Warriors of the Plants

Larkswim Deerwhisper ♠️Ashcloud♟️ 🪶Finchrush🍃 Rockfang Indy Rattlestrike Fawnbright Blackchin berrypaw - 🫐 Amber'Mantis Harry 🍃Littlebreeze🎐 🪶Quailleap🔻 🐿️Squirrelheart🏵️ 🥀Aspendream🪦(Dark Forest Amaji Tuliptiger Lionlight Shrubkit Firefly Nettletear Maggotstar Tempestkit Muffin Woolymoth Acornsparrow Magnus Felix Cider Fumblelight Dustbunny BeechFace Dapplepetal Kitty Mapleblaze Crowtalon Follydance Mudriver CypressStep Lightningbug Silence Wolfshadow Swirlkit Wild'Stripe Avery Canarystride Rollybug Cloudingkit Jackdawwing Gorseclaw Gloomfreckle Cherryblaze Flintrunner Swallowtail Chirpkit Dottie Blu Irisbreeze Scorpioncrash Bugged Berry Aisling Fiver Alderspot Sandripple Wicket hawkrunner kuzon 🌾Wheatfeather🪶 Doveflutter Shimmerscale Bolicha Stagrun Basset Starlingflight Bigthroat Rushcove 🌊Creekstorm🌀 Bonsai Stoatskip Stonevine Ashgaze Hyacinthcurl Gigglechirp Antjaw applefall Bearsnap robinchatter - 🪶 foxspirit - 🦊 🌿Springfern🌿 Smogwillow Dawngaze Dusk ☀️Daystar🌟 BeetleBranch CardinalFluff cowfoot Mouseheart specklepelt - ♣️ sparrowbreeze Drizzlewind Falcon Fireleaf ⚡️Whitestreak⚡️ Ferretslip windwhistle - 💨 Harveststar🌾 Flipflop Sporeshine Malevolent mossystar - 🌱 Jaggedflight silkheart - 🍬 Shining Yew Ivybloom KestrelClover Osprey SpruceStar Hazelbird🌰 AshenThorn PetalPaw BristleThorn PigeonClaw Brackenstorm Bleakheart Thistlesong Raccoonpaw 🦗Cricketdust🐞👵 Jeju Tigerspirit Dogwoodpaw Dustpaw Weaselpaw Whirlwhisper honeycoat - 🍯 blunt - 🚘 Willowsong Boot Cloverstream 💕Rustswirl💗💝 Reapwatcher Brownclaw & Thickethop Cinnamon 33 🩵Smoke🪁 Cashew Auburntail Swooppaw Copperflame Bramble Bong🦷 Webswirl Safari Pumpkinpurr DeerMist Sheepfish🐟 Sunheart☀️ 👺Shrewfang🧛 RabbitHeart 🪔Redflight🎈❣️ 🌹Rosedust💥 fogwatcher - 🌫️ shadelight - 🌩️ Dawneye Brookflight Bluetuft Bandit Bubzy 🌙Addersting🔱 🐴🪃Briarstream🍃 Show More
1 year, 3 months ago
2 months, 5 days ago
288 1029784 13 7

Chapter 61
Published 7 months, 20 days ago

Explicit Violence

This is an archive for a rp server that I'm in! It will be constantly updated as the plot goes on!

Book cover art by Calley_Spring, thanks Spring!

View all archive sprites here!

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Author's Notes

Cats mentioned

Dustkit (she/her), Forestclan kit, owned by SeraphCritter


Drizzlekit (he/they), Cactusclan kit, owned by beheaded_dino


Ashenthorn (he/him), Starclan cat, former Forestclan warrior, owned Mallowkie


Bigthroat (she/her), Starclan cat, former Forestclan queen, owned by Calley_Spring


Maggotstar (he/him), Starclan cat, former Flowerclan leader, owned by SeraphCritter


Gingerstar (she/her), Starclan cat, former Cactusclan leader, owned by Calley_Spring


Cloverstream (she/her), Starclan cat, former Cactusclan queen, owned by beheaded_dino


Sporeshine (she/they), Dark Forest cat, former Forestclan medicine cat, owned by CloudyMilku


Reapwatcher (he/him), Dark Forest cat, former Forestclan warrior, owned by SeraphCritter


Addersting (he/him), Dark Forest cat, former Castleclan warrior, owned by Calley_Spring


Dead Cats

In Starclan 

"How are you doing down there, little one?" Cloverstream stared wistfully at Drizzlekit.

