So maybe ancestor Andery and Dualscar are together

8 months, 19 days ago

This short things was originally just me explaining how Andery joins the rebellion against Midusa, but it very quickly evolved into explaining the love story between Dualscar and Andery.

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The Kadziks have the ability to see and commune with ghosts and the dead. The Shepherd had found the ghost of The Condesce when she was about 17 and was her caretaker until her death. When she discovered about Dualscar’s plot to go against Midusa, she joined him. No one believed her when she said she could commune with and see the dead until Meenah very much made a mess and wrote down somewhere in the room “im meena)( peixes and midusa neroda killed me w)(en i was 2 sweeps old and s)(e was 3 sweeps old”. After that, everyone believed her. Considering Meenah was a fuchsia blood and Cronus and Dualscar both have a bias toward fuchsia bloods, Dualscar wanted to get closer to the ghost Meenah. There was only one barrier… Andery. The two proceeded to butt heads, and eventually got into a physical fight. But instead of coming out of it with black feelings… they both came out of it with red feelings for the other. 

Things progressed from there and they eventually formed a secret matespritship. Very few knew about this matespritship, but those who knew about it knew it was genuine due to Dualscar’s view on blood colours and status.

It was later discovered that not only was Dualscar plotting to overthrow Midusa (who did not travel and conquer other planets like the condesce at this point), but he also had a red quadrant with a low blood. Lednom couldn’t figure out who exactly it was, but he did figure out it was a rust blood. Lednom had written his findings but Andery discovered him thanks for Meenah and she killed him. Darius had been able to find his writings, however, and reported them to Otodus and Midusa. He was, however, unaware of Andery’s exact involvement in the plot.

True sign jade bloods and violet bloods were arrested and executed, and Dualscar was publicly executed for being the instigator for the plot, as well as having a quadrant with a rust blood - although he would not be seen in the way the signless would be down the line considering their “rebellion” was in the very early stages compared to the state of the signless’ rebellion. Someone who followed Dualscar came forward, dragging Andery from the crowd and announced she was the rust blood Dualscar had a red quadrant with. All eyes were on her, everyone shocked that someone had so easily managed to find her or that she would even watch the execution of her lover.

The two made eye contact, both unsure what to do. As Otodus started approaching Andery and the traitorous follower, Dualscar mimed “run”. Chaos quickly ensued in the crowd and Andery very quickly managed to run away and escape. Dualscar didn’t run, accepting his fate that he would be executed. However he would not be killed by Otodus, who would be hunting down Andery. He eventually caught her and she didn’t go down without a fight.