A Taste For Vengeance

11 months, 21 days ago

Explicit Violence
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I loom over the ledge as screams ripped through the water-filled ravine, the formerly crystal clear water turning a beautiful shade of dark crimson. The crocodiles thrashed hurriedly tearing her body apart, seeing her as nothing but their prey.

Hearing the screams of anguish, I didn’t feel a shred of remorse, sympathy or regret. What’s wrong with me? I ask myself. Though a louder voice inside me tells me to watch Dahlia’s well deserved punishment. Cherish it. And so I did. 

The howls of pain didn’t stop until what felt like hours had passed, even though I knew it had been less than a minute. But at the back of my mind I could still hear it. The sound might go away but it might also haunt me to for the rest of my life. 

What had happened today, I could never take it back.