Adoption Centre

1 year, 1 month ago
5 months, 20 days ago
5 3000

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

Miles' written interactions with the Adoption Centre Pokémon!

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So their first exploration was a bust. Being new to the Region and the circuit, things weren't going to go flawlessly and they knew that, but while walking back home from the Pokémon centre Miles and his partner, Herb weren't in the highest of spirits. Miles tossed a glance over to his down trodden Drowzee and placed a hand on the little guys head. "Well hey, if wild Pokémon didn't work out, why don't we check out the adoption place?" that seemed to turn the mood around at least a little bit and it wasn't too far.

Upon arrival and spending some time with the adoption candidates it did indeed bring the mood back around. A lot of them were sweet and energetic and Herb was having fun but Miles felt like something was watching him. The cold tingle of eyes on him crawled up his back making the hair stand up on his neck, but when he looked; at first glance he didn't see anything. It was on the second and third cautionary glance that he caught a glimpse of wispy purple quickly retreating into a key stone nestled in the corner behind a piece of card stock that read, "Looking for an optimistic trainer" well that was an odd label. Miles left Herb to play with the other Pokémon while he went to take a look.

Looking over the card he saw the little smooshed face of a barely poking out Spiritomb hiding behind it looking at him a little wary. "What's wrong?" he asked, "I didn't mean to scare you, you look a little lonely sitting over here."

"You aren't afraid?" Multiple voices asked, which behind a calm composure did raise chills of surprise for Miles. He'd heard of Spirtombs but never met one.

"Should I be? You don't look that scary to me."

"That is unexpected." the voices mused, it would have been a little quiet were they not layered over top of each other.

"Well hey! Its just me and my buddy Herb, he's a little down we couldn't meet a new friend on our exploration today so we came to hang out with some Pokémon here. You wanna come sit with us?"

The Spiritomb crept a little further out of its Key stone with intrigue, his ghosty form beginning to crank and spin. So Miles scooped up the little guy and brought him over to meet his partner. The longer they sat and talked the more Miles wanted to apply for them.