Biggie watched the other queen stare down at the child, and a strong sense of longing tugged at her own heart. She missed Dustkit

"The loss of their mother is large." Cloverstream said, aware of Bigthroat. "They will grow up without us, mourn us. But our time had come." She said, nodding her head.

Bigthroat nodded, solemn. “I wish Dustkit to grow up to be a strong and fine warrior. I wish for her wounds to heal, both those that are shown on her body and in her soul...”

"Indeed." Cloverstream said, sighing. "I can only hope Drizzlekit makes the right choices, otherwise he could be doomed to never join me here." Her voice grew quiet.

Biggie glanced her way and offered a comforting purr. “He’ll find his way to you.”

"I can only hope." Cloverstream said, and padded away, finding her clanmates.

Bigthroat watched her go before turning back to the crystal pools. She watched her former clanmates reluctantly settle in their enemy’s camp. Her gaze flickered to Mossystar and Dustkit and she watched with grief banging on her soul.

Ashenthorn gets up from where he was sitting grooming himself. He felt satisfied with his look, even though his fur didn't seem to change much now that he was dead. "Oh- Right...that one cat was super hot...did he also die?" He says seeming to talk to himself. He shrugs and makes his way towards the Dark Forest.

In The Dark Forest 

Addersting woke up with a gasp. His throat burned as if molten fire had been woven into his skin. He heaved on the murky ground, feeling brambles and thorns dig into his sides. Coughs wracked through his body, spitting out red liquids and rose drops out from his maw.

As the fire settled around his body, burning him with smog and rose thorns dusting around him, Addersting let out strangled cries as he contorted. Everything felt different around him. He explored the forest a bit, finding nothing but snapped bones and dark twigs

Ashenthorn seemed to appear through some bushes. He saw Addersting and immediately ran towards him. "You! Ah yes! I was looking for you!" He says with a grin.

Addersting looked over at the approaching cat. Who the hell was this dude?

"I never got your name from when you were tearing out my throat, but you also seemed to have took my heart too~" Ashenthorn says with a wink.

Addersting blinked, furrowing his brows. “What?” He snarked, studying Ashenthorn.

"You were just so strong- your claws so sharp. No wonder you murdered so many, really gotta show off those assets." Ashenthorn gave Addersting a charming smile. 

“Pardon?” Addersting asked. Despite his frank stoic expression, he looked confused. It then dawned on him, what Ashenthorn was referring to. A small traitorous part of him is enlightened at the praise but he refrained from making any other visible reaction. “Who are you…again?”

"Ah right, you were too enthralled in your bloodlust to lust for my looks. I'm Ashenthorn, you killed me along with some other Forestclan cats." Ashenthorn nodded, prideful of his own looks.

The former Castleclan cat flicked his gaze over the Starclan cat, looking slightly disgusted. “You’re very laid-back for being one of my victims. Don’t you hate me?”

"Ha! Hate is overrated." Ashenthorn laughs. "That'd be wasteful, with the way you look. Your eyes are as deep and clear as the sky, and your fur patterns and colors are as beautiful as the fallen leaves kissed by the rays of sun before bare-leaf."

Addersting narrowed his eyes. “That isn’t really a compliment.” He said, bluntly. “What are you trying to accomplish here?”

Ashenthorn frowned. "I'm just trying to get a date with my favorite killer! nothing wrong with that, is it?"

