Fallen Back in Time

1 year, 1 day ago
11 months, 24 days ago
3 4353

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 1 day ago

Having the same routine everyday means it becomes rather exhausting to finally head home, means you pay less attention to your surroundings which is what happens to the Iron Valiant fusion. Maybe he shouldn't have grown excited and curious when you saw a strange swirling mass on the floor... Basically how Mayr ends up falling through a portal and going backwards in time, landing himself into Coldour.

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Author's Notes

Characters; Mayr & Cassius

Translations: [German]
Liebchen - Sweetheart
Liebling - Darling

Chapter 2

He’s not sure how long he’s been sat there, head resting on his knees and eyes screwed up tight, it hurts and is giving him a headache, his screens not being used to being held so tightly closed for so long. He doesn’t care though. He cares far less about that then he does about the fact he’s currently in the middle of Arceus knows where, and all he knows is that it isn’t home. That horrible feeling of anxiety is building in his gut and he feels incredibly sick, pretty sure that when he finally sits up properly that he’s going to throw up everywhere. It ignores how his hands are shaking, as he flexes them in and out of the grass, as he begins to chew up the turf and it sticks under his talons. His hooves aren’t really doing much better as he also pushes them into his soil.
The spear he had summoned is sat abandoned besides him, he should really pick it up or de-summon it but that would require him to focus on what’s going on and yeah, he’s refusing to do that right now.
“Are you okay?” A voice calls out. It’s silky and must be considered as attractive. It makes him want to snap his head up and look at what sort of pokemon it could come from, but that means admitting something has happened and he’s not where he should be.
“Leave me alone.” He manages to hiss out, gritting his teeth.
This doesn’t seem to deter the other pokemon though, he can sense it get closer to him, practically feels the air heat up. Scratch that the air probably does, it’s highly likely that this is a fire type that’s decided to bother him. Trust that to happen, his least favourite type has decided to come and kick him while he’s down, the heat shifts lower and he wants to open his eyes to glare at it but decides against it, that once again involves admitting he was stupid and let something happen to him.
“Yeah I’m not going to do that, you seem lost.” The voice says, it’s closer to him, “We can just sit here in silence that’s fine with me… It wasn’t long ago that I landed here lost and I know it’s the same for a lot of others.”
He finds it rather ironic that this other ‘mon said they don’t have to talk and then proceeded to continue to speak to him. He just lets out an angry hum and tries to zone everything out again, maybe he just bashed his head and this is all happening in his mind. He’s going to open his eyes any second now and he’ll be on the floor being laughed at by one of those awful robotic pyroars. 

He's not sure how much time passes before he finally opens his eyes again, keeping his head still however, letting the light slowly filter back in through his screen. It’s head pounds but he knows why that is, he did it to himself after all.
Finally, he raises his head, and to the left of him he catches a glow, turning his head he spots the fire type that was talking to him and it clearly is. An Armarouge, a vampiric one, fascinating they’re here too. The other figures eyes are closed, clearly just enjoying himself sat peacefully beside it, though this sets off many red flags within him, he snaps his eyes to the right and sees his blade still sat there, shimmering slightly and completely untouched. Maybe this Armarogue doesn’t have some ulterior motive in getting close to him.
With him finally shifting, it gets just that pokemon’s attention. He leisurely blinks his eyes open and tries to smile warmly, showing off his fangs rather impressively at the same time. His whole posture is feline and Mayr just stiffens as he sees its eyes run over him, as if he’s trying to work out the best way to consume him. It blames how confused it’s feeling right now for the idea of letting that happen flits through his brain before it’s shaken off. The two just stare at each other for a bit, they seem to be waiting for the other one to talk first, though it’s not going to let the vampire get into his head as the ones from his time are so keen on doing. He knows better then that, honestly the sooner he gets away from this one the better.
“Do you have a name? Or at least something I may call you?” It asks, purring out in that same voice as before and he tries to blame everything else on the fact he shudders. To distract himself however, he forces out a half-hearted laugh,
“You want my name yet do not offer your own?” He pushes back.
This seems to be a response the Armarogue likes however, it pushes forward to be sat more upright before shifting so he’s looking more directly at it, eyes intense and he can feel the heat rolling off of him. Seemingly giving off the higher temperature from its entire body and not just the visible flames.
“You make a fair point.” That rumbling warm laugh again, it almost sounds like a purr, “My name is Cassius, I would appreciate something to call you otherwise I shall choose my own term.” It just raises an eyebrow.
It, no, Cassius falls into silence, waiting to see if he will respond, give him something to call him, but he’s not giving his name up to this stranger. It simply blinks in return, trying it’s hardest to give nothing away with its eyes, but he knows they flick through a couple of shapes before settling back to the more standard pupil that puts other pokemon at ease.
“Oh, that is fascinating, liebchen.” Cassius states, and for once it doesn’t sense any form of humour or teasing in its tone. Even with the sheer amount of pokemon in their time that are robotic, most others do not have this talent and it unnerves them. This however, is enough for him and he finally pulls himself up and back onto his feet, shifting slightly to stop his hooves from sinking into the slight divots that he’s created. It only leans back down to grab its spear before then disappearing the energy back into his system. Cassius is still watching him, though makes no move to move at all, simply watching it and it seems to be attempting to relax it.
“You may call me Mayr.” It finally says, hoping it will get Cassius to move again. Which it does.
Cassius gets to his feet and bows, dramatic but again, Mayr feels like it isn’t trying to make fun of him, but rather he is dramatic but genuine.
“Mayr, that is a pretty name, though I do think I prefer liebchen.” The feline grin that forms across his face is the only thing that puts Mayr on edge, that term defiantly has another meaning and he just hopes it’s nothing rude or cruel. 

