Nightingale's Lullaby: Main Chapter

9 months, 27 days ago
5 months, 2 days ago
17 12244

Chapter 7
Published 8 months, 30 days ago

Mild Violence

Quests and snippets from PMD: Tectonic Crusade ARPG that will slowly be reorganized chronologically into more proper lore~

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Author's Notes

City Summerween Event (Part 3 Dallas & Stan) | Location: Plaza Garden

City Summerween Event (Part 3 Karmelo) | Location: Performance Stage

City Summerween Event (Part 4) | Location: Capital

Chapter 7

Callum watched Kestrel and Talon wander off into the game area, his wings curling nervously against his side, but made no move to follow. He turned away as they disappeared among the booths and instead made his way towards the plaza, seeking quiet to clear his thoughts. He wasn't entirely sure where he fell in this new group dynamic, even if he was grateful that Kestrel was finally warming up to the recently hatched egg, and that combined with the ambush and sudden evolution wasn't helping his mood. He was beginning to wonder how much of a team they actually were, though she had promised to talk at length once the festival was over...

The monster dressed furfrou padded down the trails without really studying them or the colorful flowers lining the path, his thoughts distracted until he spotted Dallas leaning over a disturbed patch. The lopunny seemed to be struggling to pick some of the flowers and offered him a pleading look after his greeting, though the puppy dog look wasn't particularly effective against the poodle pokémon Callum was happy enough to help. Maybe focusing on a task would help clear his thoughts and at this point anything was better than wandering aimlessly.

Callum moved down the path a little, giving Dallas room to work and looking for a less disturbed patch to pick from. Satisfied with the area he carefully picked the flowers one by one, laying them on the edge of the path to bundle later and trying to keep a decent spread of the different colors available. As he worked he spotted Arden coming up the path from the forest, a young pawniard on each side chattering excitedly as though this was the most natural thing in the world, he was beginning to understand why Kestrel hated surprises so much.

The furfrou finished gathering his bundle of flowers, his paw hovering over them as the fairy dressed rotom and its costumed charges stopped just shy of his work. "What have you been up to?"

Arden buzzed, the sound somehow both reassuring and not at the same time and then presented a piece of candy as if that answered the question.

Callum shook his head and picked up the flower bundle before padding back up the path to present it to Dallas, with that done he finally started back towards the festival proper with Arden and the pawniards in tow. He still wasn't entirely sure why they were suddenly babysitting a couple of kids, or whose kids they were, but he didn't really mind. As they walked he chatted absently with the pawniards, mostly just making friendly small talk with occasional interjections from Arden.

Once they reached the minigame booths the kids shot off ahead to try playing the games or beg others for candy, presenting their nearly empty candy bags to anyone that walked by. Arden joined them at the games after a few failed starts, showing them how to play the different offerings or just letting them pick prizes after beating it himself. The rotom seemed to do well at most of the games, only the water ones really giving him any trouble.

Kestrel found her way past the booths to where the crowd was slowly beginning to shift towards the stage, most gathering to listen to the music or just sit and rest away from main street. Talon was still following behind her, various plushies and other prizes now squeezed into xir candy bag or riding in xir mane with little Talon, and as the lucario approached the stage itself she spotted the rest of her team. Arden, Callum, and Gavin were resting on a blanket off to the side, two pawniards she didn't recognize sitting with them counting their candy haul, while up on stage with Karmelo Halcyon and Kiwi were trying their hand at playing backup.

Kestrel smiled, glad to see her team finally relaxing and sent Talon over to Callum before joining the ones on stage. It had been a while since she'd touched an instrument but it looked like they could use some more help entertaining the building audience. The lucario's paw skimmed the edge of a keyboard as she passed, eyeing Halcyon's attempts at the drums with Kiwi brushing the chimes beside them as she debated what to play before finally settling on a guitar set off to the side.

Instrument acquired she settled onto a stool near the drums and strummed a few chords, checking the tune and adjusting as needed until she was satisfied with the sound. The softer notes complimented the keyboard and drum, the general noise transforming into more proper music as she joined in and let herself get lost in the melody.