Todd Snippets

5 years, 1 month ago
5 years, 19 days ago
2 359

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 1 month ago

Little cute, sad, or funny things that don't belong anywhere. While it says Todd, it really relates to him or his family, just usually with him in the center of it.

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[Marian stood and looked in the long mirror with a disappointed face. Todd was pacing and combing his hair, but stopped when he noticed this.]

Todd: You alright?

Marian: Oh? oh- yeah, I'm fine... I'm just... [she squished her belly a bit] kinda fat

Todd: No, you're pretty.

Marian: I know but... I'm still kinda fat...

Todd: [He was unsure what to do] N-no... not at all... but that's ok, I'd love you if you were fat- BUT YOU AREN'T I'm sorry that sounds so bad.

Marian: It's alright-

Todd: You aren't fat but you're maybe a little... chubby?

Marian: Is that different...?

Todd: Yeah! Chubby's a cuter word and it's... it's not so fat its like... thin-fat? It's a pretty word. You're pretty so it fits... do you get what I mean?

Marian: [she started to smile a bit] I think so...

Todd: [He noticed her smile and kept going] Besides! It's better to have some... fat... it keeps you warm and you're... nice to hug... squishy... [He came up behind her and wrapped her in a big hug, lifting her up a bit and twirling her around]

Marian: [she started laughing] Ok! Ok! I get it! 

[He set her back down, but didn't let go of the hug]

Marian: I love you so much... [She said, still chuckling a bit]

Todd: I love you too... [He grinned widely]