
10 months, 29 days ago
10 months, 28 days ago
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Chapter 2
Published 10 months, 28 days ago

This literature features by Closed Species, Faelynz! Faelynz are these magical Bunny-Like creatures who were once human. This world was created by a single girls wish to escape the cruel world she lives in. It just so happened that a single shooting star granted her wish.

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Author's Notes

This Chapter was edited by ChatGPT, a Writing AI.

The Arrival of Falling Stars

The Child wasn't alone, as she soon found out. The little Bunny she had held so dearly within Old London wasn't just a plush animal; it was alive. Although the bunny still resembled a plush toy, it had a much longer body and small white wings, retaining the same solid mocha color. Excitement filled her as she leaped to fetch the floating bunny.

"Whoa there, Kid," the bunny spoke, "Be mindful of your claws, you nearly mauled me!" It exclaimed. The child was taken aback; the bunny could talk? Its low-toned voice sounded oddly familiar and soothing. When the child tried to speak, nothing came out. "New vocals," the bunny explained. It hovered back down to face The Child. "It might take a bit to get used to." It smiled before floating back up, looking around. "Man… what a world you've created…" The bunny hummed.

The child looked at the creature, confused. She created…? That was silly; there was no such thing as magic. Then again… She looked down at her paws. If magic wasn't real, why was she like this? There was no way this child could possibly create an entire world… or was there?

"Don't look so confused, kid," the bunny laughed, "You made a wish, and luckily for you, the star heard you." The bunny pointed at his chest, "You see that? It's a piece of the star that took you away."

The child brought her paws up to her chest, feeling a small crystal-like thing attached to her body. She had noticed similar crystals on her hands as well. She picked at it, and the bunny came down to slap her hand. "You idiot, that's your magic source! If you mess with it, it will surely vanish!" It exclaimed. The wide-eyed child nodded quickly. For such a small bunny, it sure had a hell of a slap.

The bunny nodded, "Alright Kid… I am your spirit guide, so to speak." He began to explain, "You called me Bunz back in London…" He shook his head, "Horrid name if you ask me." That's right… The child realized; she had called her most precious thing Bunz. In that moment, the child wasn't sure of much. Her memories were all foggy. "Puck, that is what I want to be called." Puck grinned. "In time, I'm sure you'll remember who that is. Kind of my role model." Puck gave the child a devious grin.

"Where am I?" The child finally found her voice. Her throat felt raw, as if she had been screaming at the top of her lungs. Her mouth felt strange. It was an odd feeling, getting used to new teeth, tongue, and lips. Though everything felt strange, this was by far the weirdest sensation.

"A new world, one which you've created. Asteria… Yeah, that'll be a pretty name for this world." Puck grinned. "I'm sure you have many questions, kid, but hush them for a moment." He said, "First, we must decide a name for you." Puck said, thinking, "I doubt you'll want to keep your previous name… such bad memories with it." He shuddered.

"Freya…" the child said. It was her name back home.

"Yes, yes, that one…." Puck rolled his eyes dramatically, "I'm thinking of something adventurous! Something powerful like Balthazar!"

The child shook her head, "No, I want to keep my old name." She was getting used to talking very slowly. Her accent was still the same little girl from London.

"Ahh, well, I'm sure you'll change it soon. You'll have a few years before anyone else comes." Freya's heart sank; does that mean… "Indeed, kid. It's just you, me, and the wild animals, it seems like…" Puck said.

"How would you know, though??" Freya frowned.

"I am your spirit guide, I know everything," Puck said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. When that answer didn't satisfy Freya, he continued, "That," Puck placed his paw onto his chest for a dramatic effect, "And I am the essence of that magical star." He winked and continued, "Never mind that though! There is so much for us to explore and learn! Even I don't know everything here." Puck exclaimed.

For the next few decades, Freya roamed Asteria with Puck. Freya had noticed that her body had stopped aging at 25. Puck had explained that this would be different for each being. Though Faelynz will not grow old, most animals within Asteria will. Puck had also explained how on Asteria, time moves slower than on earth. For every day in Asteria, a week has passed on Earth. At the time, Freya did not see why this was something she needed to know. It was not like she would ever return to such a place.

