Full Info

9 months, 16 days ago
9 months, 14 days ago
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Entry 2
Published 9 months, 16 days ago

Full information for all of my peoples in this main AU - will be done by character and then any specific cross over points. Key note, they will be mentioned in each other's backstories as they are interconnected.

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Lord Anwar

Name: Lord Anwar
  -or just Anwar

Species: Yokai
 -Exact variety unknown, he’s probably one of a kind

Gender: Male
Pronouns: He / They / It
Sexuality: Biromantic, Homosexual
 -He doesn’t much anymore, but he will flirt with anyone but is only actually interested in long term relationships with men / masculine creatures.

Age: Very Old
 -Honestly, he’s lost count
He is centuries of years old at the very least

Family: Adopted son – Blink

Personality: Anwar tends to keep himself together, rarely showing his emotions, the most he gives out is anger when Blink disobeys his rules. This will lead to threats and warnings but he’s never actually acted upon them – but it is clear that he his hiding these options and he’s trying to curb anything extreme.
He is very polite in general, though it won’t hide it’s disgust when Yokai and humans interact as well as the few other things that he feels strongly about. Calm and collected, acting as if he is more important and powerful than anyone around him is the main way he acts and honestly with Blink & AlexAnder by his side he is.

Powers: His full exact power set and levels are unknown
[Both to others and himself]
Anwar can either teleport to places he already knows with 1 additional person, or with the help of a magical item belonging to another, he can teleport to any important place that person knows with 4 additional people.

Weapons: Anwar uses no specific weapons
-His claws, feet and ‘mandibles’ when they elongate are enough of a weapon in his main form.
-This doesn’t mean he can’t use weapons, he’s skilled with short swords and daggers, he likes to be up close.

-It annoys Anwar greatly that it is easily confused for a normal human considering how he currently looks
-His distaste of humans and Yokai mixing is extreme and something he does force upon Wink [not that Wink actually follows these orders from his father.]
-The longer you look at him, the less human he actually seems and the more obvious it’s Yokai self becomes.

The ’Human’ Issue – Why people don’t seem him as a Yokai
With the way it’s feet are built and the way he walks, they resemble heeled shoes at first glance. His small mandibles are hidden by it’s curly hair and most people don’t notice the subtle markings or it’s slightly off proportions and features. Black clawed hands look like gloves with long sleeves after all.
Even many Yokai in the hidden cities think he’s a human who’s somehow found his way down there which turns his stomach – he’s far older then most of them so they should respect him.
His distaste of the two groups crossing is the main reason he hates this comparison so much, it isn’t even necessarily because he dislikes humans – though he’s not lying he does also hate humans. 

The Lord Anwar who has existed for the last two decades isn’t all of him.
It is most of his conscious that has escaped from his true body which is currently bound deep underground, it is even below the hidden cities. A punishment given to him centuries ago for a series of crimes against the Yokai code that he will not speak of. While bound he has been cursed to never forget what he has done, he will never grow older, sick or die so any guilt of his actions will be with him forever.

Not long after he escaped did he meet the muscles for hire AlexAnder, and he soon paid and won the loyalty of the Yokai – letting him know that while he may not claim to exclusively work for Anwar, he will ask him before he takes on any other jobs and won’t do anything against him.

These forces who originally bound him did find out he had escaped and confronted him about it, and this aligned to just a couple of weeks after he took the small child Wink in. [Due to how long ago it was that he was bound, they never expected him to be able to escape – in all honesty they had mostly forgotten about him]
This did mean that they heard him out and decided that he could continue to exist as he did now, with most of his powers lost and in a form that he looked more human then Yokai. It did seem to be a punishment for him after all.
They did warn him however, do something to break any Yokai law, then he’d be sent back, fused back with his body and he would never be able to escape.

He agreed to these terms, of course he did, he didn’t want to be sent back to nothing but it’s own thoughts, it’s hard enough knowing his body is still there, that he can feel the ache when there’s nothing to focus on. A part of his mind was also left behind so he can tell what’s going on there – if he really wanted, he could go back on his own and refuse his mind, but he doesn’t want to do that.

