Nova's Journal

9 months, 17 days ago
6 months, 13 days ago
9 3533 1

Chapter 9
Published 6 months, 13 days ago

A collection of in-character journal entries written by Nova.

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Entry 9 - The Administrator

So much has happened since I last wrote I’m not even sure where to begin.. I guess a good starting point is that one of the Habit’s slaughtered like half of the members of the chat, seemingly on a whim. Not only is it tragic, but it’s fucking terrifying as well. If they’re willing to just off half of their ‘rabbits’ like that, who’s to say I won’t be on the chopping block next? I’m honestly horrified at the thought that any day now one of them could grow bored with me and end my life.

Which leads into the next subject: The Administrator. I met it. It was this extremely tall dark figure and its face was all static. It called me out to a meeting in the woods, which turned into some sort of creepy boardwalk. It’s been watching me this whole time because it wants me to join its ‘Collective’, a group of entities already tied to it and their vessels, like Kevin and Observer. It offered me a deal- to become one of its vessels in exchange for protection. Now ordinarily, I would say fuck no. Hell, even the Observer warned me that it would basically be sacrificing my freedom to stay alive, but he also said he would understand if I decided to take the deal. I’m only human, a mortal. I’m of course going to die someday, but I would much prefer if that someday wasn’t tomorrow.

I don’t even think I can use the tool Habit promised me on Kevin now, not after seeing what I saw. I don’t even know how to describe it but I’m pretty sure Kevin is only alive because of the Administrator, and severing him from it may just hurt or kill him. He was strung up from these trees, and all these vines were digging into his skin. I pulled one away for a second and there was this strange black liquid coming out of them...

I don’t know if the Administrator is inherently good or bad, but I know that it isn’t a Habit, and the Habits are definitely evil. I will have to think for a good while on whether I want to work with it or not. I obviously don’t want an entity permanently in my mind like Observer, but I also really don’t want to die just yet. I just want to live through all of this unscathed (physically, mentally I may already be pretty scarred lol).. My other option would be to make a deal with the Habits to stay alive, but I think everyone can see how that would be even worse. And I can’t just keep going like I am now, vulnerable and unprotected. I don’t know, I might talk to Cherry about all this too.

- Nova