A Village Destroyed

8 months, 5 days ago

Soir cast a discerning eye over the destruction, their expression a blend of awe and concern. "Impressive," they mused, voice tinged with admiration and unease. "It appears the rumours about the Child are true. Quite the display of power, wouldn't you agree?" - Story Event (Oct 2023)

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The setting sun bathed the now devastated landscape in a warm, yet eerie glow as Soir and Arent approached the destroyed village. The once vibrant settlement now lay in complete disarray, reduced to smouldering rubble and chaos. The curls of smoke rose into the sky, the scent of burnt and charred wood and scorched earth cling to the air like a thick fog.

Soir cast a discerning eye over the destruction, their expression a blend of awe and concern. "Impressive," they mused, voice tinged with admiration and unease. "It appears the rumours about the Child are true. Quite the display of power, wouldn't you agree, Arent?"

The doll stood still and silent at Soir's side, it's expressionless porcelain features betrayed no visible emotion. Though as emotionless as it seemed, the air of unease that radiated from it was palpable. "Yes, Master," it replied in it's usual monotone voice. "The destruction is extensive..."

Soir hummed noncommittally as they stepped forward, deciding to further explore the ruins of the village. Arent was close behind as they ventured deeper, their footsteps crunched on the broken remnants of what had once been the lives of many.

Approaching a colossal Abyssal chasm that seemed to have consumed anything that had survived the initial devastation, Soir's gaze followed the abyss's insatiable appetite for destruction. "Though my encounters with the Abyss have been limited," they contemplated aloud, "this is an unusually vast abyssal rift. It hungers for whatever remains."

Arent nodded, it's emerald eyes reflecting the light that surrounded Soir. Curiosity took a grip of the doll and it took a cautious step closer to the chasm, poised to peer into the dark Abyssal depths.

Soir responded swiftly, a wing quickly placing itself between the doll and the chasm. "Do not approach it any further." They warned with stern authority, eyes narrowing as they stared Arent down. "The Abyss does not see you as a friend, you will meet your end under it's influence."

The doll paused before nodding, taking a step back and putting Soir between itself and the Abyss as they resumed their exploration. The initial fascination of the ruins was quickly beginning to fade into a growing sense of unease.

"Master, shouldn't we... consider helping what survivors who might still be here?" Arent's quiet voice broke the uneasy silence. Looking up at the Boisbéni with it's blank stare as it waited for a response.

Soir stopped walking, and turned to look down at Arent. For a being so witty, Arent was taken aback by the lack of comment that came from it's master. A flicker of doubt crossed Soir's face as they frowned before shaking their head with a dismissive gesture. "No," they replied with a distant coldness. "We are here as observers, not saviours The Child's was successful in their goal. I do not believe anything alive still resides here."

Arent nodded slowly. The silence hung heavy in the air, their inaction was an unsettling presence amid the once-vibrant homes. Soir had accepted the grim reality, yet the disturbed and uneasy feeling lingered as they took every step forward.

As they continued their exploration, the eerie stillness continued to grow even more oppressive. The remnants of shattered homes and the echoes of the lost lives weighed heavily in the air.

The setting sun was now almost completely obscured by the horizon, painting the sky deep shades of crimson and violet, only serving to intensify the desolation around them.

The doll moved with precision at it's master's side. It's emerald eyes flicking from one ruined structure to another, as if searching for any signs of life amidst the devastation. Soir however remained focused on examining the remnants of the village.

It was evident that The Child had awoken an unimaginable power, unleashing a cataclysmic force on the village. As they approached what could only be assumed as the center, their eyes fell on a toppled statue of an elderly woman. The figure decapitated and broken, stood as a grim testament to the extend of the devastation.

What could drive them to wield such power without any restraint?

Arent appeared unfazed by the sight of the statue, remaining vigilant as they scanned their surroundings for any signs of movement. The doll's black expression gave no indication of its thoughts or feelings. But there was a tension in the air, as if the ground beneath them was holding it's breath, waiting for a yet unseen threat.

"Master," Arent spoke, breaking the silence once more, "do you believe the Child will return to this place?"

Soir's eyes were fixed on the shattered statue as they considered the question. "It's possible," they replied with a low voice. "If the Child possesses the power to create this kind of devastation, they surely must have a reason we do not know of."

With that, Soir turned from the ruined village, their decision made. "But for now," they said, "we must leave this place. It is too dangerous for us to continue to linger here."