Apart from his hatred of his ‘new’ look, the thing that has stuck with Anwar from his experience the most is the feeling of being tied up. He hates it, especially in this form as it’s the one where he’s meant to be free. It freaks him out and makes him loose control of his emotions, another thing he hides down because it reminds him of who he was before, how it was more out of control of his emotions and how he used them more.

A Future: Do NOT ask where this fits in the shows cannon lol
            notes for how I might take this – ether general cannon for him or a specific au.
            Hi, if anyone’s ooc, no they’re not :)

One person has found out about Lord Anwar’s history, he didn’t mean to do it but it ended up happening and he kind of had to explain it. This person is Baron Draxum, an outcome neither really wanted.

They ended up first meeting with Anwar discovered his son was hanging out with mutants and a human and they all knew he was a mutant, it infuriated Anwar, he broke his one main rule he had for the child.
He was angry and clearly wanted to take it down on someone and Draxum didn’t want it to happen to the children so proposed that they spar, get his anger out. It’s also a chance for Draxum to see how much of his own powers have come back to him.

Both of them let their anger out and Anwar nearly beats Draxum, however, at the last moment, Drazum uses the last of his strength to beat Anwar, knock him down and tie him up. He laughs and says he’ll leave them for 30 minutes and he’ll be back [AlexAnder was there making sure neither of them actually really hurt the other and to also stop anyone from stepping in.] However, he leaves for an hour, telling AlexAnder not to untie him and he’ll do that once he gets bacl.
He does notice how strangly Anwar acts after he returns and unties him. The emotional Yokai who was smiling and excited and become cold and shut off again, stepping through and leaving through the portal he just made with no words.

Eventually they did meet again and they sparred again, however, AlexAnder wasn’t there to supervise them this time. Anwar had thrown Blink out in his rage and he’d moved in with the other turtles upset and pained by his dad, who had never carried out one of his threats before now so didn’t expect it this time.
Draxum and Anwar are both angry, Anwar about what Draxum did last time, and Draxum about the fact he has hurt his sun so badly. Which means when the turtles stumble onto the scene they genuinely think Anwar is trying to hurt Draxum, they don’t have the best view of the Yokai.

Of course, already rather exhausted from getting his emotions out with Draxum, the turtles beat him. Draxum tries to help them, explain they’ve got the wrong idea but they don’t believe him and tie Anwar up. Taking him back to their base and leaving him in a room while they discuss, they won’t let Draxum near him worried that Anwar has done something to him.
They leave him there for the rest of the day and into the next and once they finally enter the room again Anwar is panicked and his more animalistic side as come out, he’s tied up and afraid. It’s something that he’s gotten himself overwhelmed by so it just makes him feel even worse.
They’re talking but he’s not listening, blood’s running through his head and he just fixates and stares at Draxum. His head feels odd, he associates him as the safest thing in the room right now but also what caused this to happen – he isn’t thinking straight and it’s pretty clear even to Draxum that untying him is both the best thing to do right now but also he’s not going to react properly – he’s just glad that Wink isn’t in here right now.

Anwar’s loose and the first thing he does is launch himself forward, attacking Draxum, Draxum tries to back up but Anwar is surpassingly fast. His claws sink into the other mans upper arms and pushies him backwards, Draxum waits to hit the wall but they keep going back. Falling backwards through one of Anwar’s portal which it seemingly doesn’t realise it placed either, the children shout but there’s nothing they can do as they hit the floor on the other side of the portal and it closes up. Anwar looks up from where he’s landed ontop of Draxum and any colour pours from his face.
His scared mind has brought him to the worst place he wanted, the prison where the rest of him is tied up.
It is this point that he realises he has to open up and explain his history to Draxum – he leaves out why he’s been tied up, that is not something he wants to think about let alone be open to someone about. He’s also still panicking; he can’t form his portals down here.

Eventually Draxum manages to get them out of the ‘cell’, getting them back to Draxum’s own apartment, that they’ll be safer there. He understands Anwar want’s to go home, but Wink will know where that is, especially here and that none of them have the best opinion of him right now. This breaks Anwar slightly, he does love and adore Wink but it’s just very hard for him to know how to raise a child, he understands why Wink is angry but he’s also upset that Wink doesn’t seem to notice their side of all of this.