That was news to him. Addersting flicked an ear, growing a cringed grin. “You want to court me?” He inquired, looking amused

"I don't know what court means, but I'm assuming that means you're considering it?" Ashenthorn asks with a hopeful smile.

Addersting gave a false smile. “You are a mousebrained fool if you think I would ever take interest in you.”

"Aww come on, why not? You're already dead, I'm already dead, you're a handsome guy, I'm a beautiful guy. We have a lot in common, annd there's nothing to lose!" Ashenthorn smirks. "With all the time in the world, why not just do whatever?"

“I see no valid reason to even consider spending any time with you.” Addersting spat. He looked around hoping there would be other cats he would be forced to interact with rather than this lovesick fool.

Ashenthorn shrugs, "Well, I'll stick around until you consider it." He says, smiling. "I've been rejected many a time, but with us being dead, I feel like I can do whatever I want." He says with a stubborn 'hmph' sound.

Addersting twitched. He looked around trying to figure what to do then. He wasn’t sure how to shake the other cat off especially since Ashenthorn literally grasped onto him.

There would be some rustling of bushes. Dead bushes, since Dark Forest, but appearing in their clearing was the largest tom either cat would ever see. The brown tabby stared down at them not saying anything but his eyes were looking at Ashenthorn. Starclan cat. What in the world was a Starclan cat doing in the dark forest..?

Addersting bristled, whirling around to see the large tabby appear from the undergrowth. WHAT?! How large was this cat??

Ashenthorn noticed the giant cat...hmm too intimidating, tempting, but he normally flirted with one cat at a time. "So, I never caught your name Mr.Killer." Ashenthorn asks.

Addersting frowned. This cat was still on that dung.

Reapwatcher would raise a brow watching the two. He gave them a disgusted look before starting to turn to walk away leaving the two be

Addersting narrowed his eyes. “What was that?!” He hissed

Reapwatcher paused turning back to look at Addersting, "What." He grunted, raising a brow. He hadn't seen Addersting before but he just assumed Addersting and Ashenthorn were lovers when they were alive. He didn't really care and just wanted to find a different cat to fight since he was bored and there was literally nothing else to do

“What?” Addersting echoed, narrowing his eyes.

Ashenthorn sat down and just looked between the two of them confused.

Reapwatcher sighed, "What is a Starclan cat doing here?" He finally asked. It would be a while to find another cat and might as well find out why such a puny Starclan cat was doing in the Dark Forest, "You know you should really be careful with your whole lovey thing if it's a Starclan cat." He meowed with a yawn, bored out of his mind, "The other Dark Forest cats won't like it they might hurt that puny thing. Well. Okay they will hurt him."

Reapwatcher’s words made Addersting recoil in disgust. “We are not lovers.” He spat out. “I could care less what happens to this freak.”

Ashenthorn had a hurt look on his face. "I can't believe you'd say that!" He says with a scoff. "It doesn't matter what happened in the past, I'm trying to move on with you."

Reapwatcher blinked watching them, "So if he isn't your mate, why is he here?" He asked a wicked smile growing on his face, "Does that mean I can chase him out? He's a bit puny for my taste but I always enjoy making Starclan cats bleed."

Addersting shrugged. “Go for it if you want.” He said dismissively.

Ashenthorn backed away. "I can't believe you'd do this to me!" He says, pained. He still didn't get Addersting's name.

Reapwatcher smiled easily leaping from where he was, tackling Ashenthorn to the ground. His paws flexed as if trying to unsheath his claws but there were no claws. He would blink staring down at Ashenthorn "You are much smaller than I expected..." He frowned disappointed

Addersting cringed. “He’s like a ferret.” He quipped, looking bored.

"Wow you're big and strong too, but I'm with Mr.Killer right now...I can't really go for someone else." Ashenthorn says while still on the ground.

Reapwatcher looked disgusted before raising his large paw slamming it hard against Ashenthorn's head 

Ashenthorn feels the large paw slam against his head and he passes out. He disappears from the Dark Forest in front of the two cats.

