Warriors of the Plants

Larkswim Deerwhisper ♠️Ashcloud♟️ 🪶Finchrush🍃 Rockfang Indy Rattlestrike Fawnbright Blackchin berrypaw - 🫐 Amber'Mantis Harry 🍃Littlebreeze🎐 🪶Quailleap🔻 🐿️Squirrelheart🏵️ 🥀Aspendream🪦(Dark Forest Amaji Tuliptiger Lionlight Shrubkit Firefly Nettletear Maggotstar Tempestkit Muffin Woolymoth Acornsparrow Magnus Felix Cider Fumblelight Dustbunny BeechFace Dapplepetal Kitty Mapleblaze Crowtalon Follydance Mudriver CypressStep Lightningbug Silence Wolfshadow Swirlkit Wild'Stripe Avery Canarystride Rollybug Cloudingkit Jackdawwing Gorseclaw Gloomfreckle Cherryblaze Flintrunner Swallowtail Chirpkit Dottie Blu Irisbreeze Scorpionpaw Bugberry Aisling Fiver Alderspot Sandripple Wicket hawkrunner kuzon 🌾Wheatfeather🪶 Stormpaw (for now) Shimmerscale Bolicha Stagrun Basset Starlingflight Bigthroat Rushcove 🌊Creekstorm🌀 Bonsai Stoatskip Stonevine Ashgaze Hyacinthcurl Gigglechirp Antjaw applefall Bearsnap robinchatter - 🪶 foxspirit - 🦊 🌿Springfern🌿 Smogwillow Dawngaze Dusk ☀️Daystar🌟 BeetleBranch CardinalFluff cowfoot Mouseheart specklepelt - ♣️ sparrowbreeze Drizzlewind Falcon Fireleaf ⚡️Whitestreak⚡️ Ferretslip windwhistle - 💨 Harveststar🌾 Flipflop Sporeshine Malevolent mossystar - 🌱 Jaggedflight silkheart - 🍬 Yewshine Ivybloom KestrelClover Osprey SpruceStar Hazelbird🌰 AshenThorn PetalPaw BristleThorn PigeonClaw Brackenstorm Bleakheart Thistlesong Raccoonpaw 🦗Cricketdust🐞👵 Jeju Tigerspirit Dogwoodpaw Dustpaw Weaselpaw Whirlwhisper honeycoat - 🍯 blunt - 🚘 Willowsong Boot Cloverstream 💕Rustswirl💗💝 Reapwatcher Brownclaw & Thickethop Cinnamon 33 🩵Smoke🪁 Cashew Auburntail Swooppaw Copperflame Bramble Bong🦷 Webswirl Safari Pumpkinpurr DeerMist Sheepfish🐟 Sunheart☀️ 👺Shrewfang🧛 RabbitHeart 🪔Redflight🎈❣️ 🌹Rosedust💥 fogwatcher - 🌫️ shadelight - 🌩️ Dawneye Brookflight Bluetuft Bandit Bubzy 🌙Addersting🔱 🐴🪃Briarstream🍃 Show More
1 year, 18 days ago
1 hour, 14 minutes ago
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Chapter 81
Published 9 months, 10 days ago

Explicit Violence

This is an archive for a rp server that I'm in! It will be constantly updated as the plot goes on!

Book cover art by Calley_Spring, thanks Spring!

View all archive sprites here!

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Author's Notes

Cats mentioned 

Thistlesong (he/him), Cactusclan medicine cat, owned by beheaded_dino


Sheepfish (he/him), Cactusclan warrior, owned by SeraphCritter


Sprucestar (she/her), Castleclan leader, owned by Mallowkie


Mousepaw (she/her), Castleclan medicine cat apprentice, owned by MintieBerrie


Redflight (he/him), Castleclan warrior, owned by Calley_Spring


Pumpkinpurr (they/them), Castleclan warrior, owned by CloudyMilku


Hawkrunner (she/her), Castleclan warrior, owned by idk they keep changing their username 

Webswirl (they/them), Castleclan warrior, owned by SeraphCritter

Whitepaw (she/they), Castleclan apprentice, owned by Calley_Spring


Cricketdust (she/her), Castleclan elder, owned by Calley_Spring


Beetlebranch (he/him), Castleclan elder, owned by Mallowkie


Felix (he/him), a kittypet, owned by Mallowkie

Tiger (she/her), a loner, owned by Taerriin


Addersting (he/him), Dark Forest cat, former Castleclan warrior, owned by Calley_Spring


New Potato Beans

Inside the stone den 

Whitepaw padded off into the kitchen. She ignored the three cats being all huggy and cute and made a beeline for the cabinets where she usually saw these items.

