Bond Story: Unlikely.. But Perhaps

11 months, 23 days ago

Involved Cookies: Black Sesame Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie, and Ocean Taffy Cookie (Orphan Cookie 1) Black Sesame and Caviar meet a young, bright orphan Cookie and have a chat with her

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The lower parts of the Crème Republic was bustling with life, merchants selling off their hard work to make money to feed their families, young sailors staring out at the sea, dreaming of seeing sights better then this, and children playing in the streets till the sun went down

The upper parts are never so full of life.. but that's to be expected from the divide the Elders put on the different classes..

Black Sesame Cookie and Caviar Cookie were among walking amongst the lower parts, hand in hand, looking at what was being sold in the market, not searching for anything in particular to purchase,"Ooh look at this one!" Black Sesame Cookie points at a piece of beautiful jewelry,"Doesn't it remind you of the sea?" Caviar Cookie shrugs, not sure what he was meant to say,"It was an heirloom from my grandpa.. I'll sell it to you for half the price!" The merchant offered, smiling the best they could. Black Sesame Cookie shook his head,"We're fine, however," He hands the merchant a bag of coins,"Best of luck to you.." The merchant stares at the bag, their eyes holding gratitude yet confusion

They continue through the market, ending up near where most of the merchant are starting to sell jellies, fruit, and other delights

"Thief! Thief!" A merchant cries out, attempting to give chase to a small Cookie carrying a small jelly. Black Sesame Cookie and Caviar Cookie come to stop in the path to give this situation space, Caviar wanted to catch the thief but he didn't have the energy for it.. he usually didn't have it when he was around his husband..

The small Cookie sees them and hides behind Caviar Cookie, holding onto his leg,"Eh what the-?!" The captain tried getting her off his leg, but she wouldn't let go. The merchant approaches Caviar Cookie,"Crime doesn't pay kid! Give me the jelly and I won't turn you in to the authorities."

The Cookie looks at the merchant,"But I'm hungry!" Black Sesame Cookie steps between Caviar Cookie and the merchant,"Excuse me sir, I'll pay for the jelly and in turn she can keep it." The young Cookie looks up at the major, her eyes wide in confusion. The merchant hums to themselves,".. okay, seven coins." Black Sesame Cookie hands the due amount to the merchant

"Thank you, have a good day gentlemen." They walk back to their stand

The young Cookie comes out behind Caviar Cookie and looks up at them,".. thank you sirs.." She says, a small smile coming onto her soft face. Black Sesame Cookie smiles back,"No problem dear." Caviar Cookie crosses his arms,"What were you thinkin'? Don't you know stealing isn't right?"

"I'm sorry.. but since that nice lady had stopped coming by.. w-we.. don't have much food.." Black Sesame Cookie looks at Caviar Cookie, they both let out internal sighs,"But you shouldn't steal from hardworking Cookies, you should try working for your keep instead! Try helping around!" Caviar suggests

She nods,"I could try! Thank you mr Caviar Cookie!" Her knowledge of his name made the captain chuckle,"And what might your name be, hm?" The young Cookie lights up at the question,"Ocean Taffy Cookie!"

Black Sesame Cookie hums,"How fitting.. and very sweet!" He laughs,"Thank you mr Black Sesame Cookie!" The young Cookie runs off, waving at the two happily

It was more quiet between them that evening when they were having dinner, usually Black Sesame would spark up a conversation but he looked to be thinking of something

He looks up at Caviar Cookie, putting his fork down,"I know this might be sudden.. but.. perhaps we could-" The captain silenced him before he ever suggested what he was thinking,"We've only been married for two months, why are you thinking of.. that now?"

".. that orphan girl.. she.. intrigues me." Black Sesame Cookie said,"I'm not ready for kids, neither are you." Caviar Cookie said bluntly,"I suppose you're right.. but.. she was charming, was she not?"

".. yeah, really optimistic.. heh.. reminds me of myself as a kid." "Perhaps in the future?"

Caviar's smile wavered slightly,".. maybe.."