Reapwatcher stood there still flexing his paws. That wasn't satisfying at all. He would shake his pelt looking back at Addersting, "You look new." He meowed wanting to ignore the weirdly flirty Starclan cat

Addersting frowned, straightening up. “I just woke up here...”

"Oh wow...really fresh." Reapwatcher chuckled smiling again, "So what did you do?" He asked curiously walking towards Addersting looking him up and down, sizing him

Addersting narrowed his cold eyes. “I eliminated any threats that endangered my family.” He answered. His voice had a sharp edge to it, filled with ice and tattered flecks of venom.

"Cool," Reapwatcher meowed unphased by Addersting, "You know you're lucky I found you." He meowed yawning again, "Cats here aren't friendly. They like to fight...and that's it so just be careful who you run into and be prepared to fight. Always." He instructed

Addersting raised a brow. “Okay?” He meowed. “I’ve had my share of unfriendly cats.”

"Trust me. They're worse here." Reapwatcher said before grunting. He turned his head coughing hard before spitting out blood. He turned back to Addersting, "You at least know you're dead right?" He meowed just to make sure

Addersting held up a paw to his burning throat. A large gash of burning rose petals covered his scars. “I am dead…”

"Good, you aren't mousebrained" Reapwatcher meowed with a smile patting Addersting's back with his large paw, maybe patting him a little too hard

Addersting started forward a bit but quickly redeemed himself. He gave Reapwatcher an annoyed look. “What did you do to end up here?”

Reapwatcher blinked, "Well...I've been here a while...I think I killed a cat...two? Hard to say..." He murmured as he tried to recall what he had done

“Warriors usually have to kill cats.” Addersting snorted

Reapwatcher shook his head "Cats of my own clan." He meowed rolling his eyes

In Starclan 

Ashenthorn re-appears in starclan still passed out 💀

Bigthroat pads over and nudges her friend. “Oh dear…”

Maggotstar was trying not to laugh from afar

“Is he okay?” Gingerstar asked softly, tilting her head

Ashenthorn gets up suddenly with a huff. He looks around and groans. "Dam it...I was so close to convincing him too."

"Yeah I say you try again!" Maggotstar burst out laughing

“Convincing who?” Gingerstar mumbled, distracted by silverpelt around her

"I don't know his name, but he stole my heart when he ripped my throat out." Ashenthorn says looking dazed in love. "He's so dazzlingly strong."

Maggotstar fell to the floor cackling

Ashenthorn after resting enough gets up to look for something to do. He felt like maybe trying again with his Killer. He had all the time in the world, but he didn’t want to be bored. He padded to go to the Dark Forest.

In The Dark Forest 

Sporeshine perched up on a tree branch, fiddling around with her collection of various poisons that she foraged.

Reapwatcher would be wandering like he normally was. He hadn't found any suitable fighting companions and he was getting pretty bored

Sporeshine accidentally dropped a death berry when the tree shook, they hissed in frustration and looked down, "Hey! Do you mind not making earthquakes whenever you walk?"

Reapwatcher stopped where he was walking. He looked at the death berry before up at Sporeshine, "What so I'm not allowed to walk now?" He scoffed

Sporeshine tsked, "Maybe try to not stomp your paws? It's not that hard darling."

Reapwatcher stared up at Sporeshine before going to the tree. He grabbed onto it and started to shake the tree just to annoy Sporeshine more. He couldn't climb it being unbalanced because of his large size and heavy weight. It didn't help he didn't have any claws

Sporeshine yelped as her collection of poisons started falling off the tree branch, she tried to hook them up before they fell but that just resorted to them falling off themself.

Reapwatcher would laugh, "Whoops so sorry~" He meowed before looking at the poisons, "Where are you even finding this stuff? All the plants are dead here."

Sporeshine sat up, brushing off the dust off her pelt, "I grow them." They answered, "I found a few shriveled up seeds and managed to revive them."

