Taking the Train

7 months, 22 days ago

Pumpkin spiiiiiiced

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Vatos held up four tickets in his clawed hand, waving them in the air.
“Consus! Boingo! Naos! Come on over here - the vendor said we could leave out pumpkin cart with them while we hitch a ride on the train! I’ve never been on this one, so let’s try to get good seats!”

Consus, clutching on to his rainbow scarf as it blew in the wind, looked back to Boingo, who had been pulling their borrowed cart full of pumpkins, fall snacks, and a stray mangee or two. Naos followed with Danny, the ghost talonfish, in tow.
“Alright, we’ll pull it in under the ticket hut, so get in line. We’ll be right there!”

Boingo waved to Vatos in agreement and dragged the cart in, quickly talking with the vendor before scampering out to stand in line. Consus allowed himself to giggle a little while Naos walked up alongside him.
“So, should I let you sit next to big bird over there? And uh, are companions gonna be free ride-alongs? We shouldn’t leave Danny behind.”

The satyr couldn’t help the blush that covered his cheeks when Vatos was mentioned, but quickly waved it off.
“I’m sure they can make an exception if we hold Danny or something-”
As if on queue, the ghost talonfish let out a squawk sound and hopped up in Consus’ arms, and Naos followed the two onto the train platform.

Walking alongside the train, Consus noticed that Boingo and Vatos were seated across from one another… leaving a spot open next to the both of them. Before he could react, Naos made blew a raspberry and ran forwards, hopping into the seat next to Boingo, earning him a noogie from the more colorful browbird.

“Come on, Consus! This’ll be fun, I can already tell! Get over here!”
Vatos turned and smiled while patting the spot next to him.

Even though the weather was cold and the ride was short, Consus couldn’t help but feel like the ride took forever… but that wasn’t a bad thing.

END. 339 Words.