
10 months, 29 days ago
10 months, 28 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 10 months, 29 days ago

This literature features by Closed Species, Faelynz! Faelynz are these magical Bunny-Like creatures who were once human. This world was created by a single girls wish to escape the cruel world she lives in. It just so happened that a single shooting star granted her wish.

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Author's Notes

This Chapter was helped edited by ChatGPT

The Wish

It all started with a fallen star; not just any ordinary star, but a magical star. One starry night, a young human child looked up to the sky, bringing her hands together in a whispered plea, "Please, let me leave this place." Bruised arms wrapped around an old bunny plush, her only possession in the world. Homeless and abandoned at the tender age of ten, she yearned for escape from the harsh reality she faced.

Through her massive, tangled locks, the child caught sight of a shooting star. Although she had never seen one before, this particular star was unlike anything she could have imagined. In a brief moment, she glimpsed alluring colors swirling within it, radiant and extraordinary. Recalling the superstitions surrounding shooting stars and their wish-granting powers, she squeezed her eyes shut and made a heartfelt plea, "Please, take me away."

However, when she opened her eyes again, tears welled up in disappointment. The streets of old London remained unchanged; her wish appeared to be in vain. Convinced that magic wasn't real, she rested her head against the cold brick wall, seeking solace in her little stuffed bunny's embrace.

The world seemed cold and indifferent to her plight. Passersby ignored her, and she couldn't blame them; her own parents had abandoned her. Overwhelmed by the cruel reality, she wiped frozen tears from her cheeks and surrendered to a deep slumber. Unbeknownst to her, her eyes would never open within that earthly world again.

As she stirred awake, her eyes blurred from the deep slumber. Panic enveloped her as she searched frantically for her beloved stuffed bunny. It was nowhere to be found. Her heart raced, and tears welled up once more. Fearful of losing her only possession, she scrambled to her feet, determined to find it. It was then that she realized she was no longer in old London.

Her surroundings were transformed, covered in a blanket of white snow. Realization dawned upon her as she touched the fluffy snow; her hand had changed into a paw. With awe in her eyes, she brought her transformed hand closer to her face, marveling at the lighter-colored fur. She wasn't human anymore.

Amid the snowy landscape, her massive ears twitched as she looked around in wonder. She felt surreal, her body now adorned with thick, white and pink fur. Despite the snowy environment, she wasn't cold; in fact, she felt strangely at ease. She had become something else, not entirely human but something more magical and unique.

Embracing her new form, she looked up at the cloudy sky and whispered a heartfelt "Thank you" to the mysterious force that had brought her here. The world she once knew was now a distant memory, and she felt a newfound freedom in her transformed state. Curiosity and gratitude filled her heart, as she embraced her magical identity and ventured forth into the enchanting new world.