Reapwatcher scoffed with a yawn, "Why are you doing that?" He asked since they couldn't exactly die and he was surprised none of the Starclan cats found out and came down destroying what Sporeshine has cultivated

"What else am I supposed to do then?" Sporeshine said, squooping up the poisonous herbs that fell on the ground.

Reapwatcher sat down with a huff, "I don't know..." He meowed, "It's so boring around here." He grumbled since the dark forest cats could be pretty spread out

"Exactly." Sporeshine flexed their claws, almost mocking the large tom, "I'm not into the fighting stuff."

Reapwatcher watched Sporeshine flex their claws. He tried to do the same but no claws came out. "Yeah because growing useless plants is much more satisfying." He rolled his eyes

"I prefer to watch my victims wither in pain while begging for me to help." Sporeshine smirked.

"Those death berries just give us stomach aches...no death...it's boring!" Reapwatcher meowed exasperated although he enjoyed knocking out the starclan cats. It was the closest to watching death they could get "...what do you think those living cats are doing..?"

Sporeshine flicked her ear, "Who cares? I certainly don't. I doubt anyone remembers me."

Reapwatcher thought about it, "Do you think we could kill them? Hurt then?" He wondered flexing his clawless paws once again

Sporeshine thought about it for a second, "Well I never experimented that...I have tried to leave but I don't think there's a way..."

"Even if we could what if we can't hurt them. Can't even touch them." Reapwatcher meowed pressing his paw against the dead tree "What I would give to see Forestclan..." He sighed letting his shoulders sag

Sporeshine tilted her head, "I've seen you around big guy, never bothered to ask who you are though."

Reapwatcher would lift his head looking at Sporeshine. He couldn't remember if he saw Sporeshine before. Although his mind was slowly failing him the longer he stayed in the Dark forest. He knew it wouldn't be long before he became one of those cats that nobody could interact with, they just want death and fighting. "I don't think I've seen you around." He meowed squinting his eyes

"I'm Sporeshine, former medicine cat of Forestclan." She introduced herself, "Been here for a very long time, longer than you I reckon." They added.

The dark tabby nodded, "I'm Reapwatcher. I was part of Forestclan..." He meowed but didn't want to mention how he was stripped of his rank as a warrior and as a Forestclan cat altogether

"So what you in for?" Sporeshine asked, intrigued by the large tom.

Reapwatcher blinked, "I can't recall easily...I killed a cat...maybe two." He shrugged with a sigh wondering why he could barely remember anything

Sporeshine blinked, "That's it?" She looked unimpressed.

Reapwatcher shrugged, taking a breath. "I was captured by twolegs. I managed to escape but they had taken my claws...so Forestclan wouldn't take me back." He explained showing his paws flexing them to show how no claws came out. "When they refused to let me be a warrior...that's when it all became a blur." He muttered. He had been so mad...after being the best warrior of Forestclan

"Well I manipulated my leader, poisoned a bunch of my clanmates and blamed it on a sickness." Sporeshine said nonchalantly.

"Which leader?" Reapwatcher asked curiously since he didn't remember Sporeshine being a medicine cat when he had lived in Forestclan. How had Sporeshine survived not having their mind corroded living in the Dark Forest for so long

"Timberstar." Sporeshine said, "It was a long time ago, doubt you know them."

Reapwatcher nodded, "When I was still alive it was Storkstar." He meowed 

"I don't think know a stork..." Sporeshine shrugged, "But then again I've here for like 300 moons."

Reapwatcher looked at Sporeshine with wide eyes, "How haven't you corroded?" He asked curiously

Sporeshine shrugged again, "I'm not sure...maybe because I carved my victims' names down on a tree when I first got here...it does help me remember."