Redflight noticed the apprentice walk in like a cat on a mission. He just tilted her head as she rummaged through some of the cabinets before walking out with a transparent box

Sprucestar casually does her normal patrols around the stone den, checking in with most of the cats. She was upstairs when all the arguing was happening, so she happened to not hear what was going on. She first stopped at the Kitchen area, and noticed the three cats, she didn't want to bother them...but they seemed a bit...distressed? She padded over to them, noticing that Sheepfish, who is injured, was one of them. "Are you three ok? And Sheepfish, did you get clearance to start moving around yet?" She asked the three of them.

Redflight reluctantly let go of Sheepfish and backed up to give the others more room

Sheepfish would look at the leader he pulled somewhat away from the two other cats awkwardly, "Oh uh...n-no..." He meowed, although it was strange he wasn't getting reprimanded if he hadn't gotten clearance

Pumpkinpurr wiped their tears, "It's probably...not the best to go to the medicine den right now..."

Redflight nodded. “I hear it’s quite the mess...”

Sprucestar shook her head. "Oh...what happened?" She asked worriedly.

Sheepfish would blink, "Thistlesong and two apprentices came to uh...get me?" He meowed "But I think they left..." He meowed, realizing how weird that sounded

"Chaos." Pumpkinpurr said simply.

"Huh? They couldn't tell you were injured and need to stay here for the time being?" Sprucestar asked. "Do they always treat you like this?"

Sheepfish shifted awkwardly, "Uhh.. yeah?" He meowed, not sure why he was telling this to the Castleclan leader

Pumpkinpurr sniffed, "Probably for the best he doesn't go back honestly, those cats are crazy."

Sprucestar shook her head, this cat seems to need help, a sanctuary. "I know Cactusclan is your home, but when you're all healed up just know that you can stay with us as long as you need to, and always are welcome to come back."

Sheepfish smiled. He barely knew Sprucestar yet she was being so kind to him. "Ah...thank you." He smiled. Maybe he could start a new life here. Where he wasn't forgotten yet have all the unsavory duties shoved onto him. He could be important

"Alright, I'm going to go find Mousepaw and talk to her about continuing to treat you. Try to find somewhere you can be comfortable here, don't want anything causing more pain on your wounds." Sprucestar says with a nod, accepting his thanks. She pads off to the Medicine cat den and peeks around for Mousepaw to see if she was busy.

Once Sprucestar left Sheepfish sagged a bit. He was exhausted. He just wanted to curl up and sleep for moons...or maybe forever

Whitepaw had disappeared outside. She left the box by Mousepaw. Soon she returned from the garden, holding another big bug in her maw. It struggled in their grasp and you can tell she was trying to be gentle with it.

Mousepaw gasped. Wow, did Whitepaw work fast. "Oh my goodness! Uh...here!" Mousepaw said, opening the box to trap the bug.

Whitepaw dropped the bug inside the box and quickly closed it. Then they peered through the sides. Two of its legs were crooked but other than that, the not cicada seemed fine. It buzzed as it wandered around the enclosure.

Mousepaw peered into the box with wonder in her eyes. So this was the type of creature that could drive clans out of their homes. She still hadn't forgotten how these insects hurt her so much when they were at their peak, but it seemed so tiny and defenseless all alone. "It's really fascinating, isn't it, Whitepaw?" She said. 

"With you by my side, it doesn't feel like it can hurt me--" Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a presence behind her. Mousepaw slowly turned her head around and met her leader's eyes. "Eep!" She squeaked.

Whitepaw looked up to see Sprucestar pop in. They held up the box like it was an offering and lightly shook it.

"Hey Mousepaw, just letting you know that Sheepfish is out by the prey pile, I think he needs treatment...but it's your call. Also make sure to give him clearance before he can leave the medicine cat den." Sprucestar says to Mousepaw. She looks over to Whitepaw and tilts her head wondering what they were doing. She peers into the box and sees the bug. "Oh are you two studying the bugs..?

Whitepaw nodded, shaking the box again. She picked out some of the bigger cicadas so they could study them much easier.

Mousepaw's ears drooped down. Resting Ones, she really did do more damage to Sheepfish than she thought she would. Would Sheepfish even want her to heal him at this point? If she was in Sheepfish's spot, she wouldn't even want to look at her, let alone be in the same den. Still, he was hurting. Mousepaw had to help him. She nodded at her leader and turned to Whitepaw. She briefly leaned on them. "I'll be back soon," She promised before she was off to find Sheepfish.

