An Egg

9 months, 10 days ago
8 months, 30 days ago
3 6106

Chapter 3
Published 8 months, 30 days ago

Sometimes things change and feelings get out, this changes everything for the better. But when Ozul is thrown for a loop again within a few months of the first time and weeks of the last, he really does not know how to cope nor tell his new found partner. Change is different and normally good but that doesn't mean he won't be anxious that things won't always go wrong, especially when Kozmotis is involved.

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Author's Notes

Please read Dungeon Diving first to understand the gap
Words: 1130
Characters: Kozmotis, Ozul & Cassius

Chapter 3

Kozmotis hesitates at the door, Cassius waiting just behind him. He spent the entire walk back trying to work out how exactly to do this, explain why he didn’t get anything and who this pokemon with him actually is, but he doubts he’ll remember any of that once he opens the door to see Ozul’s face.
Pushing it open, he’s surprised to not see Kaylus anywhere and even more surprised to see the egg now nested up on the sofa, though glancing around he realises it now means it’s in direct eyeline for Ozul even if he’s in the kitchen.
“Oh you’re finally back.” Ozul states, Kozmotis isn’t even sure how he spotted it as he’s suddenly faffing over him in the doorway. “You’re such a mess.”
He takes in Kozmotis’ current state, not really caring that Kozmotis is just staring around it’s shoulder to look at their egg.
“Why is she downstairs?” He asks nervously, “Is there a problem?”
Ozul smiles softly,
“She hu?”
“Gut feeling…”
“Well yeah, she’s been really active I think she’s ready to hatch, I didn’t want to leave her be upstairs while I get things sorted down here. What’s happened with you?” Ozul responds with a gentle chuckle before he then spots the vampire lurking behind Kozmotis, his fingers stiffen into Kozmotis and he realises what he’s spotted.
Cassius lets out a rather nervous chuckle from behind before bowing,
“Cassius, I hope it’s alright I’m here. I don’t really have a place at the moment and Kozmotis has been so kind to me the couple of times we’ve met.” He flashes his fangs, not afraid in anyway to show Ozul that he’s a vampire. Ozul turns his attention back to Kozmotis with a raised eyebrow.
“With everything going on I forgot to mention him, can you really blame me?” He asks, a little nervous that Ozul may actually blame him.
“Of course not, come in. Do you have any dietary requirements Cassius? I must admit you’re the first vampire I’ve met, I heard about everything that happened with Summerween but with this one,” He points at the egg which Kozmotis has already headed over to and is gently stroking the shell, “I was too busy to go.”

Cassius slightly nervously enters the home, it’s clearly hectic and well lived in, children’s toys scattered everywhere and not even mentioning the egg taking up the sofa, it seems like it’s too small for the amount of people that live in here.
“How many of you live here? If that’s not rude to ask.” Cassius nervously puts it out, he doesn’t really know what proper etiquette is. Ozul laughs, heading into the kitchen to sort something out.
“There’s three of us, four if you include our egg. Me, Kozmotis and Kaylus. She’s a handful that Koz brought home one day, apparently the child was just following him. He has a pension for picking up strays, not that he’d admit it.” It’s said with extreme fondness and Cassius can’t help but realise that he’s another one of those strays that Kozmotis has just picked up and he feels very guilty about imposing on the Indeedee fusion, hoping he’s not got the wrong idea about all of this.
“I really don’t mind leaving if I’m in the way.” He branches out.
“Nonsense, this house can fit more than you’d expect.” Kozmotis calls from the living room, he’s now managed to sit on the chair cross-legged, wrapped around the egg he’s clearly so fond of. Cassius clearly doesn’t quite believe him however, and looks back over at Ozul who smiles fondly.
“What he’s saying is true. If I’m being honest I was also a stray he picked up, I was in need of a place and fast, and he had a spare bedroom that it needed renting out. You are welcome to stay for as long as you want or need Cassius. At least long enough that Kaylus will meet you, she will be furious if she finds out a vampire was here and she didn’t get to meet them.” Ozul explains before passing over a mug of hot chocolate to him. Cassius takes it and is thankful for something else that’s as hot as he is, he may not feel cold the same way that other pokemon do considering that he’s a fire type, however it doesn’t mean he can’t appreciate not having to heat something up sometimes. 

Ozul grabs two more cups and heads back into the living room, carefully passing one over to Kozmotis, into the spare hand that he doesn’t have resting on the egg, Ozul sits on one of the other chairs and Cassius hesitates, lurking, stood in the small divide between the two rooms. He’s trying to work out exactly where he places in this, he really doesn’t want to over impose.
“You’re right, she really is active today. Hey, Cassius, come meet her.” Kozmotis calls, urging the vampire over.
“I really don’t know Kozmotis, I’ve never been around an egg… there’s a kid I helped raise but he was already small when I came onto the scene.” He doesn’t really expect to share that, but it feels right to do it, feels right to admit that he’s not new on the parent front. This just makes Kozmotis smile more,
“All the more reason to come here, I’ve never expected the shell would feel like this.” With the urging and a glance over to Ozul who’s also smiling warmly, he heads over. Hesitantly placing a light touch to the shell, it really is different to what he’d have expecting, and he brushes a light touch across the surface. Careful to both not apply too much pressure but also to not heat the egg too much with his warmth.
The egg however, it or as Kozmotis seems to believe, she seems to apprechiate this gentle blast of extra heat and shakes. He snaps his hand back to himself nervous that he’s done something wrong, as it moves more and more. Ozul gets up, putting his cup rather hard down onto the table, Cassius moves round to grab Kozmotis’ mug and puts both of them down.
A soft coo comes from Ozul,
“Oh here she comes, clearly she just needed a little extra heat.” He smiles softly, guiding Cassius back to watch the egg rock and begin to crack.
All four adults end up smiling, as Kozmotis pulls the egg closer to his body, ready to help pull or crack any shell in case anything goes even slightly wrong, Cassius does feel like he shouldn’t be here, this isn’t his child and he’s only just met Ozul, but from the firm hand on his shoulder, Ozul isn’t going to let him leave and not experience this.