Reapwatcher tried to remember the cats he killed but he knew he had been in such a rage he couldn't think straight(gay). "I don't even really remember how I killed them...I think I snapped one's neck with my jaw...like a bird." He meowed remembering how easily he had pinned the other cat down even without claws

Sporeshine smirked, "Cats are extremely easy to kill, and so satisfying too."

Reapwatcher growled "I just don't understand how I'm unworthy to be a warrior!" He exclaimed standing to his towering height "Look at me!" He hissed flexing his clawless paws he heaved shaking his head before looking at Sporeshine "Where have you grown your plants? I want to see some life that aren't these cats." He meowed

Sporeshine hissed defensively, "And let you ruin my hard work? No!"

"Don't worry I won't take any pleasure destroying your 'hard work'. But I can't just sit here and talk about our past." Reapwatcher meowed licking his paw and cleaning his face

Sporeshine eyed Reapwatcher, "Fine...but don't even think about destroying them." They led them to the thicker part of the forest, and brushed away some of the foliage to reveal a patch of brightly colored berries, all in that deadly shade of red.

Reapwatcher followed. He looked at the alive plants with wide eyes, "Well would you look at that." He chuckled, gently touching a berry with his paw. "Good thing no Starclan cats have found out about it yet." He murmured

Sporeshine snorted, "It's not like those starry wusses come by here anyway."

Reapwatcher blinked before pulling his paw away looking at Sporeshine, "Actually, I met a new arrival to the Dark forest. Can't recall his name but he had one of those starry mouse dungs clinging to him. Trying to make him his mate." He meowed still flabbergasted at the idea

Sporeshine perked with interest, "Is that so? Maybe I should make a love potion for them."

Reapwatcher gave Sporeshine a disgusted look "I-I don't...no...that Starclan tom was..." He shuddered, "So weird.."

Sporeshine smirked, "Oh it's just a lil something to make him sleep for awhile."

"Which one?" Reapwatcher asked raising a brow but it could be more interesting than being bored

"Whoever takes the bait." Sporeshine said, plucking out a few death berries, "But of course I wouldn't mind messing with both of them."

Reapwatcher nodded, "I don't think we can get that Starclan cat back to the Dark Forest though." He thought hoping getting knocked out scared Ashenthorn away

"Well if that lovesick fool is desperate enough..." Sporeshine mushed the death berries into a pulp, "Anything can happen."

"Augh...we have to find that new guy then..." Reapwatcher muttered before watching Sporeshine, "What are you planning to do?"

"Splashing them with the love potion and since there's no water here, they have to lick it off." Sporeshine explained, wrapping up the love potion in a leaf bundle, "And if the lovey dovey guy is foolish enough, he'll try to clean it off the newbie."

Reapwatcher watched and nodded "And then what?" He asked raising a brow

"I think I have some foxgloves somewhere around here...ah yes here we go." Sporeshine used another leaf grabbed a pretty flower, "Foxgloves are extremely poisonous, even touching them is dangerous...do you see where I'm going with this?"

Reapwatcher stared at Sporeshine and shook his head, "Nope. Won't that just send him back to Starclan?" He asked

Sporeshine scoffed, "Foxgloves make the cat extremely delirious and unhinged, it's not a fast killer like death berries, but not slow either, and we can watch them descend into madness as well, which is always a plus." They explained, "And because we're already dead, and they're probably just gonna consumed a little bit of the love potion, we get to torment him for a bit before he sparkles back."

Reapwatcher smiled, "Ooo that does sound fun." He laughed but again wasn't sure where he could find Addersting, "Have you seen any toms with a neck wound. He had roses on it." He meowed and that being all he remembered

Sporeshine shook their head, "No but newbies usually hang around at the border between Starclan." They picked up the leaf warps and headed to there, "Starclan cats always appear around here, so I assume this is the border."

Reapwatcher would stand up and followed Sporeshine, "Seems like more dark forest to me..." He meowed looking at the never ending stretch of dead trees and bushes

Sporeshine hid the ingredients in a nearby bush, "I'm not exactly sure how it works, but those starry flea pelts appear around here, and the dead sparkles also disappear here as well."