Sprucestar watches Mousepaw leave the den before looking back at the box. "Well keep it somewhere safe and away from some cats. I think with everything that has happened outside, a few of them has become uncomfortable around those." Sprucestar says to Whitepaw.

Whitepaw nodded. They looked around the corridor before wondering where to put the box exactly

Cricketdust was up in the morning. She had been watching over Tiger for a couple of hours, making sure the sleeping queen was well rested.

After many days, Tiger had been feeling so much better thanks to the cats of this place. Mousepaw, though young has been a wonderful help for her and healing her wounds which all were now closed and bright pink. Everyday she felt her belly move and the kits inside jumble around. Opening her eyes and stretching her body stiff it felt as thought the time was near. 

Tiger wouldn’t admit it but she was terrified at being a mother now that her mate was gone. She sighed and knew this was the best place for her kits to be safe and grow. “They will be here soon.” She cooed to her belly talking to both herself and the other cats near.

Cricketdust purred, offering some comforting licks over Tiger’s ear. “They will be beautiful kits.”

Mousepaw looked at her with wonder in her eyes. She knew that the actual birth might be scary, but it was also somehow exciting as well. "Do you have any names picked out yet?" She asked.

“Like my mother did for me I would like to wait until they have been born. With all her travels she would tell me stories of my name and how I looked like a little Tiger.” She smiled warmly recalling her memories of her own kithood. “These will be my second litter,” She said with a sad tone, “My first litter didn’t make it, but for the first time I have hope.” 

Tiger looked up at the other cat. As she said this though her body started to clench into itself as if she was having bad stomach cramps. Her ears flattened to her head knowingly. “Oh no, I-I think they’re coming.”

Cricketdust blinked, looking surprised. She quickly calmed her expression. “Okay, it’s going to be okay. Mousepaw?” She turned to the apprentice and offered a comforting pat. “You can do this, I’ll help you.”

Mousepaw nodded, even though she felt extremely unsure. "Yes! And thanks," She said, smiling at the elder. She went over and sat beside Tiger and gave the queen a comforting lick. "You got this."

Cricketdust slowly handed her paw to Tiger. She knew how painful this part could get but Tiger needed all the support she could offer.

Feeling her body clench, Tiger tried to smile but could only clench as she felt another contraction hit her with a wave of pain. She gave a loud moan as she pushed her body to release the kit. Finally the first Kit slide from her and she turned to see it, she began to lick the kit clean of any unwanteds. A small round black fuzzy ball emerged as Tiger got up to reposition herself so the kit would find her easier as her body started to push again the moment she lied down.

Cricketdust gave a wry smile, shaking her sore paw. “You did great!” She murmured, patting Tiger’s head

Mousepaw squeaked at the sudden appearance of the black kitten, but then she calmed down. She began to stroke the queen's fur to comfort her.

Claws digging into the blankets around her, Tiger felt that this kit was a little harder to released. The pain was so bad and all she wanted was for it to stop. She knew though she couldn’t give up not for anything, just like when she ran from the foxes, she too would survive this. Finally after about an hour of pushing the she cat finally released the next kit. Licking frantically until the small white, orange and black kit began to breath and mewl.

"Daw, they're so cute!" Mousepaw said. "You're doing so good!"

“Congratulations!” Cricketdust purred.

Tiger thought things were over but the moment she took the seeds the pain ebbed but the contractions started again. “There’s, one, more.” She was breathing hard but with a final yell she released the small white and grey blob but she was so tired. 

Cricketdust sniffed the bundles. They were so small as fresh newborns usually were. “Mousepaw, give her something to help numb the pains.” She murmured softly to the apprentice. “Three healthy kits, good job, Tiger!” She cooed. She sniffed the kits, two she cats and a tom.

Mousepaw nodded and went to get Tiger some poppy seeds. "Eat these, Tiger. It'll help," she said.

“I’ll go report to Sprucestar, I’ll be right back.” Cricketdust said softly. She turned and hobbled out the med den.

As Mousepaw fed the queen the poppy seeds, she took over the task of cleaning up the kittens. Each of their mews warmed her heart. This wasn't as nearly bad as I thought!

Tiger attempted to clean off the last kit but she had passed out before she could, her mind was a weird swirl of pain. She only passed out for a moment before finishing cleaning the last kit and finally falling asleep on her side.

Sprucestar was sitting at the stair case once again, she had just finished patrolling the upstairs area and was taking a break.

Cricketdust padded over to Sprucestar. “Tiger, the newcomer, just delivered her litter.” She said softly, feeling pride surge through her

"That's great news!" Sprucestar would say. "Lets go ready the nursery, so Tiger and her kits have a place to rest when she's out of the Medicine Cat den" She says.