A breather Mayr didn’t realise he was holding is let out, chest heaving and he decides its now time to take in his surroundings, from the way Cassius is speaking once you arrive here, you’re stuck here. Cassius just stands there, watching him and offering no comment but also no judgment, well from what it can read of it no judgment, it may turn out that he’s awful at reading this new stranger. It looks like a completely different place compared to where he was, but it doesn’t seem like anything is wrong, the trees and plant life around them looks the same and the world is clearly still filled with pokemon including the unique vampire ones. He wonders if there are weremon too, but he doesn’t voice this question to Cassius just yet, he doesn’t voice any question to it just yet, he doesn’t know why, he’s feeling rather sensitive about it all, even though it is more then understandable that he would be lost by a lot of what’s going on right now with everything around them.
“You need a place to stay for the night at least,” Cassius purrs out, voice subtle enough that it catches Mayr’s attention but doesn’t make him jump. It pauses for a second, that is very true.
“I do.” Is all it replies with before turning back to look at Cassius, eyebrow raised and he lets his pupils flick to a question mark. Letting him know that he wants to know why he wants this answer, it is very obvious he has just fallen from the sky, and from what it can work out, it has fallen from the future into the past. Well, at the very least it has fallen from a future into a past, he doesn’t want to think about the paradox and the headache that goes with it if he has in fact managed to fall into the exact past his future is connected to. At the very least surely him being here should stop this from being that past? It can feel the headache form so gives it a sharp shake, not caring if this gains him an odd look from Cassius, he’s not letting his mind get lost in the idea of Paradoxes and reality breaking.
“Look,” Cassius says, moving to be in front of it. It’s fluid and feline, Mayr now notices his low hanging wings and how they flow behind it like a cloak, a tinge of his brain wonders if he can fly or if his wings are some of those purely for decoration traits.
“I understand I’m a stranger, but you’re a stranger to these lands, I can either offer my own home for the evening, or my friend’s. Kozmotis and Ozul helped me out when I first came here and they always welcome in more strays, though I’m surprised they have room with their two children.” He smiles out.
Mayr pauses for a second, he defiantly needs a place to stay, if he’s honest despite his personal mistrust of fire types, something he really needs to get around if he’s being honest. However, this is a pokemon he knows at least a little bit rather then two he has no knowledge of. The fact they have children is comforting that they shouldn’t be dangerous in anyway but also turns him off, sure Cassius may claim they’re willing to take in strays but they have children and surely, they do not want to risk them in anyway.
“If you wouldn’t mind.” Mayr starts and Cassius focuses in on him, “I would be happier spending the night with you, though I promise I will be out by tomorrow and finding my own place to stay.” It promises, Cassius’ grin disappears at the end of his sentence, almost as if he’s upset about the fact that Mayr will be leaving it as soon as he can, but that is the plan is it not.
Cassius then seems to notice that he is observing its micro-expressions so plants that feline grin back on, but Mayr can tell it’s not completely true anymore. He tries to push this idea back, it doesn’t matter, this is purely for convenience, he would have made the same agreement if it was any other pokemon. It mentally shakes his head this time, this is just for convenience, it shouldn’t be getting fond of Cassius, he’s everything it hates in a pokemon.
“I mean, there is no rush liebling, I can assure you my home isn’t that bad.” A soft laugh and Mayr narrows his eyes slightly, liebling, liebchen. He’s not sure what language those two words are in, but clearly it’s something Cassius can speak and they’re connected phrases in some way, both starting the same. Hopefully there will be something that he can research these words at Cassius’ house, work out if he’s actually insulting him or not, part of him really hopes he’s not insulting him.
Cassius turns now with a flourish.
“Let me lead you to my home then, letting you know that I’ve only just moved in, so um, there may be things placed about and stuff that isn’t correctly homed.” Cassius ends up stammering out, suddenly seeming rather insecure so it’s Mayr’s turn to let out a warm laugh, picking up speed so he can walk alongside rather then behind him on their journey.
“Well, it is better then me not having a place to stay, and I hope you know I am trusting you to not be taking advantage of my lack of knowledge in the area, liebchen.” Mayr retorts and he can’t help but notice the flush that rises to the vampire’s cheeks at his slightly butchered but attempt clear at returning the nickname – so maybe he isn’t making fun of it.
“No of course not.”