Pokémon Ultra: Sparkling silver

1 year, 2 months ago
19 days, 2 hours ago
25 77268

Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

Meet Ara Ellis, a young 11 year old boy from New Bark Town, who’s finally ready to set out on the ultimate journey across the Johto region! Join Ara on his adventure, as he deals with many challenges. From challenging the gyms and the Johto league, to finding the whereabouts of his missing brother, to learning to control the fiery powers of his starter Pokémon… Will Ara be able to overcome all these obstacles? There’s only one way to find out.

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A sky-high battle: Vs. Falkner! || Chapter 3

It’s actually been a couple days since I took on Sprout Tower. I know the elder there said I was ready to take on the gym, but I still wanted to train a bit just to make sure… And now… I’m finally ready to take on the gym! I even made sure to do some research on this gym before I took it on… Apparently, it’s a flying type gym. And I read that electric type Pokémon are super effective against flying types! Which means that Mareep is the perfect Pokémon to bring into this gym… I’m sure with Mareep and the training we’ve done lately, we’ll be able to defeat this gym and get my first badge! 

Right now I was at the front of the gym, with only Gastly right next to me. As much as I liked having all my Pokémon outside of their balls at once, it was actually a bit much for me…

“You ready to take on the gym, Gastly?” I asked, Gastly happily smiling and nodding. “Alright, good… Then let’s do this!” I walked into the gym, walking up to a woman at the front counter. “Hello! I’d like to challenge the gym, please.”

“Of course… May I have your name, please? And is this your first gym battle?” The woman asked.

“It’s Ara! And yup, it is.” I responded, the woman writing down on a clipboard for a moment.

“Ok, good. You’re free to enter the door and challenge Mr. Falkner now!” The woman says, a door nearby opening. “Good luck!”

“Yay! Thank you so much!” I quickly walked through the door, entering a battlefield… Where I could see the gym leader Falkner, standing on the other side.

“Hello, challenger… Your name is Ara, correct?” Falkner asks.

“Yup! That’s me!” I respond, Falkner smiling and nodding at me.

“I heard this is your first gym battle… By any chance, are you familiar with an important rule in the Johto gyms?” He asks.

“Um, no… What is it?” I asked.

“In Johto league gyms, the challenger must face the gym leader with the same amount of Pokémon as one another…” Falkner says. “Since I have two Pokémon, you must face me in battle with up to two Pokémon, no more than that.”

…Oh wait a minute, I think I remember Ethan telling me something about this years ago! He said that in each region, the gyms have their own rules on how many Pokémon you’re allowed to bring into a gym battle… Some gyms in other regions allow you to battle with as much Pokémon as you can carry, but that rule doesn’t apply in Johto gyms…

“Oh, ok! Yeah, I’m cool with that.” I say, looking down at Gastly. “Hey Gastly, is it fine if I battle with Cyndaquil and Mareep? I promise I’ll let you battle in the next gym to make up for it!”

“Gaaast? Gastly!” Gastly nodded in agreement.

“Good… Now it’s time for our battle!” Falkner says, holding up a Poke ball. “It’s time for you to witness the power of flying type Pokémon!”

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Falkner: “Come on out, Pidgey!”


Ara: “You’ve got this, Cyndaquil! Use Ember!”

Falkner: “Use Tackle, Pidgey!”

Ara: “Now you use Tackle too!”

Falkner: “Use Sand Attack!”

Sand then got into Cyndaquil’s eyes, Cyndaquil rubbing them a bit.

Ara: “Hang in there, Cyndaquil… Use Ember!”

Falkner: “Again, use Sand Attack!”

Cyndaquil’s attack ended up burning Pidgey, taking a bit more damage.

Ara: “Cyndaquil, use Tackle!“

Cyndaquil’s attack missed, but the burn ended up knocking out Pidgey.

Falkner: “Go, Pidgeotto! Use Gust!”


Ara: “Use Ember, Cyndaquil!”