They live together for a couple of days, trying to make this work out as best as possible, Anwar is clearly shaken up but trying to hide it – the last couple of days have been a lot for him and he’s feeling all of the cold emotional walls he built up falling and crumbling and he just wants to sob.
Eventually, they come to the arrangement that occasionally Draxum will tie Anwar up, get him more comfortable in the situation, because yes in the real world being tied up won’t be a good thing for him – but also he needs to be able to keep a level head to escape or deal with it after the fact.
At first he wants out of the bounds almost as soon as they’ve finished being tied up so Draxum does that, but then they slowly push it to longer and longer times to get him comfortable. Finally, they get up to an hour and then two but Draxum is always still in the house making sure that he’s okay and not getting overwhelmed or loosing himself. Though Anwar did tell him to ignore him even if he’s really begging him to let them out because a capture wouldn’t do that [though Draxum is prepared to ignore him on that front]

Eventually [about two months later] they decided that Anwar was ready for more and they’d try having Draxum leave the house with him tied up – they’d go back to it just being an hour and he wouldn’t go too far away. He’d be back exactly within the time, he swears and Anwar agrees to this. Though he is incredibly anxious that he may have laid, it’s a mistrustful beast.

Anwar is beginning to panic, Draxum’s late and he promised he wouldn’t be. Turns out just before Draxum could get through his front door [he gave himself a five minute buffer] Mikey and April cornered him, wanting something or other done and they’re also just excited to have caught Draxum – he’s been strange since the whole Anwar incident. He tries to get them to go away, but as it gets closer to the hour mark he’s getting desperate, knowing that Anwar will be too. He explains he needs to get back or the food he’s cooking will burn and they wouldn’t want that. However, they just reply that they’ll come in and have some.
It's five passed now and Anwar is beginning to panic and pull against the binds, but Draxum did it properly and tight, why has he delayed him so.
Finally, Draxum manages to spit out a good enough excuse that he can unlock his door and get back into the apartment. His eyes catch the panicked look on the other Yokai and rushes over to untie him, not paying attention to ensure that his door in his rush. They both chose to ignore the fact that Anwar is crying, because he doesn’t cry, that’s not his thing. The second that he’s free Anwar leaps up, Draxum braces himself to be pounced on again and is surprised by the fact he’s instead pulled into a hug – physical touch isn’t something that either of them do either but they both need it right now. Anwar’s shaking breaths are ignored as they begin to even back out as he sinks his face into Draxum’s chest.
It is at this point that the door is pushed open, Mikey and April enter the room, expecting warm food not the man they’ve declared as an enemy to be manhandling their other father figure. So, they prepare battle stances. Draxum lets go of Anwar and keeps him pushed behind him, protecting him from any direct reach of the two. He tries to explain to them that he’s gotten the wrong idea but they’re not willing to listen, they have their ideas firm and set.

They won’t believe him, so Draxum hisses for Anwar to just teleport away but he refuses, not willing to try that power again after where it took him last time.
Tensions are high and just keep building.
Draxum can’t help but be frustrated, one mistake doesn’t mean it will always happen but with Anwar’s mind still being stressed from the delay in releasing him, he doesn’t trust that his head is in any better of a place then where it was the last time he ended up in that place. They keep hissing bickers just above their breaths, April and Mikey can’t here it.
“I’m afraid okay!” Anwar snaps out, louder then he expected, “That I’ll end up there again and then I can’t get back!”
This confuses and scars April slightly, she’s heard the most about this man from Wink, as well as having met him on a more casual way and he has always been cold almost emotionless – the only time he’s shown any emotion it’s angry. Wink even said he’s only ever seen his dad be neutral or angry, never seen him happy or sad but this is abject terror.

Continuation concept:
            This either happens right after that bit or after they are debating that Anwar isn’t here to be a danger – it happens at some point in his lore at the very least.

