his eyes, fur bristling, "Where were you when she was attacked then? I was trying to save her! While you were frolicking around trying to avoid your responsibilities!"

Mossystar hissed. "Save her?! You did a great job of that, didn't you?!" She'd be calming them down right now. "Maybe if you behaved and listened to me, you'd both be back at camp, safe! But no! You never do!" She'd tried to help him, hadn't she? "Couldn't you have gotten yourself killed on your own?!" The hit went out on it's own - they didn't even register that they'd clawed at his cheek until they saw red on their paw and his face.

Weaselpaw gasped when Mossystar struck him, he put a paw on his cheek, feeling the warm blood spill out, rage bubbled inside him, but he just gave a messed up smile to his mentor, "If you want me to die so bad then why don't you just kill me right now?"

Mossystar bared their teeth, fur bristling as they moved to stand right in front of Weaselpaw, scowling down at him, "Don't challenge me, Weaselpaw, because every instinct is telling me to gouge your throat out right now and send you right down to starve in the Dark Forest where you belong." They clawed at the ground, trying to calm their breath.

"Well maybe that's what I want!" Weaselpaw snapped.

The tabbico glared at Weaselpaw for a while, not moving or speaking. They couldn't. As much as they wanted to claw at him and avenge their mate, they knew she'd never forgive them for it. Too nice for her own good, until the end. They just stood there, claws out.

The rest of Weaselpaw's words got caught in his throat, Mossystar looked like they genuinely want to rip his throat off, he regained his wits and forced a smile, "What's wrong?"

"You killed her, Weaselpaw." The leader said, tail lashing, "You killed her, yet she won't let me do the same to you." Mossystar didn't know whether or not they hoped she was watching. Would she be proud? Betrayed?

Weaselpaw growled, frustrated, but more at himself than Mossystar, "You also killed her, you should've been here, but you weren't, and now you're placing all the blame on me."

Mossystar scoffed, "Sorry if I assumed you'd stay in camp like I asked you to, I should've known you wouldn't behave." They risked at glance at her corpse, but they couldn't look for more than a second without feeling sick, and they shook their head, "I don't understand why she would've even followed you..."

"Because Dustkit was in danger! I told Bigthroat she was in danger! And if you were there, maybe Bigthroat wouldn't be dead and Dustkit wouldn't be injured!" Weaselpaw's stomach turned as he twisted the story, but he didn't know why he was lying, why can't he just admit that he was a cold blooded killer?

"Dustkit...?" The leader's breath caught in their throat. They could barely even hear Weaselpaw's accusations - Dustkit was injured? Was she here? They took a step back, "What happened? Why...? Where is she?!"

Weaselpaw stared at Mossystar, dumbfounded for a moment, then fury took over his senses, "What kind of parent are you!? You didn't even realize that your child is bleeding out in front of you?" He waved his paw in Dustkit's direction.

Mossystar's head snapped towards where Weaselpaw was pointing and their eyes widened when they saw her on the ground - how hadn't they spotted her?! She was hurt! They turned back towards the apprentice, assuming this was his fault too. They clawed at his ears before rushing towards their kit, laying down next to her to check on her state.

Dustkit had deep cuts on her body from the talons and her body was going cold from how much blood she was losing

Weaselpaw barely reacted having his ears ripped off, he was seething in rage, he tackled Mossystar to knock them off their feet but he wasn't strong enough, "DON'T TOUCH HER, YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE HER PARENT!" He yowled angrily.

Mossystar hissed and pushed him off them, not putting too much strength into it as they were too focused on Dustkit. "Don't tell me what I deserve! This whole thing is your fault!" They cradled the kit, mind racing. Citrinebundle was gone now - could anyone else in Forestclan help?

Dustkit would let out a weak mew as they were cradled their once sandy pelt tainted with dirt and blood

Weaselpaw would attack them again, but not when he could risk Dustkit being even more injured than she already was, "Citrinebundle is dead! And now Dustkit is gonna die too! How many cats are going to die at your paws Mossystar?"

Mossystar's breath hitched as they pressed their muzzle against Dustkit. Weaselpaw was right, they were going to lose her like they lost everyone else. They tried to stay focused and figure out what to do, who to go to, but they just couldn't, and a sob racked their body.

Smogwillow led Yewpaw through the forest, she needed a medicine cat to check up on Bearsnap so she went to Flowerclan to get one, there was no way she's going to the desert with a pelt like hers and Mossystar wouldn't approve of her bringing a Castleclan cat especially after the last gathering, so her only choice was Flowerclan.

Yewpaw trailed after Smogwillow, but stopped when he heard something, "Uh Smogwillow? Did you hear that? It sounded like cats in destress."

Smogwillow halted and pricked her ears, her face twisted in annoyance, "Sounds like Mossystar and Weaselpaw are fighting, again." She grumbled. Smogwillow headed towards the noises waving her tail for Yewpaw to follow.

As they got closer the overwhelming scent of blood was worrying, Yewpaw bounded forward without waiting for Smogwillow, he rushed past the bushes and was horrified at the sight.

Weaselpaw hissed at the intruder, glaring at Yewpaw before backing up, realizing that he was a medicine cat, "Yewpaw! You need to save Dustkit! She's dying!" He cried desperately.

Yewpaw looked over to Mossystar hunched over Bigthroat and Dustkit, alarm shot through his veins, "Get out of the way Mossystar!"

Smogwillow slowly approach the scene, not even slightly surprised that someone died while she was gone, she felt bad of course but she was too mentally exhausted to fully comprehend anything right now.

Mossystar's fur bristled when they heard Yewpaw, but they closed their eyes and backed up a bit to let him reach the kit. They watched him closely to make sure Dustkit'd be okay.

