The Jenlin Feud

5 years, 1 month ago
5 years, 1 month ago
4 758

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 1 month ago

Jenny and Caitlin have been best friends since fourth grade, but all of this changes one fateful seventh grade Halloween, when Jenny shows up dressed as BB-8 and Caitlin shows up as Spock. This launches a feud that everyone else thinks is stupid but they're determined to stick to. This is the story of their evolving relationship, or lack thereof, shown through a record of text messages.

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name key

Cait=Caitlin (iPhone)

867-5309=Jenny (iPhone)

goblin=Marie (iPhone)

polly pie=polly (iPhone)

Hetty=Kitty (Android/custom phone)

zozo=Zoe (flip phone)