Fallen Back in Time

8 months, 30 days ago
8 months, 22 days ago
3 4353

Chapter 3
Published 8 months, 22 days ago

Having the same routine everyday means it becomes rather exhausting to finally head home, means you pay less attention to your surroundings which is what happens to the Iron Valiant fusion. Maybe he shouldn't have grown excited and curious when you saw a strange swirling mass on the floor... Basically how Mayr ends up falling through a portal and going backwards in time, landing himself into Coldour.

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Author's Notes

Note: Takes at least a couple days after part 2
Words: 1506
Characters: Mayr, Cassius, Kozmotis, Ozul, Kaylus & Guinevere 

Chapter 3

Mayr stares down at the two children flitting around his legs, acting as if they’re unaware how sharp his metal edges are, how wicked a weapon he is, they’re laughing as if they don’t have a care in the world. A leaf sheds from the back of the taller one’s head, fluttering away from her in the wind and landing straight on the other girl’s face. Even though her eyes aren’t visible, neither have visible eyes being ralts fusions, she stops to pull the leaf off.
“Gwen!!” She complains and the other on giggles. Mayr doesn’t know how they keep the two girls straight, the older one is the shorter of the two? Cassius has also stated that they are both Kozmotis & Ozul’s children and he hates to assume, but the smaller ones traits don’t quite seem to fit with that.
“You two come on, leave our guest alone.” A voice calls out.
It catches the attention of all three and Mayr’s eyes focus on the speaker, the Indeedee fusion, Ozul if he remembers what Cassius told him. The two children stop running about but neither make any attempt to actually move away from him. It feels unnatural to him, that two pokemon so young have no fear of him, he’s a trained warrior, a guard and back home no child would dare… He cuts his own thoughts off, he’s not home anymore and he doubts he’ll ever be home again.

It zones out, lost in thought and Ozul finally manages to usher the two children away, Kaylus keeps complaining that Guinevere needs to be more careful where she sheds her leaves. Ozul has to remind her that her sister is a lot younger than her and still getting used to her self and what she can do, an unusual element to your species is difficult to cope with, so they should be grateful that all she is doing is shedding leaves.
It is now Kozmotis exists the house, Cassius by his side, for once he is masked up, something that if his posture is anything to go by, he is uncomfortable with. The minute he is visible Guinevere splits away from her sister and father towards the other men, by passing her other dad to run at Cassius,
“Pa!” She calls out and Cassius shares a nervous look with Ozul. Ozul smiles softly at the term so he breaks out into a grin and scoops the small child up.
“Little Pflanze, have you been trouble for Ozul again?” The child giggles at her nickname and reaches up to his face, trying to put a little claw on the fangs his grin shows off, but the vampire pulls away not wanting to hurt her in anyway. Glancing over at Kozmotis he has a rather childish jealousy on his face, clearly about the fact his daughter has chosen to greet the other man before him, he washes it away though as he spots Mayr.

“I’m so sorry about the chaotic greeting.” He smiles out, stepping away from Cassius and around Kaylus. Mayr snaps back out of his head, eyes focusing on the man walking towards him. It’s never seen someone walk so effortlessly, light on the tip of his toes with no visible strain over doing it, tall and willowy it almost seems wrong that Ozul is the taller one. He can’t help but straighten as the man stops in front of him, and feels rather proud to be about the same height, it’s nothing major but maybe it’s part of his silly little insecurities. It’s not a competition but as the outsider of this group he can’t help but feel like it’s that way, he can feel the other fours eyes also resting on him, though more the attention of the two ralts fusions as they have no visible eyes after all. Kozmotis is not so subtly looking him up and down,
“Cassius filled us in about your new arrival here, I shall welcome you and let it be known that your welcome within our house whenever you need and we shall help as much as we can. My partner,” He pauses and turns back, a rather loving look forming on his face as he looks at Ozul, before turning back to look at Mayr, “Is far better at dealing with any issues you may have regarding other pokemon or potentially the guild for the good or bad.” Kozmotis says and then offers a hand to him.
Mayr blinks at it for a couple of seconds before taking it, there’s a surprising chill to the other Pokémon’s touch but it doesn’t stop him from wrapping his own fingers around it and smiling back. It’s aware it’s screen flickers for a second, obvious mainly for the fact that Kozmotis’ eyes suddenly focus in on his own, with a look of curiosity, he’s not sure what emotion must have leaked out then so smiles, a little sheepishly. None of this is something he would have done before, but he has to remember that he’s somewhere knew and has to carve out his own place within it, and with the help of this group that should be easier.
“It’s a pleasure, thank you for your offer.” The two let go of the grasp and he can’t help but flex his claws slightly. 

The other four have gotten closer, Ozul now has Kaylus in his arms and Cassius hasn’t let Guinevere go. The small girl has nuzzled into his arm and keeps trying to reach up and touch the fire coming from him, using his neck piece as a step, Cassius is however, well enough in tune with his element that it flickers away every time the tiny hands approach. A small huff comes from the child and she now tries to clamber across from his arms to Ozul’s,
“Woah, I cannot hold both of you right now Guinevere!” his voice pitched up slightly in concern as Cassius tries to wrangle the small child back into a more comfortable position, but it’s hard to do with her squirming and blades. Mayr watches a fond smile form on Kozmotis’ face before he turns and scoops her out of Cassius’ hands, she stops fussing the second her father has his hands on her and just smiles up at him. Obvious that if her eyes were anywhere near visible that they’d be big and blinking with affection,
“You little miss are getting fussy.” Ozul states.
“Hmm, I think it’s nap time.” Kozmotis agrees.
“We’ll just go put them down, feel free to come in or wait out here for a bit.” Ozul calls back over their shoulders.
Both Mayr and Cassius watch them head in, and Cassius takes this as his opportunity to finally stand next to Mayr again. He didn’t realise how cold it had gotten until the fire type was by his side and Mayr leans in towards him. It hesitates and tries to pull back away again as he bumps into his side, embarrassed that it actually bumped into him when that wasn’t the intention. What he doesn’t expect is Cassius’ arm to suddenly be on the other side of him and pulling him closer again, it settles with his head on one of it’s pauldron. It’s warmer than he expected, surprisingly warmer than the rest of his body it doesn’t mind though, it’s rather pleasant.
“Why are you masked?” Mayr thought it, he didn’t really mean to voice it but luckily a rumble that turns into a laugh escapes Cassius.
“Little Pflanze has decided she must touch my flames, they are easier to control in this form so until she can learn she’s flammable the safe way, it’s masking at their house.” He retorts. Mayr smiles softly.

Ozul pauses from trying to bribe Kaylus to have a small nap as he spots the scene out of the window.
“Koz.” He calls softly, once he has the others attention, he points out the window at the sight of the two pokemon, completely unaware that they are being observed by anyone which seems ideal for this. A wide grin forms on Kozmotis’ face and a very light chuckle comes out,
“So this either means we’re going to be seeing Cassius a lot less, or we will certainly be seeing Mayr a lot more.” He smiles out, and Ozul shoves him, it’s playful but to get back at the teasing.
“Don’t push them.” He warns and a look of offence spreads across it’s face.
“I would never!”
Ozul raises an eyebrow and goes back to trying to settle half of their children down, it’s not their place to meddle and knowing how bad his partner is with interacting with other pokemon they’ll either survive his attempts with a blooming relationship or any sprouts of one will be shrivelled up and there goes their new friend. It would be nice for Cassius to know someone else outside of them, he knows he’s hinted about knowing some weremon but those branches are sour.