A Bond is Born

1 year, 3 months ago

Relationships take many forms and ages, one between three children just happens to be longer.

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In the past, still much younger than they are now, an important piece of history was formed between a small family. Two sisters, Millie and Louise, a mother, Monnie, and a new friend, Dove. Early enough in life most involved don't remember it, but just as life changing.

"We're almost there, girls. You'll have so much fun!" Monnie gushed to her daughters, looking down at them with warmth only a mother could do. Walking on either side of her, two little kits barely big enough to form sentences. Millie and Louise only reached about halfway up their mother's legs.

"Ma, awe you suwe? What if dey'we scawy!" Millie said, tiny ears folded and face nervous. So far, all the interaction she'd had was with her mother and Louise (plus her father, not that she could remember.) She didn't know these strangers!

"Oh, relax! You big baby!" Louise goaded, giving her sister one of her trademark cocky smirks around their mom. "If they were hungry, you'd be too much of a baby to eat!"

"Louise! Don't say that to your sister!" Monnie scolded, but it was already too late. Poor little Millie began crying, both afraid of the new pokemon being hungry and upset over being called a baby.

With a sigh, Monnie stopped, giving Louise the mom glare before wrapping Millie in her tails and nuzzling the top of her head. "Don't listen to her. I made sure everyone was happy and fed before we arrived." They didn't need to know that was a lie.... "And you are a baby! You both are MY babies!"

Delicately so as not to injure her, she began nibbling on her cheek and tickling her with her tails. Loud squeals of a child laughing filled the air, Millie shoving her mom's face with her itty bitty toe beans. Louise got jealous, not that she'd admit that, about to begin throwing a tantrum. However, the ever vigilant Monnie realized, using a tail to drag her into the pile and giving the same treatment. Just like Millie, she squealed, soaking up all the love and attention.

Once they had enough, yelling "I give!", Monnie let them catch their breath while gently licking their heads and ears with a trained tongue.

"Nothing will happen to either of you, I promise. Mommy will always protect you."

"Pwomise?" Millie asked, relaxing more now that she knew their mom would be watching over them.


Standing back up, Monnie gave both of them little nudges with her nose to usher them along. At first, Louise seemed to think it was a play spar, pawing at her mom's face, but Monnie was patient. With a slightly more insistent push, her eldest got the picture and trotted over to walk beside Millie.

"It's right over there, you two! No, no, more left! Yes, there!"

Situated near the town, there was a large field filled with items for young children to play with or on. Hollowed logs, tires stolen from human junkyards, a section with thick moss, a sand pit, an area filled with donated toys, etc. A children's wonderland.

Already, various baby pokemon of numerous kinds were running about, their laughter and screaming loud. Parents were scattered around, mostly on the edge and shooting the breeze while others had a more paws on approach with their brood.

"Now, go have fun! I'll come get you when it's time to go. Good luck, Mommy loves you!" Leaning down, she gave both a kiss on the cheek before walking off towards a gathering of fellow parents.

"Okay, Millie! We gotta choose the best! No lame ones!" Louise chirped, beginning to peruse the collection of playmates. "Too slow, too tall, too wet, too..."

Millie briefly zoned out her sister, noticing an individual despite them drawing no attention to themselves whatsoever. They had a similar coloring to her, as far away from other children as possible as they played with a few of the toys alone. They were quiet, unassuming, and gentle with their things, but they still had something that called out to her.

"Whad aboud dem?" Millie asked, pointing at the other child. Louise immediately turned to where she was gesturing, narrowing her eyes at them in thought.

"Hm.... I suppose they could do. They LOOK fine enough. Let's go!"

Louise charged over full sprint, Millie trotting after her as always. She slid to a stop next to the other child, her shadow looming over them. They jumped in surprise, darting to their feet and backing up unsurely.

"Hi! I'm Louise, and this is my sister, Millie! You should be our friend and play with us! What's your name?"

The other fox hesitated, seemingly iffy on the presence of such a wild child. They looked back and forth between the sisters, the silence stretching longer and longer. However, they eventually came to a conclusion, doing a tiny smile.

".... Dove," he answered quietly, barely heard over the nearby squealing of the other children. It felt like a victory to Louise, who smiled back and nodded.

"Congrats on being our first friend! Now let's play!"

