Glass Versus Dino

9 months, 8 days ago
223 1

Mild Violence

A one shot based off of the summary Vivi gave about the sports festival, featuring massive quirk accidents and quick thinking. Part of the crossover universe between two AUs: Sleeping Birds.

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Asuka threw herself over the railing as soon as the massive dinosaur broke from the glass prison. So much for just watching the Sports Festival with her siblings this year. She needed to get the kid with the glass quirk out of the situation first and foremost. Rescue first then try and deal with the rest of it. 

"It's Tori, don't hurt it- it's her" The kid is trembling, the onset of a panic attack. All Asuka can do is listen to him, she could knock him out with her quirk to negate the panic but something in her heart tells her to listen instead. Dad taught her to listen to her instincts. "Something happened- she needs help." 

She thinks back to the Tyrannosaur, those wide green eyes. Shit. "Shit. Okay, stay here, in for a couple seconds, out for a couple." Lullaby stands after seeing him give a stiff nod. She rushes back out to the arena, hand flying up to her comms unit as she uses her capture weapons wrapped around her arms to propel herself farther and faster. 

"Lullaby to Eraserhead. We need Erasure NOW" Urgency leaks into her voice, hopefully setting off her Dad to knowing that he needs to get his disheveled ass down to the arena. "The 'saur's the girl with the bird quirk!" She adds hastily.