The Haunted Shipwreck

8 months, 22 days ago
8 months, 22 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 8 months, 22 days ago

A story about two unlikely friends going on a sea adventure.

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Chapter 1

In the vibrant city of Bewea, amidst the hustle and bustle of a bustling market, two friends prepared for their grand adventure. Misha, with her fiery hair and eyes filled with excitement, twirled a little fire-element circle around her finger. She couldn't wait to set sail.

"Ready for this, Liliet?" Misha asked, her voice brimming with anticipation.

Liliet, her earthy brown eyes filled with nervousness, clutched a bouquet of colorful flowers to her chest. "I'm not so sure, Misha. These waters are said to be treacherous." she was right. The place they were to visit was indeed a very dangerous one. One where many go lost and even more go insane. Exactly the opposite of a place Liliet wished to be. 

Misha's infectious energy couldn't be dampened. "Come on, Liliet! It's an uncharted adventure! Imagine the stories we'll have to tell!" her curiosity might have been the one to kill the cat, but it also could have become the one that helped them discover something no one else has ever seen before. 

Misha and Liliet became friends many years ago. Very unlikely due, but they worked well together. Liliet was never sure how they were able to work so well together since they were so very different. They have experienced a lot together, but can just experiences bond two gaidinians so strongly? Who knows. 

With that, the two friends boarded the borrowed ship, bound for the mysterious outer sea.

The borrowed ship was rather nice. Two small bedrooms and one tiny kitchen. Liliet was happy to know that at least they had a nice and safe place to sleep and rest. If only she knew how close to losing this comfort they were…


The storm struck suddenly. Misha and Liliet fought as only they were capable of, but it was no use. The worst scenery was coming to its unavoidable realization. The fury of the storm tore the ship apart. Misha and Liliet clung to a piece of debris, their faces reflecting fear and hopelessness about the situation. However, they have also felt much more determination. If the sea was set to sabotage their chances, it must have been worth it. Nothing happens just because. Finally, they washed ashore, their surroundings shrouded in thick, ominous fog. It was exceptionally challenging to see anything that was further than a couple of meters from them. 

Liliet shivered, clutching her fluff balls tightly. As if it could help with her anxiety. Perhaps it did. "Misha, this place... it doesn't feel right." she whispered, losing both her voice and breath. The fear was paralyzing.

Plus, they were soaking wet. Well, Liliet was. Misha dried herself rather quickly with her flaming body, turning up the heat. 

Misha, her brows furrowed, scanned the eerie island. "I know what you mean, Liliet. We'll stick together, no matter what." they agreed. But they also knew, there was no other way for them but ahead. They had to move. 


As they ventured deeper into the island, they started to hear strange noises all around them. And then they noticed all of that wooden debris on the ground. Liliet almost tripped.

"Ah! Misha, this seems very dangerous. My eyesight is very limited… there is rubbish everywhere." she whispered.

"Not rubbish," Misha responded. "These are remains from a ship!"

"Our ship?"

"Of course not. These had been here for a very long time. Look at the state of them!" Misha pointed to one of the planks, half destroyed by moisture, half covered in sea barnacles. 

And then they saw it. A ghostly figure! They heard whispers in the wind. Someone was telling them to leave. 

Misha ignited a fireball, ready to face whatever came their way. "Stay close, Liliet." she instructed her friend. Liliet nodded, her gaze darting nervously around. "Misha, what do you think that was?" her voice shaky. 

"D-do you think this place is haunted?"

Misha chuckled nervously. "It sure seems like it. But we're not going down without a fight!" she shouted into the fogginess. "You won't get us alive!!" 

The words alive and fight made Liliet's stomach turn. She regretted joining her friend for this adventure but at the same time… she was glad she was here because she was certain that Misha would have gotten herself killed already. Sometimes Misha forgot to think before acting. Liliet was the exact opposite, sometimes she forgot to act for all the thinking she was doing. Maybe that is why they were such good friends. 

But, there was no time to think now. Things started happening very fast. The spectral beings were levitating around them. And although they looked rather slow they were awakening. Who knows how long it's been since their last victim passed by. 

And there it was. One of the spectral translucent creatures took notice of them. It was too late to run. 


The ghosts cornered them on the back side of the shipwreck. They had no  choice and had to face off against apparitions that seemed to draw power from the island's curse. Misha's flames clashed with ghostly forms, while Liliet summoned vines and rocks to aid in the battle. They were strong, but not man of their powers worked on the spectral being that seemed to desire only one thing and that was to drag them deeper into the shipwreck and suffocate them. Make them stay. 

Amidst the ongoing chaos, Misha shouted to Liliet, "We can do this, Liliet! Just a little farther!" it was not that easy. The ghosts were many and they were smarter than one would expect from a human looking blob of fog and spectral energy. 

Yet, Liliet nodded, her confidence growing. She used her powers to bait the ghost and mislead them while he and Misha ran through the ship corridors. Together, they pushed through the supernatural onslaught. But it was not done yet. Their encounter pushed them deeper into the forest heart and probably also the source of the course. They both could feel it. It was strong and felt evil. 


Finally, they reached the heart of the island, where a shadowy figure loomed. It was a follower of the madness deity, its form shifting and ethereal as they kept losing touch with reality more and more. Oh no. There was no way they could ever face such a powerful gaidinian!! Especially not one that's been obviously practicing forbidden magic and has come to a moment in life where they have lost all sense of sanity. 

Liliet has heard of these lost souls before. Gaidinian that end up so obsessed with an approval of a deity they lose their way, they lose the sense of good and evil and they reach to the unacceptable to gain power in order to impress their deity. Gaidinians who end up using forbidden magic are treated as criminals, they have broken the Gaidinian laws after all. Forbidden magic is forbidden for a reason and the Deity of Magic is rather strict about that. 

Misha took a deep breath, her eyes meeting Liliet's. "We've come this far, Liliet. We can convince it to end this curse." she said, full of confidence and determination. 

Liliet nodded, her fear replaced with a clearly defined goal that filled her with strength to continue.

… to be continued.