Anwar begins to dissociate, and all he can think is this is a bad time, not here not now, his body is calling out to him. There are people, there are people in his cell cutting his binds and waking him up, he can’t quite hear what they’re saying but they’re calling him something and he knows he does not like it.
Simeone’s now calling his actual name and he snaps back, it’s Draxum. He knows that he can see the panic in his eyes.
“There are people there.” He says, trying to be vague so only Draxum gets it and he does and his eyes widen in understand to what that could mean. 

The body may be Anwar but there is a hint of consciousness in there, but with most of him not, it’s running purely off of animalistic instincts and it is scared and angry and more then willing to now be free.

Raph calls Mikey and April, there’s a big problem going on down town, some how the Foot have harnessed and brought some massive and vicious Yokai and it’s attacking completely indiscriminately, including the Foot’s own people.
Anwar pales and Draxum fills in the rest of the points that he was missing.

This is however, a good point to sop the stalemate that’s happening and that they need to go. Through the communicator Anwar hears a shout that makes his blood run cold, the creature’s grabbed a hold of Wink and seems to be holding him hostage.
The body is connected to Anwar’s mind, he knows Wink is dear to them so will not mean to hurt him, but that doesn’t mean it may not accidently hurt the boy while attacking the others.

All of them leave, April is angry that they’re bringing Anwar and April points out his son is in danger even if he’s been a pain to him [she emphasises that point] but Anwar just ignores them, they don’t matter right now.
His body has just come into his view and it’s all he’s focused on, it’s one thing to be outside of it while it’s tied down it’s a whole other while it’s in action. Then it notices him and all it’s attention is on him, it stops fighting but everyone else keeps attacking them.
Anwar is distinctly aware it can here Draxum shouting at them, telling them to stop hurting it but with his lack of explanation they refuse to. He has just kept his straight line in approaching the body fixated on it.
He gets closer and the body pushes Wink out of it’s way – even AlexAnder is here, watching curious as to what’s going on. The Foot keep calling the large Yokai the Yokai killer which makes it and Anwar flinch. Donnie begs the Foot for an explanation but Draxum stops them, he wants the answer too but knows it’s best to get from Anwar himself. 

Finally, he’s within touching reach of the ‘beast’ and he pauses, this would defiantly be breaking the rules set in place for his ‘freedom’ but he does not care, he cannot pass this opportunity up as he doubts he will ever get it again.
He closes his eyes.

The Yokai lurches forward and in one swift move seemingly kills Anwar, even Draxum watches in shock. Blink cries out as he tries to rush to his father’s body but before he can it’s destroyed by the large Yokai, it tears and he disintegrates.
With all of their enemies frozen in horror and the beast seemingly satiated with eyes closed, the Foot use this as an opportunity to strike against their foes.
[Anwar is reconnecting his whole, getting used to how his powers feel once more as well as the different body] But as far as everyone else is aware, the beast is simply content now that it has destroyed a Yokai, and a powerful on at that.

But then Anwar moves, lurching forward towards Draxum and April panics, trying to Draxum to move with a shout as she thinks the creature is about to now kill another Yokai they know.
Except he tears apart the origami Foot warrior that was just about to get Draxum, it’s remains fall over his head like confetti and Draxum does not take his eyes off of Anwar.

A warm laugh escapes the massive Yokai, it’s rumbling and kind.
“Staring is rude.” He says and Blink freaks out, that sounds a lot like his father’s voice but there are bits off about it, did the creature steal his voice.

Not really sure how I want this to finish canonically, though I do know that because of the decades of separation Anwar can still go back to the ‘partial’ form he has – that looks too human. Maybe he does go back to it now, reassuring his son that this is him and that there are explanations and answers to be given but not right this moment because the Foot clan are still here you know.
He also begs them to wait for their judgment, some of there answers are things that has happened a long time away ago and he is a very different man from them. He does do a small cough that they have forgiven Draxum for his actions and his have happened very recently – which does earn him a smack from one of Draxum’s plants.

Author's Notes

I swear he has a design, i'm still working on it. It's just hard to get the dude I can see in my head onto some paper.