Louise being the chaotic, commanding one of the trio, she eagerly lead them in their activities. With them being more similar in personality, Millie was able to pick up whenever Dove would begin to grow hesitant or nervous over something again. She would do a gentle smile, trying to offer him something in an attempt to make him more comfortable. Over time, he seemed to grow accustomed on his own, no longer making Millie feel inclined to aid him.

"My name is Captain Twigleg, hand me all yer booty!" Louise exclaimed, limping to pretend she didn't have one of her legs.

"Nwo, my money! Saye me pwease! Somebody!" Millie cried, playing the part of a rich merchant being robbed by a pirate. They weren't on a boat, so it was a bit strange, but none of them really knew enough to know that or care.

".... This is whewe you come in, Dove," Millie whispered after a few moments of nothing from said Vulpix. He jolted, realizing that was his cue, and calmly walked between her and Louise.

"I will stop you, villain. Have at thee!" Dove said in a monotone voice, carrying little emotion, but getting the job done.

Meanwhile, Monnie giggled, watching her eldest run around play fighting Dove while her youngest pretended to be afraid. It was a bit surprising they chose him of all people, but she didn't question their choice. So far, they all seemed to be having a blast, and he seemed kind to both of them. She loved Louise, but knew she could be a bit much sometimes. Millie was calmer, but much less lively.

".... He kinda reminds me of you," Monnie whispered, her smile falling into somewhat of a sad one. She was reminiscing about their father, a handsome Ninetales she knew she may never see again. Part of her was still upset over his absence, but most of her was just glad for her little girls.

Looking up, she was pulled out of her memories by the sight of the sky slowly turning orange. Several families had already gone home since she arrived, and it would be best they were next.

"Millie! Louise!" Monnie called, two fuzzy heads darting her direction with perked ears. Knowing better than to keep her waiting, they bounded over, leaving their friend standing alone in the field. When he realized what happened, his demeanor dampened, looking towards the ground. It brought a small cock to Monnie's head.

"It's starting to get late, I think it's time we get going. But," she started, already noticing the sad gleam in their eyes and how they turned to Dove, "we can go visit the bakery before we go home, and bring your new friend."


"Yes. But ask him, it's his choice!"

"DOVE!" both screamed, scaring him again with their volume. He was still across the field, after all, and they were excited. "Do you wanna get sweets with us? Mom said it's okay!"

After a minute of thinking, he let out a shy nod, and the sisters cheered. Slowly, he made his way over, nervous over being near the older Ninetales now. However, she merely gave him a warm smile, gesturing him to follow.

"So, Dove, what's your favorite?"


"Do you guys remember how we met?" Millie asked her companions curiously, flipping a page in her book as she did so. Louise was trying to catch a butterfly, insisting it looked at her funny, and Dove was arranging all the branches he could find to create the perfect fire display.

"No. Can you grab me some rocks?"

"Wasn't it in that field near the town?" Louise quipped from her hunt, glaring at the butterfly high up a tree trunk out of her reach. "I just remember Mom tickling us and the big sandpit."

Interrupted by Louise, Dove stared between his precious pile and the sisters before shrugging and continuing. It wasn't like they meant ill will, and he would still be sure to make it a masterpiece.

"Oh yeah, I think you're right! We'll have to ask Ma later."

The butterfly at last gave up its foothold, taking off into flight again, if only to tease Louise. Without thinking, she leapt around at it, missing repeatedly, but not for long. With a crash, she hit the wrong target, landing on Dove's pile of sticks. His face turned to one of horror, frozen as he stared at the broken twigs.

"Ahhh! Dove, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Louise apologized, grimacing at the state of his hard work for the past hour. He continued his blank look before sighing, not able to stay mad at her with how guilty she looked.

"..... It's okay. Just help me and grab some rocks, please."

"Yes, sir."

Millie giggled, putting a leaf between the pages of her book and shutting it with a bang. Once she stood, she shook herself off of any dust and debris, padding over to the disappointed Dove and sheepish Louise.

"How about we all get it back together with you, Dove."

"I won't argue the extra slave labor."

"Dooooove," the sisters groaned, before they all dissolved into giggles. Millie noticed a decently sized rock by her paw, picking it up with her mouth and setting it beside Dove. A pleased look came to his face as he examined it.

"...... Do you guys wanna go to the bakery after this?"


"Are you paying?"