June Prompt 2 - Music Festival

11 months, 25 days ago

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In the dead of night, later than most would dare roam the streets, a  tall bean bundled in a large grey hoodie and fluffy beanie cruised on a  skateboard. Hair buffed by the wind and tail streaming behind him,  Tugger leaned to the left a little as he took the next corner on his way  home. He had just finished work for the night, and was thoroughly  looking forward to his warm bed. Despite his fulfilling job at the  theatre, the late hours often meant it was past midnight before he could  make his way home for the night, but at least the production team was  kind enough to buy all of the cast dinner so at least he didn’t have to  cook when he got home. He just hoped Kovu, his boyfriend had eaten and  was asleep ahead of his big gig tomorrow. A smile tugged at his lips as  he thought of the fact that Kovu had probably gotten takeaway tonight  too; he wasn’t the best cook. Tugger normally made enough leftovers for  the nights he would be away performing but yesterday had been opening  night so he had been even MORE busy than tonight, and thus knew the  fridge would lack anything quick and substantial enough for him. Kovu  had texted earlier insisting he would be fine which usually meant he got  a pizza or something else yummy; he could only hope there was some left  for him… 

Tugger’s heart swelled as he reached their apartment, coming to an  abrupt stop and hopping off his ride. He picked up his board and headed  inside. As he headed to the elevator he gave a curt nod to the  receptionist, fumbling in his pocket for his access card which he  quickly flashed to the guard between the stairs and the lift. Once he  was inside he pressed his floor and hummed along to the ambient music  playing, feeling the lift start it’s long way up. 

It took a few more minutes than usual to get to his floor as a couple  of other night owls entered and exited at whatever floor they were  heading to, but he soon got to his own floor and opened the door to his  own place with the swipe of his access card.


Much to his chagrin, a a disaster awaited him. The kitchen was a mess  (which didn’t really bother him because this was what it looked like  half the time) but it was rather his husband slung limply over their  couch that made his face contort with worry. On the fancy table next to  him the culprit; some seriously pink (but albeit nice looking) chicken. “  Oh Kovu… I should’ve checked in on you to see if you were okay for  dinner.” He said tenderly, reaching down to check his temperature before  sitting down next to him. 

A quiet chuckle escaped Kovu. “ I knew you were busy Vivi, I didn’t  want to worry you.” Tugger shook his head at that, scooping Kovu up and  cradling the smaller man in his lap. He quickly mumbled that Kovu could  never be a bother to him; as well as requesting if there was anything  else he needed. 

“ Well I ate ages ago so the worse of the pain has passed… But I need  a huge favour for you, my sweets. I need you to perform for me  tomorrow. “ Tugger’s eyes widened. “ I know you’re tired, but if needed  your understudy can take your place tomorrow night. I’d rather you  replace me than anyone else; if anything the fans will be pleasantly  surprised! “ They did always ask for her when he was too busy to attend  his shows. Tugger sighed, but nodded. 

“At least let me tend for you first.” And with that he picked him up  bridal style and went to go tuck him in so he could dote on him for a  bit before bed. 




Stage was set and the crowd was buzzing with anticipation. Nuke Bomb  headlining? It had been ages since he had taken centre stage at a  festival!

Backstage, his replacement trembled. 

Tugger was an amazing performer; he had had a gift since he was very  young and had beaten all the odds to hone it and reach the standard he  was at now. But it didn’t change the fact that he was an absolute  nervous wreck before anything big like this. He was replacing Nuka Bomb!  As the headline act! Given the fact that he could sing around 80% of  the set list and his vocal range and style was similar to Kovu, he’d  probably not disappoint too much, but there was still a clear  difference. He was a broadway lead, not a rock star. 

Despite the massive lump in his throat and his rapid heart he  scrolled through the messages of encouragement that Kovu had sent him  one last time. He’d do great. They’d love his song. And him. And Kovu  would be just fine, just tired and groggy. 

He took a deep breath. 

Come on Usnavi, you’ve got this. 


After another mic check and vocal test, he strode out onto the stage. 

The announcer had told the crowd of the situation a little shortly  beforehand so they were all prepared for Tugger’s name to be called  instead of Nuka Bomb; at least the crowd was ready for him, he still was  blown back by the uproar that greeted him so unlike the theatre. 

Tugger closed his eyes for a brief second so they could adjust to the bright stage light hitting his sunglasses. 

Then, his performing switch turned on. 

“ Well, well, hello Beanstonbury! I know, I know, I’m just as shocked  as you are. You see, my husband is a under the weather so I’ve been  sent instead. I hope that’s okay?”

A roar from the audience sounded. 

“ Sweet! “ He gave a wide toothed grin and started to sway as the  band started to play quietly. “ Are you ready to have the time of your  lives? Yeah? Let’s start.” 




“Usnavi!” A sluggish Kovu greeted him at the door this time instead  of slung over their couch. They quickly embraced. “I heard all amazing  things. Even got a video from my manager. You were amazing!” 

“Thanks, kitty.” He gave him a quick peck. “I was so nervous.”

“They even liked your song didn’t they? I’m so glad that the world  gets to finally hear it. Maybe now you’ll join me in the studio to put  it in the album! Or on tour-“

“ Hold your horses, dear. We’ll see about all that. All I want now is  to crash, cuddle with you and have dinner. How does roast chicken  sound?”

They both chuckled at the predicament. 

“Anything but that!”