Cricketdust nodded. “I’ll go fetch Redflight, maybe the work will make him feel better.”

Redflight followed the older cats to the unused nursery upstairs. He knew the newcomer was pregnant but now he was wondering how they expected to bring her up to the dens upstairs when she was already so worn out. “So...” He looked around the nursery and felt a pang of nostalgia hit him. “What should we start with?”

"Making sure the beddings are useable for her." Sprucestar says, starting to clear out one of the pillows, wiping the dust off.

Redflight got to work on adjusting the comfy beds. He made sure the blankets were nice and tidy and that the soft plush pillows formed a makeshift wall around the basket. He remembered his infancy here. He couldn’t remember his mother but he remembered growing up beside Hawkrunner, Pumpkinpurr, and…Addersting

Sprucestar would double check around the nursery for any possible dangerous objects. She found a few shards of glass, probably from some old roughhousing that happened moons ago. She wondered why this wasn't already cleared out. She picked up the glass carefully with her teeth and took it out of the room, somewhere no one would accidently get hurt by it.

Redflight placed the stuffed toys a bit higher up. He didn’t want the small kits messing around with the larger stuffies just yet, they could get seriously injured. Redflight finished pampering the the nursery dens. “This should work.” He purred to himself, nodding. “Now then…um...how do we get them here?”

"We'll get them up here when Tiger gets enough rest in the medicine cat den." Sprucestar nodded. "It'll be easy to pick the kits and just bring them up here when she's ready."

Redflight nodded. “I’ll cover the seers so they don’t see the bugs outside.” He offered. He padded forward to close the blinds.

Sprucestar nods, grateful to Redflight for his help.

Waking up not long after, Tiger looked down to see her three little kits nursing, looking healthy and strong. She felt overwhelmed with love and affection to the small little beings. “You’re safe now little ones, you get to grow up strong and happy.” She purred as she cleaned them.

Cricketdust clambered back down and hovered near the entrance of the med den. “If you are willing and able, would you like to move to the nursery?” She asked Tiger

“Nursery?” Tiger asked, not really understanding the word. She got to her paws and took the darkest kit in her maw as she followed the brown she cat.

Cricketdust took hold of one of the other kits, as she expected Mousepaw to pick up the last one. Then she patiently led the queen upstairs.

Entering the colorful room, Tiger stared in awe at things she’s never even experienced before. Walking over to a spot she found comfy she gently set down the kit, watching Mousepaw and Cricketdust set the other two down. “I never got your names did I? I’m Tiger, thank you so much for taking me in.” She offered her wholehearted thanks to the cats.

“Cricketdust.” The elder said softly. She looked to Mousepaw so the young apprentice could introduce herself. It had been a long time since Castleclan had kits in its walls, besides the storm that had those small outside clan kits running amuck and causing trouble. She hoped the nursery could accommodate Tiger and her little family.

Beetlebranch wandered about the stone den. He was grumbling about how his joints needed more work, and how walking around would probably be best. He was hearing a commotion going on, but didn't really bother to check it out.

Webswirl was in the living room pacing and stretching now and then. With all the bugs they couldn't just go out to the garden to do their usual training routine and they were starting to go insane. They would stretch out their front legs slowly croaking before lifting themself back up

Beetlebranch padded into the living room, where apprentices would sometimes train. "Ah, youngen...you working out your joints too?" He asked padding over to Webswirl.

Webswirl wouldn't stop as Beetlebranch approached "No. My joints are fine." They simply grunted. They remembered Beetlebranch and respected him but they rarely ever talked since Beetlebranch saved them as a young cat

"Ah, I remember when i was as fit as you." Beetlebranch would start. "Those adventures that I would go on when I was younger." Beetlebranch would stand next to Webswirl and do a stretch, his joints cracking as he did, and he let out a satisfied sigh. "Now what was I saying? Oh right, when I was a young lad I went on all sorts of adventures. Did I tell you about the magical land of colored nests, and strange creatures?"

Webswirl sighed and stood up to their full height, shaking out their pelt and looking at Beetlebranch "Yes, remember I was part of it..." He murmured

"Ah right, sorry about that sonny, I tend to be rather forgetful. You were that...flipper switcher cat right?" Beetlebranch would say trying to recall, feeling bad for forgetting something important

Webswirl shook their head, "I was The Acrobat." They murmured. Their title had once been a form of great pride yet now it was more bittersweet. They never regretted being the acrobat...they regretted ever being friends with Felix

"Ah the Ack o bat. Did the crazy climbing and swinging and flying." Beetlebranch nodded remembering the act, with all the lights and colors that night. "I knew a Ack o bat, they were very close to that beastie of a creature. The Great Fire Leaper's sibling I believe." Beetlebranch would nod to himself, feeling like he was remembering this correctly at the very least. 