Reapwatcher nodded looking along this invisible line that Starclan cat appears from, "So we just...sit here?" He asked raising a brow

"We still need to find the newbie, we can do that while we wait." Sporeshine looked around, "He is our bait after all."

Reapwatcher sighed, "You better have some charm. That tom didn't seem to be the social type." He meowed flicking his ear as he looking around

Addersting was not at the border, but rather further away. He was clawing at his wounds, trying to rid them of these damn roses.

Sporeshine winked, "I have plenty of charm, I didn't make my entire clan bow down to me from sheer luck."

"Okay your highness." Reapwatcher rolled his eyes, looking up at some of the taller trees "Maybe you can spot him from up there?" He suggested since he couldn't climb trees

Sporeshine clawed her way up the tree, but slipped before she could reach the first branch, they hissed in frustration.

Ashenthorn appears in the Dark Forest. He wanders about, looking around. He never really had a good chance to look at the Dark Forest’s scenery, but one thing for sure was that it did not suit the mood he wanted for when he finally brings his killer on a date.

Addersting felt a disturbance in the force.

Sporeshine stiffened, "Did you hear that? Sounds like our starry friend is here."

Reapwatcher froze in looked around, "Where?" He whispered wondering if they would still need the new guy

"Somewhere close, he's walking around like he owns the place." Sporeshine huffed.

Ashenthorn wandered around looking for a better spot for his date. He was able to find a somewhat less than decent spot, but considering it was the Dark Forest it would just have to do. Now all he had to do was find his killer, get his name, get a date. Easy enough.

The former Castleclan cat weaved through the woods, not sure what he was trying to avoid. Other cats, at this point. He didn’t expect to notice Ashenthorn pop up a few fox lengths away from him but it appeared as if the idiot hasn’t seen him yet. Addersting quickly ducked behind a tree and stood there contemplating how this had become his life

"What an idiot..." Reapwatcher muttered, wondering if he should try to move or not

Sporeshine narrowed her eyes, grabbing the poisons, they crept around, slithering through the undergrowth silently like a snake, they smirked when they spotted a brown tom with neck scars and rose petals.

Addersting was glaring at the sky. Maybe he can sneak away without being noticed.

Ashenthorn spotted two cats, one of them being the large cat from before. Nice! Maybe it'll help him find his future love. He padded over to the two of them. "Hey there!" He says with a smile. "I'm looking for someone, and since you two are residences here, I figured maybe you might have a clue of where he could be?"

Reapwatcher stared at Ashenthorn with wide eyes. The Starclan cat was approaching him. After what he had done last time. "Uhhhh-" He was at a loss for words

Sporeshine looked at the starry cat and thought about shoving him into Addersting to get the show started, they swept their tail to knock him off him paws but that barely did anything.

Addersting watched them, his eyes widening by the second. They better not.

Reapwatcher would look at Addersting. He gave the other tom a cruel smirk, "He's right over there." He purred pointing with his tail

Addersting shot him a glare. He flexed his claws and edged around the tree.

Sporeshine stood up, "Hold on let me prep you for your date." She offered with a sickly sweet smile.

"Ah you'd really do that?" Ashenthorn asked Sporeshine, after giving Reapwatcher a nod of thanks. "Wow, I'm surprised you'd be so nice to do that-" He says excitedly. "Most cats would be too busy wanting a date with me, than to actually set one up for me!"

Reapwatcher was cringing right on the spot

Sporeshine smirked, "It's no problem honey." They continued, using that fake sweet and kind tone, they set down the leaf bundles, and pushed the with the foxglove over to Ashenthorn, "Here's a pretty flower to give to him."

We never finished this rip

Author's Notes

Tldr : Ashenthorn tries to get a date with his killer, he fails but tries again because he's a simp, Sporeshine and Reapwatcher help set it up but they're actually trolling, and it seems like the script never got finished so we will never know what happens