Yewpaw looked at the wounds, they were deep and her body was cold, the situation was dire, "I need cobwebs and moss right now!"

Weaselpaw didn't need to be told twice, he just happens to know where the nearest spider colony is, why does he know that? Well it was for researching purposes, he rushed over there and grab a pawfull of the silk and headed straight back. "Here." Weaselpaw dropped the cobwebs at Yewpaw's paws.

Yewpaw blinked gratefully at the other apprentice, he swiftly pressed the cobwebs on the wounds, he needs to stop the bleeding immediately.

Dustkit mewled in pain as Yewpaw pressed the cobwebs onto her wounds

Mossystar stayed on the ground so they could see better, not looking at Weaselpaw. As if that is going to redeem you. At least they could trust Yewpaw - he was Springfern's apprentice after all.

Smogwillow clawed up some moss and pushed them near Yewpaw, she placed her tail on Mossystar, trying to lead them away so the poor medicine cat apprentice could work without them breathing down his neck.

Mossystar jumped a bit at the touch, not having noticed that Smogwillow was so close. They turned to look at her and relaxed, hesitating to get up. After hearing Dustkit though, they snapped their head back, panicking again.

Smogwillow sighed, "Mossystar, come on, she's in good paws, come and tell me what happened."

Yewpaw fastened the cobwebs tightly on Dustkit, then used the moss to gently clean away the blood, the situation was starting to get better, the bleeding stopped but the kit was still incredibly weak.

Mossystar sighed in relief when they couldn't see blood anymore. "Thank you." they said to Yewpaw, standing up but still looking down at their kit.

Dustkit would heave their tiny body staying mostly still since any movement caused them pain

"I don't think moving her would be wise right now..." Yewpaw told the leader, "I'd suggest making a makeshift nest here until she can move and someone needs to keep her warm."

Weaselpaw jumped to his paws, "I'll keep her warm." He offered without hesitance.

Yewpaw blinked in surprise, "Um alright, I'm gonna go try to find some herbs." And with that he left the scene.

Mossystar waited for the FlowerClan apprentice to leave before glaring at Weaselpaw, "No you are not. You got her into this situation, I'm not trusting you with her!"

"Well I don't trust you with her!" Weaselpaw hissed, "You're an awful parent."

"Will you stop calling me that?! How was I supposed to know that she was out here?!" What did he want from them? Omnipresence?

Smogwillow growled stepping between the two, "Stop it with the yelling, you're giving me a headache." She turned to Weaselpaw, "Go fetch fresh bedding, now."

Weaselpaw held the stare with Smogwillow for a moment longer before turning away, mumbling to himself.

Smogwillow watched Weaselpaw leave, then she turned to Mossystar and wrapped the kit around with her fluffy tail, "Go give your mate a proper burial, I'll look after Dustkit."

Mossystar whimpered, looking at their beloved's corpse. "She didn't deserve this, Smogwillow. Why did it have to be her of all cats?"

"Bigthroat was a lovely cat, she won't be forgotten." Smogwillow closed her eyes, "She did what she needed to do."

Mossystar shook their head, "But she didn't need to! I don't- I don't know exactly what happened, but I know that neither of them would have been out here if Weaselpaw had listened to me!"

"Weaselpaw huh? You really think he tried to murder them?" Smogwillow hummed thoughtfully, "I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't think Weaselpaw would do that."

The tabbico frowned, "Well- maybe not murder...but I know it's his fault, Smogwillow, I do!" Smogwillow had to know about Weaselpaw's death fixation, why didn't she believe them?

Smogwillow raised a paw, "I don't think he's completely innocent, he's always up to something, but did you see the look in his eyes? He cares about Dustkit as much as you do."

Mossystar rolled their eyes, "Yeah, well he does a bad job at showing it," They growled. As if you do. They lowered themself to grab Bigthroat's scruff, hating how cold she felt.

Yewpaw came back with a month full of herbs, he dropped them near Dustkit.

Smogwillow shifted her tail away to reveal the injured kit.

Yewpaw handed some rosemary to Mossystar, giving her a sympathetic look before turning his attention to Dustkit.

Mossystar blinked but took the plant and dipped their head, glancing at the kit before walking away. Their heart ached, but they knew exactly where to go as they headed towards the place Bigthroat and them had first confessed to each other.

Yewpaw tentatively cared for the kit, she had passed out and was still too weak to move but her breathing has stabilize, Yewpaw turned to Smogwillow, "You can bring her back to camp once she wakes up."

Smogwillow nodded, "Sorry to bother you more kit, but Bearsnap also needs to be checked on, and perhaps you wouldn't mind teaching me a few basics about healing?"

Yewpaw blinked in surprise, he didn't expect the senior warrior to him about healing, "Oh I don't mind at all! But it's getting late and I need to head back soon..."

Weaselpaw came back with the bedding, pleased to see that Dustkit was alright and that Mossystar was gone, "You two can head back to camp to check on Bearsnap, I can handle Dustkit myself."

Smogwillow nodded and got up, "Come on Yewpaw let's go, we're wasting sunlight." She glared at Weaselpaw, "I trust you not to kill Dustkit while I'm gone, tell Mossystar I left you here. If they scream at you, tell me." And with that she headed towards camp with Yewpaw.

Weaselpaw got himself and Dustkit comfy with the bedding, he cuddled with kit and accidentally drifted off to sleep.

Author's Notes

Tldr : Weaselpaw and Dustkit started a collaborative prank channel but their first vid together ends in DISASTER #gonewrong, yea they kinda killed someone but it was just a prank bro