Puck was an amazing teacher. For the years Freya was at his side, he showed her all the neat things about this Planet. There were the same animals here as there were on earth. For the most part, Freya saw that the animals would leave them alone. Although she had the ability to hunt them, Freya did not. "Why won't you hunt? Aren't they your main food supplies on earth?" Puck had once asked her.

Freya simply shrugged, "There are plenty of berries and fruits for me here… why would I need to kill others when other sources are possible?" Freya said.

Puck slightly shook his head, "You're far superior to those animals, Freya."

A frown crossed her face, "I am no more important than they are." She told Puck. He simply shook his head, clearly not understanding her stance in this situation. He respected her decision and never mentioned it again.

Time seemed to stop for Freya. Years passed, and eventually, she lost the concept of time. She wouldn't be able to tell you how long she had been on this planet. It had been heavenly. Roaming Asteria alongside Puck was all Freya ever wanted. This planet was created for a 10-year-old girl with a dying wish, a wish that became reality.

Despite spending well over 50 years in Asteria, there was always something new to learn.

Time moved on, and years turned into decades. Freya lost count of how long she had been wandering about Asteria alongside Puck. She had absorbed all the knowledge he could offer. This planet, Asteria, was the creation of a little girl's desperate plea to escape the unfairness of Earth. The world mirrored many aspects of Earth, with deers, bears, birds, and other creatures inhabiting it. Asteria was divided into four main sections, each holding seasons that never ceased. The lands where her star had fallen were within the Winter Court, her favorite area with memories of the beautiful snow-covered streets of London.

Over the years, Freya discovered the Center of Asteria, a tree that embodied every season. Puck mockingly called it the "Tree of Freya," for she was the one who could control it. It held the memories of all the souls on Asteria, and Freya was the only one capable of tapping into these memories and sharing them with others, according to Puck.

Despite all her adventures with Puck, Freya began to feel a sense of loneliness. She longed for companionship, finding it unfair that she was the only one saved from the cruelty of Earth. Puck reassured her that in due time, others would arrive, and she would have some control over it. But once it started, it wouldn't stop. Was she ready to accept the possibility of more people coming and the risk of mankind potentially destroying her paradise? Puck also explained that when more came, he would disappear, leaving Freya solely in charge to teach the next generation. There would be no need for him, and he could go out in search of others like her.

It took Freya years, even decades, to finally feel prepared for the arrival of others like her. When the time came for Freya to take the lead, a massive explosion startled her awake. "Puck!?" she exclaimed, desperately searching for him, but he was nowhere to be found. Her heart sank as she noticed a letter and a satchel left behind. She picked up the letter wearily, noticing it was sealed with a leaf insignia. Breaking the seal, she read its contents.

"You're ready kiddo. I'm so proud of what an amazing woman you've become; it's your time to take control of this world you've created. I know I'm not good with goodbyes, I hope you'll forgive me.

Oh, I know how you orphan kids think jewelry is a waste, but I hope you enjoy your gift!

- Love, Your scrappy old bunny, Puck"

Tears welled up in Freya's eyes. He was gone. She knew this day was inevitable, but the feeling of loss hit her unexpectedly. Puck had been her friend, her spirit guide, as he called it. Despite being a pain in her side at times, Puck was someone she considered a true friend. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she picked up the satchel next to the letter. It had a good weight to it. As she unwrapped its contents, her heart stopped. Inside was a golden crown, the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

Turning it around, she noticed silver writing on the inside, making her lips curl into a half-smile. "Bunz" it read. She crouched down, holding the crown in her arms as tears streamed down her face. "Goodbye, Puck," she whispered gently.

The next morning, Freya donned the crown. Her form didn't change much, but her face now bore more human-like features instead of the bunny appearance. Dragonfly wings sprouted from her back, at will, as she realized. Golden jewels adorned her body, and she knew this was undoubtedly Puck's doing. He had always tried to dress her up, but being an orphan made her believe such things weren't necessary.

That night, Freya witnessed her first falling star. As she observed it descending toward the atmosphere, something unexpected happened. It exploded in a stunning display of colors, reminiscent of that cold night in London. Her tree glowed with a golden hue as the fallen star broke into four pieces, each landing in different parts of Asteria. Puck's words resounded in her mind, "It's your turn, Kiddo." It was as if he was there, saying it to her. Taking a deep breath, she set off toward the closest star fragment, heading to the Winter Court.