"That would have been my mom..." Webswirl meowed with a soft sigh. They didn't like thinking too much of their time with the circus. Sweet memories turned rotten.

Beetlebranch would nod. "Wouldn't it be great to see that magical land again? There are many youngens here that would probably love to see those wondrous sights." He would say with a smile, thinking about the faces of the cats watching the acts with awe.

"Wouldn't want to see that bastard's face if it saved me from death." Webswirl growled under their breath before shrugging, "I think those cats are dangerous." They meowed to Beetlebranch

"Oh yes that's true, a lot of them are strange beasties with shapeshifter powers. I fought with that one- The Great Fire Leaper." He says in a bragging tone.. and as a old man does, repeat something that he had said before.

Webswirl dug their claws into the ground. "The great fire leaper." They snarled lowly thinking of the new fire leaper and not the old one Beetlebranch had been with. They would get up stretching their limbs needing some sort of exert of energy

Beetlebranch was a bit confused to Webswirl's reaction, but decided to try changing the topic. "So what is with your training, if you're not stretching for your joints?" The old man asks, maybe he could learn something from the young cat.

Webswirl took a deep breath. They never really thought about it...once they could see again they just started working and training. "Just to become stronger I suppose." They meowed looking at the elder

"That's a good thing? Do you have goals on strength?" Beetlebranch would continue to question the cat, though normally he would start going on a spiel about himself and his experience with getting stronger.

Webswirl shrugged, "It's better than just sitting around." They meowed, going to the wall placing their paws on the wall and stretching. Their muscles rippling underneath their sleek black pelt, "I haven't been able to train because of the bugs." They explained with a sigh 

"That's too bad...whenever I worked out back then, I wouldn't let anything stop me. I'd have added the bugs to my work out routine." Beetlebranch said, trying to give advice in his own way.

Webswirl grunted pushing off the wall. They would take a few steps before running forward, leaping onto the wall, running on it for a few moments before doing a flip in the air and landing neatly on their paws. They smirked "Looks like I still got it." They chuckled

Beetlebranch would clap their paws as a way of applause. "That's amazing!" He says, the image of the circus would play back in his head while Webswirl did the flip.

Webswirl smiled bowing their head, "Thank you thank you." They softly joked remembering the cheering crowd, their pounding heart, how the burn in their throat when they breathed after their preference felt amazing. They loved making those cats smile and laugh...and they made a stupid mistake. They reached up with their paw feeling the skin of their cobweb shaped scar. A mistake carved permanently in their face

"Hey maybe instead of going to the magic land, we can have you do a show instead? You still have some magic left in your paws! We can bring cheer to everyone here!" Beetlebranch says to Webswirl.

Webswirl felt their pelt prickle. They had lived with Castleclan for some time now but they never really connected with any of the cats besides Sprucestar who always checked in on them when they trained in the garden. "Ehh...I-I don't know..." They chuckled nervously. "I-I don't know if I have the right...build...for my act anymore." They explained, seeing as they weren't a slender cat anymore

"That's ok, you're still a fit youngen, and that flippy flap you just did was quite a show on its own! Maybe you can practice around here, doing many flippy flaps like what you might have used to do?" Beetlebranch encouraged.

Webswirl smiled, "Yeah...yeah." They nodded, "Maybe the other cats would like to see it." They meowed and hoped it would hopefully open up a way to become friends with the other warriors

"They definitely would! Though, I suppose you being the only one preforming won't do any good...we need more acts so that you would really show your talent." Beetlebranch says, thinking about it. "AH Talent! We can have several youngens show off their skills!" He says excitedly. When he was younger, he remembered that he didn't have too many chances to show his talents in the way that he wanted to. He would have loved a chance like this. And it would be fun too!

Webswirl smiled and nodded, "A talent show can get the other cats minds off the bugs as well." They offered

Beetlebranch nodded. "I'll go talk to the others! We'll set this up, and have our own magical land right here, in Castleclan!" He smiled and padded off to bring the idea to the rest of the clan.

Author's Notes

Tldr: Sprucestar tells Sheepfish he can stay in Castleclan and escape his problems forever if he wants to, Mousepaw and Whitepaw are studying the bugs and Tiger gave birth to 3 potatoes, while Webswirl and Beetlebranch talk about the circle.