Nightingale's Lullaby: Main Chapter

9 months, 27 days ago
5 months, 2 days ago
17 12244

Chapter 10
Published 8 months, 9 days ago

Mild Violence

Quests and snippets from PMD: Tectonic Crusade ARPG that will slowly be reorganized chronologically into more proper lore~

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Author's Notes

Monster Mash Quest | Location: TBD Town

Chapter 10

Gavin's ears twitched at every sound, the usual nighttime noises unnerving as he carefully surveyed the edge of town. "Keep up Mayuri!" He spared a glare back at the lumbering cufant, his voice barely edging above a whisper as he shifted closer to Arden. The rotom's energy was aggravated, a storm of emotions rolling off the usually peaceful creature and the intensity was beginning to make his fur stand on end. If these things could anger Arden to this extent maybe they shouldn't have snuck off to deal with this request by themselves.

"It's not my fault this place is a mess..." Mayuri ignored the second glare her comment earned and finally stopped on Arden's other side, her eyes widening at the creatures prowling around the town before them.

"drive them out" The words were a strange mix of static and bestial growl that barely clicked as coherent speech and it took several seconds before either of them registered that Arden had actually spoken. By that point the strange rotom's energy had expanded, taking on a more draconic appearance as he dashed forward into the fray.

The vampires nearest scattered almost instantly, leaving a wide path into the ransacked town, but further in they merely turned to glare at these intruders to their fun before attacking in turn. Gavin dodged a flamethrower, barely acknowledging Mayuri rolling off in the other direction as he sprang for one of the less destroyed buildings and scrambled up for a better vantage. His ears twitched again as Arden roared below, stony claws craving through a mixed group of vampires and weremons as they began surrounding the rotom but Gavin got little time to act on that as a trio of flyers turned their attention to harassing him, his acid spray doing little to keep them at bay.

Another roar suddenly echoed below, deep growls following as another monstrous shape landed beside the grafaiai and rammed into one of his attackers. Below Arden released a less than pleased grumble, the sound barely audible above the new noises, but Gavin breathed a sigh of relief. They were still badly outnumbered and he didn't fully trust the pack but for now they were a welcome sight as he turned his attention back to fighting off the troublemakers.