Nova's Journal

9 months, 9 days ago
6 months, 5 days ago
9 3533 1

Chapter 1
Published 9 months, 9 days ago

A collection of in-character journal entries written by Nova.

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Entry 1 - Intro

I’ve made the decision to start keeping a journal. I know what you must be thinking- under my circumstances, it seems awfully cliche, right? Well fuck you, I need somewhere to get all of my thoughts out that isn’t a public group chat where they can see it. Private messaging is also monitored, and while I’m fairly certain the Observer has supernaturally tapped my entire house, I don’t think they’re able to see what I’m writing.

Regardless, I need at least one space to myself that is truly private and I intend for this journal to act as such. If you are reading this, it means I either gave you my journal (hi!) or you’re one of them snooping through here (fuck you).. Or I guess I might be dead but what a bummer that would be, am I right?

I will probably ask around and see if anyone has a way to magically seal this shut if it isn’t me trying to access it or something like that, just for some added protection outside of the old-fashioned lock and key.

- Nova