Cyndaquil tried to attack, but missed. I could tell that Cyndaquil was getting weaker now, and the flames on his back were getting bigger. Oh no… I think Cyndaquil’s blaze ability is activating now… Cyndaquil’s flames were spewing everywhere, Pidgeotto’s wings getting burned a bit.

Falkner: “Hang in there, Pidgeotto… Use Gust!”

Ara: “Cyndaquil, try and calm down… And use Ember!”

Pidgeotto’s Gust did a bit more damage to Cyndaquil, Cyndaquil’s Ember attack doing a lot of damage.

Falkner: “Finish Cyndaquil off… Use Gust!”

Ara: “Dodge it, Cyndaquil!”

Cyndaquil couldn’t dodge it in time, getting knocked back by the Gust attack… As he fainted.

Ara: “Alright Mareep, you’ve got this! Use Thundershock!”

Falkner: “Dodge it, and use Roost!”

Pidgeotto’s attack then healed itself back up. Pidgeotto was flying around the battlefield wildly, Mareep keeping his eyes focused on Pidgeotto.

Ara: “Stay focused, Mareep… And use Thundershock!”

This time Mareep landed the Thundershock, doing a decent amount of damage… Also paralyzing Pidgeotto.

Falkner: “Hang in there, Pidgeotto… Use Gust!l

Pidgeotto tried to use Gust… But quickly froze from the paralysis.

Ara: “Use Thundershock Mareep!!”

And after Mareep used Thundershock again… Pidgeotto was knocked out.

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Woah… This is amazing… I’ve actually won my first gym battle!!

“Mareep, you did amazing! Good job!” I congratulated Mareep, who ran up to me as I hugged him, Gastly also running up to us as well.

“My poor bird Pokémon…” Falkner sighed, walking up to me. “…But a defeat is a defeat. Good job, Ara. Here, take this…” Falkner handed me a gym badge. “It’s called the Zephyr badge. And here, take this as well…” Falkner then handed me a TM. “This is TM51, which contains the move Roost…”

“Whoa, awesome… Thanks so much!”

Sometime later…

I can’t believe I was able to beat the gym… On my first try too! I’m so happy… I honestly didn’t expect to enjoy Pokémon battles this much, but they’re so much fun! It’s gonna be even more fun to challenge the rest of the gyms in Johto… Hey, and maybe someday I’ll even be able to challenge the Elite Four too! I doubt I’ll ever become champion, but hey, it’ll be fun to atleast try… Right? Well, I was looking at my map, and the next town over, Azalea Town, has a gym in it… So I’ll be heading over to that town next! I have to get through a cave to reach the town through, so I need to make sure I have enough supplies, so off to the Poke Mart I go… While I was on my way to the Poke Mart, I ended up getting a call from Professor Elm, who asked me something that I wasn’t expecting…

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Ara: “Woah, so you want me to carry the egg?”

Professor Elm: “Of course! We’ve discovered some details about the egg, and I thought you’d be the perfect person to watch after it! I have an assistant at the Violet City Poke Mart that’ll deliver it to you.”

Ara: “Ooh, in that case… I’d love to watch after the egg! Thanks, Professor. I’ll talk to you later!”


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Wow, what a coincidence… After arriving at the Poke Mart, I bought the stuff I needed… Repels, potions… Afterwards I quickly spotted the assistant at the front of the store, where I saw him holding onto the egg.

“Uh, hey! Are you Professor Elm’s assistant?” I asked.

“Why yes, I am… You must be Ara then?” The assistant asked, as I nodded yes. “Good, then… Here’s the egg! Take good care of it. Professor Elm even said that you can keep the Pokémon that hatches from it.”

“Woah, cool… Thank you so much!” I gently grabbed the egg and held onto it, waving goodbye as I left the store. Upon leaving the store, I saw this woman in a kimono nearby, who quickly walked up to me, looking down at the egg with a surprised look. “Oh my… That egg must be…”

“…Hm? Is there something wrong with the egg?” I asked.

“Of course not. It’s just that… That egg is important… Please make sure you take good care of it. I am counting on you.” The woman did a quick spin, before walking off. Hmm… That was weird. Oh well. 

Off to Azalea Town I go!