CD Reboot RP

11 months, 30 days ago
11 months, 30 days ago
5 5801

Chapter 1
Published 11 months, 30 days ago

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Author's Notes

Auretta lets Dante share her tent during the snowstorm so he doesn't freeze to death.

Thanks for letting me stay here

"Hey uh... thanks for... y'know, letting me stay here," Dante mumbled awkwardly as he took settled on the far side of her tent, wanting to intrude as little as possible. What was he thinking not buying a tent beforehand? Idiot.

He looked incredibly nervous as he started unrolling his bedroll.

Unrolling her bedroom, Auretta smiled and shook her head. "Of course~ I'm glad I could be of help! It's really cold out there... I wouldn't let someone stay out there..." Auretta reached into her bag and also pulled out a blanket

"Uh huh," Dante muttered as he laid back on his bedroll. He watched as Auretta pulled the blanket out of the magical bag, how it just seemed to appear, and was grateful that the tent hid such secrets from the rest of the group. Even if this bag was not so secret anymore.

"Have you uh... made this journey before? Y'know, been to the Dominion?" he asked.

Auretta placed the small pouch to the side and started to unfold the blanket. "Yup~ I'm actually returning home." Admitting this, she tossed the blanket over the two of them. "But the first trip I didn't take this route... so this is new to me..."

"You... you are?" Dante repeated, clearly surprised. "Are you from the Dutchy too?"

As the blanket fell over them both he froze in place. Don't make this weird. They had separate beds--bedrolls, not even beds. They were in a tent. Nobody could see them. Nobody cared. That Robert guy even told him to sleep with her--sleep in her tent with her. It's fine. Everything's fine.

"No.. Im from Stehtbourg. Its a little more north eastern if that helps~" Auretta clarified as she got the tent all nice and ready for sleep. "What about you? Are you going back home?" Rolling over in her bedroll to look at him, even though it was dark.. and she really couldn't see him... the thought was there.

Dante twitches as he hears Auretta shift in the dark but unable to see her. He can hear the wind howling outside and is grateful for the shelter, but his heart hammers at the thought of what sorts of assumptions might be made come morning.

"U-uh yeah, okay," he stuttered in response to Auretta's answer.

"I uh... guess you could say I'm headed home since I'm from the Dutchy and all, but I'm uh... not looking to go visit my childhood house or anything," he clarified. "Just sort of uh... happen to be headed that way."

"You don't have any family you wish to visit? Any childhood friends?" Auretta got more comfortable in her bedroll and under the blanket. Even though they were in a tent, she was still a little cold. It wasn't terrible though, at least her feet were warm! "If you pass it I would go see your family or friends! Its always a good idea to~"

"I've uh... never really been much for friends," Dante said quietly. "And I dont have all that much family left. All I've got is my dad, and it's been years since I last saw him. Don't know if he's even in the same town anymore."

"I mean... all you can do is try~" Auretta spoke softly as she snuggled under the blanket. "I don't have many friends either to be honest..."

"Look, I'm... not really the kind of guy people want to be friends with," Dante sighed, rolling onto his side away from Auretta. "Let's just... leave it at that."