Notes and scribbles

9 months, 12 days ago
9 months, 12 days ago
2 332

Entry 2
Published 9 months, 12 days ago

Character and story-progression related happenings that have occurred outside of roleplay.

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A word of warning

Strange rumors have always surrounded the Sunless Jungle - a true hotbed of wild stories and fearsome encounters alike - but ever since the strange affliction swept across Ivras in fall 1234, ravaging its people,  a new rumor has begun to spread among the travelers and locals alike.

A white dragon has been sighted lurking around the eastern parts of the forest, its origin as much a mystery as its true nature. Whether a mage in disguise, or a monster beyond reason, all wishing to pass through the area are advised to take caution. The beast is elusive, but one can never be too careful when dealing with monsters.
