random fuckin warpa writings

9 months, 11 hours ago
5 months, 11 hours ago
23 10008 1

Chapter 3
Published 8 months, 27 days ago

im dyslexic and dumb as fuck so these are prolly shit lol enjoy tho

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Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle

Prin hummed happily as they played with their tarot cards, it was a slow day at the circus in their area so they were free for the foreseeable future, so they were trying to occupy themself before someone came to check on the blind warpa.

As they shuffled their cards absentmindedly one jumped out at them, landing face down on the table in front of them, making them pause what they were doing, clearly the cards wanted them to look at this one, so they set the stack down and picked the mystery card, carefully caressing the brailed letters going down the side of the card, reaching to sip their tea as they did so.

The Lovers.

"Huh.." Prin paused mid sip at the card, perplexed, why were the cards giving them this card? maybe it was a mistake.. Setting their cup down they turned the card back over, shuffling the card back into the deck they pulled out a single card.

The Lovers.

Definately not a mistake. But why was it insisting on being noticed? Prin couldn't think of anyone the lovers card could pertain to, certainly not themself- only for that assumption to be immediately dashed as a pang of pain shot through the little bears head, causing them to wince and grip their head with their free hand.

Images flashed through their mind, they were fuzzy and hard to make out while in pain, but the thoughts of them grabbing a tall, dark, single horned warpa and pulling him to their tent, another of the same man coming back after leaving were crisp in their mind, the images of prin kissing him were fuzzy and distant, meaning it wasnt a set in stone interaction..

Prins face was lit up in fluster as the idea of meeting someone so tall, dark and handsome and starting a relationship with him gave them butterflies, they didnt recognize his shilluette at all, it was someone new in their life, which was great but also thew a spanner in things, if they couldnt travel with the circus they would be missing out on 3 months with this person, and that was no way to start a relationship..

Prin softly sighed, slumping in their seat as they realized this relationship might be one that they would have in vain.. Admitting defeat already they picked at the corner of the card anxiously, they didnt want to start a relationship only for it to go south and hurt them, theyd never really had a relationship, or even pulled this card in the context of themself, n matter how much they hopefully would one day.

 Though blind, they stared down at the card sadly, softly caressing the brail, rereading the card.. quietly they pulled another card, one that gave them some hope that this would go well.

The Sun.

A small smile graced their lips, maybe this will work out well, looking out of the opening of their tent, swirling their tea with their finger... hopefully this mystery man came soon.